When A Snail Loves

Chapter 59.1 – In the end, what kind of woman would be with this kind of monster ~ and love him.

Tranzgeek: lowers head and solemnly promises never to forget posting again LOL

Sorry to 12 for forgetting about posting~ and sorry to the team >_< it="" was="" definitely="" not="" 12’s="" fault="" at="">

Reason why I forgot was because I was busy stockpiling for the ma.s.sive release and busy translating the rest of the novel of . My goal has been accomplished so cheers lol.

Chapter 59.1 – In the end, what kind of woman would be with this kind of monster ~ and love him.

In the middle of the night, it was dark and quiet outside the window, but the office of the police force was nevertheless as bright as day.

Ji Bai and Xu Xu, separated by a dark gla.s.s, were watching Lin Qingyan sitting calmly in the interrogation room. He was wearing a suit today without a tie, and the first b.u.t.ton of the shirt was loosened. This made him look sophisticated and more handsome than usual. But the expression on his face was not very pleasant, his slender brows were scrunched and his eyes were a bit cold.

Zhao Han came into the room with a stack of files: “Boss, Hong Kong has finally verified – Lin Qingyan"s company did business with the company Feng Ye worked for! There are several contracts which they have both signed – they must have known each other!"

Everyone"s spirits lifted – since the two had a connection, it was probable that Lin Qingyan imitated Feng Ye!

Ji Bai took the file, carefully read it, winked at Lao Wu, and then the two pushed the door into the interrogation room.

Lin Qingyan heard them and looked up. He was also a friend of Ji Bai. However, now, to see Ji Bai in these circ.u.mstances, he only stared at him and did not speak.

Ji Bai: "h.e.l.lo Mr Lin, I’m sorry to disturb. Thank you for coming to the police station to help us with our investigation.”

Lin Qingyan: “You were all Yao Meng"s colleagues, and there are some things that I do not want to know, but I honestly do not understand why you are implicating me and Yao Meng with your case? I hope you will give me a reasonable explanation."

On the other side of the gla.s.s, Zhao Han could not help but whisper: “It can"t be, he seems like he"s innocent."

Xu Xu also nodded – so far, all of his reactions were normal.

"We suspect that the "Angel Killer’ Feng Ye has recently returned to Lin City. He and Yao Meng were high school cla.s.smates, so my colleagues have been following Yao Meng for her protection. Today they heard her scream outside the villa, they thought Feng Ye had appeared and hurt both of you. That’s why they suddenly broke into the room. I hope you understand."

Lin Qingyan stared blankly, he was silent.

Xu Xu smiled slightly. Ji Bai’s speech was very strategic, in a few words he had made the situation clear. His words, although actually false, seemed factually true. If Lin Qingyan really was the murderer, at that moment, he would have had no idea how much Ji Bai knew.

But Lin Qingyan’s reaction was also worth noting.

“But now that you have come here today, we do have some questions to ask,” Ji Bai said.

Lin Qingyan looked indifferent: “Ask me.”

Lao Wu asked: “Mr. Lin, in the past three months, your private car was frequently seen going in and out of the forest region. Why?"

Lin Qingyan lightly answered: “I was re-decorating the villa that you entered today."

Lao Wu: “You are a senior company executive and work must be very busy. Do you need to do these kind of things, like the decoration of your villa, personally?”

Lin Qingyan replied: “It’s my personal preference. I like to do these things, I do not mind spending time on it.”

On the other side of the gla.s.s, Zhao Han whispered: “When we went in, the villa did smell like new paint and the furniture was also brand new."

Xu Xu nodded – there was no direct evidence against this and his answer was also impeccable. It seemed that Ji Bai could only start from another angle.

At this time, Ji Bai pushed a medical record in front of him: “Does Yao Meng know that you will only live for one more year?"

Lin Qingyan"s expression froze at that moment. He looked at the medical records, and then quietly looked away.

Ji Bai and and Lao Wu were silent for a moment. Lao Wu asked: “She does not know? Since you are suffering from a terminal disease, why did you propose to her? What is the purpose?"

Lin Qingyan smiled very slightly: “This is kind of a private matter; I do not want to answer."

“You can choose not to answer, but on the things relating to Feng Ye, I hope you will cooperate with us.” Ji Bai pushed a doc.u.ment towards him. The page was signed by both Lin Qingyan and Feng Ye: “You knew Feng Ye. After realising you were terminally ill, you soon fell in love with Yao Meng, and she is Feng Ye’s first love."

Lao Wu also looked at him: “Do not tell us, this is a coincidence."

At this time, someone opened the door of the observation room: “Xu Xu, Yao Meng says……she wants to talk to you."

Xu Xu look at the room where Lin Qingyan was sitting silently, nodded, turned and walked out.

Xu Xu did not know how to describe the appearance of Yao Meng. She sat in an interrogation room wearing a lovely colourful long skirt and her makeup exquisite. However, her eyes were a little red with faint tear marks.

When she saw Xu Xu, she did not hesitate to look at her directly: “Why do you suspect Qingyan?”

As Yao Meng and Lin Qingyan were in a relationship, she may also be related the case, and so Xu Xu could not tell her the entire truth. However, she could not keep her completely in the dark, and so she answered: “We do not suspect him. We listed some screening conditions which led to a wide range of suspects. Lin Qingyan was one of them, and that"s why we asked him to come here for some routine inquiries.” She paused and said: “But you’d better keep away from him, so that both of you are safe."

Yao Meng did not react to this comment. Staring at her, she asked: “What screening conditions did he meet?"

Xu Xu did not say anything, she certainly could not tell her.

Yao Meng herself had been thinking about the case because of Feng Ye. Softly, she asked: “The fact that he has a private secluded villa? The fact that he has a history of working in Hong Kong in the past? This cannot be used as a reason.” Her face had a touch of softness: “Also, in the last few months, he went out to the forest region several times to decorate the villa he gifted me. I"ve been there twice with him. Xu Xu, this really is just a coincidence."

Xu Xu was slightly startled. She nodded.

Yao Meng asked: “What is the basis of your suspicion?”

Xu Xu looked at her resolute expression. Her eyes were bright, but she kept silent. Yao Meng had accepted Lin Qingyan’s proposal, she intended to live with him for a lifetime.

Even if he was not a murderer, he had cancer and she should not be told about this suddenly. She turned and asked, “Mind if I ask a few personal questions?”

“You may ask me.”

“When you are with Lin Qingyan, what is his s.e.xual preferences usually?"

Yao Mang was very magnanimous: “He is very normal.”

Xu Xu asked: “Does he have a drug addiction? Is he obsessed with a particular smell? Does he take photos? Does he specify the brand of shower gel you should use, or ask you to put on specific clothes?"

Yao Meng’s face was completely incredulous. Her face reddened even more: “How could you say these things? These are not true. He doesn’t know the brand of shower gel I use. Xu Xu, he is the gentlest person I have ever met. He is a good and stable man. From the the first day of our meeting, he has treated me like a treasure. You are also in love, you should understand my feelings. Believe me, he could never be a murderer."

In the interrogation room at the end of the corridor, Lin Qingyan faced Ji Bai and others with a solemn look, his smile self-deprecating. He said: “Yes, I started to get close to Yao Meng on purpose. I used to know Feng Ye and we even became friends, but I wasn’t desperate to get to know this person. However, among the ‘Angel Killer" case victims, there was a girl called Zhang Xiaoge. She was my fiancee and so far her body has not been found.”

Zhao Han quickly rummaged through the file, and sure enough he found the woman’s information. He walked in quickly, and handed the file to Ji Bai.

Lao Wu looked behind, and asked: “So……you mean, you looked for Yao Meng to get revenge on Feng Ye?"

Lin Qingyan looked at them, his dark eyes seemed as if looking at a faraway place: “Feng Ye always carried Yao Meng’s photos. Feng Ye died so many years ago. Now I am dying too, and I wanted to see, in the end, what kind of woman would be with a monster like Feng Ye, and love him. But……she is very different from Feng Ye. She is very kind and honest, and also hates Feng Ye very much.”

Ji Bai and Lao Wu were silent. Lin Qingyan turned his head and looked out of the window in silence: “I have made a will. All my property will be left to Yao Meng. You can go to the lawyer and verify. After we get married, when I die, she will inherit all of it and will not be criticized. I have gone several times to the forest region to decorate my villa. You can call the interior decoration company and ask them. I hope you can verify this fact as soon as possible so that you can let me and Yao Meng go home."

Translator : Miumiu

TL Checker/Editor: Mel

Proofreader: Librismuse