Within A Grey Twilight

Chapter 7

"Are you even certain this is a good idea?" Sachiko asked, with Kaede helping her dress for the occasion. In a pale blue kimono, with her black hair at the back.

"We only have a few choices. And this clan is one which may help us and is loyal to bakufu. As rare as that is." Suzumi explained to her.

"Or you can try your luck with the other feudal clans," Suzumi said. Which made her even less likely to approach them. Because they simply were the most untrustworthy of then all.

And the ones which demanded the highest price. Since they do not have much to lose, but plenty to gain. And those were the ones she should always be wary of. As they were the least likely to make it easy on her. But will do their best to take as much as they can.

So, when she has to make a choice. It wasn"t a lot to choose from, and many of them were not remotely good. Well she didn"t think that anyone will hold out their hands bearing aid without any price they will demand. If they didn"t demand a price she will be wondering what kind of favour and how she will be taken advantage of.

It was bound to happen, and she reminded herself that this was Okiban. A city which thrived on the constant intrigue. Due the fact that all feudal clans were required by the Shogun to have their wife and heir here. Something which further propelled the situation here.

And made it rife for schemes and deals. After all, you have the most powerful clans leaving the future of their fiefs here. No matter the cost they will be protected. Not all men had concubines, but wives were replaceable. Heirs were not.

She curiously held the invitation letter, wondering more about the connected with the Satou clan. Which she should be wary about, at least with the way it was heading.

From what she knew, this clan didn"t possess a great province. But their Daimyos often died young, and their name has always been a.s.sociated with fear. If there were two clans that she should fear, it was the Sasaki and Satou.

If they came for you, it was best to run the moment you see them. And never come back to Kyokuhi. Because this was their territory.

But why did Suzumi push her since this clan was still a feudal clan. Willing to take as much power as they could. Such faith was rare.

"Hime-sama." Kaede called her from outside. She lifted the window, wondering whether Kaede was in need of clothing.

"You seem to be thinking way too much. People will notice that you"re not talking."

"Is it really that important?" She asked. She knew that most of the time, women raised by feudal clans were mostly seen and never heard. Their opinions were never considered important. Obedience was always first to them, that it was all they should know.

Even literacy wasn"t that important. Although in years they were more focused on it, because of the peace which allowed them such a chance to learn. But obedience and resignation to their fate was the truth.

And to be honest, she was tired of all that. Tired of this life which she was expected to navigate without being able to make a choice. Like owning a ship but never allowed to make a single decision because a captain felt that he was the best one to do so. Even when it can be debated.

"For you, yes. It says that you"re normal." Which was abnormal for all of them, but Kaede liked her for the way she was. They were friends, even if they were maidservants.

"And if you said such remarks to any other girl here, you"ll be out of a job." But this was their relationship, it went beyond logic at times. And it wasn"t something that was encouraged. They were after all, master and servant. However, it never mattered.

Well, they were honest when they could be so. To each other and never did they lie. A promise that she extracted from her. To always tell her the truth, and the reality. To be a friend to her instead of a servant.

That was what a lonely girl did. Her mother rarely allowed her a chance to even meet other girls, to even make a friend. And so, she found her own way around it.

Kaede went beyond that, and her tongue was the reason why she was often out of job. Because she often said things that should not be said, but were true.

She closed the window, and simply waited for the chance to come. And for it to stop. They were now on the streets of Okiban, and well she still preferred to avoid gossip.

In a while, the palanquin stopped. She knew that they had arrived at her destination. For the duration of the journey, she could only sit on the ground and wait.

"This place feels strange," Kaede whispered to her. As she gave her hand to Sachiko and helped her out of the palanquin. Considered the personal maidservant of hers, because of the fact that Sachiko often made her wishes known to her.

She has rarely been in another house. But something here felt wrong. She couldn"t place her hand on it, but it was prominent. Each time she took a step forward, they did it with caution.

"You might want to stop." A man appeared before them. He was tall, with his black hair worn into a ponytail. The clothes he wore was plain but not rough.

"Hime-sama is waiting for you." He must be her retainer. Or at least one working under her. Sachiko followed the man as he led them to the room which Misaki waited in. Dressed in a light green furisode. There was no embroidery. And Sachiko chose a kimono of the same kind.

She was waiting for her, and even prepared for her arrival. The young woman turned around to look at Sachiko. Misaki was a young woman with black hair, worn into a ponytail. Her eyes was a normal brown.

And as much as this man needed to lead then through, Sachiko knew that the house was not one which could be navigated without help. And it meant that there were traps.

Sachiko wondered whether there was anything special about this house. Although it was best for Kaede to not try her luck, since they were in need of help. She didn"t wish to risk offending her.

Even this peculiar place could be put off until later. Although she still was curious as to how Suzumi managed to know them, or figure out that they were necessary.

Asking them directly was not something that anyone should ever attempt. And she knew she could trust Suzumi. At least when she saw this.

Kaede remained outside, as only Sachiko was invited. And this was still a private affair. She was still curious as to how it was possible that Suzumi managed to get such an invite in the first place. Or how she knew that they were dependable.

It was a question that she didn"t have the time to ask. As it was only the third day, and her brother made an effort to converse with her. And she relented because she missed him too. They hadn"t seen each other in years, Suzumi mentioning that it was best if she has a chance to really spend with her brother.

To rea.s.sure him that all was well. This, could be put off until when he was gone.

And he left early today. Making it possible for such negotiations to happen. Rather than having to come up with an excuse, which might not work.

Eventually, Sachiko knew that it was impossible. And with him nor being around, and accompanying the Prince Hishino did have much of the benefits which she was thankful for.

"Well, I was surprised to see that even the great Saitou clan will be reduced to this." She took up her own cup of tea, and drank it. Knowing that Sachiko was barely in any position to negotiate.

She was not even powerful yet, and the fate of Koshima relied on her choices now. And her decisions. Because her brother might not be wise enough, and no one could blame him. He was a child after all.

And reduced to relying on her. Relying on her ability to deal with this. Which was laughable given that she spent much of her life in Koshima.

"You could say that, at least when you see me here."

"Pretty much. And I was not expecting someone with a character like yours." And that she was expecting someone more raised to think that life was an easy road, that she should simply follow the path of all others and happiness will fall from the sky.

That there will be nothing sacrificed to create that image. But it was never that simple, something had to go to preserve the peace. To serve as a reminder that she considered them first.

"But if you were a typical girl, then I will not even see you. Because those girls rarely know the full consequences of their actions. That this feud will not end in forgiveness, it will end in blood being shed."

"Glad you see that as well." Although she was still curious. Why was Misaki able to see this truth. That it was inevitable. That someone must fall so that they could keep Koshima.

But her eyes kept on her. In a way that made Sachiko uncomfortable. Just what was she looking for. She didn"t by any means show herself to be like them or was this a precaution.

Her father had made no intentions to adopt an heir. And she was his sole daughter. Any boy that married her will take on her name, because her line was of more importance. That was what Suzumi told her.

But she thought that there was more behind this. The caution that was given by her servants when they entered the house, rather than simply letting them walk. In this visit, she didn"t wish to try and know the reason behind.

She was keeping her own curiosity to herself.

Kaede was indeed right to say that this place was odd. It just wasn"t in their best interest to act upon it. Although she was outside the door as of now.

"Koshima is in a situation where it will do best if it picks a side. And since I"m a feudal Daimyo, you know what I"m going to make you choose." Although she wished for it but they needed to be able to stabilize Koshima.

Even if the divide was a matter of pure greed and interest, rather than by the choice of beliefs. And the necessity to have them in their sphere of influence.

"That is my terms. And you know that we"re the only feudal clan that should be loyal to the Shogun. Regardless of the time." Almost as though she didn"t wish to be a.s.sociated with them. But had little choice in the matter.

Why did Misaki think that she should know. Unless it was a knowledge that her family should have known. But her mother was never one to allow much contact with her father. At any given point in time. She was after all, grooming her for a marriage with the imperial family.

Although her lineage could be considered secondary. But she was suitable and a daughter of a high ranking Daimyo. And her hopes for Sachiko was always high.

And being robust wasn"t a prerequisite. Because the main wife wasn"t always needed to bear children, but had to be of suitable status. Like a trophy, something to brag about but never of use.

She hated that she was akin to a possession, an inanimate object. And this was her chance to prove it.

"I"ll consider it." Even if she was out of options and short on time. It was best to never show that on their face. For it will make people more bold in their demands. Because they know that is very much out of options. And she has to choose between them.

She thanked her for her hospitality and left the room. Kaede was outside, standing and leaning against the wall.

"I still want to explore the house. It seems intriguing."

"Better not. They haven"t said anything with us. And we can easily back out of this. But I"m not keen. Until I figure out what she said."

"So, even you think that it is odd?" Kaede asked.

"It is odd, because no one else will say it with such certainty." Feudal clans rarely had fixed alliances, even then it was shifting. Her father left a young son to the lands in Koshima and it was clear that all of them was fighting.

She has already seen the evidence itself that the moment a feudal Lord died, their retainers very much tried to divide it when the heir was young or still learning to a.s.sume control. It was even worse for the Shogun, as could be understood.

So, she knew that there was something about this clan. Such as how they were not known well, far from the most powerful yet was the most loyal.

However, she knew that no feudal clan truly upholded all the values stated in Bushido. Which was precisely why it was so prized. As it almost never happened. And so, she could guess that this secret was something that tied the Satou clan to the Shogunate.

"Aren"t you going to get in, otherwise I"m really going to take this chance to wander around the house." Kaede took a step back.

Sachiko went inside at the next moment, without looking. She almost tripped over her kimono. And she sat, the palanquin left.