Who Moved My Mountain

Chapter 27

Taotie (not exactly my preferred ML for a romance novel)

While Gou Da Qing was running back to the hotel, Yun Rong was sitting on the sofa watching TV. The television was airing a supernatural modern drama about a famous and ferocious mythological animal, the taotie1, from the Cla.s.sic of Mountain and Sea2. In this drama, set in the modern era, he had successfully become the CEO of a listed company. The drama was about the love story between him and an ordinary girl.

  Yun Rong rolled her eyes when watching it, thinking to herself that the humans" imagination had truly become more and more outrageous, using a ferocious ancient beast as the lead character in a sentimental love story. In the television drama, the taotie had transformed into a handsome and dashing man. If she had seen the true appearance of the taotie, would the leading lady possibly agree to the marriage? Please read this at BloomingTranslation blog. Any other place contains chapters reposted without permission.

  When Gou Da Qing arrived at the presidential suite"s huge door, he heard some sounds coming out from inside the room.

  "I"m sorry, I cannot be together with you. Human people and demons cannot be in a relationship. We will receive punishment from heaven….."

  Another enticing, yet gloomy voice sounded, "What about the punishment from heaven? I, the taotie, have never feared the heavenly law. I want to be together with you, to grow old together….."

  Gou Da Qing could not help feeling gooseb.u.mps all over his body. Was the big shot"s taste this unique?

  His anxious frame of mind, which was affected by his wife"s condition, calmed down a little. He stood in front of the door for a moment and hesitated. Ever since he had succeeded in being a demon who could transform, he had never met this kind of powerful demon. At the moment, to have come across Yun Rong, whose original appearance could not be seen, his heart was both awed and nervous at the same time.

  He heard that the temperament of powerful demons was not very good. What would he do if she was not willing to help?

  However, time waits for no man, thinking of Gou Da Hua who was laying in pain at home, Gou Da Qing grinded his teeth and rang the suite"s doorbell.

  Actually, Yun Rong was already aware of the demon"s presence from an earlier time. However, she did not pay much attention to it, since 3,000 years ago3 there were also a lot of spiritual beings who had attained enlightenment at Dan Qiu Mountain and became reincarnated4 demons. She just did not expect that after waking up from her sleep, their presence seemed to have ceased to exist. She was the only one left in Dan Qiu Mountain.

 Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Yun Rong opened the door and indifferently said: "You are that dog demon, what are you looking for me for?"

  "Begging senior to save my wife"s life!" When the door opened, the power that emerged gave him a lot of pressure, as if a gale engulfed his entire being, and he directly knelt down.

  Earlier, when the director and his secretary were around, he still felt okay. But now, facing Yun Rong alone, he almost couldn"t maintain his human form.

  "You, as a dog demon, are somewhat too weak." Yun Rong saw Gou Da Qing"s appearance and restrained her breath a little.

  As expected, the dog hair that had faintly risen on Gou Da Qing"s body shrank back. He withdrew his neck and, while sobbing, he said: "Senior, my wife is having difficulties going into labour, begging senior to save her. I will be your cow and horse5 in order to repay senior."

  "Stand up and speak, are the demons nowadays so glib-tongued like you? You are obviously a dog, how can you act as a cow and a horse? With a single look, you are definitely not sincere in repaying grat.i.tude!" (T/L: (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖ Yun Rong is too literal!) Yun Rong wrinkled her brow, everyone said that the greyhounds" speech was honest and sincere. Yet, now with a single look it could be seen that it was not a good dog.

  Upon hearing this, Gou Da Qing felt even more nervous and promptly explained: "Senior, I did not mean this. I meant, as long as senior was willing to save my wife and children, whenever senior needs me to, I will certainly fulfill any tasks using my greatest effort and ability….."

  It so happened that Gou Da Qing worked as a Manager. Once he started to talk, it would be in great lengths just as if he was summarizing a meeting. Yun Rong listened impatiently. Waving her hands, she said seriously: "What do you think you can help me with?"

  Gou Da Qing: QAQ he was indeed unable to help with anything. Despite putting all his strength together, he had become a terror-stricken little demon just from facing Yun Rong"s breath alone. If talking about powerful backing, the other person was his boss"s friend. There was also the possibility that their relationship was more intimate than just friends.

  When Gou Da Qing was feeling despair, Yun Rong squinted her eyes and asked: "Are you wealthy?"

  "Ah….." Gou Da Qing was distracted and subconsciously nodded his head. Having worked for over ten years, he had also acquired a house and car.

  Yun Rong nodded her head, "Then let"s go!"

  Gou Da Qing was still dazed, "ah" this momentary response had made the big shot agree to help. No need to ask so much at this moment, he thought and immediately showed the way.

  By the time the two people arrived at Gou Da Qing"s residence, Gou Da Hua was already alternating between her human form and a black and white dog. Lying on the sofa and wailing in anguish, as soon as she saw the two people come in, she gnashed her teeth in anger and said to Gou Da Qing: "You are such a good dog! This old lady has not died yet and you have already brought a fox-spirit6 back! Believe it or not, this old lady will get up right now and kill you!"

  "My great aunt7 ah, this is the senior I invited to save you!" When Gou Da Hua opened her mouth, Gou Da Qing was so frightened that he practically felt he would almost die on the spot. He rushed forward to cover his wife"s mouth while looking at Yun Rong fearfully.

  Yun Rong pursed the corner of her lips annoyed. She, the majestic mountain demon, was actually compared to a fox-spirit! Simply insulting her. If it was 3,000 years ago, she would have directly killed those who spoke so ridiculously about her.

  However, for the money, Yun Rong decided to endure. She turned her head to face Gou Da Qing and faintly said: "She scolded me, add another 50,000!"

  That simple? Gou Da Qing had difficulty believing and opened his eyes wide. After a second, he hurriedly agreed: "OK, OK."

  Yun Rong saw that he agreed and walked towards Gou Da Hua"s side. She then reached out her hand and placed it on top of Gou Da Hua"s huge belly. A puff of light green gas emerged from it and entered Gou Da Hua"s belly. Within a mere few seconds, Gou Da Hua felt her previously critical body condition immediately become light and relaxed. Even her vitality seemed to have been restored.

1: The fifth son of the dragon king.

2: Cla.s.sic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains a wide range of geography, mythology, witchcraft, popular customs, etc.

3: Uh, author actually wrote 4,000 here and later on in this chapter… seems the author forgot how long she has slept for, from 2 to 3 to 4,000… >.<>

4: When demons reach a certain wisdom and attain enlightenment, they are able to transform into a human body and show themselves.

5: Willing to act and work hard to fulfill any orders given.

6: My great aunt = gu nai nai is used when addressing a person you respect or in awe with. But in this instance, he was exasperated and exclaiming.

7: fox-spirit = in ancient myths, a fox spirit embodied a beautiful female and seduced males to suck their essence.

And once again our lovely MC was totally bought with money xD

In case it"s not clear, since Yun Rong is much more powerful than Gou Da Qinq, he cannot see her true form, while she can see his true form just for the same reason.

Btw, QAQ is a crying face emoji used in China (and prolly other Eastern countries, dunno) ?