World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent

Chapter 117

A Choice to Take On

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I became a referee and gave a signal to start, but Albert and the mercenary didn’t move while holding swords at each other.

No… it could be said that they couldn’t move.

Albert was completely using a strategy of waiting because he was wondering how to attack the iron masked mercenary.

“Aniue… you should stop waiting.” (Marina)

“Al wasn’t stopping. Although Al attacked during the training, he is really good at battle of waiting like now.” (Reus)

“If that is the case, why did he train in such a way?” (Marina)

“I’m not sure about the details, but Aniki was going to make Al grow a lot.” (Reus)

Just as what Reus and Marina spoke with a loud voice, Albert’s training was mainly focusing on proactive a.s.saults.

It was because Albert had already achieved an adequate level in parrying technique. Because of that, when he gain an appropriate physical stamina and other techniques, that parry technique would also be naturally polished.

He didn’t only observe and memorize, he knew when to make a move. That was necessary for Albert.

“…He is moving!” (Reus)

Even though Albert was fighting the battle, he was probably imagining the battle.

Simultaneously with the words of Reus who was reading the movement of the other side, the iron masked mercenary stepped forward while swinging his sword.

He seemed to be an excellent swordsman with same power as Reus. The sword swung according to the swordsmanship was heavy and sharp, and if Albert fought him upfront, he would be in disadvantageous situation.

Nevertheless, Albert calmly looked at his opponent and he moved according to his opponent sword that was swung down.

“Haa!” (Albert)

A violent sound of iron clashing reverberated around us, and at the same time, there was a sword swaying in the air until the corner of the courtyard. When I saw them…

“…It’s my win…” (Albert)

“Aah.” (Regis)

The mercenary lost his sword and there was a figure of Albert pressing his sword against his neck.

The outcome of the match was clear.

“The winner is… Albert!” (Sirius)

“Albert-sama!” (Pamela)

Pamela headed out at the same time as my declaration, and she leaped in order to hug Albert.

“I believed you!” (Pamela)

“Thanks, Pamela. With this, we can openly–… tha-that’s a bit too strong, Pamela! Calm down a bit more!” (Albert)

“You were so magnificent! Let’s get married soon!” (Pamela)

“Guhh! Aah… ma-marriage–… guhh!” (Albert)

“A-aneue, please stop it! There’s weird sound from Anieu’s body!” (Marina)

“Aah!? I-I’m sorry. I’m just too happy…” (Pamela)

It seemed Marina managed to get things done even though she was a bit late, but now he got more damage than the match.

From now on, it looked like Albert need to train more in order to endure that strength. His true enemy was likely the fiancé, huh?

“You did it, Al! That was a superb technique!” (Reus)

“Yeah. That’s because I was watching your sword just next to you.” (Albert)

To put it simply what Albert had done in the battle, he just hit the opponent’s sword and flick it off.

However, since the opponent had a fitting strength, Albert couldn’t easily repel a sword that was strongly held. To be honest, if it was Albert before going through training, not only repelling, it was impossible for him to evade and deflect the trajectory of the sword.

But the present Albert already got used to Reus and my swordsmanship. He could determine the force loaded by the opponent from the direction of the sword.

Moreover, Albert, who memorized an offensive approach from the mock battles with me, stepped in without hesitation and unleashed a precise blow.

It was Albert’s complete victory in this way, but of course, the uninterested young n.o.ble clenched his teeth with regret.

“Why… Why is he getting stronger in such a short time? Albert wasn’t this strong.” (Young n.o.ble)

“Just admit it. Rather than making that guy answers your unreasonable demand, he fought against me and he won, you know?” (Regis)

“What did you say… didn’t you go easy on him!?” (Young n.o.ble)

“What a rude employer. Listen, I seriously fought him and I lost. Even if you love Pamela, you are losing to Albert.” (Regis)

“What!? I love her and–…” (Young n.o.ble)

While the conversation progressed between the n.o.ble and the iron masked man who suddenly became talkative, Albert and Marina were wondering when looking at Pamela and his father who were somehow surprised.

“You didn’t take on challenge by using your power, and you didn’t fight for what you love. That’s enough, I notice something wrong with your behavior. You are deceived by that suspicious woman.” (Regis)

“Y-you’re wrong… for me to be deceived…” (Young n.o.ble)

“Well, the soldiers are coming soon, so if you want to do it, do it quickly. To be honest, I also feel suspicious.” (Regis)

“Y-you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what are you!? For a hired mercenary to talk this much…!” (Young n.o.ble)

“What do you mean? I am that kind of person anyway.” (Regis)

And then, the mercenary loosened the belt of protective gear attached to the waist, and took off the iron mask without hesitation.

A fox tail came out from the armor, and fox ears grew in the head from where the iron mask was taken off.

In other words, he was also a Foxtailkin, but the n.o.ble seemed remember something when looking at that unmasked face. With a sharp looking eyes, he was smiling like a child. I felt as if I had seen him somewhere.

Recently… like a woman… yeah, he looked similar to Pamela.

“Wayne!?” (Pamela’s Father) (TLN: The name in raw is ウェイン)

“Onii-sama!?” (Pamela)

When the truth was out, Pamela and his father were screaming so.

In other words, he was Pamela’s older brother who Marina explained earlier, and he was the eldest son of Romanio’s family head. He really looked similar to Pamela.

“By the way, I have the right to say it to you. If you understand, go home quickly and ask that woman. The result will be different.” (Regis/Wayne)

“Bas-b.a.s.t.a.r.d…” (Young n.o.ble)

There were probably circ.u.mstances that only two of them knew. And then, the young n.o.ble departed without saying anything.

As he saw off the retreating figure covered with grief, he waved at his family.

“Hey, Oyaji. And I’m home, dear sister.” (Wayne)

“Onii-sama, you were fine!” (Pamela)

“You did coming back… huh. Dear me, a person like you…” (Pamela’s Father)

“Wayne-san. Why did you…” (Albert)

“I also had reasons. Even so, you have become really strong, Albert!” (Wayne)

As he laughed, he tapped the surprised Albert’s shoulder, and explained the circ.u.mstances.

Wayne continued being an adventurer while hiding his face under an iron mask. It seemed that he came back to Romanio a while ago after suppressing Guirdjieff.

“Then, it was difficult to return home because something troubling happened in the house, so as I tried gathering information from the guild, the person earlier made a request to me.” (Wayne)

The content of the request was to compete against Albert. He was fortunate enough to have received such a request.

Thereupon, he got to know the current situation, and heard the information concerned from a servant who lived in the n.o.ble’s mansion.

“That guy is a bit arrogant, but he is not a kind of guy who ask impossible like in this time. Recently, it seems that his personality has suddenly changed, and it is also because of a woman who showed up in the mansion.” (Wayne)

He judged that woman, who hid her face with a hood, was suspicious, and he thought to fully investigate it since Albert was returning home.

“Anyway, Oyaji… Send someone to that man’s house at once. His situation is really suspicious.” (Wayne)

“Uhmm… alright.” (Pamela’s Father)

“Onii-sama, I understand the fact that you investigated a lot of things, but don’t you think that it is necessary to fight against Albert-sama?” (Pamela)

“No, I was thinking whether Albert is suitable for you, sister.” (Wayne)

To put it simply, although he was sneakily investigating, as far as I heard about him being an oddball… no, I guess he was a person who lived on instinct.

The father, who saw the att.i.tude of Wayne who was laughing without any feeling of shame, directed his sight toward Pamela.

“Pamela. Do it.” (Pamela’s Father)

“Yes, Otou-sama. You see, Onii-sama, please accept a hug from your younger sister.” (Pamela)

“No, your hug is not even funny… guhooo!?” (Wayne)

He seemed to be hugged without any trouble, and a voice beyond Albert’s earlier echoed.

Whether they were in the same opinion as Pamela, Albert and Marina didn’t try to stop her. They keep silent and watching.

After a while, Wayne, who got released, unsteadily approaching Albert and shook hands.

His expression was serious, but I didn’t think that it was due to the pain in the body.

“Albert. Let me say this again, I completely lost. I also want to say this. Please take care of my sister.” (Wayne)

“Wayne-san… thank you very much.” (Albert)

If you are like this, I think things will go well under you.” (Wayne)

“Eh? Under me… that mean…?” (Albert)

“When you are married to Pamela, Romanio’s next family head is probably you. I can’t rule the town, and I am talking about the guards and ask them to work under you.” (Wayne)

“No, no! Wayne-san, are you leaving because of that!?” (Albert)

Although this was an opinion of an outsider, I thought that Wayne was right.

As the oldest son, Wayne a.s.serted that even if he himself or his parent was the family head, Albert, who would inevitably marry the daughter of the present family head, would be the candidate for the next term.

Even if that was impossible and Pamela would be from another n.o.ble household, in my opinion, Albert had the ability to govern people

He seemed to be liked by people in the Parade town, and there were almost n.o.body who looked at him in negative way except for some.

As a person who wasn’t disliked by people… he would have enough abilities as a family head.

“Yes, it is. We are happy if you can succeed instead of Wayne.” (Pamela’s Father)

“O-ojii-san…” (Albert)

“However, that will be the story in the future. You don’t have to worry after we confirm the situation. Now, I want to see you and my daughter to be in a glory even if it is a bit sooner. If it is possible, having grandchildren…” (Pamela’s Father)

“That’s right, Albert-sama! There is nothing to stop us anymore.” (Pamela)

“…Understood. I promise that I will protect you.” (Albert)

They faced each other, Albert put down a knee and took Pamela’s hand.

“There is no more word needed. Pamela… please marry me!” (Albert)

“Yes… gladly!” (Pamela)

Albert had made a proposal, and as Pamela accepted it, we were giving them a big applause.

The ladies in the house were enviably looking at them who were hugging without worrying the surrounding gazes.

“Haa… it is wonderful. I also… with Sirius-sama… someday…” (Emilia)

“I want to be proposed when I’m on Hokuto.” (Fia)

“Hehe… I will always be waiting for you.” (Reese)

Although I could settle down when that came into mind, I was still on a quest of being adventurer with no goal.


“Yes, surely… someday…” (Sirius)

Looking at those girls, I told that I would officially propose to them.

Marina looked at them who were full of happiness with a smile and overflow tears, but somehow, there was sadness in that smile.

“Anieu, Aneue… I’m really… happy for you.” (Marina)

“…Say, Marina. If you are lonely, please have a proper talk with Al later. It’s not good to keep silent, you know?” (Reus)

“Wh-what are you talking about!? I’m happy that Anieu and Aneue are getting together, so why would I feel lonely!?” (Marina)

“Well, is it because of that? I was also happy when Aniki and Nee-chan became lovers, but I felt like she was going far away and I felt a bit lonely. So, Marina also feel same way, right?” (Reus)

“That’s not it…” (Marina)

Marina objected what Reus had said, but in the middle of seeing her brother and the future sister in law embracing each other, she finally ended up sighing.

“…Yeah, maybe you were right. Like you said, I feel… a bit lonely. Aniue is not for me anymore… and that’s the only thing I have in mind.” (Marina)

“As I expected, right? But, that is just your imagination. It’s just that we are imagining things. Al probably won’t change, you know.” (Reus)

“Why are you looking so proud? But.. yeah. I can understand a little.” (Marina)

Rather than dodging the thought, it was also important to notice it.

Thinking how Reus was, I was happy with his growth.

Unlike the two who swore marriage over there, the atmosphere around here became good again.

I didn’t mind Reus and Marina got along well, but when I thought ahead, it was going to be a bit trouble.

Since we were adventurers, the time for those two to part away was getting closer.

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Later, we heard about the suspicious woman verified according to Wayne’s investigation, but based on the security report sent from the n.o.ble’s mansion, it seemed that she already went away.

Whether she was real or not, even the shadow and the appearance, the said n.o.ble also didn’t remember about her well, as if they didn’t know about her at all.

“When sniffing become a habit, it felt like I could do anything. She was the one who said that–.. d.a.m.n! I can’t remember!” (n.o.ble)

I tried diagnosing him, apparently, he had been sniffing drugs that deprived thinking abilities and somehow became fascinated.

And as the thought was induced by the woman’s word, even when Pamela try to obtain the information, it was impossible. They just persist with murmur.

However, they couldn’t find anything as a proof. Either way the n.o.ble himself had decided that way. The n.o.ble acknowledged wrong and honestly apologized. Although it was frustrating, the two of them accepted his apology. The good relationship between Albert and Pamela was displayed, so it was said that they had to accept it.

I also tried to find that woman, but it was nearly impossible to find a person whom I never met and I didn’t know the face or mana too.

Even when the guards searched through the town, they couldn’t find her or got satisfactory eyewitness testimonies. Therefore, the search for that woman was canceled.

Although it left a bad taste in the mouth, Albert’s problem was concluded.

A few days later… even though Albert’s problem was solved, we still hadn’t departed yet.

The sightseeing had ended a long time ago, but we were here to partic.i.p.ate in the wedding ceremony of Albert and Pamela in a few days.

For that reason, we were helping with the preparation, but when we returned to Parade, we were led to Albert’s brother.

The reason was to report of the current situation. Since it contained an prohibited story, I was the only person who showed up.

“…The report is more or less like this. It seems that the marriage between the two give a sense of discomfort to some n.o.bles, but they were blessed based on the mood of the whole town.” (Sirius)

“Thank you for your hard work. How is the preparation for the wedding?” (Albert’s Brother)

“Although the time was spent a lot, it will be done without problems after two days.” (Sirius)

“I think it will be safe if you come here, but just don’t be careless. Anyway, what kind of reward is good for you?” (Albert’s Brother)

“Well, I want flour, salt and sugar. Will you also give me some more the luck of the lake that I got on the other day?” (Sirius)

Like before, since I had accepted the request of observing Albert’s and surrounding situations which was still continued. Therefore, I was getting rewards while continuing the request.

Although the rewards were basic necessities, since we were using it in many ways to produce new dishes and seasoning, I was being paid with food ingredients and specialty products instead of money.

I left the mansion after finishing the rest of the report, and then, I joined my disciples who were talking a walk in the town.

“Sirius-sama. Have you finish with the reporting?” (Emilia)

“Yes. What are you doing over there?” (Sirius)

“We were looking for congratulatory present for Albert and Pamela.” (Emilia)

“But since we already familiar with this town, I was wondering whether there is something unusual here. That was why we were looking around a lot.” (Fia)

Incidentally, I thought of a wedding cake, but I stopped for a certain reason. Therefore, I decided to cook dishes that were not coming from this area.

After that, I also looked around and window-shopping at various stalls, but I couldn’t find something good.

“Hei, Aniki. In this situation, what is the best thing to give to them?” (Reus)

“Yes, it is. Things that are based on local custom or good auspicious objects would be good.” (Sirius)

I mentioned few things that seemed to be auspicious, which would make me think that the bond between them wasn’t separated, but it seemed that Reus didn’t get it.

“You see, I really want to surprise Albert!” (Reus)

“You are more earnest than us, is it?” (Emilia)

“Yeah. That’s because Al is my friend!” (Reus)

Together with the training, the relationship between the two who could relied on each other was getting very deep, and he was also in a good term with Marina.

For that reason, saying goodbye would be difficult, and these days, Reus was smiling a lot to hide his sadness.

Since Reus was pretending to be alright, Emilia asked him as a sister.

“Say, Reus. If it’s alright with you, you can stay here–…” (Emilia)

“Wh-what are you talking about, Nee-chan? I have decided that I will follow Aniki. Didn’t I take a vow!?” (Reus)

“Right… If that is what you have decided, it is fine then.” (Emilia)

I guessed that this was because of me.

Although this was necessary, the upbringing of Reus since young age was with me as the center.

Therefore… those words came back.

It was the path Reus chose, and I didn’t think it was bad to yearn me, but… I wanted him to look on something more than me.

Perhaps it was time for drastic measure, but there was no such a opportunity yet.

I was giving up halfway when I thought so, but then… that opportunity came.

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Next morning, when we were preparing at the inn to go to Romanio, I noted that the whole town was unusually noisy.

Whether there was something, we all gathered at the hotel reception to find out about the situation, and then, the woman who was the secretary of Parade’s family head hurriedly entered the inn.

“That’s great! I’m sorry, will you please go to the family head soon?” (Secretary)

“What happened? Why are you rushing?” (Emilia)

“It seems to be related to this situation. Understood, we will immediately go there.” (Sirius)

“Thank you very much. I will tell you the situation along the way there…” (Secretary)

We, then, went to the owner’s house while asking the secretary to explain the situation.

Whether the situation affected here as well, there were few people guarding the mansion.

We went inside without stopping through, and we got to hear the detailed situation from the family head.

“…So you have come? I’m sorry to call you, but did you ask her about the situation?” (Albert’s Brother)

“Yes. It seems that hordes of monsters are approaching this town.” (Sirius)

Hordes of monsters appearing in this world was not an unusual phenomenon.

For example, the goblins living in the forest bred too much, they would come out all at once from the forest seeking for foods and women to multiple. There were various situations, but it was a common occurrence.

However, since this town had many adventurers and guards of the town, it would be possible to deal with large groups of small size monsters. In the worst case scenario, they could even escape to the lake with ships.

The outside was noisy because of its defense preparation. The ships were probably prepared at the critical moment, but it seemed a bit different situation this time.

“According to the observation, the number of monsters is approximately 600. There will be considerable number of victims, but somehow the number of monster that we can handle…” (Pamela’s Brother)

“…Apparently, this doesn’t seem normal.” (Sirius)

“Yes. It is confusing with this large number of monsters this time. Even monsters that are said never to be in a group, are pressing closer to the town.” (Pamela’s Brother)

Since the monster that lived on instinct would not join hands with other monsters or species, only goblin… would worked together with similar species.

However, the approaching hordes of monsters this time were not only Goblin types, but also various species. Furthermore, the monsters were going straight to the town without merging together.

“Now, rather finding the reason, we can’t look away from the present problem. If there is only one type of monster, it is easy to set up countermeasures, but it is difficult when there are various types. Anyway, I want to gather war potentials even if it is a little bit.” (Pamela’s Brother)

“Hmm…” (Sirius)

I verified everyone here, but they all had a smile full of enthusiasm.

However, I would the one who make the final decision, so everyone didn’t say anything and was waiting for my words.

Although it was a short encounter, I had received an accommodation with meals and rewards. Moreover, he was Albert’s immediate family. There was no way to overlook the favor.

“Understood. Let us help too.” (Sirius)

“Are you sure? We’re saved.” (Pamela’s Brother)

“Hehe, rest a.s.sured. With us and Aniki here, it will be easy to defeat the monsters.” (Reus)

“Hmmm. I’m counting on you since you guys trained my brother until now. The place where the monsters will approach is from the northwest of the town–…” (Pamela’s Brother)

In this way, we were told about the strategy and location and it was decided to go to rush to the battlefield, but we returned to the inn because we were lightly armed.

After returning to the inn, we put on the equipment in the carriage. And then, we were waiting in front of the inn waiting for the carriage requested by the family head.

“Reduce the number with magic and projectile weapons from long distance, and when it come closer, join the adjacent groups and fight the monsters.” (Sirius)

“After seeing the place, we will adapt with the situation.” (Emilia)

“Yeah. Do not forget to pay attention to the surroundings because this is a collective battle.” (Sirius)

“““Yes!””” (Emilia/Reus/Reese)

When confirming a series of flows during free time, Reus suddenly tilted his neck while moving his nose.

“Eh, that smell is…” (Reus)

“Smell? Oh… why is that child…?” (Emilia)

As I instinctively invoked [Search], I understood the feeling that make Reus tilted his neck.

“What’s wrong, you two?” (Reese)

“Look, over there.” (Reus)

When I turned towards where Reus pointed out, Marina was running towards here with disordered breathing.

Although she should be busy with the wedding ceremony, she wouldn’t leave Albert. So, why she came here alone?

There was no doubt that something came up with that desperate expression, but when she saw us, her expression was relieved a little.

“Aah… that’s great. I found you.” (Marina)

“What’s wrong, Marina? We are going to get rid of monsters from now, so we are not that free.” (Reus)

“It-it can’t be! Here also…” (Marina)

“Here also? Oi, does that mean be the other side also…” (Reus)

“That’s right! Hordes of monsters are approaching Romanio!” (Marina)

When I listened to the details, there was report said that hordes of monsters were approaching in the early morning. It appeared that the Romanio side would collide with the monsters sooner.

Apparently, it was larger than here, and the variety of monsters didn’t change. Similar like in Parade, they formed unit and headed for interception. It seemed that Albert and Wayne were also partic.i.p.ating in it.

In order to tell the situation to Parade, Marina came aboard a small boat prepared in a hurry.

“Please! Please help Aniue! I can only depend on everyone now…” (Marina)

“Calm down, Marina. If it is the present Albert, he will not easily be done. Wayne-san also is there, and unless they are separated…” (Sirius)

“…They are likely to be separated!” (Marina)

It looked like Albert and Wayne were divided into right flank and left flank.

As the strategy was decided, Pamela came to see Albert off and they exchanged kisses just before leaving the town.

The surroundings were pleasantly looking at such a harmonious scene, but Marina, who noticed the gazes some n.o.ble directed to them, felt something wrong.

“It wasn’t only the feeling of envy, I could feel something really disgusting. So, after hiding my appearance with the ability of illusion…” (Marina)

Because of the tails, Marina probably sensitive to people’s gaze.

Anyway, when she sneaked behind those suspicious n.o.bles, it was believed that the n.o.bles, who thought Albert as an eyesore, were gathered.

“The content of the conversation was to get rid of Aniue or something ominous, and I got to know that the leader of a unit fighting together with him was working under that n.o.ble.” (Marina)

In other words, they planned to deal with him by guiding the force and let Albert to be isolated into a group of monsters. And then they would pretend that it was an accident.

So, if he obediently followed, he would lost his advantages when he got lost in confusion? No… perhaps it was the same n.o.ble who pressed Albert to take on the challenge?

“When I knew it, Aniki already departed. So, when I talked to Pamela-san’s father, he said that he would send help. But, considering the size of the monsters and the war potentials…” (Marina)

She didn’t think there was surplus to rescue isolated troops and personnel.

Marina, who understood that there was no point to head here alone, bet on the possibility of us and forcibly came aboard a ship to come here.

“If you can help me, I will do anything! Please, lend me your strength! Please… help Aniue…” (Marina)

“Of course! Leave it to us!” (Reus)

As Marina deeply bowed, Reus was smiling at her as if she didn’t need to worry.

Even so, there were two hordes of monsters happening at the same time, and they were attacking two different towns?

The possibility of coincidence… was low, and I felt that this was an obvious set up.

There were a lot of things I didn’t know, but first of all, let’s deal with the monsters in one way or another.

In addition… although this was the kind of situation, I was going to utilized the incoming opportunity.

I might be punched by Reus later though.

“Aniki! I will go to where Al is!” (Reus)

“How are you suppose to go there alone? It will be half a day by boat.” (Sirius)

“If that’s the case, if Aniki or Fia-ane can carry me–…” (Reus)

Accordingly, Reus looked at Fia, but she had been listening with eyes closed. Finally, she opened her eyes and had a sad face.

“I’m sorry. I would like to carry you, but… it is impossible.” (Fia)

“Wh-why!? Al is in great danger. Please, Fia-ane!” (Reus)

The impatient Reus came closer, but Fia shook her head sideways with a serious look.

“The wind told me just now. It seems that my village… is attacked by monsters.” (Fia)

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Flag Brief Story in Full Throttle

Just before Albert brought troops and departed for the hordes of monsters…

“Albert-sama!” (Pamela)

“Pamela!? Why are you here?” (Albert)

“Of course, I am supporting my future husband. Be sure… to come back, alright.” (Pamela)

“Aah, of course. After this battle is over, i will marry you.” (Albert)

“Yes, I will be waiting for your return.” (Pamela)

And then, their faces were getting closer…

“…I’m going. When I return… let’s continue this…” (Albert)

“…Yes.” (Pamela)

※Question… How many flags raised up?

Answer… in next chapter.