What About Us Last Request

Chapter 38

Selina Johnson10:00 A.MApartment

-...What do you know about Han!?

-Whoh there! Personal s.p.a.ce lady.


-Let"s make a fair deal.

-Answer the question kid.

-Well now..

-I couldn"t care less about your stupid deal.

-I take it as a "Yes" then?

-Han, tell me about him. Where is he? What"s he doing now?


-How is he?




Selina Johnson18:20Bar



-So you are saying she"s being trapped inside her own house?

-No Selina. Layla"s..just taking a break.

-That"s really a dumb way to put it Jerry.

-It"s just temporary.



-Break from what? Work? Don"t give me that. Jerry she doesn"t even give a d.a.m.n about this place.

-...You know things are not like those sweet or sour little pieces of stories you just cook inside your head Sel.

-At least I don"t picture them to be sad and pathetic.

-(sighs)...You are a piece of work Selina.


-Why are you so d.a.m.n agitated today?? Did something happened with your flatmate?

-Just give me her address. I"ll go talk to her parents.

-No. Don"t, do that please. Those two can"t handle you.

-I wanna apologise..to all of them at least.

-Layla has no grudge against you. You know that.

-It"s not just for her.

-I see.

-What are they saying? I mean the parents.

-"Her working environment, mostly the co-workers are bad influence on her mind".

-"Co-worker" more like.



-Anyway, before I get back to bar it seems like your bank manager..

-Wait, owner of the house where the thievery took place by the hands of that kid?

-Yes Sel; what else?

-...,- I gave Jerry a sharp look.

-Yeah, good to be a.s.sured...so as I was saying, he was running a racketeering business underground; apparently dealing with lsd.

-LSD...what as Life saving drugs?

-I believe otherwise.



-Hold on.




-Oh; great. So then Jerry, can I leave you with this one?




-..What? Why"s that?

-...I agreed to help you with the investigation. But..I cannot become the "Robin" you wanted.

-No. I need you this time; even if it"s the last one. This is...

-I can"t put my daughter in anymore danger.

-...That"s...true..that can"t be happening.


-...You"re right.


-I"ll be going now. Thanks.









-I"m sorry about the evening.

-It"s okay. You didn"t have to call Jerry.



-(Sighs)I will give you the benefit of the doubt; work from your side then.


-Swing by 21/B. I should have something new soon on the crooked business case.

-What! No; are you sure?

-Yes, as long as I stay away from another fight.


-Just...keep Jane and Layla out of this.

-I know.



Selina JohnsonShen Anderson

-We should not make promises; those we cannot keep.


-Stop thinking about Han for a moment.


-He is now..

-What!? Tell me!

-With someone else.