Women Workers in Seven Professions

Chapter 11

_St Andrew"s Hall_ Amount variable Students in need of _Bursaries_ pecuniary a.s.sistance _Exhibition_ Remission of College For graduates, whether fees 1 year already students of the College of not. Secondary Education Course


Students read princ.i.p.ally for the external degrees of the University of London.

Cost of Tuition in Arts: 20 per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: 24 per annum.

There is no Hall of Residence.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance.# College(2) 26, 8s., 1st year} 34, 8s., 2nd year} 3 36, 8s., 3rd year}years College(2) 26, 8s., 1st year} 2 34, 8s., 2nd year}years Exhibitions(4) 15 and 18 3 years Open to candidates between the ages of 16 and 19 Thomas G.o.dolphin 23 1 year Open to candidates who Rooper have been educated for at least 2 years at a Public Elementary School in the late Mr. Rooper"s Inspectorial District




Duration of Arts Course, Pa.s.s and Honours, 4 years.

Duration of Science Course: Pa.s.s, 4 years; Honours, 5 years.

Cost of Tuition: 16. 16s. per annum.

Cost of Residence in Trinity Hall (for women not residing with their parents or guardians): From 11 to 15 a term.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance.# Exhibitions(12) 20 (6)} 2 years Examination results 15 (6)} of Irish Board of Intermediate Education Junior Exhibitions(16) 20 (12)} 2 years Candidates under 19 15 (4) } Sizarships(10) College fees Students in need of pecuniary a.s.sistance Non-foundation 30 5 years Arts or Science Scholarship James Patrick Kidd 80 4 years Arts or Science _Irish Society_ 60 3 years Open only to pupils of an _Scholarship_ Intermediate School in Londonderry or Coleraine

#Undergraduate.# Senior Exhibitions(16) 20} 2 years Arts or Science 15} Lloyd Exhibition 16 2 years Mathematics Mullins Exhibition 17 3 years Cla.s.sics Ekenhead Scholarship 32 3 years Science. Open only to natives of Antrim FitzGerald Memorial 50 1 year Research in Science Scholarship Blake National History 85 4 years Scholarship

#Prizes.# Bishop Law"s Mathematics 20 Algebra and Trigonometry McCullogh 30 and 20 Mathematics Townsend Memorial 22 Mathematics Vice Chancellor"s 20 Cla.s.sics Ferrar Memorial 18 Cla.s.sics Marshal Porter Memorial Interest on 500 Cla.s.sics Wray Prize 30 Mental and Moral Philosophy Cobden Prize 20 Essay on Political Economy Hebrew Chaldee and 40 Syriac Ferguson Memorial 20 Celtic Literature


(In connection with the University of Dublin.)

Duration of Course in Arts: Pa.s.s, 3 years 9 months to 4 years; Honours 4 years.

Duration of Course in Science, Pa.s.s and Honours: 4 years.

Cost of Course in Arts or Science: From 32, 12s. to 50. 8s.

for the course.

There is no Hall of Residence.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

Bigger 30 1 year Grocers" Company 25 1 year M"Crea Science 25 1 year Mathematics and Physics Adams" Bursary 15 1 year M"Crea Science 30 1 year Mathematics and Physics Grocers" Company 25 1 year Findlater 25 1 year Irish Society 20 1 year Mabel 20 1 year Modern Literature


All students of the University are eligible for University Scholarships in accordance with the regulations laid down in each case.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#University Undergraduate.# Dr Henry Hutchinson 30 3 years Awarded on results of Stewart Literary First Examination in Arts Scholarship Tipperary County 50 3 years Council

#University Post-Graduate.# Coyne Memorial 32 1 year Awarded in alternate years Scholarship for Essay on Political Science University Travelling 200 2 years In Arts and Science Studentships(3) subjects in rotation


Duration of Course in Arts or Science, Pa.s.s and Honours: 3 years.

Cost of Arts Course: 28, 10s.

Cost of Science Course: Variable, according to subjects chosen.

Cost of Residence in Loreto Hall or St Mary"s Dominican Hall (optional): From 30 to 40 per annum.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.


Scholarships(4) 50 1 year Scholarships(4) 40 1 year Scholarships(4) 30 1 year Scholarships(4) 20 1 year

#Undergraduate.# Scholarships(4) 50 2 years Arts and Science. For 2nd year students Scholarships(4) 40 2 years Arts and Science. For 2nd year students Scholarships(4) 30 2 years Arts and Science. For 2nd year students Scholarships(4) 20 2 years Arts and Science. For 2nd year students First Cla.s.s Exhibitions 20 1 year Result of Examination in (4) 2nd year

#Post-Graduate.# Scholarships(5) 60 1 year Result of B.A. and B.Sc.

Honours Examination Scholarship 30 1 year Scholarships(2) 15 1 year First Cla.s.s Exhibitions 20 1 year Result of B.A. and B.Sc.

(3) Examination