Who Moved My Mountain

Chapter 19 – 20, the chapters also doubled from the usual! As such, Chapter 18 will have 6 parts and subsequent chapters will be divided into 4 parts. Please don"t worry as as the length of each part is still the same. Ah, my hope of completing this novel by the end of the year became a faraway dream~~~

          It has been a crazy two months with work piling up and only a few hours of sleep several nights in a row. Thankfully, or hopefully, it"s over and normal timetable can be resumed phew.  As I counted the characters to translate, I got a shock! I don"t know if author decided to give a bonus or what, but this chapter"s length tripled! T^T. Peeking at Chapter 19 – 20, the chapters also doubled from the usual! As such, Chapter 18 will have 6 parts and subsequent chapters will be divided into 4 parts. Please don"t worry as as the length of each part is still the same. Ah, my hope of completing this novel by the end of the year became a faraway dream~~~


           Please read this at BloomingTransation, anywhere else chapters have been stolen and posted without our permission. Pleas show us your support by reading from our site

      To fight his way out of mortal danger1?

         All the people present stared blankly before exposing a happy expression. Lu Nan Xian was the calmest and cautiously asked: "Then Master Zhang"s meaning is, a method to break that hopeless situation has already been found?"

         Master Zhang shook his head,  and replied as he sighed: "I have not found a method that is 100% effective. But according to my calculation, He Nian"s medium to change his life fate should be at Haishi. As long as he can grasp this medium, there will be a big hope for him to survive."

          All living things on earth were unpredictable. Master Zhang was also considered as a well-known figure in the mysterious division. But still, a person"s life fate was preordained by the heavenly law. For one person to go against the heavenly law, in the end it would only be attempting something impossible2.

         Lu Nan Xian also understood this principle. Even though he felt disappointed, he still nodded and asked: "Then, is there anything we can do?"

         "No need to be anxious about this matter, there is still a period of one year. For the time being, we also don"t know where this medium is. Whether it"s a person or an object is still to be determined." Master Zhang said consolingly, then turned his head to glance at the disciple behind him.

       Wan Bo, who was standing behind Master Zhang, immediately took out two jade pieces and pa.s.sed them to him. The jades did not appear as something rare or valuable, yet they were extremely clear, not even a bit of impurities could be seen. Under the light, it was as clear as a sparkling gla.s.s. 

        He took the jade pieces, placed them on top of the coffee table and said: "I will be away from Haishi roughly for half a month. These are something I made in advance for He Nian to use."

        "Master Zhang, we will be anxious if you are not in Haishi." Jiang Shu Hua hesitated when she heard the news.

       "Don"t worry, I"ve asked Wan Bo to remain here. If there is anything, you can call him," Master Zhang waved his hands. Then, facing Lu Nan Xian, he continued, "Master Lu, recently, suitable jade pieces to be used as charms to keep peace and safety are becoming more and more scarce. It would be best for you to continue looking for jade pieces. In case there wasn"t any suitable material for He Nian to wear, the influence of his inauspicious aura towards others will be really big." 

         Hearing this, Lu Nan Xian let out a sigh. It really wasn"t because he hadn"t looked for it diligently. But the jade pieces that Lu He Nian had to use were really too special. If it wasn"t for them using the financial resources of the Lu family and continuously spend money to look for them, they wouldn"t be able to find such good jades at all.

         "Rest a.s.sured, Master Zhang. For the matter of finding jade materials, I have hired a specialized group to look for them. Recently, over in Myanmar they discovered an old mine where the quality is very good. Wait for it to be imported into the country and I"ll right away send it to your place."

       Master Zhang nodded, knowing that finding suitable jade material was indeed a matter of affinity. Furthermore, it really wasn"t a simple thing. Making jade pieces was actually drawing a charm inside the jade pieces, and then using the jade"s spiritual aura to suppress the inauspicious aura in Lu He Nian"s body.

        It was really difficult as nowadays, spiritual influences had almost completely disappeared. Wanting to find a block of jade with abundant spiritual energy was even more difficult. For a whole block, the clearer and without the slightest impurity, the highest quality of jade. This was already rare, not even mention looking for a block with abundant spiritual energy inside. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack3. After so many years, how much financial and physical resources had the Lu family invested to look for suitable jade materials? If it was just an ordinary household, they really would not be able to support it.

        Thinking this way, Master Zhang told himself to pay attention to this matter and put it as his priority. While everyone was earnestly listening, the miniature wooden house slipped from Gu Yuan Yuan"s hands when she was playing above the stairs. The wooden house rolled down the stairs with a rattling noise.

         The miniature house continued rolling down the stairs until it arrived at the bottom, where it knocked onto a decorative vase at the side of the stairs. With a loud bang, it stopped. Yet, a rumbling sound could still be heard and after getting knocked about, a green stone with a blue streak rolled out from a broken part of the miniature wooden house. Rolling and rolling until about a dozen meters away. 

         The sound came suddenly and broke the conversation, causing Master Zhang to turn his head to take a look.

      Nanny Chen immediately came out from the kitchen, picked up all the things scattered on the floor and walked towards Gu Yuan Yuan, and said smilingly: "Yuan Yuan, nanny Chen will accompany you to play upstairs, ok? The doll inside your miniature house has already been washed clean, it"s just waiting for Yuan Yuan to hold it."

        Gu Yuan Yuan took the stone from nanny Chen and held it in her own hand. Then she obediently nodded her head and replied: "Okay."

         As nanny Chen was pulling Gu Yuan Yuan"s hand to go upstairs,  Master Zhang stood up suddenly. He slowly walked towards Gu Yuan Yuan"s side and crouched down. Looking at the little lady with a gentle gaze, he said, smilingly : "Yuan Yuan, the stone you are holding in your hand is very pretty. Can you show it to Grandpa Zheng?"

          Lu Nan Xian, Jiang Shu Hua and Lu Hua Nian saw Master Zhang"s actions and feeling it was a bit weird, they couldn"t help standing up as well and walk over to the two people. 

          Lu Nan Xian asked softly: "Master Zhang, what happened?"

         Master Zhang lifted his hand, indicating for the rest of the people to not speak. His gaze fell onto Gu Yuan Yuan"s tightly fisted hand. Or more accurately, he was looking at the faint spiritual aura above Gu Yuan Yuan"s tightly clenched hand.

1: 置之死地而后生  - lit. to place sb on a field of death and then they would fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi"s "The Art of War" 孫子兵法孙子兵法). Idiom meaning to fight desperately when confronting mortal danger, to find a way out of an impa.s.se.
2: 螳臂当车 – lit. a mantis trying to stop a chariot, idiom meaning to overrate oneself and attempt sth impossible.
3: 大海捞针 – lit. to fish a needle from the sea.

To complete the novel by the end of the year… that"s what I call optimism xD I had calculated it would be around one year since we started for it to be completed, but looks like with the increase of length that won"t be possible either. Well, more Yun Rong for us to read ¯_(ツ)_/¯  And today"s chapter… didn"t really have a name, as it"s name in the raws was sth like ‘going VIP", meaning from ch. 18 onwards you need to pay to keep reading… we"ll look for a suitable name later on.

And now that Lime finally is done with her crazy schedule, it"s time for me to become busier :S will be going abroad for my master studies next week, and I don"t know what schedule I"ll have but… I know I"m doomed to wake up very early  ?? this night owl will suffer ah! well I"ll do my best to keep up with everything and not cause any delays^^ Hope you all enjoyed fantastic holidays ^^