What is a Yandere?

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

TL: flarewk
Editor: SoushiYC

I touched my cheeks; the feeling of warm blood splashing onto my face in the dream was a rather vivid memory.

Surveying around the four corners of the wooden house, I found a bottle of mineral water. I opened the cap and drank half of it"s contents in a single gulp before pouring a little water onto my hands to moisten and rub off the bloodied scab on my nose which had already solidified. I then discovered a torchlight on the bedside; using my thumbs to flick the switch on, I discovered that the battery still worked. By then, I was ready to head home while holding a torchlight in my left hand, and my right hand about to push open the wooden door.

Glancing around the surroundings after I had stepped out of the wooden house, I realized that there still wasn"t even a trace of the moon in the dark black sky; there were only a few cl.u.s.tered stars in the sky flickering nonstop. Walking in the pitch black forest made me a little terrified. With my only consolation being the torchlight emanating a weak light, my heart felt a bit relaxed.

"Looks like even after I"ve fainted it wasn"t too long after all.... the sky"s still as dark as ever."

Murmuring to myself as I walked onto the forest path, I tried to deceive myself into being less frightened of the blackness around me.

Although I didn"t recognize the pathway around me, after walking around randomly I still managed to walk out of the forest in the end. Looking at the slightly familiar scenery around me, I pointed my torchlight"s light onto the gra.s.s patch, and there seemed to be something that reflected a shine back due to the torchlight"s light, being curious I walked forward to squat onto the ground to pick that object up.

"It looks a little like the b.u.t.ton on my shirt..... was it because Miwa had used too much force to tear it off earlier?"

I stood up and crammed that b.u.t.ton into my shirt"s front pocket, and resumed following the light glow to walk forwards; as I saw my school bag lying down not far too front from me, I proceeded to walk towards it, picking it up.

"This is my bag?"

Grasping the bag"s strap with a single hand while using the torchlight"s glow to shine onto it, when I saw clearly what had happened to the bag my face expression became rather peculiar, because what was originally a black backpack had now turned into what I would describe as "destroyed".

On the bag had numerous vagueish kind of injuries on it, seemingly caused by someone using extreme force to tear it apart, resulting it becoming quite unrecgonisable. If not for the bag"s logo on top of it, I would have already thought that this is a somewhat tattered cloth, and upon closer look there"s actually some teethmarks on top of it? My hand that was grasping onto the bag strap also felt some kind of a wet liquid dripping from it.

(Recently it didn"t rain, nor I don"t think it could be the acc.u.mulated pool of water from the gra.s.s patch....... could it be mucus? Or something else?)

As I continued to point my torchlight onto the bag strap, I noticed there are still some foam on top of it, and it looked still wettish too.

"Somehow I feel that this would be like someone"s saliva, huh............................ oh shi-"

I haven"t completed my sentence when I suddenly felt a tremendous force knocking me down from sideways, and being off-balance from it I fell down onto the floor, the person then flipped me upwards, and sat onto me, greedily sniffing my scent around my neck.

"O yay~ Hiroto I"ve caught you."

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tightly held down, I cried as I spoke: "Miwa, how come you"re still here."

"I haven"t found Hiroto, so how could I leave here~"

Even as she spoke, she dug her face deeply into my chest as her hands separately held down my arms, and as Miwa spoke, her breath that came out kept brushing onto my chest, making me feel rather itchy.

"Well then Hiroto.............. let"s continue what we were halfway doing earlier!"

"Let go of me, Aargh why I couldn"t break free from this........ and what do you mean by continuing what we halfway did earlier? Say properly about it."

Miwa ignored me, but leaned her head forward, and used her mouth to suck onto my adam"s apple. And as her tongue gently licked my adam"s apple from top to bottom, I have no idea why my waist suddenly became numb from the resultant feeling.

"Mi........Miwa, don"t be like that, I........I have a secret to tell you, that secret"s in my school bag."

"Hiroto is a liar~ i"ve licked the entire contents of that bag already, and there"s no secret inside it at all~~"

"Licked the entire contents.........."

I remained immersed in the unnaturally abnormal actions of what Miwa had done, she actually licked my schoolbag; this sort of behavior made me rather purplexed and frightened, and for a moment I blanked out.

"Hiroto~ I lovee you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love youI love youI love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you............ I love Hiroto the most, Hiroto please forever stay by my side, alright?"

Miwa stopped her licking a.s.sault onto my adam"s apple, and began to whisper in low tones at my ears, and just when she was about to bring her face closer to kiss my lips, she abruptly stopped; and used her nose to gently sniff around my lips, her expression becoming more and more hideous by the second.

"Hirotooo..........why does your lips have other woman"s smell on it~?"

I became slightly annoyed as i said: "Why would I want to tell you about this kind of stuff? Is it even related to you? You"re not my girlfriend too."

After hearing what I"ve said, Miwa actually came out with a baffling question: "Is a girlfriend the kind that you"re able to marry with?"

I replied her with an exasperated look of "you"re-an-idiot" expression on my face: "Of course."

"That"s great!!!!!!!!!! I"m Hiroto"s girlfriend!! Me and Hirotooo are going to marry each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Urrk, waitwaitwaitwait, when did you become my girlfriend??"

Miwa bent her head sideways as she said confusedly: "Kissing with Hiroto and so on, isn"t it what a girlfriend does?"

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, that was you forcing me to do it, and I totally am not willing to kiss you at all in the first place, plus if you want to be my girlfriend there"s still some conditions too!!"

"What conditions???????? Is it my body~?" After she finished saying that, Miwa proceeded to take off her clothes.

I quickly used my hands to cover my eyes: "Stooopstopstop, if you want to be my girlfriend, then you"ll have to listen to what I say! After pa.s.sing the test then you"re able to become my girlfriend."

Miwa stopped her movements of taking off her clothes, and chuckled as she said to me: "Alrightalright, I love listening to whatever Hiroto says!!!"

"Well firstly, you have to come down from my body."

"No, I refuse."