Within A Grey Twilight

Chapter 53

Close to the dates, he had intended to mostly go back to pouring over the work he was looking over. He had made a list of the points that he needed to look at. He had finished most of it as it was, even as he knew what he had to look for next. The problem was finding a way to get to it. It was tricky, given just how he had cut himself off from most of the more useful resources.

Even as the next moment, he noticed a girl at his doorstep. She was rather small, although dressed like any normal child. It was only the way she looked at him that told him she was here for another purpose. The next instant, she had bowed before him. In a way that had been too familiar to him, almost as though he had seen it before.

"Kazuysama." For a brief moment, he knew who he had to hunt down next. It seemed that Sasaki took that information and sold it to the Shogun. Who at this point was also his uncle, and to his knowledge had been making inquiries into his whereabouts. For all his stoicism, it was more of a front to keep them from thinking that he will betray them.

Even as who had killed his father remained a mystery. But by this point, he was not keen on actually figuring out why. There were possibly many perpetrators, and the mastermind had done all he could to not reveal himself. Daishin could have been simply a piece in it, and there could be more. His father had made an enemy of many, mostly from the imperial court. As the Shogunate was going through a reformation of its own.

The girl remained on the ground, refusing to get up until he had asked her to. "You can get up." She looked in bewilderment, even as his voice was one of exasperation.

"Here"s the letter, Kazuysama." He took it, before opening it. Even as Shinrou was observing from the side. The Shogun had written this letter, as the bottom had been stamped with his seal. Reading the letter, it showed nothing of sentiment. But this was the nature of the family, emotion was a weakness. Even as their family could be boasted of their pa.s.sion, often finding their love with the wives they married. Far more than any other Daimyo family and even the Imperial family.

It was a meeting, not at the Shogun"s palace. But during the winter festival, just after where he would meet the Shogun. It was the best chance as once the opening ceremony was completed, it had been one where he would leave. After all, Kazuho spent many years of his childhood experiencing it. And knew that his own father often took the festival as a chance to bring them around. As though they were normal children. Not the heir to the Shogun who would inherit once his father died.

"There is no need for a reply, and all you have to do is make your appearance. The Shogun hopes that you would accept the invitation."

"Of course." Even as the girl did not budge. He blinked before realizing why. She was also to act as a guard for him. He would not risk him running on them. Or that he would be a.s.sa.s.sinated beforehand.

"Kazuho, I didn"t think that you would be able to find someone so fast." Yuki walked to him, with her parasol in hand.

"Yuki, it was your idea and I never intended to follow it fully." He crossed his arms while talking to her. Even as he knew that she picked it up, and was acting like this because it gave her some kicks. And wanting to also realize that maybe this wasn"t so bad. His uncle had even sent someone to protect him and could mean finding her would be much easier.

"Masami, we have a new member." She called out to the girl who had come forward. Curious, only to find herself looking at them. And that Shinrou knew that it was impossible to avoid and figured that he might as well reveal himself now.

"I"m Akane. It"s a pleasure to meet you." He knew now that it was almost impossible to chase her away any longer. There was simply no chance to really get to it as well. Even as Shinrou gave him a light pat on the back. Suggesting that it was futile to head on any longer. It made sense, as Kazuho could not deny that if he chased her away all it would do was to have his uncle send another.

Perhaps someone even less likely to budge. It was definite that he would have to meet with him, whether it was to invite him back to the family or even restore him as heir was difficult for Kazuho to truly predict. He truly had little idea just how and where he could have tried this at this point.

"Find her a room." He did admit having someone else here could be a good thing. Not to mention that she was trained and could be left to watch the house when he needed it. After Sasaki nearly took advantage of his absence, he was doubtful of leaving it with only one person. Shinrou had offered as he did need to watch the place. And it was best in case something happened in Okiban.

Despite knowing who to find when it came to something like this. Sasaki was the best option. He indeed had been the best option. Mostly because of the clues he had laid then. He had not thought that Sasaki will have been so fast to act and sold the information even before he was aware. Even before he knew that it was told to the man.

He should have predicted that. Even as he knew that it was impossible. He didn"t have information about the dealings, and the moment Sasaki grasped his ident.i.ty it was difficult to really know what he would have done with it.

Only to find himself looking at Sasaki. In which Kazuho took the chance to walk towards him, as though nothing happened. Perhaps thinking that Sasaki would be willing to divulge any information. The man had hesitated, as though he was nervous. Kazuho could guess that he had been baffled and possibly speechless. And right now, he might have to arrange for things to be faster. Before the Shogun would announce that he was alive to the rest of the world.

"Well, you know about the Shogun." He nodded. Before raising an eyebrow.

"He just paid me a visit today. And pa.s.sed me a letter." He didn"t hold it against him. It was normal to have such things. "You thought that it would get the Shogun on my tail, but it didn"t."

"Yes, I thought that the Shogun was going to hunt you down." Like all families did with their pretenders. He could be one, even if he was exercising no power. But it was not. That was the only thing that kept Sasaki shocked by the response.

"He won"t, I know he won"t. Because he"s my uncle, and he was there for my father." Serving his father loyally, and remaining a retainer for his father. He would have done the same for him. His mother had attempted to call him back to Okiban but it was too late. His uncle was mostly in Northern Kyokuhi then, handling the aftermath of a large disaster. It was tricky and thus took him months before he could journey back down.
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With most of the Shogunate vying for the top spot after the sudden death. With no s.p.a.ce for a child like him to even manage to become a good claimant. His father was offered it due to the goodwill of the Daimyo Saitou who knew that it had to be done and informed him. He knew that from the time he had been Kouya, where he spent most of it listening.

And one more thing that told Kazuho he would never have harmed him. It was the fact that he was here now. Right now, getting rid of him was easy. It was far easier to do than any other time. He wasn"t well guarded and neither was he trained.

"You knew all along." The man stared at him right into his eyes.

"I was hoping you didn"t. I was merely trying to find a girl and I"ll be off on the next ship down to Giornatta." Either way, such a move had backfired entirely on Sasaki. It had turned things around, as much as he could use it. Since it had come, he could use it to help him find Sachiko. Something which was far easier than before.

"You don"t want to be the Shogun?"

"If I did, I would have used all my wealth to buy people over. Set up a base here three years ago, slowly sow discord. And then present myself as the obvious choice before finally bolstering my right with the fact that I also hailed from the Tok.u.moto clan, and is also from the main branch." Only to gain Sasaki"s brow raising at such an explanation. And made it clear that he was well versed and he most definitely could do this if he wanted to. And he just did not because he didn"t want to.

Before he gave a nod. "I understand. You saw your father"s death, you saw your mother"s sacrifice. You didn"t want to follow that."

"You don"t need to spell it, but that"s the gist." Although Sasaki was still unconvinced to a certain extent. As though there was something more. He was right, mostly because he didn"t want an endless battle. In all the years he saw his father, no matter at which stage he was governing there was opposition. It was simply whether the opposition was out for his blood or mildly disapproving. To govern meant that they needed to always have a clear end, a vision for the sort of country they wanted.

Otherwise, they were going to either get drunk on power or simply lose interest as a whole. It was the only way to make the onerous duty look fulfilling. Right now, he simply saw it as that. There was no other way to get around it. Leaving a stunned Sasaki there.

"So, are you going to bring forward that meeting?" He thought about it, bringing it up. Sasaki was asking him because he wanted to know. He still wanted to honor it, as he gave his word.

"Bring it to the same day, the winter festival. I"ll meet with her the moment after I meet my uncle." He nodded, knowing that the winter festival may be the last time he would be able to meet with her freely. After which, it might change.

"Also, the Shogun gave me an order. To get to the bottom of the Saitou clan by any means necessary." In which Kazuho knew it could mean the end of the clan. And even Sachiko. He would need to act faster than necessary. Or even find some way to get her out of the issue first. It was also a form of a favor. Some form of repayment. It was ironic how these two things, different in their own regard, could have affected one another. But it was and Kazuho knew that it was pointless to simply scoff at it.

It was important information. And what was done, was done.

He was tempted to leave, but perhaps he could do more. Sasaki knew that their deal had fallen apart, as much as revealing his ident.i.ty was all that it needed to change. Kazuho knew that he still needed allies, and Sasaki was owing him to some extent now. He had handed him a problem. And his uncle would not have cared how Sasaki got it. "How about we make another deal?"

The man blinked before he nodded. "Yes?"

"If you ever receive the order to get rid of the Saitou clan, take the chance to help Sachiko escape. You can come to me for anything regarding that." As he could get a good ship to do it. She had done the same for him—even as it was futile—he would do the same to her. He owed her that much after all.

"I"ll do my best." As Shinrou came, clear that he had overhead most it along with Masami. Yuki was away, possibly entertaining the girl.

"Thank you." The man had bowed to him.

"It"s nothing of the sort, I"m just repaying the debt I owed to her in the first place." He had sworn to help her escape, regardless of the cost that he would bear.