Within A Grey Twilight

Chapter 10

Three days, three days since then. She waited for another reply. Noticing that it wasn"t something that should be normal. Letters will not take that long, if Suzumi made the invite.

As it was seen through the Satou clan. Here was a different story. Although she was asking about a meeting. But there was no answer.

And she knew so little about the in between. Since she left it all to Suzumi. On hindsight, she should have done something in return. Something which will have allowed her to be able to see whether she was truly loyal.

Forgetting that even her father"s most loyal retainers turned on him, she doubted that Suzumi was different. Or at least a.s.sume she was so. Without any evidence other than she stayed by him, and

But she spent the past few days mostly thinking about whether they will reply, and what should she do. She doubted that it will be something that she could prepare for. It has to be sudden, if not the city will gossip. And try to pry.

Especially for her reputation. Although she didn"t think throwing it away was a move of brilliance, seeing that it afforded her ability to move between circles to seek alliances.

That she was simply doing what she had to. Because she was the only one who was aware what was happening at that time. And there was little choice other than to take the journey herself, and hope for the best. After all, she was likely to end up marrying any of them if she stayed.

And lose her only chance to change all of this. But few doors were opened even in the situation. She was still seeking them without alerting the rest of the clans. Suzumi mentioned that these two clans has little reason to exploit this situation. Reaping the full benefits. As much as she wondered why and the fact that she never managed to meet the woman.

She could guess that it was incredibly busy to do so. As much as she had the feeling that Suzumi was not letting her know something.

Kaede entered inside, while pouring tea. Making it loud to catch her attention, and ensuring that the girl knew she was doing so.

"Do you want me to find out what she is doing?" Kaede asked. Holding the teacup while still sitting on the ground.

Knowing that she could no longer push such an action any later. Any later, she will have no ability to go against her at all.

Also far too hasty to trust when Suzumi only revealed certain truths. And kept some of her father"s secrets under wraps, and she should have done more to force her.

Thankful that she still had Kaede, who was someone that she could trust. After all, she had spent years with the girl. And if anything went wrong, it will have been obvious in the beginning. Why wait until now.

Aware that she needed to do something. Anything will have been helpful.

She nodded. Not a single word uttered but a nod. It was important. Kaede kept her voice down but it was better to not reply. And she leaned down, pouring tea. Which was not suspicious. Let whoever hear think that she simply dropped the matter with silence. After all Kaede will ensure that no one will see them.

They spent many days in various rooms of the Saitou house, alone and her mother none the wiser. Despite the fact that she did everything to ensure her servants were cordial with her, but Kaede proved that she was still superior.

And unlikely to ever let her guard down. Even more here. That was enough, she took the tea and left. Preparing to leave and handing her duties over to another girl, Suzume. Who will be the one serving her for the time being.

Kaede was the one person whom she trusted the most. And the only one which accompanied her when she left Koshima.

As much as Masaki ran into the room. As quickly as he could. The moment he had some free time from grueling lessons and tutoring. She also had the same kind of lessons, to the disagreement of her mother but after all while simply accepted it.

She looked at him. Curious as to what he will try to do. Given that he wanted to see the city, and made frequent trips. But Sachiko was curious, about his knowledge of Okiban.

The capital city and the one which was supposed to thrive. Although all else said otherwise. "There"s an inn or was it a restaurant which has best sweets there." Although the only one which enjoyed them was Masaki. She did like the occasional dessert, but never loved them.

However, she was curious. Wanting to know more and more about the city, although it could be said that the aristocrats lived a good life regardless of how the lower cla.s.ses did. But she remembered Okiban for its dynamic atmosphere.

How will it be now? As much as she was wondering a little more about the fact that it might be an inn or a restaurant. But she knew it could not be both. Or had the times seen something new come about.

"Sure. Just give me a moment." She could borrow Kaede"s garments, which was easy for her. They were roughly the same size. While their long hair was the issue. Kaede kept her tresses to be around her upper back.

Something that was common among the lower cla.s.ses, while some women even cut their hair short. It was impractical to have hair longer than the waist, although most aristocratic women were encouraged to grow it as long as it could.

And tall hairstyles were popular, seeing that it took a lot of time to tie it, and to maintain their hair well. Her own hair took at least an hour to be combed everyday. And she didn"t choose to have a hairstyle, which required her to eventually learn to sleep with it. Since it was time consuming to do it every day.

She tied it into a ponytail, to make it easier. And less likely to draw attention. The best she could do, as well. Masaki came dressed and ready to go out.

Walking into the streets was a different feel. While Sachiko looked around, as though she has never seen such a sight. Clearly showing that she was foreign.

However, Masaki blended into the background not drawing attention to himself. With a familiarity, since they didn"t have any servants to accompany them. Showing that he was a common visitor.

While none of the servants went after him. Further into the streets, among the places which saw simpler houses. Some of which were old, and on verge of ruin.

He stopped. At one of the strangest inns that Sachiko ever laid eyes to. Right on it, was the words of an inn. Houya, as it was written on the signboard.

Which it should be, as much as it seemed to have a place for food to be served and eaten. A little rare. But it also allowed those who were simply seeking a meal to enter.

Inside, as she looked at it she knew that this inn was ranked. It was unlike most of them. Since it spanned a larger area, as much as it seemed that the prices were anything but ridiculous.

If anything, it had mostly commoners staying here. And as an inn, it had places set aside. "Masaki." A boy with short hair, looked at her brother. He was holding a sake cup, probably for the ronin upstairs. Who were helping themselves to drinks.

"Hajime." He called the elder boy. Who was much taller than he was, as much as she was just slightly shorter than Masaki.

"So, lunch and a lot of desserts?" He asked the boy. Who smiled mostly at him. Before pa.s.sing him the amount, which one glance she could guess was enough to feed a large family. But it was just the two of them.

While Masaki didn"t even demand change. Neither did he find it odd. Either Masaki was giving it willingly, or Hajime was taking full advantage of him. And the prices and the menu was displayed, not hidden. And Masaki didn"t fail in his ability to calculate.

She was intending to interfere, but Masaki dragged her to a new table. While dodging the questions. With the fact that the sweets were served, and she saw a sake bottle on their table.

While Masaki never intended to answer her questions at all. Skillfully, Hajime delivered the rest. And she held on. He turned around, knowing what she was asking. But he doesn"t say a word either.

"I do what I can to survive."

"By tricking children?"

"He isn"t that naive, if you ask me. And I"m certain that he is an adult. Given the fact that he"s taken to wearing his hair in a topknot."

"If you"re not going to eat, I"m taking the rest." Sachiko took her own chopsticks, and stopped talking. Was this even intentional of the boy.

While Hajime had left, since he has done his job. While Masami continued to eat, seemingly innocent. As much as she was wondering more about her brother. Whether he did it on purpose.

But she was hungry, besides Masaki ate fast. If she does not start eating, she may just end up having nothing.

She took a bite, which was tasty. A perfect flavour and texture. And Masaki took the sake bottle, having a chance to take a drink. While pouring only a single cup. "Do you drink it often?"

"No, this is the first time he has given it to me. He is the one who makes them after all." But he trusted Hajime enough. While he sipped a small amount.

"This tastes terrible. And hot." While asking Hajime for some water, preferably colder.

Sachiko poured another. "It"s good, although not fermented as much as I liked it. But it does have a little too much of alcohol."

"Is this how sake tastes like?"

She nodded.

"Can"t even see why they like it." He put it down. As she was intending to drink more. After all, this was the best way she used to defy her own mother. To do things that she didn"t allow. For her own curiosity as she was curious about all of it.

Lifting up her sleeve, something dropped onto her lap. Upon a closer look, it was a slip of paper. But she didn"t know where it came from. Or how it even ended up in her sleeve.

Remembering that almost no one except Hajime came. But she should see what was inside first. Unfolding it, it was a simple sentence. The date, the time, and the location. The Sasaki clan had made their contact to her.

How did they know that she was here. Or will be here. Or perhaps they have eyes throughout the entire city. And perhaps even Suzumi is one of them. She doubted it all, but knew that it was true. This inn had spies, or at least people who worked for the Sasaki clan.

She turned around, looking at the inn. "What are you looking at?"

She hid it, between her sleeves. Not wishing to draw his attention after she had spent so long hiding it from the boy. "Nothing."

Masaki stared at his sister. For a brief period of time. While she took to drink his cup of sake, since it was a waste to leave it. As for the bottle, she"ll just bring it back. After all, Kaede did like sake and she did drink quite a bit before.

Except that now she probably could enjoy it in public.

"You aren"t planning to drink all of it?"

"No, I like to drink a few cups here and there. But never more than that." Besides, indulging in this far too much was dangerous. Since she was keeping a secret from Masaki.

And she was afraid that she might just reveal things that he should not have heard. And so, kept it at a minimum. Besides, she never drank more than three. Which she a.s.sumed was best to keep it at that. When in the company of others.

"Although he knows that I probably don"t drink." And was far too young. He only became an adult this year, at the bare minimum. Since their father was worried. And looked how true or came.

"Or maybe you were alone, and I could find something to settle the bottle if you did not like it."

"Maybe I might like it once I get used to it." Although it was uncertain, but she turned around.

"Just get it from Kaede, I"ll keep this with her. Since she is going to drink it. I like the occasional cup, not like her who often drinks it."

"All right then." He supposed that it made sense to do so. As much as she was seeking to ask him that one question. What was his motives for going out here.

But she knew that it will not occur without asking what was she looking at. Even if they grew up without the other, they still knew enough about each other personalities. And the secrets they gave the other.

She knew that Okiban had seen more families leave. And return for their homes, which could have been better to live than the city. Koshima had seen that rise, and many families moved from Okiban. Apart from the natural famines, was the tension it shared with the other nations.

Koshima had been dealt with the same hand. And her father mentioned that it was hard years to come. War made it weary, while offended many nations. And many brought the necessary trade that it needed.

And perhaps, was he doing something. And what was this inn in actual reality. She will come back, there was far too many strange things that occurred here. Which she never understood, but it never meant that she will not try.

Besides, it might have something that she could use. As much as it told her that she should confront Suzumi. This was a city with people full of secrets, and lies used to cover them up. Somehow it turned into this in less than a decade.