Who Moved My Mountain

Chapter 32 Part 2: Standing up for justice

An extra chapter part for a lovely reader who sent fortunes our way ^^. Thank you! You"ve made our day, so let us make yours XD.  

     Important! NU didn"t put yesterday"s chapter (my mistake) so make sure you have read it before reading this one!! Working to solve this atm >.

Who Moved My Mountain Chapter 32 Part 2: Standing up for justice

The girl"s face turned red. She immediately turned around and shouted: "What are you doing!"

"Beauty, what can I do? The driver suddenly braked and I accidentally b.u.mped into you. Really sorry ha." The young rogue was chewing gum and he spoke without a care: "It"s still early in the morning, the beauty"s anger is a bit too much."

The girl"s eyes were red from anger, "Just now you took the opportunity to grope my bottom!" When this word came out, all the surrounding pa.s.sengers cast a disgusted look. There were a few enthusiastic ones at the side who started to pointed their fingers at the young rogue.

"A public transport pervert ah, what kind of person ah, really……."

"Cannot judge a person from their appearance, really couldn"t tell that it was a small, seasoned degenerate……." 

"Exactly ah, this young man, why is he doing such a tacky thing……."

The small rogue had taken advantage of the crowds to do many greasy things, but n.o.body ever dared to stand up and criticize him. Hearing the people say those sentences to him, a dark and fierce look was exposed on his face. He spat the chewing gum in his mouth onto the ground and slid the knife from his sleeve onto his palm.    

He turned the knife in his hand around and spoke muddledly: "Beauty, you need to have evidence when you talk. Looking at your appearance, even if you let me touch, I wouldn"t want to. Don"t slander people indiscriminately ah." 

Upon seeing the knife in the young rogue"s hand, all the other pa.s.sengers who stood up and spoke righteously just now shrank back. If this knife was stabbed into the body, it would kill a person. In a moment, all the surrounding pa.s.sengers moved backward.  

The girl was thin-skinned, when she stood up to testify against the young rogue, she had already used her greatest courage. Now, n.o.body stood up to speak for her and her eyes immediately turned red and a trace of fear rose from her heart.

The young rogue saw that everybody was afraid of him and he became prouder. He pulled the girl"s hand and spoke while grinning: "If you want to be friends with me, I"ll let this matter pa.s.s. I also will not pursue it anymore. How about it?"

The girl saw the flash of cold light glinting off the sharp knife and was frightened into crying.

"Towards you, this kind of person, still want to make friends? Can you not disgust people in public?" Yun Rong pulled the girl behind her and looked at the young rogue while speaking indifferently: "How to make friends, has your mother never taught you?" 

"This little girl, are you teaching me how to make friends ah?" If the person standing was a man, perhaps the young rogue would somewhat exercise restrain. However, Yun Rong looked soft and delicate. She looked even livelier than the girl just now. The young rogue became happy after hearing her and the smile on his face became wider. With the knife on his hand flashing, he spoke: "Why don"t you make friends with this brother?" 

"You.. this person……." The people behind couldn"t help shouting.

"What"s the matter with me? I"m telling you, I"m mentally ill so killing people is not breaking the law. I advise you to meddle less in other people"s affairs!" The young rogue smirked, exposing a cruel smile. 

Nowadays, being mentally ill was the same as preserving one"s life. When everybody heard him, they immediately pulled back their necks, completely didn"t dare to meddle in this matter.

The young rogue looked at Yun Rong and without hiding his desire and said: "How is it? Little girl, have you thought it over? Look at the face of this knife in brother"s hand."

"In the end, good and evil will naturally receive their just return. It"s not too late for you to turn around now." Yun Rong didn"t want to hit a human and advised him in an indifferent tone.

"I only asked if you are willing or not!" Yun Rong refused to look at the young rogue and that infuriated him. He cruelly moved the knife forward, wanting to scare the young girl in front of him.  

The girl behind Yun Rong opened her eyes in fright and subconsciously wanted to pull Yun Rong. The young lady must not be injured due to helping her.

But before she could pull Yun Rong back, the young rogue"s knife in his hand seemed to be captured by an invisible force. All of a sudden, it turned and stabbed its sharp end towards the young rogue"s own stomach. The young rogue hadn"t yet reacted and a puchi sound came out from his stomach.  

"Ah……." The young rogue felt pain and shouted loudly. Within a second, bright red blood bloomed and stained his shirt.

Everybody was scared and repeatedly fell back, creating an empty area inside the crowded bus. 

"The heavenly law hasn"t handed your punishment, but I can punish you!" Yun Rong"s voice was soft, yet it clearly fell onto the young rogue"s ears. He raised his head in alarm to see the young lady"s smile yet not a smile expression while looking at him. Her age was clearly not big, yet there was a kind of hard-to-violate temperament. Suddenly, his chest tightened. 

But before he could think more, a few seconds after, the people in the bus had flocked to him and pressed him firmly onto the floor. Someone even took out his shoelace and used it to bind his hands and legs together.

Five minutes later, the bus directly entered the public security bureau.

Zhu Ming Si saw his co-workers bring the young rogue down from the bus and sent him to the hospital. When he turned his head, he saw Yun Rong get down from the bus and spoke in surprise: "Yun Rong, you are here too ah?"

The girl who was groped indecently just now promptly stepped forward to speak: "Uncle police, it was her who stood up for justice, helping me to bring the rogue under control. You have to commend her well. If she wasn"t there, the one hurt would be me!"

Yun Rong grinned at Zhu Ming Si and asked with a smile: "Uncle police, is there an award for standing up for justice?" o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Zhu Ming Si"s smile became stiff in an instant. Only after a few seconds had pa.s.sed did he reply: "There"s no award for standing up for justice. Young lady, you don"t know, our police department is not that prosperous ah." 

If they had to give out award money every time, Zhu Ming Si had a premonition that this young lady could empty out the police department.

As Lime said, thanks Lanni for the support^^ (btw I answered your 2nd mail so be sure to check spam folder if you didn"t receive it, no need to answer if you don"t want to tho)

Everyone coping well with confinement? I think I"d lose track of the days of the week if it weren"t for the blog releases ? it probably wouldn"t be good to miss my online courses?

And remember to exercise a bit every day, being holed up at home the whole day will make you (at least me) become more (yeah, even more) lazy, so it"s important to move a bit! If you are not so sporty or don"t really know what kind of workout to do, let me suggest you try step aerobic routines. I just tried it for the first time a couple weeks ago right before school (and gym) was shut down, but I totally loved it! You don"t really need the step to do it, can start from more basic routines and slowly go towards more advanced (I"m still at most basic of basics), it will slowly improve your coordination, and well there"s lots of videos in youtube you can use for the workouts^^ Let"s stay fit! (or become fitter, why not hehe)