When A Snail Loves

Chapter 1)

Who’s been wondering about Xu Jun and his (hopefully) happy ending? In this short story in 3 chapters, Ding Mo shows us a man who knows he’s seeking something or someone, but doesn’t quite know what or who. Will he find it? Or her? Read on to find out.

Just a reminder: as we’re translating SS 8 from the print version, it will take much longer than usual. We’ll be posting SS 8 in parts as a ‘bonus’ feature while the posts for Pristine Darkness are ongoing. Coming soon!

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Xu Jun’s Story Part 1


The Colours of the World

Lin City experienced its first snowfall in December. The snow fell in a continuous sprinkle, like delicate feathers flying in the night sky.

This was the third year after Xu Xu"s marriage. The child was already four years old, and Xu Jun was thirty-two years old.

This was the prime of a man"s life, and he was still single. His career, on the other hand, was flourishing.

Tonight started off as a perfectly ordinary night. He and several friends were always happy at night. While his companions were all warmly embracing their dance partners, he looked at the young lady by his side, whose exquisite beauty was tinged with a bewitching allure. His interest suddenly waned, and he made an excuse to get up and leave.

It was not the first time this had happened.

Xu Jun stood at the long, secluded walkway outside the private room, smoking. He gazed at the white snowflakes falling in the night, and felt a sudden upsurge of emotion.

Perhaps he had been a good, responsible uncle for too long. Or, it could be because Xu Xu"s earnestly given advice, "You must really find a girl and get married", was finally taking effect . . . A smile gradually appeared on his handsome visage. He definitely had no interest in blindly playing around at the moment.

But, marriage . . .

He had no notion of who his future wife could be, not even an outline to be gradually filled in.

He had avoided love for too long, such that he could not recall anything at all of the flavour or emotions a.s.sociated with love.

At this point, the snow stopped falling. The moon emerged from behind the thin layer of clouds, spilling its light all over the brilliantly white, snowy land. Xu Jun stood outside for a while longer. Just as he decided to head back inside, he heard voices coming from around the corner. Amidst a confused jumble of male voices, he discerned a woman"s voice, saying, "I will pay back whatever he owes. He was foolish; please forgive* him."

*见谅 (jian liang) – a formal term used to ask for forgiveness

The voice was clear and pleasant to listen to and was simply incomparable in its warmth and gentleness, slowly seeping into one"s heart.

Xu Jun could not stop himself from walking over – such a beautiful voice, like a beautiful face that people would not dare to compliment*. But he still wanted to see what kind of person it was who possessed such a beautiful voice.

*(T/N because no compliment could do justice to the beauty)

It was in this way that Xu Jun first met Mu Tong.

Winter night, snow-covered land, a place in the middle of the city for souls to lose themselves in merriment and pleasure. He was an impeccably attired financial backer, totally different from those around him: the rogues who lived a life of idle luxury and the rebels who refused to be bound by convention. And, she was holding the hand of a young man, encircled by the nightclub"s security guards. She was wearing an ordinary black down-filled coat. Her face was plain and as fair as snow; her eyes were exceptionally large and her pupils were especially black. She looked quietly at the crowd.

Totally incompatible.

She was like the pure, sweet-tempered girl next door, totally incompatible with the prevailing atmosphere of extravagance and impulsivity.

The youth with her was also delicately good-looking. The expression on his face, however, was that of fury and willfulness. She was clearly the more tranquil of the two. The security guards all had different expressions. Some looked disdainful and put out, some were hesitant, and some were quietly sympathetic. However, when each man"s gaze landed upon her, they all paused. It was not because she was too beautiful. Rather, she was too pure, too clean, such that it caused their thoughts and feelings to become confused.

Of course, Xu Jun experienced no such confusion, and his gaze returned to her body.

From his experience, for her to be so pure and innocent, it was either that she had been born genuinely pure, or she was a seductress.

Moreover, seductresses had long outnumbered angels in the world.

It was at this time that she lifted her head and looked his way.

Xu Jun did not mind in the least. His tall body was leaning against one of the corridor"s pillars, and he was watching her with an expression that was not quite a smile. He was standing in a dark spot more than ten metres away from her. She probably could not see him clearly, but her gaze caused him some surprise.

It was really . . . indifferent. Her dark, ink-black pupils serenely swept across him, and just as serenely moved away. Her gaze was chilly, just like the snow next to his feet.

It was not long before Xu Jun understood the entire sequence of events*.

*来龙去脉 (lai long qu mai) – lit. mountain has a connecting pulse throughout like a dragon (an idiom from geomancy)

It turned out that the youth was her younger brother. He was a university student who had come to the nightclub to work. After four months on the job, he now wanted to quit. The nightclub was insisting that he pay the penalty fee in accordance with his contract.

Actually, going by the new labour law, the penalty fee was unreasonable. However, in such a place, who would pay any attention to labour laws? Moreover, looking at the youth"s delicate features and tall physique, Xu Jun could guess at the kind of sordid situations the boy had encountered which incited his desire to quit. The same situations would make the nightclub reluctant to let him go. Talk of the penalty fee and such was probably just an excuse.

The chief security guard asked roughly, "You said you"d pay the penalty fee in installments. What guarantee can you give?"

She replied, "I run a bookstore with a steady income. I will make monthly payments, and the fee will be fully paid within a year. I have already prepared the IOU. Since he"s not willing to work here any more, you can"t force him to stay, right? Moreover, we"re willing to pay the fee . . ."

Xu Jun once again gazed at the girl, taking in her calm manner, neither servile nor overbearing.

At this point, the chief security guard seemed to hesitate, and told her, "Hold on." He turned and walked a few paces, then noticed Xu Jun standing at the walkway.

"President Xu?" The chief security guard"s facial expression and tone immediately became respectful and attentive. "Do you need anything?"

Xu Jun shook his head, saying, "Nothing at all. I just came out for some fresh air."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the chief security guard took out his walkie-talkie and walked to the side. He was about to report on the situation to his superiors, when Xu Jun smiled carelessly and said, "Let me speak to your manager for a bit."

Xu Jun was not someone who liked to meddle in other people"s affairs, but, there was a police officer in the family, and Xu Xu had always earnestly exhorted* him, "The responsibility a big businessman has towards the community should be greater than that of ordinary people." As a result, as long as it didn"t harm his interests or profits, he would help others.

* 耳提面命 (er ti mian ming) – to give sincere advice, to exhort earnestly

Currently, the Xu family business was an influential force* in Lin City. Thus, a single word from him would naturally carry a lot of weight with the manager of this insignificant nightclub. If his word could help a pair of seemingly upright siblings in their time of hardship, why shouldn"t he do it? Moreover, the girl was so fresh and pure, a sight rarely seen nowadays. To see her warmed the heart and delighted the eye**.

*举足轻重 (ju zu qing zhong) – lit. a foot"s move sways the balance; to hold the balance of power, to play a decisive role

**赏心悦目 (shang xin yue mu) – warms the heart and delights the eye; pleasing to both the eye and the mind.

The chief security guard received explicit instructions as well as a pack of good quality cigarettes from Xu Jun. He hurried back to the group in an almost obsequious* manner to announce the outcome. Xu Jun stood quietly in his original position. Perhaps because he wished to take credit, the chief security guard"s voice was especially bright and clear. "The manager says it was not easy to decide what to do with the two of you, as we did not want to let such a talented person go. Since you"re not willing to carry on, we should part without any hard feelings on either side. There"s no need to pay the penalty fee; just reimburse us a month"s wages."

*屁颠屁颠 (pi dian pi dian) – lit. jolting b.u.t.tocks

The other security guards were stupefied when they heard what he said. The young man also sounded rather dazed as he asked, "Only a month"s pay?" On the other hand, the girl was very calm as she nodded and said, "Thank you, thank you very much." She then commanded the young man, "Take my card and withdraw the money right now."

Several security guards accompanied the young man as he did so. Xu Jun judged that the situation had been resolved, so he turned and started to walk off. Suddenly, he heard the girl"s raised voice as she shouted, "You . . . please wait a while."

Xu Jun paused mid-stride. They were separated by only a few metres as he turned to look at her.

She looked quietly and warmly at him with her big, black eyes and her face as pale as snow. Smiling slightly, she said, "Thank you."

Xu Jun was momentarily stumped for words. Then, he smiled.

Previously, when he was speaking with the nightclub manager, he had been quite far away. According to reason, she should not have been able to overhear them. Moreover, at Xu Jun"s instigation, the chief security officer had not made mention of his involvement.

She had still managed to figure it out. That she had this ability to make careful observations of people"s words and expressions* proved she was indeed quite astute.

*察言观色 (cha yan guan se) – to observe someone"s words and gestures; to examine words and moods for a clue as to someone"s thoughts

Xu Jun remained silent. Waving his hand, he strode away.


This chance encounter left no impression on Xu Jun. The pair of siblings was very quickly relegated to the back of his mind.

Life carried on as usual, work carried on as usual. He was both busy and lonely.

Occasionally, when he was sitting alone on snowy nights, he would think of the girl"s clear, limpid eyes, like starlight which had dropped into an underground river, quietly moving.

In this world, there are so many different types of beauty. He could appreciate them all from a distance, but he had no idea how his heart could once again be moved by beauty.

The next time he met her, a month had already pa.s.sed.

It was an afternoon in the depth of winter. Xu Xu had made an appointment to meet him for afternoon tea at a cafe. It was said that this was the best, most genuine cafe in the city. It was located near the emba.s.sy district. Any randomly selected member of the wait staff would be sure to speak fluent English, and could answer the questions of foreign guests without hesitation.

Ji Bai had gone to attend a meeting at the provincial headquarters, and the child was in nursery school. The siblings had planned to pick the little darling up after their coffee. They had only been there for a little while when Xu Jun noticed that there was a somewhat familiar-looking young man standing behind the bar counter.  

Xu Jun remembered his name – it was Mu Chen, Mu Tong"s brother. He also noticed Xu Jun, and his face split open in a wide grin. He walked towards them, carrying two slices of exquisitely decorated cake.

"Mr. Xu, I never thought I"d have the opportunity to meet you once again." Mu Chen smiled shyly as he continued, "My name is Mu Chen. Do you remember me? My sister eventually told me what transpired that day. Thank you."

Xu Jun was a well-known figure in the city, and had repeatedly been featured on the front cover of finance magazines. It was not surprising that the young man had recognised him. Xu Jun just smiled and said, "This place is not bad. Please do well."

Mu Chen nodded, and put the slices of cake before them. "Let me treat you to these."

Xu Jun did not decline and thanked him with a smile. Xu Xu glanced at them for a moment but did not enquire further, and politely thanked him as well.

Mu Chen did not dare to disturb them any longer and turned to leave. Just then, the melodious tinkling of wind chimes sounded from the doorway. He looked up and stuck out his tongue in exasperation before saying, "My sister is here to check out my new workplace." He then quickly strode forward.

Xu Jun and Xu Xu looked over at the same time.

Today, Mu Tong was wearing a dark red coat and a white scarf. She sported a pair of sungla.s.ses, and the cold had given her glowing, fair skin a faint blush. Mu Chen walked over to her, took her hand and led her inside. The siblings were both smiling, and lowered their heads to carry out a whispered conversation. After a while, Mu Tong removed her sungla.s.ses and looked in the Xu siblings" direction.

Xu Jun looked into her eyes, with their chilly and desolate expression, as if she were facing the full blast of winter. There was something a little bit comfortable about it, but also something that wasn"t really comfortable – perhaps, in these last few years, he had grown so accustomed to being the centre of attention*, that to him, her gaze seemed to be excessively calm.

*众星捧月 (zhong xing peng yue) – lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon; fig. to revolve around somebody

He leaned back in his chair, stretched out in a leisurely manner, and folded his arms as he watched the Mu siblings walk closer. Even though her expression was serenely indifferent, her slender eyes narrowed slightly, making her look a little sultry.

At his side, Xu Xu put down her coffee spoon. She cupped her chin with her hands and stared at him as she asked, "What? You"re interested in his older sister?"

"What nonsense are you spouting? I"m not interested."

Xu Xu unhurriedly remarked, "If you"re not interested in her, then why are you putting on such an aggressive att.i.tude?"

Xu Jun gave her the side eye and kept quiet.

Mu Tong had just reached their table when Mu Chen was called away by another member of the wait staff. She seemed unconcerned, and nodded at Xu Jun and Xu Xu with a slight smile.

"Mr. Xu, I just wanted to express my thanks once more." Her face was slightly flushed as she continued, "I won"t disturb you any further."

Xu Jun raised his eyes to look at her, and laughingly said, "It was a small matter*, no need to feel so indebted. This is not a bad place for your brother to work. In future, don"t let him go to such disorderly** places."

*举手之劳 (ju shou zhi lao) – lit. the exertion of lifting one"s hand

**乱七八糟 (luan qi ba zao) – lit. at sixes and sevens, everything in disorder

Mu Tong dropped her gaze, and replied, "Um. I know." The laughter in her eyes deepened. Because her eyes were so beautiful, when she smiled, they looked like the light reflected off the surface of a crystal clear lake, brightening the world immediately.

Xu Jun said, "Would you like to sit down for a cup of coffee with us?"

"No need. Thank you."

At this point, Mu Chen returned to the table. After some small talk, he accompanied his sister to the cafe"s door. Xu Jun watched intently as they walked away. After a moment"s consideration, he told Xu Xu all about how he had helped the siblings that day. He then changed the conversation and said, "This girl is really sharp, and her temperament is also good. What do you think if I poach her to work for the company as an a.s.sistant?"

Xu Jun had no selfish motives as he said these words. Such a sharp and intuitive girl, whose looks were not bad, was definitely a person of ability. Moreover, he actually had a gorgeously dressed*, "superwoman" a.s.sistant, but she was due to give birth very soon, and would be taking half a year"s leave, leaving him short of help. Mu Tong had a very unique disposition. If, in the days to come, she was able to prove her capability, then she would be exactly what he was looking for**. To have such an a.s.sistant in the high-end commerce network would mean that the old-time big businessmen would be a little less harsh as they dealt with him.

*花枝招展 (hua zhi zhao zhan) – lit. lovely scene of blossoming plants swaying in the breeze; fig. gorgeously dressed.

**求之不得 (qui zhi bu de) – lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what one"s been looking for

Actually, Xu Jun was just speaking carelessly. Who knew, Xu Xu, who hardly ever took an interest in his work, shook her head upon listening to him and said, "Out of the question. She"s not suitable."

Xu Jun was a little taken aback and laughed faintly as he asked, "What? You can discern that she"s not capable in such a short time?"

"It"s not that," Xu Xu answered quickly. "She"s got a steady temperament and a good sense of propriety, where every action is measured. Also, judging from what you"ve told me about that day, she"s probably a person who is able to take on responsibility. You"ve also mentioned that she manages a bookstore. I"ve just gone online to check – that bookstore is not very big, but it has a good reputation, which proves that her managerial and administrative abilities are outstanding. However . . ."

Following Xu Xu"s change in tone, Xu Jun suddenly felt his insides clench. He heard her say, "She is blind, so she can"t be your a.s.sistant."

Xu Jun was immediately struck dumb.

Xu Xu continued, "Her expression and manner are no different from ordinary people, and her eyes are full of vigour, so it is not surprising that you were unable to tell the difference. However, all of her fingertips are calloused. What person would always use his or her fingertips? In addition, the part of her hand between her left thumb and left index finger is also calloused. Also, Mu Chen held her hand all the way, and was constantly talking to her. Do you and I act this way when we meet each other? It"s because this is her first time visiting this cafe, so Mu Chen was guiding her. Moreover, when she was talking to us, she clearly paused at every sentence. I"m guessing that it"s become her habit to listen for sounds. When I went online just now, the netizens had commented on the bookstore, and had also expressed their pity that such a beautiful lady boss is blind."

Xu Jun was a little stunned.

So, this woman, had never seen him.

(End of Chapter 1)

Translator: shl

TL Checker:

Proofreader/ Editor: Librismuse, Anks