Within A Grey Twilight

Chapter 13

If he had a question on his mind that needed to be solved as fast as it could be, it was about yesterday. Everything about it needed to be settled as soon as possible. And yet, he couldn"t even think about it.

But he has to. This was something that he knew he will have to face often. At least if he continued to choose to remain here. While he was seeking her.

Yuki turned in early last night. Besides, even if he was it was not something he wished to discuss in the middle of the night. Where even he was tired and exhausted, and couldn"t focus any better.

It was probably in the middle of the morning, as the sun was already up in the sky. He got up, and got himself dressed. Tying his hair into a ponytail, as he got out. Looking at Shinrou, who looked at him.

"Still thinking about asking Yuki?" He came forward to Kazuho.

"It"s not as though I have much of other options." He looked for Yuki"s room which was on the other side. Although the houses here were smaller, and easier to move through. A reason why having only four people, and one of them doing the cleaning was feasible.

"She isn"t all that reliable."

"But she knows someone."

"Whom she knew for barely a week."

"When it comes to her and friends, I highly doubt her capability."

"Because she managed to keep a lot of them, despite her questionable behaviour." Which was the truth, if anyone had a chance to take a good look at her.

"You have a point there." Well, if she managed to keep them. Despite all she has gotten away with them. Even if Kazuho wasn"t exactly her friend.

He headed off, not wanting to waste another moment. "I"ll go and grab another pot of tea." Kazuho nodded.

He knows that he will be looking for Yuki. Going to her room, and knocking on the door. Hoping that she might open it. "She"s outside, in the main hall."

Masami stood in front of him. "You"re up a little later than usual today."

"I came back quite late in the night." They turned in as it was, although a small lantern was still lit when he came back. And he never went to look for them either, since their lights were out as well.

"Did you find anything?" She asked.

"Quite a bit." Not enough to figure out where she was, but enough to start looking without feeling that it was way too daunting.

"Is there anything that you are asking Yuki about?"

"Because she left in a palanquin, to become a daughter of a Samurai clan." A clan that he didn"t know much about. But helped a lot in trying to finding her. Or at least where she will be.

"You want to tell her about that." About the pendant that he had. And about the reason why he chose here as a destination.

That didn"t belong to him. Nor did he ever answer who it had belonged to Yuki. He nodded. Might as well tell her, if she was here. It was far more dangerous to keep it to himself.

"Yes." He had to, besides Yuki will have pressed anyway. If she had came here, it was even far more likely that she will know about all of this. A matter of time in reality.

"All right." She goes back to her own room. While he goes into the front.

The main hall, where she seated herself on the floor. With a cup of tea, courtesy of Shinrou.

He glared at the man.

"Did you forget to tell me that?" He asked.

Shinrou didn"t even try to deny it. The man will smirk if he played a trick, but he didn"t.

"Is there a reason why you"re looking for me?" Because usually, he made an effort to avoid her. As much as possible. Without ever regretting a single ounce of it. And she will find it odd if he was looking for her.

Shinrou stared at him. Knowing of his intentions. "Is there something that you"re not telling me?" Her face was still blank, neither showing any anger or shock. Not even indifference. It was as though it didn"t surprise her.

"Yes." He admitted it. Not as though there was anything that suggested otherwise.

"It makes sense. Why you choose here as you destination."

"So, you saw through that."

"I came along because I was curious about this country." And regardless of what his motives was, it never interfered with her intentions at all. He didn"t wish harm unto her, neither did it affect her much.

"So, can I request something of you?"

"Sure." She focused onto him. And he said down opposite her. Although it was fast. But he might as well do it.

"I want to talk to Enyou." She turned her head. Knowing that Kazuho was unlikely to make such a request. Because of the fact that it was something that he won"t do unless he thought about it.

She looked at him. With the same expression. As creepy as it looked, on a girl who was barely fifteen. Not a smile, nothing of innocent. Even that cheerful and rather ignorant demeanour will have been better.

As much as he knew that deep down, she knew quite a lot more than anyone thought she did.

"Fine. She"s coming by anyway." Although she didn"t press further for any reasons. Which he was expecting, at least a little bit. But somehow, she never did.

"You"re not going to ask more." Curious why she was so.

"Is it that important?"

"If you don"t think so, then I won"t talk." Besides it wasn"t as though he did want to talk about it. If she didn"t, then it was something good. Since he could avoid that topic too.

Well, he should not be surprised. As the girl came by almost everyday without fail, regardless of when too. Except until late into the night, she was often gone by late evening. To her home in Okiban. Since it was one thing to visit a friend, and another to stay over.

Especially if she only knew her for several days. Which was reasonable. And Enyou did show that she liked Yuki by coming over as often as she could, and spending time with her. With Masami often looking over them. To ensure nothing too ridiculous happens.

"And here she comes." Outside, even with the door closed was a palanquin placing itself on the ground.

The door opened, revealing Enyou. Dressing quite well, as she carried her fan. This time around, it was a woman who followed her. Her hair was cut short into a bob, ending around her chin. She dressed in a simple kimono, by the side of Shinrou.

"Call me Oboro. I am at Hime-sama and any of her friends command." She told Yuki. It was obvious given that Yuki took the chance to hug her.

Before the girl whispered into her ears about what Kazuho wanted to tell her. And she nodded. Before she left the room.

Enyou turned around, looking at Kazuho. "I"m Enyou."

"We"ve met. Yuki brought you into my home."

"Is that so?" Looking at him although she has never seen him before. Irritated. "You look familiar to Masami."

"I"m her elder brother." Did he have to say it explicitly.

"That makes sense." Wondering whether she had no idea how to pay attention. "I think Yuki mentioned you a couple of times."

He wasn"t interested in asking the question. Since her view of him often varied quite a lot, and he wasn"t interested in what she thought. After all, her exact words rarely meant anything.

"I have something to ask of you." The same thing she heard from Yuki. About the fact that he wished to look something for.

"What is it?" Since she knew Yuki told her something that was important.

"Which clan are you from?" He asked. Quite clear that it was she was from a Samurai clan. With her behavior and dressing, as well as her hair style. A lady from the imperial court will dress in twelve layered robes, and hers was much simpler than that.


But it was a start. As much as he knew she was one of the many clans that were not remembered. Nowhere near being heard of like clans such as the Saitou, but it was a clan which maintained their power for a long time. Much longer time than most clans came and fell out of favour.

As much as he knew that this was a clan that was surrounded by secrets. "Does your clan have information about almost everything?"

"Yes. Although I can deal with information, but it is better to go through my brother. Since he is the head of clan. Which was as suspicious as it could get. As he was now the head of clan, which was uncommon.

Most of the time there will be more than enough elders to step in without needing someone who was only several years older than Enyou to do the work. A sign that they had a rather huge problem. Given how rare it was for this to even exist.

And shown that it was genuine, given that information was often the most dangerous trade anyone can partake in.

"Can you arrange that?"

"He likes me, trusts me, so of course." Although it will be for a price. One that he was ready to pay. Regardless of when. And it was shown that she was trusted. Allowed to roam outside the house with only a servant, trusted for her own judgement that she will not lose her chast.i.ty. That was as much proof as it was needed.

"Thank you."

"You should be thanking Yuki."

"She owes me too much for me to thank her."

"How much does she eat off you?" Curious about her friends voracious appet.i.te for desserts, although clearly she was on a similar vein.

"I"ve lost count. But she helps me out when she can." And never expects a thank you, since her favours often regarded food. And they often outnumbered the others.

"Well, I can see why you"re the one she goes to when it comes to food." He shrugged.

"If that"s all, I"m finding Yuki." Still wanting to spend time with her friend. He took a deep breath, that was something settled. And it wasn"t easy, to ask that kind of a favor from a stranger he only saw a couple of times.

"So, you managed to ask." He looked at Shinrou who came inside. Pouring a cup of tea, which will be tasteless at the very least. Although he knew Kazuho enjoyed a stronger taste.

"I was supposed to deliver this to Enyou-hime." He glared at him. Despite the fact that the teapot was in front of him.

"I"ll take that." Masami took a cup. Who enjoyed it far more than Kazuho did. Knowing that this was just to mess with him. Not anymore than that.

"Anyway, I had a rather interesting time talking to Oboro." Which was also information gathering in a sense.

"Are you going to talk about that." If he did, it will be useful. Anything will be useful, he had to admit.

"Maybe." Knowing that this was getting back for him when he forgot about his existence. Even though it was true that he had a lot of things on his plate.

He will have to do more to get something out of the man. That was clear the moment he heard this. And he won"t ever forget. Shinrou never forgets, if he learned anything.

Taking a cup himself because he will have to think about this after all. Even if the man never took serious things lightly, but got even when he had the chance. And when Kazuho was free to think of a way.

"I"ll help you," Masami told him. With a big smile.

"Just don"t suggest any ridiculous answers." Although she hasn"t for quite some time. He hoped it will stay that way. After all, he did need the things Shinrou talked with Oboro about. Because it could be something of great importance.

But he needed to think of a way to please Shinrou first. Definitely.