Whig Against Tory

Chapter 2

_William_. "Pray, father, what are sh.e.l.ls? I have read of them; but I do not know more than that they are a kind of shot."

_Gen. P_. "Sh.e.l.ls are often called _bombs_, a word which signifies _great noise_; because, when they burst, they make a great noise. They consist of a large sh.e.l.l of cast iron, which is round and hollow. A hole is made through the sh.e.l.l to receive a _fusee_, as it is called; this is a small pipe, or hollow piece of wood, which is filled with some combustible matter. When a bomb is about to be fired, it is filled with powder, after which the fusee is driven into the vent, or hole of the sh.e.l.l."

_William_. "How are bombs fired, father?"

_Gen. P_. "They are thrown from a kind of cannon called a _mortar_. It has its name from its resemblance to a common mortar. The lower part of the mortar is called the _chamber_, which contains the powder. When fired, the powder in the chamber not only sends the bomb, but at the same time, sets fire to the fusee, which continues to burn slowly, as it pa.s.ses through the air, and the calculation always is, to have the fire from the fusee reach the powder in the sh.e.l.l, _at the moment the latter reaches the ground_. It then bursts, and the scattering fragments of iron often do horrible execution."

_William_. "Did you say, father, that mortars Were _short_ guns?"

_Gen. P_. "Land mortars are quite short; sea mortars, or such as are used on board vessels, are longer and heavier, because they are usually fired at greater distances. A land mortar, which will throw a sh.e.l.l thirteen inches in diameter, weighs thirteen hundred weight; the weight of the sh.e.l.l is about one hundred and seventy-five pounds; it contains between nine and ten pounds of powder; and is fired by means of about the same quant.i.ty of powder."

_William_. "Pray, father, who invented bombs?"

_Gen. P_. "The inventor is not known; they have been in use since the year 1634.

"Some years after the above affair, Crosby himself related the manner in which the soldiers contrived to escape unhurt. When a sh.e.l.l rose in the air, every one would stop working, and watch its course, to ascertain whether it would fall near him. If it appeared to approach so near, as to endanger any one, he would dodge behind something, till it had burst, or pa.s.sed by."

_John_. "Father, could a soldier dodge a cannon ball?"

_Henry_. "Why, John! I should think you knew enough, not to ask so foolish a question."

_Gen. P_. "Not so bad a question neither, master Henry; under some circ.u.mstances, a cannon ball might he avoided."

_William_. "Not when it is first fired, father."

_Gen. P_. "True; but when it has nearly spent its force, a person might easily get out of its way. But even when a ball only rolls along the ground, apparently slow, it would be dangerous to attempt to stop it: especially if large. I recollect to have read of a soldier, who saw a ball rolling towards him, which he thought to stop with his foot; but, poor fellow! it broke his leg in an instant.

"Some of the American soldiers at St. Johns, were too intent upon their labour, to pay much attention to the sh.e.l.ls. Crosby was one. All on a sudden, a fellow-soldier near by called out in a tone of thunder, "Crosby! look out! take care! take care!" Crosby looked up, and directly over him, a sh.e.l.l was descending."


"He had but a minute to think--he dropped flat upon the ground, and the sh.e.l.l just pa.s.sed over him. "A miss," thought he, "is as good as a mile;" but he said, after _such a warning_, he kept one eye upon the enemy.

"The rude fortification was soon completed, and served as a shelter till night, when the American troops silently departed. Taking to their boats, the next day they reached the _Isle Aux Noix_?"

_William_. "Is not that a French name?"

_Gen. P_. "Yes; my son--a name given to the Island, while the French had possession of it. Do you know where it lies?"

_William_. "It is a small island, near the northern extremity of Lake Champlain."

_Gen. P_. "Right. It is p.r.o.nounced _Eel-o-nwar_; and signifies the _island of nuts_."

_John_, "Did the people find walnuts there, father?"

_Gen. P_. "Some kind of nuts doubtless, my son; but whether walnuts, or hazel nuts, or some other kind, I am unable to say."

_Henry_. "Pray, John, don"t ask so many foolish questions, I want to hear the story."

_Gen. P_. "But you would wish your brother to know the _reason_ of things, would you not, master Henry? It was quite a proper question, and one it seems none of us can answer. We must examine the point some time, and let master John know.

"The American troops had not been long a this island, before many of them were taken sick and sent to the hospital. Crosby was of the number. But he had no idea of confinement. In a few days, he resolved to join the army again. To this the surgeon remonstrated. It might be his death he said; but the valiant soldier could not be persuaded, and again appeared at camp.

""What!" exclaimed Capt. Benedict, when he saw him, "have you got back, Crosby? I never expected to see you again. You look too ill to be here. You would make a better _scare-crow_ than soldier, I fancy, just now."

""Well, captain! said Crosby, "if I"m a scare-crow, I can _frighten_ the enemy, if I cannot _fight_ them--so I shall be of some service.""

_John_. "Well, father, did they hang up Crosby for a scare-crow?"

_Henry_. "Why, you simpleton, John, don"t you know better?"

_Gen. P_. "Crosby was quite ill, but his resolution made him forget how feeble he was. He was a scare-crow to the enemy in a different way from that which Capt. Benedict meant. A battle soon came on, and before night Enoch Crosby was marching into the enemy"s fort to the tune of Yankee Doodle, to a.s.sist in taking care of the prisoners."

_John_. "But, I thought he was too ill to fight."

_Gen. P_. "A soldier, at such a time, and such a soldier as Crosby, would be likely to forget his weakness. He went bravely through the day; and from that time rapidly regained his health.

"Success now followed the American troops, and in November, Montreal was taken.

"The time, for which Crosby had enlisted, had now expired, and he concluded to return home. Accordingly, he embarked with several others, in a small schooner, for Crown Point, twelve miles north of Ticonderoga. Thence they came by land to this latter place; from which they proceeded home ward for some distance by water, and then by land.

Their rout lay through a wilderness. It was now winter, and the cold was intense. Provisions were scarce. Comfortable lodgings were not to be found. Their prospects were often gloomy, and their distress indescribable.

"At length, however, they reached their respective homes. After a short stay with his friends, Crosby once more returned to Danbury, and again betook himself to the peaceful occupation of shoemaking."



_Gen. P._ "Crosby was well contented, for a time, to pursue his occupation. He had seen hard service, in the northern campaign, and needed rest.

"During the following summer, however, his patriotic feelings began again to stir within him. The war was going on, with redoubled fury.

The British had, in several instances, gained the advantage. The Americans needed more soldiers, and it was thought that unless the friends of liberty came forward--promptly came, the British arms might succeed.

"It was not in such a man as Enoch Crosby, to seek ease, or shun danger, in the hour of his country"s trial. He saw others making sacrifices--women as well as men--youth as well age--and he scorned to have it said, that he could not make sacrifices, as well as others.

His musket was therefore taken down; and fitting on his knapsack, he took up his march towards the head quarters of the American army on the Hudson.

"In a few days, he reached the _neutral ground_ and"----

_William_. "Pray, father, may I interrupt you, to inquire what was meant by the "neutral ground?"

_Gen. P_. "I will explain it to you. At this time (Sept. 1776,) the head quarters of the British army were in the city of New York. The American army lay up the Hudson, fifty or sixty miles, either at, or near, West Point.

"Between the two armies, therefore, was the county of West Chester, the centre of which being occupied by neither, was called the "neutral ground." But, in reality, it was far from being a neutral spot."

_William_. "Why not, father, if neither the British, nor the Americans, occupied it?"