Who Moved My Mountain

Chapter 16

      "Why are you people so heartless, why is n.o.body willing to save me!" The man lying in the middle of the pool of blood did not expect Lu He Nian to be so straightforward. His pitiful face from before suddenly twisted, his eyes filled with rays of resentment. "All of you are not willing to save me, then in that case come and accompany me. All of you shall pay me with your life!" I am mad because my real life got messy, so I will be extra annoying this chapter so you"ll come to the original site!

  The secretary inside the elevator was sweating anxiously. He had employed all kinds of methods, but the currently-standing Lu He Nian was still motionless, without the slightest reaction. But this wasn"t all, he had obviously pressed the emergency b.u.t.ton and the speaker b.u.t.ton, but why hadn"t the maintenance crew arrived yet?

  This was a hospital, it was reasonable to say that the maintenance crew must always be on stand-by ah! Yesterday I had a job interview and I was super stressed ah!

  While the secretary was feeling very anxious, the light on the roof of the elevator flickered before the elevator fell into total darkness. The secretary was alarmed and looked around him, only to feel a layer of gooseb.u.mps raising on his exposed skin.

  On the other side, Yun Rong was quietly waiting for the elevator. She had just seen another person using this and knew how to use this machine. Although she could go downstairs quickly by herself, it was the first time that she saw this stuff and she was fascinated, wanting to give it a try. But the job interview went well in the end (i think?)…

  However, she had waited for three minutes but the elevator doors still had not opened. If you are not that interested in my life (gonna be ultra annoying today), read at bloomingtranslation(dot)home(dot)blog, my messages don"t appear there ^^

  Yun Rong frowned when she saw that a wisp of dark energy leaked out from inside the elevator"s doors. She was really unhappy, just a moment ago she had already warned these stuffs. Why were they still trying to do things right under her nose?

  This place was a hospital, where it was a common matter for there to be sickness and death. In the elevator, there was the ghost of a man who was. .h.i.t by a freight truck while crossing the highway and was directly crushed to death. The body was broken into two halves and he died when he was sent to the hospital. This kind of violent death caused heavy grievances, and when they ran into the living, they wanted to pull the living down together with them. And then I had to send my study plan for my Mater studies next year, but it"s way more complicated than it seems >.

       In this era, it was not just the human the ones whose nerves had become bigger. Even the guts of the ghosts from h.e.l.l were not small! The study guide was so long orz

  Thinking this way, Yun Rong looked at the doors of the elevator and once again issued in a low shout: "Ghost from the netherworld, quickly get out!"

  Her voice fell firmly and specks of green light came out from her body, then dispersed throughout the entire hospital building, not leaving any nook or corner. In a short while, any nook and cranny hiding dark and evil things were wiped completely clean. And i had to take subjects that make me study even before the start of the semester orz this is too heartless, cruel, inhuman! but in the end i"ll take them next year so i can still relax ah but spent so many hours choosing subjects and fitting schedules ah!

  Underestimating her ability. Just now, while she was in the little girl"s ward, she took pity on these ghosts" miserable life and tragic death when they were still alive, so she let them go. Unexpectedly, they dared to incite trouble and wanted to directly pull a living person to share their fates. And of course it couldn"t end just here, because….

  Her voice sounded crisp and imposing, listening to it felt like a burst of fresh and cool wind had blown. Lu He Nian, who was caught in the dense fog, only saw the man, whose body was severed in halves, give out a blood-curdling scream. In a moment, he turned into a wisp of dark smoke while the gloomy and terrible scene just now faded away along with the dark smoke. …because I needed to print it! But I"m on vacations!

  He felt his whole body from head to toe becoming light and easy. When he opened his eyes, he saw the sleek elevator wall. However, on the other hand, his secretary, a 30 years old big man, was crouching on the floor shivering while clutching the bottom of his pants. So no printer ah. Went to my aunt"s house but her printer didn"t work OTL

   "What are you doing?" Lu He Nian rubbed his forehead, frowning and looking at his secretary. After an hour of trying things I made it work again (so amazing ah) but still…

       The secretary miserably: "….." The copies had a ghost printing >.< dear="" lord,="">

   "Director, just now, just now….." The secretary stood up at once, searching for a reason to justify his conduct. However, before he had finished speaking, the elevator had arrived at the top floor. The doors of the elevator opened with a "ding".

  "Forget it, I know!" After so many years, it was not as if Lu He Nian had not encountered this kind of matter. His mind had roughly understood what happened. He did not say anything further, turned around and went out of the elevator.

  The secretary"s complexion changed, Director, what do you know? You don"t know anything! Well who cares just gonna sent them like that, it shouldnt be too big of a problem right?  –>read at original site BloomingTranslation

  Outside the elevator, a girl"s delicate body brushed past him and entered the elevator. The wind blew her hair as she walked. Lu He Nian felt as if there was a faint sweet scent of flowers and plants wafting to his nose. It was an extremely good smell and he could not help but be distracted. And today I learnt numbers in German…

  Subconsciously he turned his head towards the elevator. At that moment, the elevator"s doors were already half closed. He merely saw a young lady that was turning her head to look at the mirror in the elevator, her black hair was at chest length with a pair of slender and smooth hands.  Numbers in French can be weird but not as much as with German ah…. and i got interference from when i learnt Dutch >.< so="" terrible="">

  "Director, what happened?" Seeing Lu He Nian suddenly stop, the secretary puzzledly asked. And since I spent too much time on all this I couldn"t translate MGCH >.

  Lu He Nian frowned and asked seriously: "Just now inside the elevator, did you hear any sound?" And now it"s already so late and I don"t want to do German homework ah

  All of a sudden the secretary became excited. He couldn"t help lowering his voice and said: "Chief Lu, you also heard? I heard a man shouting for help, the voice was really miserable. Just a moment ago I….." Even worse is German p.r.o.nuncation ah I can"t! >.

  He had not finished speaking but Lu He Nian"s face had turned black. He coldly said, "Zhang Chong Ming, I think you should have your ears checked!"

  "Ah….." Secretary Zhang Chong Ming lifted his head and looked blankly at his boss. Could he have said something wrong? It was exactly that kind of sound what he had heard af! If it were not for that sound, it was impossible for him to be so frightened that he would behave abnormally! Oh I just remember something I wanted to add at the…

  But looking at Lu He Nian"s cold eyes, all the words he was about to say were swallowed back into his throat. Was it possible… was it possible that he really did have an auditory hallucination? …at the beginning of the chapter, I found the perfect a.n.a.logy…

  "He Nian, why did you come? Didn"t I tell you that Yuan Yuan was already saved by a kind person? It doesn"t matter, your work is so busy, it"s okay if you don"t come." Lu Hua Nian saw Lu He Nian entering the ward. Seeing that her daughter was fast asleep, she lowered her voice. 

      "Hey, where is Yun Rong? I haven"t seen her since a moment ago." She swept her eyes up and down the corridor. "When you came in just now, did you see an unbelievably beautiful young girl? She was the one who saved Yuan Yuan." …the perfect a.n.a.logy of what I feel I am doing right now. I am like that ‘beep" from when you don"t fasten your seatbelt in the car, it just beeps super annoyingly until you fasten it, I do the same annoying you until you come read at our side ah surely German technology, don"t you agree?

I was expecting a super relaxing month of July, but in the last week my life became a mess with unexpected events and the consequences of me procrastinating earlier on… Btw I noticed some of you came referred from googleweblight.com (which I didn"t know even existed), which shows a rather uglier and distorted version of our blog, so if anyone is actually reading using that you should try reading from the wordpress site, also the messages for aggregator copies also won"t show…

Today I wanted you to play ‘Fun with Flags" just like Sheldon and test your geography, but I"m to tired and I already talked too much… we"ll play another day. night night everyone^^