World Gate Online

Chapter 5:  Blood Sucking Village

Chapter 5:  Blood Sucking Village


NoticeYour 1 week EXP and Item drop bonus has ended. From now on, you will receive normal amount of EXP and item drops.

Though there was this message, Lucas ignored it and stared at the scene in front of him.

"…This is….I"m still in the cave right?…"

In front of him was a chaos. Large rocks and boulders that have never been there scattered all over the place. Even though the floor was already uneven in the first place, it was no deformed so much that it no longer looked like the same cave.

It was as if a large scale battle was performed here and this place was at the center of it. Large gouges with a diameter ranging from 2 to 5 meters, scratch marks of a large monster, burn marks so big it looked like a wildfire had started. And more importantly, large quant.i.ties of blood splattered everywhere.

Though there doesn"t seem to be any bodies, he wondered how long has it been when the battle had ended and who, or what had been fighting here.

At this sight, Lucas can only sigh deeply.

"d.a.m.n…just what the h.e.l.l is going on here…for now…let"s get away from here…and from that dragon…"

Lucas judged that it would be best not to fight the dragon without any plans and decides on thinking about it as he levels up.

Going the opposite way of where he remembered to be the place the dragon is kept. He continued to kill [Dracula Bats] and [Grey Wolves]. Due to his high level, they were just small fries now. What he really wanted is to fight is another [Crypt Owl] since that will be easier to level up.

As he continued to search for an enemy, he heard a scream. And not just a scream, sounds of battle as well.

"A battle…are they the ones responsible for the mess earlier?"

"D-d.a.m.n, fall back! Retreat!"

As soon as he heard those shouts, he ran towards the battle in hope to see other players.

When he arrived, he saw the familiar owl attacking a group of humans.

"Finally, a [Crypt Owl]!"

Since the group was trying to retreat, he thought if he attacks the owl, it will no longer be called [Kill Steal].

[Kill Steal], it is a term gamers use when other players outside of their party kills an opponent they were meant to kill.

As soon as the owl dived to attack the group, he grabbed its feathers and jumped on its back like before.

Surprised by the sudden enemy climbing on its head, the owl desperately tries to lose him. However, Lucas already resolved himself not to let go by all means.

He didn"t stab the head this time, he went further up the head and stabbed both of its eyes.


Letting out a cry, he owl can no longer see and was forced to the ground.

"Hehehehe, I won"t let you go, my precious EXP!"

Lucas, who no longer see the owl as an enemy but instead a, EXP piece of meat, stabbed the head deeply and left the dagger on its head.

While letting out a sinister smile as he looked down on the owl that"s easily larger than him, he released his skill.


Instead of the head, he stomped at the dagger sticking out of the owl"s head and made it dig deeper.


However, he didn"t stop there.

He released a magnitude of stomp that would make people think there is a stampede and made the dagger dig way deeper until finally, the owl died and vanished.

Though he only gained 1 level, it was still better than the bats and wolves who gave less EXP. Also, since he died before, he only retook the level and stats he lost at that time.

After picking up the loots, he went to towards the group who were supposed to be retreating, since they were surprised by the sudden help, they had stopped and watched the battle dumbfounded.

"Sup, sorry for suddenly taking your enemy like that, are you alright?"

"A-ah, yes, thank you, we we"re saved."

The person that seemed to be leading the group bowed and thanked Lucas.

"Where did you guys come from?"

"Hm? Ah, that"s right! Right this way, please follow us."

Thinking of finally seeing the exit, he followed the group happily.

Though he know he cannot get out, it is still better than not knowing. As they walked down the cave, bats and wolves came to attack only to be repelled by the group, since Lucas already took the [Crypt Owl] from them, he let them attack the other monsters. Since they wouldn"t give a good EXP anyways, though he still

Do you want to accept the quest?YESNO

There is no time to think, Lucas accepted it without hesitation thinking he can"t waste any time. Defeating the gatekeeper can also give him a considerable amount of EXP in preparation to defeat Denneth. However, he was again betrayed by the next window that opened.

Pure Blooded Vampire"s EscapeThe leader of the pure blooded vampires, Sebastian"s daughter is next in line to be sold off! Defeat [Denneth the Nocturnal] and escape the cave together with the vampires!

Note that if you cancel or fail this quest, you will be hated by pure blooded vampires and will no longer help much less talk to you.

Requirement: Defeat [Denneth the Nocturnal]

Difficulty: A
Reward: ???

Lucas can only open his mouth in disbelief. After all, thinking that he"ll turn the gatekeeper as preparation to defeat Denneth, he accepted the quest. But to think that Denneth is the gatekeeper…so the reason why he cannot leave the cave if he didn"t defeat Denneth was because the exit is behind him!

"What kind of dungeon has the last boss right from the start!!!???"

Well, it was wrong to think of this as a dungeon anyway, since from the beginning, this is a prison for the pure blooded vampires.

The vampire family rejoiced when they heard Lucas accept their request.

"Now I have a time limit…moreover…3 days…If I die then its automatic failure…"

Just as Lucas was thinking that, he was presented with a sword.

"This is our family"s heirloom, I noticed that you don"t have a suitable weapon for the fight. Please take this as thanks for accepting our selfish request."

NameDraughtbaneRankSDamage80~120Durability350/350Job RequirementN/ADescriptionA royal heirloom of the pure blooded vampire clan. This sword has the ability to drain the enemy"s life and pa.s.s it to the user for every slash. The amount of life taken will differ depending on how powerful the slash is.

An amazing weapon appeared!

Lucas held the black sword in his hands. The sword had a red gem embedded in the middle of the handle and the blade and a red diamond design on the tip of the sword. The grip fitted Lucas" hand comfortably as he tests each swing.

"Since they only want me to use it for the fight, there was no job requirement. It"s sad that I"ll have to part with such an amazing sword."

Lucas then placed the sword back to its scabbard which was given to him next and equipped it on his back.

Since Lucas has only been using the [Beginner"s Dagger], he felt like real swordsman now that he has an actual sword.

"With this, I should stand a chance against that dragon!"

Thinking this, Lucas stood and left the hut in order to get accustomed to the sword when he suddenly remembered something.

"This…when traveling here, I saw what looked like the remains of a huge battle. Do you know what that was?"

"Ah yes…so you saw that…"

Sebastian smiled wryly at Lucas" question.

"You see a summoner in the village tried to summon a…rather strong demon for defeating Denneth 3 days ago but…"

"He couldn"t control it huh?"

Lucas gave his deduction as Sebastian sighed.

"Yes, it resulted with a large scale battle that took many of our kind"s lives along with the summoner."

"…I"m sorry to hear that…"

Lucas bid his farewells to the family and went outside of the village.

Sebastian had offered him a bed to sleep in and wanted him to rest for the day but Lucas declined for now since he wanted to test the sword immediately.

When he was out of the village, he looked for monsters he could fight.

Seeing a [Grey Wolf], he unsheathed his sword and brandished it towards the wolf. With a fast clean strike, the wolf immediately died and red light oozed out of it and went towards the gem on the sword and strength reached him from his hand.

"Hooooh, now I am able to kill it in one strike!"

He practiced over and over in order to accustom himself from the sword and even tried to get intentionally hit in order to see how much health he gains.

He learned that the amount he damaged is the amount he gains, like this, it is almost a cheat like ability. Well, if the attack hits anyway.

After being satisfied with the results, he logged out in order to eat a real dinner. Even though he already ate here, his real stomach will not get full after all.

+ + +

After finishing dinner, Lucas logged in again and went back to the vampire village.

Since there were no ins and outs in the cave because of Denneth, there was no form of money in the village, hence, Lucas cannot gain money by selling his loots. When he did, he was only told that they can get those whenever they want.

Since the villagers are getting ready to sleep, he decided to go hunting again to increase his level and proficiency with the sword.

As he slashed [Grey Wolves] left and right, he noticed a different monster at the corner of his eyes suddenly jumped at him.

Lucas hurriedly dodges and was able to dodge at the nick of time and finally saw the attacker.

[LVL 120 Alpha Grey Wolf]

It had the same appearance as the [Grey Wolf] but this was bigger, it had the size of about 3 wolves with vicious red eyes that glowed in the dark, with red linings that glowed along its grey fur.

"Its level is greater than the [Crypt Owl]!!!???"

Keeping his guard up, he waited for the alpha to attack. The alpha then howled and the remaining wolves surrounded Lucas creating an inner and outer circle.

It would seem that the alpha is the leader of the pack as its name suggests and led the other wolves in order to cooperate.


At the alpha"s command, the inner wolves jumped at Lucas at the same time while the outside wolves kept their guard.

Lucas killed the three behind him and retreated from the encirclement.

At this time, the outer wolves then attacked him while the wolves at the far end split into two and surrounded him again.

"D-d.a.m.n, what"s up with this teamwork!? Enough! [Stomp]!!!"

Frustrated by the wolves surrounding him, he released a stomp in hope for staggering them.

Sure enough, after releasing a small earthquake, most of the wolves staggered and hesitated to attack. Lucas didn"t miss this chance and killed as many wolves as he can.

Losing the number required for their team play, the number of [Grey Wolves] decreased at a fast pace as Lucas swung his blade left and right while draining their health.

Drenched with the wolf blood, Lucas glared at the alpha wolf.

"Come here my EXP pot!"

Taunting it, the alpha took a step back from the scene in front of it and hesitated for a second, however, it soon regained its senses and jumped an attack at Lucas.

Using its fast speed, it used the hit and run tactic that Lucas used before.

Not used to having an opponent faster than him, Lucas wasn"t able to dodge all of its attacks which made his HP decrease slowly but surely.

"Tch! Hold still you- [Stomp]!"

Lucas used stomp and made the alpha stagger and missed its attack. He used this chance to land a critical blow at the alpha and regain his HP.

The alpha immediately retreated a few meters back and let out a strong bark.


"Gh-! A paralyzing skill!?"

Following that, the alpha let out another skill as it brandished its paws in the air. Something like a transparent claw shaped shockwave was released from its paw and headed to the unmoving Lucas.

However, Lucas already knows how to deal with a situation like this.


With the system"s a.s.sistance, his feet automatically stomped the ground making him dodge the claw barely as he crashed to the ground.

Though the alpha was shocked that his attack was evaded, he immediately regained his composure and attacked Lucas himself

"D-d.a.m.n! Just how long will I be paralyzed!?"

Seeing the alpha drawing near him, he thought of an idea in case he won"t be able to move anytime soon.

The alpha soon closed in and tried to bite his feet but that was his mistake.

Lucas was ready for this and released his skill.

Using another stomp, his feet which were about to get eaten kicked the face of the wolf which yelped in cry.

Finally being able to move, Lucas swung his sword and cleaved the head of the alpha. Not letting it escape, he continued to rain down his attack and skills.

"[Bash] [Bash] [Bash]!!!"


After letting out a death cry, the alpha wolf disappeared and dropped items.

NoticeYou have gained a level!
You have gained a level!

"H-hah, d.a.m.n…that guy was tougher than I thought."

Lucas panted and sat down on the spot as he wipes his face from the blood.

Along with the EXP he gained from the [Grey Wolves] he gained 2 levels and immediately allotted the [Stat Points].

NameLucasLevel125GenderMaleMoney1 G 20 S 50 CJobNoviceRaceHumanHealth13090Mana13025STR155INT105SPD135DEX105VIT118LUK212Fame490Pa.s.sive Skills

[Play Dead] Beginner LVL 1(0.00%)
[Night Vision] Master LVL 10(100.00%)

Active Skills

[Bash] Master LVL 5(20.43%)
[Stomp] Master LVL 7(75.13%)

His [Night Vision] has already maxed out for a while now and he can now see the inside of the cave as clear as day. Since [Bash] and [Stomp] is his only skill to attack, they reached Master rank easily due to the constant repet.i.tion. As for [Play Dead], well, since he"s no longer weak enough to be in the brink of death, there was no chance for the skill to activate.

After being satisfied with the results, he searched for more enemies and hunt until he leveled up 3 times. Before he knew it, the day had already pa.s.sed.

+ + +


Lucas entered the village once more and found the vampires grouped together and armed with weapons.

"Ah, you"ve returned."

"What is all this? Did something happen?"

Lucas questioned Sebastian who seemed to be organizing the group.

"We were touched by your motivation to grow stronger instead of resting for the sake of defeating Denneth. Please, let us lend our power. It was our problem to begin with, as the n.o.ble pure blooded vampires, our pride will not allow just sitting by and watching you fight alone."

Sebastian gave a dignified look as expected from a real n.o.ble. His eyes showed unwavering will to fight or die.

Lucas stared at these eyes a.s.sessing his will, then the other vampires behind him and decided.

"Understood. Prepare for battle! Let this day be known as the day the dragon known as [Denneth the Nocturnal] dies!!! Avenge those souls that lay defeated against him! Escape this cave and be free!"


NoticeYou have gained a new stat [Charisma]!

+100 Charisma

"Hooh, so it"s possible to get more stats?"

Lucas was amazed by how flexible the game is. Actually, his line from before was just his own selfishness of wanting to say those lines once in his lifetime.

While happily grinning, he turned his back from the vampire army and looked into the horizon.

"Now, let"s get that EXP dragon."

Ill.u.s.trator: imaginexbreaker