When A Snail Loves

Chapter 57.1- Now, I have a preliminary profile of the offender.

Yao Meng seems to have a special connection with our killer friend here…

Chapter 57.1- Now, I have a preliminary profile of the offender.

It was night. The moonlight night was warm and cool, and autumn in the air.

Yao Meng lived in a 2-bedroom apartment in the urban district. Lin Qingyan was also at home, and he was wearing a set of clothes that matched hers, lofty and fresh. When they saw Ji Bai and Xu Xu at the door, they were somewhat surprised.

The four of them sat on the sofa. Lin Qingyan got up with a small smile: "I"ll make tea, you all go ahead and talk."

When she saw Feng Ye"s photograph, Yao Meng"s eyes momentarily slitted.

"We were High School cla.s.smates. I"ve also heard of the "Angel Killer" case, but don"t know very much about it. What has happened?"

Yao Meng was possibly in danger, so they could not keep the truth from her. Xu Xu took out the basic information on the case and handed it to her. After silently reading the information, Yao Meng"s face was slightly flushed, and she nodded: "I see. But, what has this to do with me?"

When she saw the furtively taken photograph of herself, Yao Meng was startled.

Ji Bai asked: "What was your relationship like?"

"Ordinary cla.s.smates, nothing more than that."

At this point, Lin Qingyan returned with the tea. On seeing their solemn expressions, he sat down next to Yao Meng and asked softly: "What is it?"

Yao Meng raised her head to smile at him: "It"s nothing. They are asking me about a previous cla.s.smate."

After chatting for a while more, Ji Bai and Xu Xu stood up: "Then, we won"t disturb you any further."

Yao Meng also stood up with a smile on her face: "I"ll see you out." She turned to tell Lin Qingyan: "I"ll be back very soon."

The three of them walked in silence. When they reached the deserted, tree-shaded avenue outside the compound, Yao Meng said lightly: "Xu Xu, let"s talk for a bit." Xu Xu nodded. Ji Bai glanced at them, and walked off to sit in the car.

They found a park bench and sat down, Xu Xu quietly looking at her all the while. Yao Meng looked up at the clear night sky, and said with a wry smile: "Just now, with Qingyan present, I didn"t want to mention this. However, even if I don"t say anything, you"ll find out when you go to the school to investigate – Feng Ye and I . . . were in a relationship for a short while in High School."

A tremor went through Xu Xu"s body. Although she had previously seen that Yao Meng had something to hide, she never expected that the two of them would have such a connection.

Yao Meng"s voice was quiet: "Having had a relationship with this kind of beast, I really don"t know what to say."

Xu Xu took in her mocking expression: "Did you . . . love him very much?"

Yao Meng was startled, and laughingly shook her head: "How could I? I was young then, and foolish."

Was it love? Yao Meng did not know either.

Where Ji Bai was concerned, it was strong adoration mixed with admiration. Although her self-esteem had been bruised after his rejection, it had not been so painful as to render her like one half-dead (死去活来 – hovering between life and death), just desperately lonely. Thus, as they were talking about her relationship with Feng Ye, she had subconsciously wanted to avoid him.

Where Lin Qingyan was concerned, she had a mature, stable, sense of belonging, as if she had found a home to return to. His charm and temperament moved her deeply. However, she could not deny that his wealth and status were also aspects that she had considered. He was more like the marriage partner that Yao Meng had selected.

However, what about Feng Ye?

The hot bloodedness of two 17 or 18 year old youths, both similarly outstanding. At that time, the feeling of being in love was such that one could not imagine being alone again for the rest of one"s life. On looking back, one could only view such emotions with a smile.

His impoverished family situation, his stubborn character, and his imminent departure for Hong Kong to study, were all reasons why Yao Meng had broken up with him that year. However, even with the pa.s.sing of time, each time Yao Meng remembered the pure emotions of that era, she felt the dull ache of loss. Not even Ji Bai or Lin Qingyan could stir such emotions in her. Later, on hearing the news of the "Angel Killer", that sense of pain had become a deep loathing and disgust. Yao Meng abjectly refused to consider any kind of a.s.sociation with such a person.

Xu Xu paused for a moment before asking: "At that time, did he display any psychopathic tendencies?"

Yao Meng shook her head: "Boys of that age are all arrogant and impulsive, and he was no different. In addition, we were only in a relationship for a year, so our understanding of each other was not deep." Even if feelings were strong at that time, but, more often than not, they were confused, and self-centered.

Xu Xu then asked: "What about s.e.x? Was there anything he was particularly fond of?"

Yao Meng lowered her head: "We did not have s.e.x." After speaking, a sudden revelation shook her, and she exchanged glances with Xu Xu.

Both of them had thought of the same thing. This signified that Yao Meng was in even greater danger – if Feng Ye had really returned, he had not "obtained" Yao Meng yet.

Xu Xu: "I"ll get the team to set up a 24-hour watch on you."

"No, I don"t want that. It would affect my work." Yao Meng frowned.

Police protection would naturally attract attention. If it got out that the boss was the target of an abnormal killer, the magazine publishing house might as well not open for business.

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However, Xu Xu was still not at ease. Taking in her silence, Yao Meng laughingly said: "Don"t worry. Every day, at two o"clock sharp, I leave work to go home. Furthermore, I"m usually with my colleagues, and Qingyan often comes to pick me up. It would not be easy for someone to abduct me. In addition, there is no solid evidence right now that it"s him. The likelihood of his having drowned is still very high." She paused, then continued: "What about this – when I get back, I"ll tell Qingyan about this, and say this guy was someone who hara.s.sed me in high school. I"ll let him arrange for two bodyguards for me. You can rest easy."

On hearing this, Xu Xu nodded.

When Xu Xu and Ji Bai had driven away, Yao Meng stood, unseeing, at the entrance for a while before returning home. Upon entering, she saw Lin Qingyan sitting on the sofa, quietly reading a book. Yao Meng was a little startled. A 35-year old man, with the scholarly and refined air of someone much older, yet with the quiet and handsome look of a clean-cut youth.

She walked over and leaned against his shoulder.

Lin Qingyan put down his book and pulled her into his arms: "Darling, is everything ok?"

She buried her head in his chest, then looked up and smiled: "It"s nothing. I just had a long chat with Xu Xu."

For more than 10 days, a large force of police officers was deployed in a province-wide search for Feng Ye, but without success. The investigation into the victim, Bai AnAn, had stalled as well.

The criminal investigators became more tense with each pa.s.sing day, fearing the day a second victim would surface.

Even though there was no break in the case, life had to go on. Ji Bai did not tell anyone on the team about Xu Xu"s pregnancy. Currently, they were all on tenterhooks because of the case, and he did not feel it was right to divert their attention with a private matter. He only told Xiao Zhao (Zhao Han) that Xu Xu had not been feeling well recently, and asked him to help look out for her. Xiao Zhao, naturally, readily agreed. The team"s various matters were all under his purview, so, with him looking out for Xu Xu, she would be well taken care of in even the smallest details.

However, although the case was tense, Xu Xu"s pregnancy was sailing along smoothly. Apart from a few days of nausea at the start, she was perfectly fine. Every day, she was full of energy, and her face glowed. Ji Bai then commented that Xu Xu"s const.i.tution had changed due to his robust genes.

One day at noon, everyone went to the canteen to eat. Because work was stressful, the time when they ate became a rare opportunity to relax, and they would engage in even more lively chit-chat.

The canteen was crowded. Ji Bai was worried that Xu Xu would be knocked into, so he made her sit down and got her food for her, according to her normal amount. He then sat down next to her, listening to the conversations around him as he ate.

Xu Xu had been eating quietly and steadily, without attracting attention. After a while, she suddenly nudged Ji Bai. Ji Bai turned his head to look, and discovered her plate was empty;, she had really eaten very quickly today.

"You"ve finished eating? Do you want me to accompany you upstairs?"

Xu Xu: "I want to eat some more."

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than everyone stared at Xu Xu – her small appet.i.te was common knowledge, today"s "high combat effectiveness" was simply unnatural.

Xu Xu said, with some embarra.s.sment, "Today, I"m a bit hungry."

Of course, everyone could not let this little girl suffer embarra.s.sment, so they laughingly encouraged her to eat more, chiding her for normally eating too little.

Da Hu seized the opportunity to make an impromptu joke: "Sister-in-law is still growing, of course she needs to eat enough."

Everyone laughed. Ji Bai smiled faintly as he patted Da Hu"s shoulder: "Insightful."

The consequence of eating more was drowsiness. In order to ensure that Xu Xu rested well, Ji Bai had specifically requested a hostel from their headquarters. In this way, she could sleep soundly for a short while every day.

In the afternoon, the room was warm and peaceful and the corridor was quiet. Tree branches swayed gently outside the window. Xu Xu sat on the bed while Ji Bai had his arm around her shoulders. His eyes naturally fell on her still flat belly.

"Let me see how much weight you"ve put on." His mood rose, and he lowered his head.

When Xu Xu looked down, she saw his handsome face very close to her own. His clearly defined, darkly handsome features were particularly gentle. Xu Xu couldn"t help herself and stretched out her hand to caress his short hair.

She had only been pregnant for two months, so of course nothing was showing yet. Ji Bai was about to lift his head when he caught a glimpse of her bosom. Today, she was wearing a white blouse, exquisitely cut and fitting. He was not sure if it was a trick of the mind, or the angle, but her bosom looked fuller than before.

Ji Bai lookedgot up, buried his head in her collar, and dropped a kiss on her fair, yielding flesh: "Have you put on here already?"

Xu Xu laughed in spite of herself, and lightly grasped his shirt collar, moving closer to kiss him quietly.

At this moment, Ji Bai"s handphone rang. They instantly released each other, and stared at the handphone.

It was Lao Wu: "Chief, a second corpse has just been discovered."

Translator: Shl, miumiu

TL Checker: Tranzgeek

Proofreader: Librismuse