Whig Against Tory

Chapter 5


_Gen. P_. "Crosby felt quite satisfied with his success; but not more so, than the committee of safety. They sent for him--told him he had done his country real service, and wished to know what his plans were.

""You are going to enlist into the army, are you?" asked Mr. Jay.

""I am," replied Crosby. "My country needs my services, and she shall have them."

""Your resolution is honourable," said Mr. Jay--"but may you not be of greater service, in another way? We have enemies among us--_secret foes_--who are plotting our ruin. We need information respecting them.

We wish for some one, who has prudence and skill--one, who will go round the country--who will find out where these men live--where they meet and form their plans. It is a dangerous service,--but, then, the _reward_."

""I care not for danger," said Crosby--"my country is dear to me. My life is at her service. Sir, I will go--but--but _one thing_ I ask-- _only_ one--if I fall, do justice to my memory. Let the world know, that Enoch Crosby was in _your_ service--in the service of his _country_--and that he fell a martyr to the cause of _liberty_."

""It shall be done," said Mr. Jay--"we pledge it, by our sacred honour."

""But," continued he to Crosby, "let no man know your secret--no, not even should you be taken. If you are ever taken by the Americans, as belonging to the British, we will help you to escape--but, if you cannot let us know, here is a paper, which in the last extremity, you may show, and it will save you.""

_William._ "What did that paper contain?"

_Gen. P_. "It was what is called a _pa.s.s_--it was signed by the committee of safety; and ordered, that the person who had it should be suffered to pa.s.s without injury.

"In a few days, Crosby was ready. He had provided himself with a _peddlar"s pack_, in which he had put a set of shoemaker"s tools. His design was to go round the country, and work at his trade; and, at the same time, to get such information as might be useful to his employers."


"Not long after he set out upon his adventures, he arrived just at evening at a small house, at which he knocked, hoping to procure a night"s lodging.

"It was some time before he was heard. At length a girl came, and inquired his errand.

""I wish for a lodging to-night," said Crosby--"if it may be"--

""I don"t know, sir," replied the girl--"I"ll go and ask mother."

"The girl soon reappeared, and bade him walk in. On reaching the kitchen, he made known his wishes, to the mistress of the family.

""Lodgings! sir--did you ask for lodgings? we don"t keep lodgings here, sir."

""I suppose not, madam," said Crosby, in a kind manner--"but I am quite fatigued, and thought, perhaps, you would let me stay till morning."

""I don"t know but what you may. The man is gone from home. There"s such work now-a-days, that a body don"t know nothing what to say or do--pray, what do you carry in that huge pack?"

""In this pack, madam? only some shoemaker"s tools. I am a shoemaker, madam--perhaps, you have some work for me to do? I"ll take it off with your leave."

""Well, do as you please. Our John wants a pair of shoes; and perhaps the man of the house will give you the job when he comes home."

""I shall be glad to do it," said Crosby. "Madam, have you heard the _news_?"

""What news?"

""Why, that Washington is on the retreat, and that the British army is pursuing him, and likely to overtake him."

""Ah! that"s good news," exclaimed the old lady, "you may stay here to-night. Sally! Sally! here get this man some supper--he brings good news--I hope the rebels every one will be shot. Sally!--make up the best bed. Here"s a chair--sit down, sir; and make yourself at home.

"Crosby accordingly took a seat. Supper was soon ready, and he eat heartily.

"When he had done, he drew his chair to the fire, about which time, the man of the house came in. He was told the _good_ news by his wife, and Crosby was made welcome.

"The evening was spent in talking about the war, and the prospects of the country. The host proved himself a firm tory, and wondered that Crosby and every one else should not think and feel precisely as he did.

""Have you many of your way of thinking in these parts?" inquired Crosby.

""That we have," replied the host--"more than we shall have a few days hence."

""I hope so," whispered Crosby to himself. "But, sir, how so?"

inquired he, with some surprise.

""Why," replied the host, "you must know that we"ve a company nearly ready to march. I guess they"ll go the sooner, now that the British are after Washington. They"ll wish to get there in time to see some of the fun."

""Could you introduce me to some of the company?" asked Crosby.

""That I can. You"d better join them. I"ll tell you what--you"ll have good pay and short work."

"The following morning, after breakfast, the host took Crosby abroad, and introduced him to the captain of the tory company, as one who, perhaps, might be persuaded to enlist.

""Would you like to enlist?" asked the captain--at the same time running his eye over the stout frame of Crosby.

""I would like to see your muster-roll, first," replied Crosby."

_Henry_. "Pray, father, what is a muster-roll?"

_Gen. P_. "A paper, my son, on which the names of the soldiers are registered."

_Henry_. "Why did Crosby wish to see that?"

_Gen. P_. "I was going to tell you. He wished to ascertain who had joined the company."

_William_. "Did the captain show him the roll?"

_Gen. P_. "Yes; and carefully did Crosby run over the names.

""Will you join us?" asked the captain, when Crosby had finished looking at the roll.

""They are all strangers to me," said Crosby, "and besides, I fear that the roll may fall into the hands of the Americans--then, what will become of us?"

""No fear of that," said the captain. "Come with me, and see how we manage."

"Crosby was now led into a large meadow, at no great distance, in which stood a large stack of hay.