World Gate Online

Chapter 2: Audience with the King

Chapter 2: Audience with the King


NoticeYou have been summoned as a [Hero] due to your t.i.tle belonging to the [Hero] Cla.s.s.

This is your first time being summoned!

Remaining time: 6:23:30:52

NoticeDue to being summoned, you cannot travel to any world until you complete your mission of being summoned.

Current mission: End the conflict between the Demon race and the Human race.

NoticeCongratulations! You are the first to discover this world [Senerth]!

For 1 week, you will have double EXP in this world.

+700 Fame


I let out a weird sound as I stare at these windows.

I mean, what the h.e.l.l? What does the world want with me!?

I don"t wanna become a [Hero]! I just told Trask that! Why does every force in the universe seem to want me to become a [Hero]!!!???

Normally, this would actually excite me but I"m not in the mood for such a thing.

Not only that, but I can"t even go back unless I bring peace to this world!? Are you kidding me!?

Don"t take peace too lightly!

You think that peace can be achieved that easily!? Even in our world, conflicts still happen! And you want me to bring peace here!?

…Wait…it doesn"t really imply peace right? I just have to end the conflict?

………But isn"t that the same thing?

This type of story leads to me defeating the Demon Lord or something, they just told me to do that a while ago.

Hmmm…… peace isn"t needed right? I just have to kill that d.a.m.n Demon Lord and be done with it.

But still……to freeze time for 1 week of this world…I"ll just make use of it and earn as much EXP as I can.

But after it"s finished…just what is the equivalent time here from my real world…….hopefully it isn"t anything extreme like 1 day here is a decade there……I don"t wanna see everyone I know to be old people……and I definitely don"t want to see my own little brother to be older than me.

Oh yeah, there"s a time display on my upper leftmost vision…it"s frozen, I forgot that time"s supposed to be stopped for 1 week here…The upper time displays the time in [Harus] and the lower time displays the time in [Earth]…I wonder how these things actually work?

d.a.m.n, this is all because of these guys summoning me.

What did I ever do to them!? I want to sleep! Nighttime is approaching in my own world and I"m about to sleep then you summon me!?

This is way beyond jet lag.

I don"t even know what time it is in this enclosed room!

Gnngngngngggggggggggg…hurry up and explain to me so I can be done with this!

My [Rage] stat is already past 500 so I will definitely lose control the moment I use [Dragon"s Wrath]!

Explain already!!!

I stare at the priests surrounding me with hostile gaze which made them all flinch.

Am I that scary? Did I activate [Dragon"s Wrath] unknowingly? Or is it an effect of [Dragon Eyes]?

"U-umm, I apologize if we"ve brought Sir Hero any discomfort."

"It"s fine, quickly, explain what"s happening."

I"m already in a bad mood before you guys summoned me so hurry up!

"Y-yes, you see, our country is currently being attacked by a ma.s.sive army of monsters. We fear that there is no hope so the King ordered to summon a [Hero] that can lead us to victory."


You mean right now!? You summoned me in the middle of the war!?


Isn"t there some sort of training first? Strengthening the Hero so he can fight the Demon Lord, that kind of story!?

"And where is that King that dared summon me selfishly?"

My voice turned colder than usual.

I wonder if it"s because I"m really p.i.s.sed off right now?

"Y-yes, we will lead you to his Highness."

Looks like the priests are all scared of me……whatever.

They"re all old people anyway.

I mean come on, Hero summoning and the first people I see are old men!? Isn"t it usually beautiful Princess or Priestesses!?

While I was thinking about that, I was lead towards a rather grand hall.

Activating my appraisal skills, I found out that most of the furniture is made of rather expensive materials. They"re all definitely high cla.s.s.

A lot of my skills leveled up fast as well, I guess it"s the effect of seeing something rare what with this being another world and all.

My [Art Sense] stat also increased 7 times!

The Throne Room was even more amazing.

So amazing I just wish I can steal everything in here.

"I"m definitely set for life if I sell all these in [Earth]…"

Sitting on the Throne, was an old bearded man wearing expensive n.o.ble attire.

Definitely worthy of a King. He looked down on me in that elevated throne of his…annoying.

Somehow, he reminded me of that trash King in [Drachedge]…..the Queen also had the same feel around her.

"Seriously, what"s with these Kings and Queens that just feels annoying…Sebastian and Prince Lanslet are definitely better than them."

On the bright side, the Princess beside them feels normal.

She is indeed beautiful but…I wonder why? Somehow, I just recalled Freya at the back of my head….?

Upon reaching a few steps distance from the throne, the other priests and soldiers that accompanied me knelt and bowed their heads.

"…Why do you not kneel?"

Right, I didn"t.

"I"ll turn that question back at you. Why do you think I will kneel?"

"I am the King. It is natural to kneel in front of the King."

Uwaaa…so he"s that type huh?

The type that does whatever he wants because he"s King?

"Listen here old man. In my world, it"s already nighttime and oh, looks like it is the same here."

I see a window and looked outside and it"s really nighttime.

Do these guys ever sleep?

Though there"s bright light beneath, this is probably the still going war…..they really did summon me in the middle of the war huh?

"I"m tired, I was just about to sleep and relax but then you decided to summon me. Look, the way I see it, you"re desperate for my help with this war of yours. And now you"re asking me to kneel in front of you? I only kneel to the person I know I can respect and that is not you."

"W-wha-!? You commoner! Don"t think you"re that important just because you"re a [Hero]! We can replace you anytime we want!"

Oh good, he snapped.

Now that"s a sight to see.

….But why does the Princess look so excited?

"Good! Now send me back and replace me! I wanna sleep! And for your information, I"m a Marquis!"




The King and I fell silent.

"…What? Hurry up and send me back so you can replace me."


"…It"s that huh?...I really can"t leave unless I defeat the Demon Lord and you cannot summon another [Hero] while I"m here?"


The King flinched…

Tch, there goes my shortcut to go back…

I thought that since I will be able to go back, I can just reenter this world with the [World Key] later and monopolize the dungeons and monsters but…I really can"t leave huh?

Geez, to have my expectations go up then bring it back down immediately…this guy"s annoying.

"H-hah! Even if you want to go back, you can"t unless you defeat the Demon Lord so in the end, you"ll still do your job."

This old man….

Hm? There was nothing mentioned in the system notice about killing the Demon Lord right?

"My job is supposed to be just to end the conflict between the Demon race and Human race…it shouldn"t matter who survives and dies right? So choose. You, or the Demon Lord. Whichever dies will surely settle the conflict."

Well, it wouldn"t settle immediately but it will definitely make the rest easier.

Although…I don"t really think I can kill him just because of that….well whatever.



Oh, looks like he"s scared.

……And the Princess still looks excited!? Why the h.e.l.l!?

It"s like she founds this amusing…..I wonder, I feel like something"s going on here…



Did I just hear him laugh?

He did right?


"…Is this King right in the head?"

"Good, good! I have to say, I"m impressed!"


I really have no words for this.

Is this some sort of prank?

Am I in one of those reality TV shows?

….Is this why the Princess was like that? Looks like she isn"t fit for acting…

"That look, I"m sure you"re confused. You see, we"re not really inclined to trust strangers like you and just call you [Hero] because you"re the one that was summoned."


"So, we devised a test. A test whether I can see you trustworthy enough to be called [Hero]."

"In that case I failed right?"

I badmouthed him a lot, even threatened him.

I"m sure I"ll fail, then I"ll be sent back…wait, I can"t return right? Or was that an act as well?

"On the contrary, you pa.s.sed."

"Old man, I think you should see a doctor. You know, one that specializes in mental illness."

"Haha, you sure know how to make someone laugh huh? You see, if someone just tells you to believe in them right from the get go, what would you think?"

He"s treating what I said as a joke…

"He"s an idiot?"

Well, imagine someone you don"t know and immediately tells you to trust them, what kind of people could that be other than an idiot?

…Wait, I did that when I rescued Freya right? I just took her away and led her to an abandoned building…thinking back on it, my actions are really suspicious…

"That I agree young child. You see, if you, who were just summoned, kneeled in front of me, acted all nice and all, and even make promises like "I will save this world". Then believing in you would be hard."

Well…but isn"t that what a [Hero] would"ve said?

"After all, we don"t know you. We don"t know what you are, we don"t know anything about you. So we"ll think "why". Why is this person helping us? What are his true motives? But you, you ignored all that."


"In fact, you really sounded more of a [Villain] you know? But you"re not."

"What makes you think that?"

Though I asked that, the King just smiled.

"Trade secret."

This d.a.m.n King…

I stare at him with half open eyes.

"Anyway, if it"s you, I can be sure. You will save this world, it"s in you to do so. After all, you"re a [Hero]."

Even in this world…what the h.e.l.l do people see me for?

I have too many selfish desires to be a [Hero]…

"Guards, bring the Mithril Set."

Four guards exited the room after bowing.

…Did he say mithril?

Mithril Set? As in a [Set]?

I get to have a set of armor made of mithril!?

In WGO…rather, in [Harus], you can set a set of equipments into a set for ease of changing. I myself had added the [Nocturnal Set] Sebastian gave me from before. I also still have the [Beginner Set] for no reason...

After a short while, the guards came back carrying a pure white armor and sword.

Using the [Ore Appraisal] Skill that just become Intermediate, I found out that the armor was definitely made of mithril.

Not only that, there"s no other metals involved! I know this because using Beginner Appraisal, I actually have to see the material before I can appraise it, but with Intermediate, red dots indicate where there is an ore and all dots have been Mithril.

Only the leather straps are different, the rest was pure mithril!

"T-this is…."

"Oh? Looks like you"ve taken a liking to it. It"s made of pure mithril and mithril only, everything aside from the leather straps are pure mithril."

No need to repeat what I already know…though I guess he didn"t know that.

J-just how much mithril are there in this world for them to waste this much on a single set!?

Mithrils are supposed to be rare right? Could it be that in this world, mithril is actually common?

Though I thought of that, the King"s next words answered it immediately.

"This is all of this world"s mithril. Every mithril every country have were smelted and given to our top blacksmith, Ulfgar, to forge this set. All for the sake of the [Hero] to wear them. For the sake of peace."


To spend every mithril in the world for just one set…and just give it to the [Hero]…Should I say these guys are kind or an idiot?

I really can"t make up my mind. So I"ll just call them kind idiots.

But one thing"s clear.

If I became this [Hero] then this means the mithril is mine!

"Well then, it"s good you found yourselves a [Hero]!"

"I thought you didn"t want to be one?"

"Hey, I can"t leave here until I finish my mission and you seem to have already considered me as a [Hero] so what else do you want me to do?"

Now I can have all of this world"s mithril by myself!

See? I"m greedy! I"m not fit to be a [Hero]!

But I will be one if it means gaining this amazing set!

"Knock yourself out then. It"s all yours."

NameSenerth"s Mithril ArmorRankSSEffect+300 VIT

+30% Holy DEFDurability500/500SkillHeaven"s ShieldRequirementt.i.tle must have the word [Hero].DescriptionAn armor made of pure mithril that consumed all of Senerth"s mithril mines. Crafted by Senerth"s greatest blacksmith, Ulfgar.
Specially made for a [Hero].

NameSenerth"s Mithril GauntletsRankSSEffect+100 STR

+15% Holy DEFDurability500/500SkillHeaven"s FistRequirementt.i.tle must have the word [Hero].DescriptionA gauntlet made of pure mithril that consumed all of Senerth"s mithril mines. Crafted by Senerth"s greatest blacksmith, Ulfgar.
Specially made for a [Hero].

NameSenerth"s Mithril BootsRankSSEffect+100 SPD

+15% Holy DEFDurability500/500SkillHeaven"s SpeedRequirementt.i.tle must have the word [Hero].DescriptionA boot made of pure mithril that consumed all of Senerth"s mithril mines. Crafted by Senerth"s greatest blacksmith, Ulfgar.
Specially made for a [Hero].

NameSenerth"s Mithril HelmetRankSSEffect+150 DEX

+20% Holy DEFDurability500/500SkillHeaven"s BlessingRequirementt.i.tle must have the word [Hero].DescriptionA helmet made of pure mithril that consumed all of Senerth"s mithril mines. Crafted by Senerth"s greatest blacksmith, Ulfgar.
Specially made for a [Hero].

NameSenerth"s Mithril BladeRankSSDamage100~200Durability500/500SkillHeaven"s FuryRequirementt.i.tle must have the word [Hero].DescriptionA sword made of pure mithril that consumed all of Senerth"s mithril mines. Crafted by Senerth"s greatest blacksmith, Ulfgar.
Specially made for a [Hero].



Everything"s just too awesome.

I look like a full-fledged knight now! Haha, I look like a different person!

Unlike the [Nocturnal Set] I got from Sebastian, these ones have bonus during the day!

When they"re all worn as a set, additional 10% bonuses to all stats were given during the day!

NameSenerth"s Mithril SetRankSSEffect+350 LUK

Specially made for a [Hero].

d.a.m.n, this is too good to be true.

They even all have additional skills!

• [Heaven"s Shield] manifests a transparent white shield in front of me or my target for 1 minute!

• [Heaven"s Speed] increases me or my target"s SPD by 30% for 1 minute!

• [Heaven"s Fury] releases a torrent of slashes to all enemies within 1 meter! STR + 10%!

NameMatador"s capeRankBEffect+80% chance of being targeted.

+1% STR for every enemies that you attract.Durability250/250DescriptionRed marks the spot!

The more enemies you attract, the more powerful you get!

NoticeYou have gained a new stat [Charm]!

+100 Charm

"I"m not gonna wear that!"

"Why not? Ladies will love you if you wear it."

"I don"t care! I don"t want to be targeted all the time!"

"It"s fine, it"s fine. Now off you go! To the battlefield!"

"Listen to me!"

The King just pushed me off the balcony!

The fall could kill me you know!?

Is what I thought but I was immediately caught by a wyvern.

d.a.m.n it. That guy really knows how to p.i.s.s someone off.

And I even thought of forgiving him earlier for giving me this awesome set…now I"m wearing the [Matador"s Cape] and attracted attention…well, on the bright side, I get to kill monsters that isn"t known to other players and monopolize them.

I can also use this to gather lots of monsters to level up faster in 1 week where time is frozen.

I need to settle this mission as well.

…Why isn"t it recorded as a quest though? Whatever, it"s annoying to think about that now.

"You better prepare yourself you d.a.m.n King…someday, I"ll make you pay."

The driver stiffened when he heard me mutter that.

We were now flying on top of the battlefield.

There"s minatours, cyclops, giant worm like creatures, mammoth like creatures…There"s really a lot of monsters and looking with my [Enemy Appraisal], I see Lvl 100-200 monsters…I can"t believe this. Do you guys know I"m just Level 17!?

Well…my stats should be that of a Lvl 100+ but still…haah, let"s just do this.

…Wait, what happens if I die?

…I don"t want to even think about it…Let"s just hope that I get to be transported to that special hospital…

Hmm…it seems my [Rage] still hasn"t gone below 500. Good, good. If it"s here, I can vent out all my anger.

"Oi you. Warn everyone below to retreat if they don"t wanna get caught in the crossfire. I"m going to let loose and I don"t

will do for now.

I don"t need sword skill or finesse in what I"m about to do anyway.

Activating [Dragon"s Wrath], black mist gathered around me.

Like that, I fell.

"[Dragon Claw]! [Heaven"s Fist]!"

With the black transparent ma.s.s appearing on my left side and a white transparent fist on the right, I swung it down towards the battlefield.


Dust cloud piled up and the battlefield froze wondering what happened.

Because of the attack earlier, my fall was softened and I was able to avoid damage upon falling and safely landed.

When the dust cleared up, I was surrounded by monsters that were at least twice as big as me.

Being surrounded by thick black fog from the [Dragon"s Wrath], my mind was slowly drifting away.

Before my mind fades away, I let out one skill after another, [Heaven"s Shield], [Heaven"s Speed], [Heaven"s Blessing], [Heaven"s Crucifixion], and lastly, [Dragon Roar].


And that, was the last thing I remember.


NameLucasLevel17GenderMaleMoney10 G 54 S 50 CJobWanderer LVL 19

Marquis of WatervlietFame103470Charisma3000Art Sense25Rage523Charm100Fire12Water12Earth11Wind12Light11Dark11Pa.s.sive Skills

[Play Dead] Beginner LVL 6(12.23%)

[One Foot Walk] Beginner LVL 9 (12.35%)

[Photographic Memory] Intermediate LVL 1 (14.45%)

[Potion Appraisal] Beginner LVL 3 (45.65%)

[Wood Appraisal] Beginner LVL 5 (12.24%)

[Cloth Appraisal] Intermediate LVL 1 (14.45%)

[Item Appraisal] Intermediate LVL 6 (75.57%)

[Food Appraisal] Beginner LVL 6 (45.65%)

[Enemy Appraisal] Intermediate LVL 1 (45.35%)

[Staff Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Bow Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Katar Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Whip Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Mace Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Axe Mastery] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Dominant Arm Mastery] Intermediate LVL 3 (72.52%)

[Sword Mastery] Intermediate LVL 7 (45.85%)
[Warrior"s Presence] Beginner LVL 8 (14.45%)

Active Skills

[Bash] Master LVL 10(100.00%)

[Dragon"s Wrath] Beginner LVL 9 (75.42%)

[Dragon Roar] Beginner LVL 3 (72.53%)

[Color Mix] Beginner LVL 8 (97.52%)

[Neró] Beginner LVL 2 (82.45%)

[Mien] Beginner LVL 2 (82.45%)

[Skotádi] Beginner LVL 2 (82.45%)

[Cloth Repair] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)

[Summon Freya] Master LVL 10 (100.00%)


Pure-blooded Vampires +57000

Church +10000


Author"s Notes

Sorry this one took so long, I just have to watch the Flash and Arrow first haha, and I just finished V3 Ch4. I will have RR catch up first before I post them on both sites.

Also, the equipment format is different from the j.a.ptem Version as I have no idea how to do rowspan here...-_-