While killing slimes for 300 years, I became the MAX level unknowingly

Chapter 95 >

Lost in the Demon Castle

Beelzebub came from the bathroom while drenched in water.

Beelzebub: “Let me tell you… when your p.r.o.nunciation is slightly shifted, the summoning place will be shifted as well…. so please, even if it"s still a hundred steps away, at least get rid of the hot water from the bath…. I"m just stepping the same trap as last time….”

My bad, but such complaint will be for later.

Azusa: “Beelzebub, it"s terrible! Farufa has become a slime!”

Beelzebub"s complexion changed suddenly.

And immediately she hugged the slime-shaped Farufa.

Beelzebub: “Aah… Farufa, in such a deformed figure….Why… who did this to you…?”

Azusa: “It was probably no one"s fault. When I woke up this morning, it suddenly happened. Is there any way for her to go back?”

The slime that looks like Farufa was wiggling while being hugged by Beelzebub. I don"t quite understand what is she trying to tell….

Beelzebub: “Even if you said that, Farufa and Sharusha are the exception of exception beings…. I cannot think there was someone like them before, you see…”

Azusa: “Still, slimes are also monsters, so you have more jurisdiction than humans, right? Can you do something about this…?”

Sharusha is trying to be a slime researcher, but I think that she can"t suggest a solution as there was no precedent like this before. Hence, Beelzebub is my last ray of hope.

Beelzebub is (probably) thinking while burying her face in Farufa. It"s a mystery whether she can breathe or not.

Beelzebub: “Umu. Bread is from a bakery, I guess.”

She came up with a proverb similar like 『Rice cake is from a rice cake store』.

Beelzebub: “Let"s ask about this to the slime itself.”

Azusa: “Ask the slime? Do you understand it……?”

I don"t think we can get any information even if we catch a few slimes in the neighborhood.

Beelzebub: “There"s a special slime, you see… Smart slime who is in Vanzeld Castle.”

Azusa: “Hee…. As expected of a demon castle…. By the way, what is the name of the slime?”

Beelzebub: “『Smart Slime』 is the proper name as clever slimes and such are rare.”

Azusa: “Somehow, it"s a name that doesn"t feel that smart…”

I"m anxious but there"s no choice but to go there.

I and Slime Farufa rode Leica"s dragon form and headed towards Vanzeld Castle.

I never thought that I have to come back here again this early….

Again, I"m walking tortuously inside the maze-like castle. Well, I had thought that we won"t get lost with this, however, Beelzebub"s expression became clouded along the way.

Beelzebub: “Eh…? Was there such a way on the third bas.e.m.e.nt floor…?”

Azusa: “You got lost as well, huh…”

Beelzebub: “Even I will get lost if I"m not used to the path that I don"t use for work…. But it"s okay. It"s easy to go back as I have dropped some breadcrumbs along the way.”

However, Farufa was walking while taking in the breadcrumbs which was on the floor one by one.

Azusa: “Hey! Farufa! It"s bad if you eat something that"s on the ground! Since when your manners turn this bad?”

Leica: “Azussama, let"s calm down! This is not the time to be talking about manners!”

Certainly it is. Getting lost is more of a problem.

Moreover, even though it"s only the third bas.e.m.e.nt floor, the road is already quite dark and the corridor that seems to be usable for test of courage continues even further.

Beelzebub: “Don"t worry. Even if we got lost, we are still inside the castle. Hence, we could somehow do something about this.”

Leica: “That is indeed true. Ah, there"s a map on the wall.”

Leica found something good. With this,  we can get to our goal properly.

Beelzebub: “Aah, that map is a bluff to throw the intruders into confusion. Hence, it"s a lot different from the actual path.”

Azusa: “Don"t put out dungeon-like things here!”

I wonder if Farufa is tired as she jumped onto me.

Azusa: “What? Do you want a piggyback ride?”

I understood that Farufa was moving her body up and down. Perhaps, I can think that she"s nodding.

Beelzebub: “Change with me If your shoulders got tired from the piggyback. If it"s for Farufa, I will carry her for hours.”

Beelzebub also said something quite reliable.

Farufa is also moving her body, so she"s probably delighted.

Beelzebub: “『Smart Slime』 seeks a quiet environment and is said to be in the lowest room of the castle. We should be able to reach it if we go down.”

Azusa: “I see, there should be no monster encounter around here, so let"s hurry and go steadily.”

Hence, we continue capturing the dungeon again.

ーTwo hours later.

For some reason, we came to the surface.

Beelzebub: “Ahh! Geez! I thought we could go down but there were only stairs leading upwards! What a confusing castle!”

Beelzebub snapped at her own workplace.

That"s right. This castle had to take the trouble of going down and up again to go upstairs. They came up with a strange idea of not wanting to naively go only up and down.

Azusa: “As expected, the demons are also confused by this structure, I see…”

It was probably designed based on the time when the enemies were attacking, but when you get lost, it becomes quite frustrating.

Beelzebub: “d.a.m.n it…. I can"t even get to the person who can give us hints…. Perhaps, I made a mistake from the very first staircase…”

Then, a child with an elegant atmosphere slowly came over.

???: “Ara ara, everyone, what are you looking for?”

It"s the demon king, Pecola.

Pecola: “I"m deeply moved that I could see onee-sama again. Please give me a greeting kiss on the cheek.”

Don"t you dare come here only to ask nothing but a kiss.

I explained the circ.u.mstances to her.

Azusa: “ーーーThat"s why, I want you to tell me where the 『Smart Slime』 is. If you tell me…. let"s see… I can kiss on your cheek.”

I tried to put out a bargaining point.

Pecola: “Then, can you pay me in advance?”

She"s very confident for a demon king, indeed.

Azusa: “Well, it"s not going to diminish so… oh well…”

I kissed her cheek lightly.

Somehow, I could feel that Leica is making a jealous face, but it"s just my misunderstanding, right?

          Chapter 95 >