Within A Grey Twilight

Chapter 12

Just a glance inside this entire street, it wasn"t something that he wished to enter. At least unless he was forced to. And this was a place that he could begin with some clues. This was a place where women often stayed on for years, and only left if they either retired or married.

A place where secrets will remain. Seven years here may have been a long time for anywhere else. All but here, for the girls who grew up here. The women who spent much of their youth within these walls. He knew that this was constant. Something that few could ever escape if they were sold here.

Although if she was here, it will be surprising. To become a Geigi. It was just something that he didn"t expect she will choose. Even when she had few options left. She will have seeked another way out of this.

Something that could only occur only if she was truly out of options and luck. Otherwise, it was unlikely. With Shinrou at his side, as the two of them made their way into this place. Looking for the one place they seeked.

Without much of an idea, given the fact that he never wandered into here. It was not normal for a young boy to be here. Girls could be sold here at any age, some as young as six. Becoming the servants, and a maiko when they were old enough.

An endless cycle, as the girls came here without knowing what could be a better life for them. Taught to entertain men from a young age, and if fortune shone upon them, they could leave.

Neither did he have much of any intentions to do so. This was a place of pleasure, as much as it was made of tears. The tears of the girls who had chosen this profession because there was nothing else they could do.

No girl ever entered into this with much choice. In a time where there were few choices, even for the exceptional. He knew that she will have fought, if she could. And if she was here, he will do something about it.

He owed her far too much. Tohana in his description was the most outstanding of all houses. One with the most prestige attached to it, a place where it was known for having real talent.

As much as he knew a single entry cost a lot to the average Samurai. Although he was able to afford it, at least for a single trip. Not more than any of that. He was ready to accept that this was a lengthy stay, and he might have to eventually find some way to prevent himself from going broke. Although that was unlikely, unless of course he spent without ever thinking twice.

Besides, he was getting somewhere. This will have some clues that he could used. He was certain of that. She stayed here for quite some time, if his memory was right. In the right sense.

If he didn"t stumble onto that servant at Houya, he might have had to come himself. She gave him some of the most identifying traits of the place.

The place was far taller than the average house with three stories. Still not nearly as tall as some of the castles, but this was already getting there.

"Having second thoughts? Or are you bracing yourself for your first time?" Shinrou stepped in front of Kazuho.

"Neither. I"m not even looking for a geigi to satisfy my needs." He entered inside, annoyed at his words. This man knew that Kazuho never displayed an interest. If not, this will have been a much earlier trip.

"Are you looking for any of us?" A group of geigi looked at him. All were much older than he was, and perhaps only one the same age. Any girls which were younger were maiko, often known for their much more elaborate adornments.

He could spot them, as they will seat further away. Observing the geigi, as they worked. Learning from them, as was their only work. By the side, was a girl. She was quiet yet unlike the others she wasn"t looking at the performances. It was around the house.

"You don"t seem to be here for any of them." A girl told that to his face. Without even needing a second look. Well at least he wasn"t giving the wrong impression, if anyone who observed could see it.

Most of the geigi here hoped for a client, seeing that it was a necessity. This was their turf, and they were free to roam here. As they wished. And seeked their customers from there.

Her voice was monotone, trained to not include any emotion. Perhaps it was just way easier that way. To have none of that. As much as it was revealing quite a lot about her role.

"I do agree with that."

"What is your intentions here?" She came closer to him. Perhaps to keep this more of a private conversation than anything else. Ensure that this remained below. Seeing that it was something that he was willing to play.

Although he knew that it was impossible that she will know. But more on that girl that lived here seven years ago, coming in the late summer, but stayed beyond the winter. She was also a child then and unlikely to have seen her. Or knew anything of importance.

Taking him up the stairs. Where Shinrou followed, closely behind. Neither said a word to the other, as Hisaei brought them up. Shinrou went up first brother Kazuho followed. Shinrou stopped to wait for him, as did Hisaei. For a brief moment.

The third floor didn"t seem to be dedicated to any kind of men. No one was allowed, as it seemed that plenty of Geigi and maiko stayed here. Given the lack of any men here, or the sounds.

Stopping in the centre, knocking on the door. Before she opened it. And bringing them inside. It was a large room, and right before him was a woman.

She was of average height, dressed in dark green. Her face powdered, her lips red. She kept her expression the same as Hisaei. Without a single smile, even if that was rare for any Geigi to keep. Often, they were lively rather than calm.

"Bring in some tea." Hisaei told the young girl, who nodded and left.

"Leave the room, Hisaei." The woman looked over him, as though guessing what he was seeking her out for. She ushered him to sit, and he did. While Shinrou remained outside the door. Hisaei dragged him there, not having an intention of letting him inside.

If she couldn"t, then he should not be able to hear it. She was still an apprentice, while he was a servant to Kazuho. And this was a confidential discussion.

"Ayakazu, the proprietress of Tohana." She lit her kiseru, ready for a conversation. While the girl returned with a pot of tea, and pouring it. She was about to offer him as well, which was courtesy.

He took it.

"So, what is it that you wish to know?" If Hisaei brought him here, she knew that be wasn"t here for the common entertainment. He had a reason, and he was willing to make a deal for it.

And most of all, it was something personal.

"I"m looking for a girl, who stayed here seven years ago." She set down her pipe. It had gotten from a relatively light conversation to something much heavier. Since he had no intentions to waste the night.

"That is a secret, unless you"re willing to pay." He showed her the one thing which will make her reveal it. Money. Which was his intentions as he knew no one will reveal it for nothing.

Before he showed something else. A small pendant. One which caught her attention, because it was unique enough that it will stand out no matter where they were. The craftsmanship was rarely used, and with a picture of Okiban a few decades back.

Anyone with an eye for treasures will have seen how unique it was. And she will have recognized it. "Will you mind if I take a look at it?"

He pa.s.sed it to her. It wasn"t as though he truly owned it. In a sense, he was keeping it for someone else. Even he won"t say that it belonged to him, he was holding onto it.

She looked at it. Perhaps having a chance to really see it. And look at how real it was. She returned it, a sign that it was more than enough. He had convinced her as it was.

"A true treasure, as much as it belonged to her." She returned it to him. Before she took a deep breath, truly beginning to reveal what she knew.

"So, I don"t even need to say what she was like. Given that she must have trusted you to give you that." Taking a sip of tea. Kazuho knew that she didn"t think anyone will be inquiring about a girl who stayed here a couple years ago. If it was recent, it was far more common.

But seven years is a long time, to be asking about it.

"She left by spring. She had to become a geigi if she wanted to remain, and I will have trained her. As my apprentice." She looked at the small pendant. That he carried with her. "She lost that by midwinter."

But she refused. For this was a life that she didn"t wish for herself. There was freedom, as much as there was a trade off. She will have to entertain men, and depend on them for full survival. Even if she was to marry, it was the same.

She will have seeked another path out, at least before resigning herself to this. It was unlike her.

When she left, it meant that she found a place. A proposition which will work in her favour. And he knew that she will never run, it was never in her personality to do so. As much as it was unlike her to just accept it.

And anyone who knew her will know that she will never give it away. Without a good reason to support it. And this woman, whom she stayed with for half a year, must have known this as well. And the proprietress was anything but ignorant.

As much as he revealed that he knew her. Although she never inquired any further. "Then, why are you looking for her?"

"Why are you asking such questions?" Kazuho asked.

"I was fond of her. She was bright, and different." A girl who had the confidence to trust in herself. Regardless of when. "Besides, even if she was gone I still won"t say it to anyone who names me the highest price."

Or go into such detail. As she will do with him.

"How old are you?" She asked him. Although it was clear that he was neither fully a man, yet not a boy. Somewhere in between. Which made guessing his age easy.

"Eighteen. I just turned eighteen."

"You couldn"t be more than a child when she was here and when she left." She looked away, from the pendant that it was. Having somewhat of an idea what she was looking for. And at the same time, her thought process eluded him.

And what was the point. He was simply asking a question. Unless, she was also trying to figure out who he was. As much as it was difficult, since his age and birthday didn"t reveal much.

"She left in early spring, by a palanquin. I say, she was adopted by a rich Samurai clan." But that was the extent of her knowledge, but enough. He could stop looking in the lower cla.s.ses, because she will not be found. And at the same time, it was unlikely she will die.

And this was a clue. The biggest clue he could hope for. Although she didn"t know the clan. "Thank you."

She doesn"t answer a question. "This is a deal after all." Before he showed himself out. Hisaei went inside, while he looked at Shinrou.

It made sense. Although even a normal girl will have been difficult for him to find on his own. But a Samurai clan, made things much easier. They were a smaller cla.s.s, and to adopt her they had to be rich.

But, he will dress finding the information.

They were messy, ambitious and didn"t take kindly to anyone who was doing some friendly investigation. Shinrou came out by the door, looking at Kazuho.

"Did you find clues?" He asked.

"Plenty. As much as I have to learn to dabble in the one thing I hate. Samurai clans and their politics." He sighed. It wasn"t easy, as much as a single mistake could cost them their heads.

"Guess it was useful to note down which Daimyo"s heir was staying at where."

"Although it still doesn"t save us from the possibility of dying a horrible death." It was the truth a lot of them knew, that this was not just difficult, it was also filled with dangers.

"We"ll take it as it comes." Kazuho looked at him, seeing that they could not take it. They had to have a solid plan, if it were to have any chance in succeeding.

And to gather information from such circles, where will he start. For once, it seems that Yuki knowing Enyou will have its benefits. She was a part of them, and she could help them. As long as he told Yuki about this.

"So, what is your plan?"

"Ask Yuki for Enyou." Shinrou stared at his master. "I"m not joking. That girl is still a part of the Samurai cla.s.s, which means she will provide some help."

"I hope that you"re right in this." He said as they went down the stairs, leaving the place. Although he wondered whether Yuki will demand anything from him, or will it be Enyou. But he didn"t think much deeper, because he was exhausted after tonight. He could always think about it tomorrow.