When He Comes, Close Your Eyes

Chapter 83

Fu Ziyu 1

Fu Ziyu (Part 1)


I just want to be with you.  Day after day.  Month after month.  Year after year.  To be by your side.  


This is my dream from young.  


I just want to be with you.  We will grow old together.  You and I.  We shall never, never apart.  




Maryland University.  


It’s mid-August.  The university library is the favourite hangout for nerds to hide from the hot summer sun. 


Fu Ziyu don’t admit he is a nerd.  But this top student from Medical School loves hanging out at the university library.  Today, he wants to borrow the new book by the winner of this year’s n.o.bel prize winner for Medicine.  


It’s a popular book.  He is not the only person looking for it.  He finds a few of his fellow cla.s.smates at the bookshelf where the book is usually kept.  He smiles and greets them: “Hi.  Are you looking for the book too?”


Even though it’s his first year in his post grad studies, he is a well regarded student.  This is because he seems to have virtually all the qualities you want in a man.  He is tall, handsome, academically smart, and comes from a good family background.  Despite all that, there is not a hint of arrogance in him. He is a very good natured person.   


Everyone loves him.  Amongst all the Asian students, he is the elegant and perfect prince.  As for that guy Bo Jinyan from the Criminal Psychology Department? Oh my gos.h.!.+ Ok, it might be a little mean to call him the cold devil.  But he is definitely an unusual and strange character.   


And at this moment, Fu Ziyu’s cla.s.smates are looking at this ‘cool devil’.  One of them says: “We found the book.  But it’s been borrowed… by the library overlord - Simon Bo.”  


Every social circle has a hierarchy.  Bo Jinyan is no doubt the overlord of the library. His arrogance, plus the fact that he is a consultant for the FBI means no one wants to mess with him.  


Bo Jinyan has about twenty books stacked in front of him.  The book that the medical school students are after is one of them.  


Fu Ziyu has been nominated as the representative to negotiate with Bo Jinyan.  Their reason is that they are both Chinese and it should be easier for Fu Ziyu to strike up a conversation with him.  And given Fu Ziyu’s reputation in the university, it will be hard for Bo Jinyan to refuse his request.


Fu Ziyu has heard a lot about Bo Jinyan but it’s the first time he sees him in person. And it’s the first time he realises how childish Bo Jinyan can be.  


No one can finish 20 books in one afternoon.  But he took many of the most sought after and popular t.i.tles and h.o.a.rds them in his ‘territory’.  This is like a kindergarten bully keeping all the toys for himself and won’t let others play with it.  Obviously, this nineteen year old genius has a very low EQ.  


Fu Ziyu walks over and sits opposite him. He smiles and introduces himself: “Hi.  I am Fu Ziyu.”


He spoke in Chinese.  Bo Jinyan lifts his head and takes a glance at him.  But he has no expression on his face after he sees Fu Ziyu, it is as if he was he saw nothing.    Then he continues to read his book.   


Everyone is offended on Fu Ziyu’s behalf. How dare him?  Bo Jinyan is so rude.  But Fu Ziyu didn’t seem to mind.  He asks nicely: “If you are not reading this book today, can I borrow it?” 


Bo Jinyan doesn’t lift his head: “If I don’t intend to read it, why would I borrow it?  So that I can gather a crowd to observe me and talk behind my back?”  


Fu Ziyu is stunned.  


Because in the short time he sat down beside Bo Jinyan, he noticed that Bo Jinyan does read very quickly. The speed of how fast he turns a page is almost unbelievable.  At this speed, he will be able to finish 20 books in one sitting.  


Fu Ziyu stands up: “Sorry for interrupting you.”


Bo Jinyan continues to ignore him.


The others are a little disappointed to see him come back empty handed.  Fu Ziyu explains to them: “Actually, he is not h.o.a.rding all the books for no reason.  He does have the ability to read that many books in one afternoon.” He gives a self-depreciating laugh: “ Although it is a slight insult to our intelligence, we can’t blame him for being smart.”  


He said those words with his back to Bo Jinyan, therefore he didn’t notice that Bo Jinyan lifted his head to look at him for a while.


The medical students walk towards the exit.  Before Fu Ziyu walks out, he turns to look at Bo Jinyan again.  


Bo Jinyan is a strange and aloof guy.  But somehow, Fu Ziyu doesn’t find him annoying.  




A quiet and peaceful night in Maryland City. 


Han Yumeng is wearing a strapless blue dress, with her hair tied up in a bun.  She is standing on the balcony of her room.  She does not seem to be feeling cold from the cold breezes that comes her way.  


After standing there for about ten minutes, she sees a familiar Lexus coming up the driveway. 


“Kris!” She waves her arms and lifts up the hem of her dress and starts to run down the stairs.  She meets her brother on the way, who makes fun of her: “Hey hey… be a little more ladylike please.  You only have eyes for Kris nowadays.”  


Han Yumeng laughs.  She thinks to herself: Actually, it’s not only ‘nowadays’.  Brother, since a long time ago, my eyes and my heart only have room for him.


Han Yumeng’s parents are sitting in the lounge having a cup of tea.  Just as Han Yumeng reaches the entrance, she sees the servant opening the door for Kris.


He is wearing a white s.h.i.+rt, and a causal suit.  He is as handsome as the first day she met him.


Kris is twenty years old.  Han Yumeng is seventeen this year.  


“Thank you for accompanying me to the party.”  She is very ladylike in front of her parents.  She acts more mature than her actual age.  Well… at least when she is in front of her parents, she does.


Kris greets her parents.  The two families have known each other for a long time.  Han Yumeng’s parents are very satisfied with their daughter’s choice of companion: “Don’t stay out too late. And take care. ”  




Once they get into the car,  Han Yumeng throws her bag to the backseat.  She puts her hand around his neck and starts kissing him.  Kris decides to stop the car on the roadside and concentrate on the kiss.  He misses her too.  He scoops her into his arms and deepens the kiss.  


Most of the time, their kiss is initiated by Han Yumeng, but then, Kris will take over.  Even though he is usually a warm and gentle gentleman, his kiss can be pa.s.sionate and forceful. 


He is in his second year of university, and she is in her last year of high school.  It’s been almost a week since they saw each other.  She can feel his repressed desires.  


The sky is so dark it’s like the G.o.d has painted it with a black ink.  Stars sparkles in the horizon.  Han Yumeng is lying underneath him.  


“…Ziyu… Ziyu.”  She likes to murmur his Chinese name when she is catching her breath after a long pa.s.sionate kiss.  And hearing her call his name always makes him smiles deeper.  


“Would you like to come to my house?” He invites her.  


After he started attending university, he moved out to stay by himself in an apartment close to the university.  Han Yumeng pokes his cheek with her finger: “We are supposed to go to a party.” 


“We’ll only be two hours late.”  He says.


Actually, he is no intention of going anymore.




They started kissing while they were in still in the carpark.  When they arrive Fu Ziyu’s apartment, Han Yumeng is hanging onto him a like a koala bear.  


Once they enter the apartment, he pushes her against the wall, and lifts up her dress.  She is sufficiently aroused with all the kissing in the car.  She is ready for him.  He kisses her gently while he thrusts himself forcefully inside her.


Han Yumeng blushes.  She is slightly taken back by how wild he is aggressive he is.  


But, after all, he is a young man who has just experienced s.e.x for the first time not too long ago. It was during the last days of the summer holidays.  Then school started.  He misses her greatly.  


Han Yumeng’s hairdo is all messed up.  Her dress is still on her.  But it’s been pushes up to her waist.  The fabric is crinkled.   Her beautiful long white legs are wrapped around his waist.  He is lifting her up by grabbing her b.u.t.tocks with both his hands.  Her body moves in the same rhythm with him as he moves backwards and forwards.  


What’s going through Fu Ziyu’s mind at the time?


This seventeen year old girl belongs to him.  This is his first love.  His only love.  He wants to be buried inside her forever.  He just wants to feel her close to him.  Nothing else is as important as her.  He wants to be with her forever.  


The two hours dragged on until it’s time to send her home. Kris reluctantly gets out of her.  But he still has her in his arms.  Han Yumeng loves this moment.  When his eyes shows he much he is not willing to let go.  How much he longs for her.  How much he desires her. 


“I have decided.” She whispers into his ear: “Next year, I am going to apply for medical school in Maryland University.” 


He lifts his head from her bosom, and looks into her eyes: “I want to propose to you right now.” He says with a smile.  


Han Yumeng rests in his arms with a sweet smile.


Kris.  Kris.  My Ziyu.


I love you so much.  


I just want to spend every moment of my life with you.





The second time Fu Ziyu meets Bo Jinyan is in the University Medical Centre.


He is the top student in medical school.  Naturally, his interns.h.i.+p starts earlier than most students.  


The nurse knocks on his office door: “Kris, Doctor Jim is not back from lunch yet.  We have a patient here with a small problem.  Can you handle the case?”


“What’s the problem?”


“There’s a fish bone stuck in his throat.” 


“Ok.  Ask him to come into the office.”  He walks over to the cabinet to take out some tools.  When he turns around, he takes the file the nurse pa.s.ses him.  


Simon Bo Jinyan.


Fu Ziyu laughs.  The last time he had to perform the same procedure, it was for a seven year old boy. 



Bo Jinyan is in a bad mood today.  The prison has rejected his request for an interview with a notorious serial killer.  Then when he was reading through the file materials, he accidentally swallowed a fish bone, which got stuck in his throat.  The large gla.s.s of vinegar he drank after that didn’t help at all.  


Once he walks into the doctor’s office.  He sees a young man behind the desk.  Like him, the doctor has black hair.  Behind his face mask, Bo Jinyan can see a pair of warm and bright eyes.  


Bo Jinyan recognises him straight away.  But he says nothing.


It’s a simple procedure. Fu Ziyu takes up a pair of tweezer and takes out the bone.  Then he sees a smile on Bo Jinyan’s face.  


“Thank you.” says Bo Jinyan.  He stands up and starts to walk towards the door: “If there are complications because the procedure was done by a student, would the medical centre take full responsibility?”


Fu Ziyu is dumbfounded.  That is an insult to his abilities.   Okay, it is not normal procedure for students to make diagnosis and provide treatment.  It is understandable that patients can be concerned about their experience and abilities.  But for goodness sakes. We are talking about a tiny fishbone.  How can there possibly be complications?


Fu Ziyu thinks for a while, then he says: “Of course.  Should there be any problems, I will take full responsibility.  I will include that in the medical file.” 

Bo Jinyan seems to be satisfied with the answer. He nods and starts walking again.  Then he hear Fu Ziyu voice: “And since you are concerned about complications, my medical advise is: stay away from fish for a month to avoid another accident. If the small wound in your throat gets wounded again, it might cause an infection.”


Bo Jinyan looks at him with doubt and uncertainty: “One month?”


Fu Ziyu answers with a sincere voice: “One month.”



Life can be so unpredictable.  One month ago, Fu Ziyu only knew him by name.  They have never met in person, despite the fact that both of them have been studying in the same university for a few years.  But since the day they met at the library, Fu Ziyu seems to b.u.mp into Bo Jinyan all the time.  


Today, Fu Ziyu is at the university canteen. He is there with his group of friends. He notices Bo Jinyan is sitting at a corner table, all by himself. 


Fu Ziyu looks at what Bo Jinyan is doing.  Fu Ziyu can’t help but laugh. 


This 20 years old young man who is famous in US for being a young consultant for the FBI , this criminal psychology genius, is busy deboning a fish.  He has a fork in his hand, and a knife in the other hand.  There is a pair of chopsticks on the table too. He is so focused on his task, carefully taking out all the bones from the fish.  


He’s obviously spent a lot of time on this.  Fu Ziyu suddenly feels a little guilty that he played a joke on him. 


To a lot of people’s surprise, Fu Ziyu sits down next to Bo Jinyan.  He smiles at Bo Jinyan: “Hi.  Can I sit here?”


“I don’t like having people next to me when I am eating.”  


“Oh.” Fu Ziyu answers causally, but he doesn’t move.  He starts to eat his meal.  




Han Yumeng first met Fu Ziyu when she was five.  That year, he was eight years old.  He is her neighbour. 


Then for the next ten years,  they are best friends.  


But they are not a couple.  He is not her boyfriend.  She secretly admires him.  Even from a young age, she knew she couldn’t love anyone else but him.  


Soon, she is sixteen.  That year, he started his first year of university studies.  


The best word used to describe their relations.h.i.+p is ‘ambiguous".  For every ball or party they go together, he is always her partner.  He will wrap his arm around her waist, then watches her beautiful face under the lights, and responds to her smiles with his warm smiles.   


Their faces are only inches away from each other.  If he reaches down just a little bit further, their lips will touch.  


She senses that there is pa.s.sion in his eyes.  She is sure of it.  


However, it seems the two of them have a certain understanding.  They don’t talk about their relations.h.i.+p.  They hover between the boundaries of friends and lovers.  Neither one of them is willing to take the first step.  


Han Yumeng knows what he is afraid of.  Because it is the same concern as what she has.   What if their relations.h.i.+p don’t work out? They will end up losing their friends.h.i.+p too.  


She doesn’t want to lose him.  And neither does he.  So they decide not to confront the issue.  


Until… her sixteenth birthday. 


The perfect prince Fu Ziyu has a partner.  A beautiful and s.e.xy blond. They become the centre of attention the moment they walk in. 


She is devastated.  It’s a lovely night and a great party. But Han Yumeng thinks this is the worst party ever.  She can’t stand the sight of the two of them together.  She wants to ask them to leave straight away.


To drown her sorrows, she takes drinks after drinks…. champagne, c.o.c.ktails, vodka shots… 


When a person is drunk, he or she is usually more bold.  Suddenly, Han Yumeng doesn"t want to suppress her feelings for him anymore.  She wants him to know that she loves him.


She walks towards the swimming pool as she thinks about this.  It’s much more quiet here.  The reflection of the moon floats on the water.  It is a huge contrast to the noisy and crowded house.  


She sits on a bench and enjoys the cool breezes that go past her face. 


Then she notices someone approaches her.  He sits down beside her.


It’s a boy from her cla.s.s.   He is the ideal boyfriend for most of her female cla.s.smates.  He is tall, handsome, with blond hair and blue eyes. 


“Hi, Joe.”  Says the handsome young man: “Would you like to be my girlfriend?”  


Han Yumeng stares at him.  She doesn’t answer.  


The boy leans forwards to kiss her.  Han Yumeng closes her eyes.  She doesn’t want to be alone tonight…


Suddenly, she hears footsteps coming towards them.  She opens her eyes.  The boy that’s sitting next to her is pushed off the bench….


…by Kris.  


“What are you doing?”  The young man asks angrily.


“And what are you doing?” Fu Ziyu looks even more angry than him.


They start to fight. Fu Ziyu is a few years older than this young boy, but he is usually a gentle and placid guy.  This young man, however, is a top basketball player.  Soon, Fu Ziyu has bruises and swells on his face.  


Han Yumeng hurries up to separate them.  She grabs Fu Ziyu’s hand and drags him back into the house.  They walk past groups of astonished people, and go upstairs into her room.  


Once they get into the room, she feels a hand around her waist.  He pushes her against the wall.  They stare at one another.  Without saying a word, they wrap their arms around each other. She feels their pa.s.sion surge, like fire that spreads without control.  Nothing can stop them anymore.  


After a long kiss, he carries her in his arms, and sits in the balcony.  A line of trees block the other’s from looking into the balcony.   Han Yumeng’s brother knocks on the door.  They can hear him yell from the outside: “Kris!  What are you doing to Joe?  I’ll kill you if you dare to do anything to my sister…” 


They ignore his yelling.  They kiss and kiss… until all the guests have left.  At midnight, he whispers into her eye: “Happy birthday, my princess.”


Han Yumeng is overjoyed.  But she is also a little worried.  She hooks her hand around his neck and asks: “Are you sure?”


Are you sure you want me to be your girlfriend?  


“I am sure.” He knows what is in her mind: “Don’t be angry.  That woman is my mother’s colleague’s daughter.  She insists I have to bring her here tonight - I don’t even remember her name.  The truth is, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.  I want to tell you I love you on your sixteenth birthday.”


Sorry for the long wait, my princess.  I know what you are afraid of.   A lot of people cannot keep their promises that they made when they were eighteen years old.  But I am confident.  Because I have been in love with you for a long time.  My lovely Yumeng.  I promise you, that I will never stop loving you.  Our relations.h.i.+p will be a successful one.  




When Bo Jinyan and Fu Ziyu became inseparable, it shocked the whole Maryland University.


But to be exactly, their friends.h.i.+p is somewhat different from normal friends.h.i.+p.  To put it simply, Fu Ziyu is more like Bo Jinyan’s personal a.s.sistant.  


He becomes Bo Jinyan’s dedicated doctor.  They have lunch together everyday.  They hang out in the library.  Fu Ziyu helps him to choose his a.s.sistants, helps him to deal with the complicated relations.h.i.+ps within the FBI… then later, even Bo Jinyan’s clothes are chosen and bought by Fu Ziyu.  He runs around like a servant for Bo Jinyan, and Bo Jinyan accepts and enjoys his service without any guilt or feeling uncomfortable. 


And as one would expect, two superior Chinese students that spend  most of their time together will attract some rumours of them being a h.o.m.os.e.xual couple.  Fu Ziyu just laughs at the rumours.  He is not even a least bit bothered by them: “Of course not, we are like brothers…”  As for Bo Jinyan, he does not care what others say about him.  In fact, there was someone who asked him if he was gay, to which he replies: “Actually,  Kris and I, we do act like a couple… except we don’t have a s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p.”   


However, this comment is interpreted as…


“Simon is complaining that Kris refuses to sleep with him.”


But soon, this rumour stops.  Fu Ziyu has found himself a girlfriend.  


A freshman.  She is also an Asian.  A beautiful girl that is very gentle and nice.  Everyone is envious of Fu Ziyu.


Fu Ziyu treats her well,  He is a caring boyfriend that attends to her every need.  Bo Jinyan does not like her very much though.  He usually excludes her in their gatherings.


Two years later, Fu Ziyu and his girlfriend breaks up.  Fu Ziyu is surprised: “Is there anything I could have done better?  Or have you met someone else?”


He doesn’t mind letting go, he just wants to know the reason why he is dumped.


The girl answers: “Kris.  You are a very nice man.  I have never met anyone who treated me so well.  But we both know.  There is a hole in your heart.  No one can fill it. So I need to leave.”


Fu Ziyu thinks about what she says.  He cannot disagree.


Actually, it’s not only the students that are curious about Bo Jinyan and Fu Ziyu’s friends.h.i.+p, their supervising professor discussed about the issue too.  The head of medical school asks the criminal psychology professor: “I have heard a lot about how aloof Simon is.  How did Kris manage to become his only friend?    Is it because Kris is so easy going and friendly that even Bo Jinyan can"t refuse him?


The professor shakes his head: “Do you remember what happened to Kris last year?  I think the truth is that, it is not Simon who needs Kris.  It’s the other way around.  Kris needs Simon.  Simon is aware of this too, and that’s why he has allowed Kris to be his friend.”


Fu Ziyu 2

Fu Ziyu - Part 2


The scorching sun is baking the dry ground that is already covered with cracks.  There is no breeze, only hot and dry air that easily dehydrates the body.  


Han Yumeng is carrying a few bottles of water and some candy.  She walks towards a white tent.  She sees Fu Ziyu from a distance.  He is measuring the blood pressure for a native african man.  There are a few kids playing in the tent too.  They are very skinny and dressed in rags. But their eyes are big and bright.  


“Kris.” She walks behind him. When the kids see Han Yumeng, they gather around her.


“Joe is here!  h.e.l.lo Joe!”


The children are very fond of her.  She is delighted to see them too.  She sits on the floor, opens her backpack and distributes the water and candy to them.  They cheer excitedly.  She looks up and meets Fu Ziyu’s warm and gentle gaze.


This is their 43rd day of doing voluntary work in Africa.  She was overwhelmed by the poverty and hopelessness of the place when she first arrived.  She has never seen a place like this in her life.  This is Fu Ziyu’s fifth visit to this part of the world.  His first visit was when he was sixteen years old.


Someone once said: If you love someone, he or she may change your life.


What if you fall in love with a selfless and great man?  


Han Yumeng believes she has changed for the better because of him.


At sunset, they sit down under a tree in a quiet spot, away from the crowd.  They have left the tents of the Médecins Sans Frontières.  The humanitarian-aid organisation’s tents are white in colour, which symbolises hope and healing.  Han Yumeng looks at the magnificent view in front of her.  Not far from where they sit is a steep cliff, then a big and deep canyon.  In front of nature, humans always seem so small and insignificant.  But because of Fu Ziyu, Han Yumeng feels her life is meaningful and complete.  


She loves everything that has to do with him.   Fu Ziyu has introduced her to a world beyond her normal life and experiences.  


“A penny for your thoughts.” Fu Ziyu looks at his girlfriend.  She seems pensive.  He leans closer and kisses her.  Han Yumeng wraps her arms around his neck.  They lie quietly together.  Their body cast a long shadow on the crimson ground they are sitting on.


- His favourite place for s.e.x is traditional - the bed.  But they have done it on a misty morning in the balcony of a villa in the forrest, in a tent in the middle of a desert, and even at the backseat of his Lexus….  She feels that she is very blessed, because she understands her lover.  


- They will live happily ever after like those fairytales.  Nothing can change that.  


What about Fu Ziyu.  What is he thinking of at this time?


He thought that she would not get used to working in Africa.  She is a rich kid from America.  Even though she has been well brought up, she will not be used to the hards.h.i.+p a.s.sociated with voluntary work in this challenging part of the world.  But she is able keep pace with him.  She showed him that she is more capable than he thinks.  


‘I will propose to her when she graduates.”  He thinks to himself.  It’s too young for her to get marred at the moment.  But it’s such a long wait.  It’s another four years.    Perhaps they should get engaged first.


He loves her, more than he loves himself.  He wants to marry her and bring her home, so that he can treasure her for the rest of his life.  





Each time Bo Jinyan helps the FBI solve a case, his reputation grows.  More and more FBI seek his a.s.sistance.  The number of cases that he is involved in increases every year.  


The first injury Bo Jinyan had while helping to solve a case was from a bullet wound. Fortunately, it is not serious.  The suspect who was trying to escape opened fire on the FBI.  A bullet grazed his arm.  He didn’t want to be treated by the FBI medic staff.  He went to Fu Ziyu instead.


Fu Ziyu looks at his blood soaked sleeve and frowns: “ You said previously you are only responsible for the a.n.a.lytical work, you don’t get involved with the physical stuff.  How did you get hurt so badly?”


Bo Jinyan looks at him faintly and says: “Well, am I supposed to hide and do nothing and watch the suspect run past me?” 


Fu Ziyu gives a helpless laugh - This guy always makes it sound so convincing.  Actually, he has already heard from his FBI friends.  He was injured because he was not agile enough.  He might be a gifted intellectual, but his fitness level and reflexes does not meet the standard required for an officer. 


After Fu Ziyu bandaged his wound, Bo Jinyan gets out of bed.  He takes a look at the bandage and complains to his friend: “Looks ugly.”  


Fu Ziyu pays no heed to Bo Jinyan’s comment.  He is on the phone with his girlfriend.  She wants to have dinner with him.  


When he hangs up, he asks Bo Jinyan: “Would you like to come along?  It’s Linda.”


As expected, Bo Jinyan shakes his head: “Not interested.”


Fu Ziyu’s ‘motherly’ instincts kicks in.  He asks Bo Jinyan: “What are you having for dinner tonight?”


Bo Jinyan puts on his jacket and answers faintly: “The suspect is injured.  He is having an operation at the moment.  I have to rush to the hospital.”


Fu Ziyu was putting his tools back into the medical kit as Bo Jinyan said that.  When Fu Ziyu heard what he said, he suddenly paused what he was doing.  But he continued to finish what he was doing.  However, this moment of distraction did not escape Bo Jinyan’s eyes.  Bo Jinyan looks calmly at him, then he leaves the room.


That night, Fu Ziyu seems preoccupied while having dinner with his girlfriend.  She asks: “Is there something bothering you?”  


Fu Ziyu smiles: “No, just thinking of something that happened a long time ago.  Sorry, I am not my usual self today.  After dinner, I will send you home.”


His girlfriend looks at his bright smile.  She wants to say something, but in the end, she decides to keep quiet.  


Someone told her once, that this man has a hole in his heart.  If you listen carefully, you will hear the echo that bounces around in that empty s.p.a.ce.  


He will treat you very well, but you will never enter his heart.  




The day Bo Jinyan was captured by the Flower Cannibal, it was a nice sunny day just like any other.  


It was just another ordinary day.  He went to work in the morning.  After work, he went to Bo Jinyan’s favourite j.a.panese restaurant to order some takeaway for him, while asking himself why he allows himself to live like a nanny.  


When Bo Jinyan’s a.s.sistant called, Fu Ziyu broke out in a cold sweat. 


A chill that is like water that slowly and quietly creeping up his back made his body shake.  “Simon is missing,” said the desperate a.s.sistant. “ The FBI think his is captured by the Flower Cannibal.”  Fu Ziyu was walking when the a.s.sistant called.  After the phone conversation, he looked around.  He was not sure where he is.  He was walking randomly while talking on the phone.  


This was a familiar feeling.  It happened before.  Many years ago.  But again, it feels like it only occurred yesterday.


In the same way, on an ordinary day, he received an unexpected phone call that told him Han Yumeng had gone missing.  


He thought he would never lose her.  But only three days after the phone call, he lost her forever.  




Han Yumeng doesn’t know the ident.i.ty of the man who wears the clown mask.  The man who captured her and five other girls.  They are locked up in a cage.  All of them are terrified.  Each one of them hoping they will not be the next victim under the axe.


The first victim the masked killer ‘executed’ is a fifteen year old girl.  The pool of blood, the broken bones lies in front of the cage....  and strangely, the killer seems tired and confused.   He stood in the pool of blood for a long time.  Everyone was quiet.  n.o.body wanted to draw attention to themselves.  They didn"t even dare to cry.


After a couple of days, he kills another two girls.  Those who remain are petrified.  The physical and psychological stress is too much for them.  Han Yumeng tries hard not to think about the situation.  What will she do if she is next to be killed?


But that day is not far away.  


The masked killer is agitated.  He is watching the news.  With the help of a young criminal psychologist genius, the FBI is able to profile the masked killer.  They have announced a ma.s.sive manhunt.  Han Yumeng has a feeling that the police will be able to find this place today. 


Darkness before dawn is the darkest time of the day.  


That night, he is surprisingly calm.  He walks up to the cage and to announce their fate.  


“I am going to sail out to the sea,” he says gently to them: “I will not die under the bullets of the police.  As for you… I will give you a choice.”


They listen intently.  But his options are cruel: “I will let three of you go, and bring one of you with me onto the boat.  This person will die with me in the sea.  But if no one is willing to come with me, I will have to kill all four of you before I leave.”


In the last nineteen years, Han Yumeng has never been so torn.  She has never felt so much pain, and surrounded by so such hopelessness. All the girls keep quiet.  The eyes are full of fear and avoidance.  After a short silence, she lifts up her head and looks at the killer: “I will go with you.”

There is relieve and guilt in the eyes of the other girls.  


He laughs: “Why?  Why sacrifice yourself?”


Han Yumeng doesn"t know how to answer him.




Because… because of her boyfriend.  The person she loves is someone who helps and saves lives.  He devotes his life and energy for this cause.  Therefore, she has to have the same compa.s.sionate heart.  Because she loves him, more than she loves herself.  


The masked killer takes her out of the cage, and brings her to a different room.  There is a telephone on the table.  She can see a joy that is in his eyes.  Watching her suffer makes him happy.  


“You can call him.” He says. “I am very fair.  You have the chance to give the man you love  your last words.    When we are gone, he will receive this recorded message.”


She picks up the phone with her trembling hands.  In all hopelessness, at least she can leave him a last message.  She is grateful that at least she is able to have this last ‘gift’.  Tears streams down her cheeks as she thinks about what  she wants to say.




“Masked killer case” happened in 2007, in Maryland. One night, Bo Jinyan, who was then a student at Maryland University, was watching the evening news on the reports on the masked killer.  At the time, his abilities were still unknown to the public. He sent a letter to the FBI, giving them an accurate profile of the masked killer.  Based on the information he provided, the FBI successfully solved the case.  When they rushed to the house that was by the sea, they found the three survivors and the bodies of three other victims. But the killer and Han Yumeng was not where to be seen.  The marines searched the area and found some wreckage of a boat that they think belonged to the killer.  Based on the weather report and the conditions of the wreckage, they ruled that the killer and Han Yumeng died in a storm.  


As more evidence and information surfaced from the investigations, the FBI finally understood why the killer kidnapped those girls.


His fiancee was seriously injured by a robber three years ago.  He shot the robber out of self defence.  Both the robber and his fiancee were sent to the hospital.  In the end, the robber lived, but his fiancee died.


All the girls he killed were family members of the medical team that helped saved the robber.  The other four girls had no direct connection with the medical team, but  they are partners or daughters of doctors from the same hospital.   And one of those girls was the girlfriend of the most outstanding young doctor in the hospital - Fu Ziyu. 


A doctor’s mission is to save lives.  But why did they save that b.a.s.t.a.r.d?  He did not understand, nor would he allow it.   If they were willing to save the undeserving criminals; if they believed that everyone, regardless of their background, has the right to live; then he would take away those whom they love the most.  Then they can feel with their heart how wrong this ‘right’ is.  




Six months later, Bo Jinyan was rescued by the FBI.  He was in the operation room for four days.  Fu Ziyu waited in the hospital for four days. 


But he left briefly on the third night.  He left the hospital to drive to Han Yumeng’s grave.


He stood in front of her grave for a long time.  Then before he left, he said one sentence: “Joe, if you are looking down from heaven, please let Simon live.”


When he returned to the hospital, it was dawn.  Bo Jinyan’s operation was finally over.  Fu Ziyu looked at his best friend.  He looks like a dried up and shrivelled tree.   His face was pale, and he lied motionless, almost like a corpse on the bed.  n.o.body knew when he would wake up, or if he would even wake up at all.  Fu Ziyu stood by his bed for a while, then he took down his necklace, opened Bo Jinyan’s right palm, put the necklace in his hand and closed his hand into a fist.  


When Bo Jinyan woke up, it was in the middle of the night. He saw Yin Ziqi leaning on his bed.  Then he saw his father, who was dozing off in the sofa.  Fu Ziyu is also in the room.  He was standing by the window, looking at the bright moon.  He seems to be deep in thought.  


“…” Bo Jinyan let out a small moan.  Almost simultaneously, all three of them lifted their heads to look at him.  


Bo Jinyan tried to smile at them, but he couldn’t move his lips.  Yin Ziqi took his hand to hers, and tears of joy started to flow down her cheeks.  His father walked to the bed, he was crying too.  He quickly pressed the bell for the nurse to come.


Bo Jinyan felt that there is something in his hand.  He opened his palm and saw a familiar looking necklace.  He knew this necklace belongs to Fu Ziyu.  Inside the heart shaped pedant is a photograph of a couple.   The face of the woman is in his victims’ information files.  


Fu Ziyu stood next to his bed.  They looked at each other.  Fu Ziyu didn’t say anything.  He knelt down and held Bo Jinyan’s right hand.  Together, they hold the necklace in their hands.   






Promise me, that you will live a happy life, like you used to.  A person’s happiness is not measured by how long they live.  We will not be able to grow old together, but this does not mean our love will not last forever.  You are kind and honest.  There will be many years ahead of you.  You will be able to help a lot of people.  Ziyu, I wish you happiness.”




I once loved a woman.  She is perfect.  Like an angel. 


She represents my ideals and my dreams for love.  She witnessed all my pa.s.sion and loyalty for love.  


When I lost her, I knew my life will never be complete again.  How can I expect G.o.d to give me another girl like her?



But I will live according to her wishes - a life of happiness.  And I will, with the best of my abilities, help as many people as I can.  This is my way of reciprocating the lavish love that she gave me.”