While killing slimes for 300 years, I became the MAX level unknowingly

Chapter 97 >

To Wizard Slime"s Place

We politely thanked Smalime. As expected, we should ask the slime about slime stuffs.

Azusa: “By the way, what are you thinking about in this place?”

As I don"t quite understand about this slime"s ecology, I tried to ask it.

It answered that it"s currently thinking about what exactly existence is. The answer seems to be quite difficult, as it continues to hit the wall and express some words….

As expected of Smalime…. Is it thinking of such philosophical things in this kind of body…?

Furthermore, It lined up the words while its body turned black after banging on the wall for a long time. Is there some kind of secret emotional story for its body color!?

Azusa: “Thank you, I pray for your success on deepening your thoughts.”

We left the bas.e.m.e.nt after feeling Smalime"s greatness.

Now then, next stop is Tomlianer. However, I could notice quite well Leica"s tired complexion as she had flown as a dragon a while ago.

Azusa: “Leica, shall we stay at Vanzeld Castle today?”

Leica: “I"m very sorry that we have to do this because of me…”

Azusa: “What are you talking about? It"s only natural to have a good rest after working.”

It"s the same for me. The shock when Farufa became a slime was huge as well.

Strictly speaking, Farufa might have been a slime from the beginning, but for me, she"s not a slime, but instead my daughter named Farufa.

I took a rest for a while inside the room which we had received from beelzebub, and took a bath as well.

The rest of the family are probably worried about us, so we have to resolve this as soon as possible.

And then, someone knocked on the bathroom door.

I could judge that it was Farufa by the way of knocking.

When I opened the door, Farufa came into the bathtub.

It"s bad if she sunk too much, so I caught her with my hands.

Azusa: “Farufa also wants to take a bath?”

Farufa jumped on my hand.

Even if the form changes, Farufa is still Farufa. And at the same time I feel relieved but mixed with loneliness. I want to solve this situation quickly. I would like her to return to that usual cute and pretty face of Farufa.

Azusa: “Farufa, please wait and endure it a little more, okay?”

I hugged Farufa.

This is not a mob slime, it"s Farufa as I can feel her kindness transmitted towards me.

I believe that it would be easy to find Farufa by touching her, even if it was mixed in dozens of slime.

Beelzebub came to the room on the next day morning.

Beelzebub: “I have examined the highest mountain in Tomlianer. It"s a slim mountain called Moda Diana. Its environment only has a few trees and almost no human can step in.”

Azusa: “It really seems like that kind of environment, I see. Thanks for checking it out.”

Beelzebub: “I would do anything if it comes to Farufa as she"s just like a daughter to me. I would definitely help!”

Azusa: “I"m happy that you said something like that, but to the end it"s still my daughter, okay…?”

I want her to pay attention as she had ask for a foster daughter in the past. I will be troubled if it becomes a talk about adopting children.

Beelzebub: “You still have Sharusha, so it"s okay to have her, right…?”

As I thought, she"s aiming for this…. It"s dangerous if I let my guard down it seems….

Azusa: “Don"t treat them as if they are remaining dishes! In the first place, it would be sad for twins to separate from each other, right!?”

Beelzebub: “You"re right. Then, I will adopt both of them.”

This is hopeless, I can"t communicate with her at all….

We traveled to Moda Diana with Leica"s dragon form.

The mountain was indeed desolate, and there"s not a single road along the mountain.

It"s too difficult to walk while searching, so we have to go through the sky to see if there"s a hut where a wizard might live.

Wizards often set up their workshop in remote places. So, even if there"s a workshop spotted here, it can be said that there"s nothing wrong about it.

ーHowever, we did not find anything similar like that from the sky.

Azusa: “We have flown roughly the whole area of the mountain…”

We all gathered and decided to hold a strategy meeting for once.

Beelzebub: “Because this is a bald mountain, it couldn"t be hidden in a forest…”

Leica: “First, there"s not a single artificial building….is there a possibility that it"s living in a cave…?”

Azusa: “A cave, huh? I can not deny the possibilityーno, wait…”

I came up with something from Leica"s words.

Azusa: “Beelzebub, can you use a magic for detecting magical power? Though, I could make and learn it by myself if you can"t.”

I think that making it is not that difficult, but it"s much faster to get it to use immediately if you already have someone that have already learnt it.

Beelzebub: “Aah, I see. I can do that. Let me try it.”

Beelzebub seems to have understood my intention.

Leica: “Umm, what exactly does this mean…?”

Azusa: “The wizard might have casted a bluff magic to make the workshop unnoticeable. It might be the reason why we can"t find it even if we look around.”

Beelzebub seems to have clearly felt something.

Beelzebub: “I can feel a pretty strong magical power. It seems like somebody is there.”

We all made it to the spot immediately.

We could not see anything from the sky, but when we walked on the ground, a small house suddenly appeared from a certain point.

It is built in a place that is likely to fall from the cliff in any minute. Or rather, it seems that clinging on the cliff is its original purpose.

Azusa: “Looks like this is a hit, yes? Well then, let"s go.”

I then knocked on the door of the isolated house.

After a while, the door opened suddenly and a 『Person』 came out.

A girl about fifteen years of age who has beautifully braided blond hair.

          Chapter 97 >