World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent

Chapter 87

The Town of Adventurers

Author: Volume 13 starts.


Many adventurers gathered there, it was also called as the town of adventures.

And the reason why adventurers gathered here was because of an arena which was located in the centre of this town.

The battle between monsters was frequently seen in the arena, and compared to fight between people, there were only few of it, but the number one attraction was the Garaff Fighting Festival.

Garaff Fighting Festival was a tournament held once a year in Garaff, where warriors around the world gathered. It was said as the martial arts festival that competes for the top.

We seemed to have come just when that Fighting Festival began. As we approached the town, travelers were becoming more common on the main road.

Because of this, there was a queue waiting for immigration review at the gate which was the entrance of the town. We kept waiting in that queue for our turn to come while waiting on the carriage.

"Here you go, Sirius-sama." (Emilia)

"Hmm? Aah, thank you." (Sirius)

While I was idly sitting on the coach stand, Emilia, who was next to me, gave me a tea. When I let a breath out after drinking it, she presented cookie to my mouth without a moment delay.

"How"s the taste?" (Emilia)

"Hmm… it is delicious. It has moderate sweetness. It is good when you don"t depend on sugar too much." (Sirius)

"Really!? Please have this too." (Emilia)

"This is… did you mix herbs in it? It"s a bit bitter, but it goes well with the tea." (Sirius)

"Hehe… yeay!" (Reese)

Not only Emilia, Reese, who was kneading with a cookie"s dough on the kitchen counter inside the carriage, held her hands together with pleasure. The earlier one was Emilia"s, this one seemed to be made by Reese.

By the way, since we had installed an oven on our carriage, we could make cakes and cookies.

"Nevertheless, you have improved. As for snacks, aren"t you becoming better than me?" (Sirius)

"There is no such thing. Cookies are easy, but cakes and others are a bit…" (Emilia)

"That"s right. It"s still impossible to make such an exquisite sweetness." (Reese)

It certainly could be done if there was no mistake in the measurements, but in my case, I didn"t use things like weighing cups, and I just made them all by measuring with eyes based on my experience. However, if the dishes were prepared in such a way, its taste changes depending on individuals. In other words, it wasn"t necessary to copy me.

"When you gain experience, you will improve naturally. For that reason, I will entrust the cooking of dishes and snacks…" (Sirius)

""This and that are two different things."" (Emilia/Reese)

I had expected such a reply, but you guys were perfectly syncing.

Recently, they prepared meals more frequently, but I"m still preparing almost all the dishes now and in the past. There was no specific reason if they didn"t want to make it. It"s just that the disciples seemed feeling uneasy if they don"t eat my dishes. Since I liked cooking, I took the initiative to cook.

I"m happy when they ate the dishes and said that it was tasty but… they said something like "it"s the taste of Reus" Kaa-chan!" and that made me laughed.

After a while, whether the number of people increased, the queue progressively moving on and our turn would come soon.

"Our turn will come soon, but… where has Reus been?" (Sirius)

"He was certainly running over there… aah, he is back." (Emilia)

When I looked towards the back of the carriage, Reus, who was running as a training, came back sweating. He stopped in front of the carriage. He adjusted his breathing while drinking the water made from Reese"s magic.

"Haa… haa… I"m back, Aniki." (Reus)

"Welcome back. It is exactly good timing." (Sirius)

"That"s good. There were people fighting while I was on the way, so it took me sometime because I was watching them." (Reus)

According to Reus, they couldn"t endure the waiting time of the queue. It appeared that there were quite a few mercenaries and adventurers fighting over trivial matters.

We looked weak since our average age was low on overall. Furthermore, we were also stood out because there were the silver wolfkin, Reus and Emilia, and Hokuto.

And since the appearance of our carriage was quite bad but likely to have a little wealth, there were adventurers and merchants approaching and aiming at us, but they were all repulsed by Hokuto"s intimidation.

Nowadays, publics were looking in a daytime, so only fools would come approaching us, but once we entered the town, we must kept vigilance in various ways.

I explained expected possibilities to the disciples. After telling them the coping methods, we entered Garaff.

"Well then, first, let"s secure an inn." (Sirius)

"Yeah. But here…" (Emilia)

Not surprisingly, the whole town was full of people, but since the road where carriages went by was properly separated, we were advancing without stopping.

However, it was extremely difficult to find an inn, as we already visited the fourth inn…

"No good, Aniki. The inn over there is already fully booked." (Reus)

The inn here has vacant rooms, but it seems that there is no s.p.a.ce to put the carriage." (Emilia)

"Hmm… I expected this, but this is troublesome." (Sirius)

All the inns that could accommodate Hokuto and the carriage were fully booked.

We planned to leave after watching the Fighting Festival since we came just in time for it to be held, but… we were in trouble because we couldn"t secure an inn. We could sleep in the carriage, but there was no point if there was no place to put the carriage anyway.

When I was considering the possibility of putting the carriage outside the town as the last resort to stay overnight, Hokuto suddenly barked lightly to call me.

"Hmm… what is it?" (Sirius)

"Aniki, over there." (Reus)

When I turned towards the direction, there was a human girl around ten years old held baggage, was picked by men who seemed to be adventurers.

No… it was the other way around, the girl seemed quarreling with the adventurers.

"Why!? Why is the house no good!?" (Girl)

"I"m sorry, over there is much better for us." (Adventurer)

"Anyhow, aren"t they a bit inspired!?" (Girl)

"You"re noisy, yeah you"re right. That place has better service, and since we"re partic.i.p.ating in the fighting festival, your inn is no good." (Adventurer)

"For you guys to fall into the coax of such a people, aren"t you an adventurer!? It is not cool to care about gossips, you know!" (Girl)

"Cheh, you need to stop." (Adventurer)

The adventurers looked like getting tired because she was a child, but they also seemed to get irritated when bugged that much.

I thought of stopping them since the situation requires a hand, but Reus jumped out to the front and interrupted them.

"That much is good enough. The opponent is a kid, right?" (Reus)

"Haa? You"re not related, so shut up. I"m going to forgive her since she is a child, since this is training." (Adventurer)

"If it so, then it would be enough for you to tell her. And what is that hand for!?" (Reus)

"This might be the best for a child who retort to adults." (Adventurer)

"I didn"t get carried away! I am telling you not to be fooled by the immediate information!" (Girl)

I was wondering whether Reus, who interrupted in between could settle it, but it seemed the reckless adventurers weren"t going to stop.

Reus was likely to rampage if this kept on going, so I entrusted the carriage to Emilia, and approached the quarreling adventurers from their back.

"Excuse me. If you make noise in such a place, you will gather attention. How about stopping right here?" (Sirius)

"d.a.m.n it!" (Adventurer)

"Well well, please have a drink with this and calm down." (Sirius)

I gently held iron coins according to the number of people, and smiled.

I thought that the adventurers would be satisfied with the iron coins, but some did not agree, and some of them had a bad looking smile as to whether they could get more from me or not.

Dear me… they were so immature. It would be good if they could quietly withdraw.

"You do not agree, aren"t you?" (Sirius)

""Uuh!?"" (Adventurers)

When I released a bloodl.u.s.t for a moment while smiling, the adventurers ran away from us.

Since they were a bunch who escapes with that degree of bloodl.u.s.t, there would be no problem if we leave them alone.

"I"m sorry for jumping out without permission, Aniki. Besides, let me pay the money…" (Reus)

"Even if you didn"t jump out, I would do it anyway, and that much money is not a big deal. More importantly…" (Sirius)

"…I"m sorry." (Girl)

I thought that the main problem was caused by this girl who picked a fight with the adult adventurers. As soon as I narrowed my eyes and turned my eyes towards her, that girl immediately apologized.

"It is good if you reflect on it, but please be careful next time." (Sirius)

"I was frustrated because there were many things going on. Leaving that matter aside, thank you so much for helping me." (Girl)

"We did it on our own, so you don"t have to worry. Well then, be careful next time." (Sirius)

"See you." (Reus)

"…Ex-excuse me!" (Girl)

When Reus and I returned to the carriage, the girl called us out with a loud voice.

"The next road is to the left." (Girl)

"Understood. Hokuto." (Sirius)

"Woof!" (Hokuto)

Our carriage included the girl earlier, and we were moving toward a corner of the town.

The girl who picked up a fight… was Kachia. She called us because she wanted to recommend an inn to adventurers like us. (TLN: The name in raw is カチア)

When I asked the details, Kachia"s parents seemed to be managing an inn, and apparently, the adventurers, who she had troubled with, were guests of Kachia"s inn.

"When I went out to shop, those men, who had put their luggage in our inn, walked around the town with the luggage. I thought that was weird, so I asked them. They told me that they were moving out from our inn to the nearby inn…" (Kachia)

It looked like the financial situation of Kachia"s inn wasn"t good. Furthermore, people who had paid their accommodation were not only the adventurers who came earlier. It seemed that there were several groups were in similar situation in the last few days.

"And they all talked about similar thing. Something like the service on the other side was better, and my inn couldn"t match with their service… That guy was certainly spreading the rumor!" (Kachia)

"Who is that guy?" (Emilia)

"The manager of the nearby inn. He visited my house several times to buy our inn, but since we refused, he undoubtedly became a nuisance! He will surely invite you, but I hope that you will refuse him." (Kachia)

Kachia became frustrated because of Emilia"s question. They tried discussing with the officials in the town and the higher ups, but they were merely leading the guests, and since it was up to the customers where they wanted to stay, the matter wasn"t taken seriously.

However, to us who were unrelated and didn"t know anything, it looked like a mere rivalry in business. If they were going to harm us, we would intervene without reservation and there would be no regret.

"Whether we"re going to refuse or not, that will be after looking at your inn. Since I have said that much, do you have the confidence?" (Sirius)

"Of course! It"s a bit declining now, but… the room is beautiful and you can have good rest, and Okaa-san"s cooking is very delicious." (Kachia)

"Cooking… I"m looking forward to it." (Reese)

"Is there a place to put a carriage?" (Sirius)

"Yes, there is. There is a locked cabin outside, so you can put your carriage there." (Kachia)

Incidentally, we arrived at the inn which was Kachia"s house when we asked that question.

We descended from the carriage and checked the surroundings. This place wasn"t so far from the center of the town and the condition of the location was not bad. It was a building of sufficient size for travelers to stay, and it looked like it also served as a dining room and bar in the first floor.

Normally, there won"t be any vacant room because the town was boiling due to the fighting festival, but since it was a bit lonely at the moment, it went without saying that her business was declining. But since the inn itself was beautiful, it was an evidence of a proper maintenance.

"Not bad." (Sirius)

"Aniki, have you decided to stay here?" (Reus)

"No, the most important question still remains. Will it be alright for Hokuto… a beast companion to enter the inn?" (Sirius)

A beast companion was usually put outside, in a stable or something, but Hokuto was an important partner for me. Since it felt safe when we were near to each other, I would ask the inn every time whether it would be fine for Hokuto to come in.

Kachia was surprised with that question. She had a difficult face when thinking about it.

"Y-yeah… this child is beast companion, right? Is it not fine to put it on the stable outside?" (Kachia)

"I will not say it is impossible. However, Hokuto is smarter than a human, he will never attack as long as he is not attacked, so you don"t have to worry." (Sirius)

If the owner of the inn was a dog-kind of beastkin, it would be one shot. If we looked for such an inn, they would entirely focus on Hokuto. It seemed they would even kick out customers just to prepare a room for him, but after all, I was hesitated since they might do it until that far.

"It can listen to what I say?" (Kachia)

"It is different from listening to people. Although he is a beast companion, you can interact with him like a human." (Sirius)

Basically, he absolutely followed my order, but he would listen to what others said if there was a proper reason to it. Other than my order, he often listened to Reese"s instructions. It was because Reese always brushed him when I wasn"t available.

"Al-alright. Well, Hokuto, please put that carriage over there." (Kachia)

"Woof!" (Hokuto)

When Kachia pointed to the storehouse in the premise of the inn, Hokuto moved the carriage into the storehouse after confirming that everyone had already descended from it. He, then, fixed the wheel stops on the carriage"s wheels, and when he returned back to us, Kachia clapped her hands praising him.

"Wow, that"s amazing! He is really smart!" (Kachia)

"Didn"t I say that? Besides, look, the touch feeling is excellent too. You should try it?" (Sirius)

"Is it alright?" (Kachia)

Hokuto bent his body to make it easy for her to touch. Kachia timidly touched with her hand, but she immediately absorbed with the feeling and hugged Hokuto.

"It is soft and fluffy! It feels good!" (Kachia)

"Hehe, Nee-sama was also like that." (Reese)

"Although you like him, will it be alright for Hokuto to enter the inn?" (Sirius)

"Hmmm… I probably can"t say anything. Since it is not specifically prohibited, it depends on Okaa-san… I think?" (Kachia)

While I was really worried about Kachia, who was completely captivated by Hokuto, the entrance to the inn opened and a woman appeared. She seemed like a young married woman who barely pa.s.sed thirty years old. She was probably Kachia"s parent since Kachia resembled her.

"I was wondering what so noisy. Have you returned home, Kachia?" (Kachia"s Mother)

"Aah, Okaa-san, I"m home! I brought customers!" (Kachia)

"Oh well! Before that, shouldn"t you say h.e.l.lo first to the customers?" (Kachia"s Mother)

"Aah!" (Kachia)

As I expected, the woman who came out was her mother as Kachia remembered her duty after being reminded by her.

She asked Reus to return the luggage she had instead, in a panic, she lined up along with her mother and bowed.

"Well, once again… Welcome, guests!" (Kachia)

"My daughter has been disrespectful. Welcome to [Cape Bower of Wind]." (Kachia"s Mother) (TLN: The name in raw is 風の岬亭)

We were welcome with smiling faces of the mother and daughter, and then, we were guided to the inside of [Cape Bower of Wind]

"A beast companion in a room?" (Kachia"s Mother)

"Yes. He is my partner, so I"d like him to be as close as possible." (Sirius)

We were guided into the inn and facing Kachia"s mother on the other side of the inn"s counter.

As for the inn, not only the appearance but also the interior were beautiful, and I couldn"t find any fault at the moment. The remaining was that whether Hokuto could enter the room or not, and it was currently under negotiation.

"Hokuto is amazing, Okaa-san! He"s obedient and understands what I say, and the best thing is it feels good touching him!" (Kachia)

"…Is that beast companion really alright?" (Kachia"s Mother)

"He properly understands what people say, and he will never attack people unless attacked. In addition to that, he can go easy on someone, so he can knock down enemies without shedding blood." (Sirius)

If I had to add more, since the extraordinary fur barely shed, there was no need to worry that the inside of the inn would be full of hair. And if you handed him a towel, he would wipe his paws by himself, so there won"t be any footprints.

"Of course, if anything happens, I"ll take the responsibility. It"s impossible to force you, but… how about this?" (Sirius)

"To be honest, the house doesn"t have detailed arrangements on beast companion. It is my first time to be told that I should take him into a room similar to a customer. I was about to mention the hut outside of the inn, but…" (Kachia"s Mother)

The mother had a difficult face, but when she looked at Hokuto who obediently sat in front of the entrance door, she smiled wryly after looking around the inn once.

"I don"t want to say too much, but as you can see, the customers are almost here. However, if there is no complaint from other customers, it"s not going to be a problem then." (Kachia"s Mother)

"That"s great! As expected of Okaa-san!" (Kachia)

"He doesn"t make racket in front of customer! So, would you like staying at my house?" (Kachia"s Mother)

"Yes, please" (Sirius)

"Thank you very much. Please fill out the necessary information on this paper." (Kachia"s Mother)

On the paper presented with a smile, there were columns to write the name, the number of people and the number of lodging days. Since there was no reason to hide, I finished filling in quickly and returned the paper.

"Your name is Sirius-sama, the number of lodging days for four people is until the end of fighting festival. How would you like your a.s.signing rooms?" (Kachia"s Mother)

"Two twin rooms, please." (Sirius)

"Understood. Then, the charge is…" (Kachia"s Mother)

The inns outside were full everywhere, so I didn"t mind if the price was somewhat higher by judging from the current operation here. However, since the lodging charge was reasonable, I liked this place more and more. Although this was a coincidence, it was a success.

Nonetheless, since I got permission for Hokuto and could leave the carriage, I added two silver coins.

"Uhmm… isn"t this a bit too much?" (Kachia"s Mother)

"I had your permission in the case of Hokuto, and had your daughter guided me through the town until I came here. It is the tip for that." (Sirius)

"But this is… No, thank you for your kindness, thank you very much." (Kachia"s Mother)

The mother, who obediently received the money, got out of the counter, she took us to the rooms, but she turned around along the way and bowed.

"Although it is late, my name is Cecil. It will be several days, but nice to meet you." (Cecil)

"Nice to meet you too. By the way, how many employees are in this inn?" (Sirius)

"There are four people including me and my husband, but… since the inn is currently in such a situation, my husband and the other two go to help with the preparation of the fighting festival." (Cecil)

It was like a part-time job for a limited time, and it seemed that they could get salary if they help preparing for the fighting festival.

They appeared to be saved recently with that money obtained, but even so, Cecil was lamenting again because of the strict financial situation for the time being.

"This inn was also fully booked last year. It was busy but I had fulfilling days. But, looking at the situation… uhmm, I"m sorry. It"s disrespectful to grumble before customers, right? As an apology, I will offer you a bigger room, would you like to change?" (Cecil)

"No, we don"t need it to be bigger…" (Sirius)

"However!" (Emilia)

If it was like the usual, I would think that whether Emilia, who wanted to be in same room with me, was unusually matured, and then she took a step forward.

She moved close to Cecil-san"s ear, and said something.

"…I see, is that the reason? It is fine then." (Cecil)

"Yes, please. The details will be later…" (Emilia)

"Understood." (Cecil)

When Emilia came back in satisfaction, she went to Reese"s ear next and whispered something.

"Ehh!?" (Reese)

"It"s alright. Because I will support you… alright?" (Emilia)

"But…" (Reese)

Since they probably won"t answer if I asked them, without minding those two strangely noisy people, I chased after Cecil who walked ahead.

"Aniki, why are Nee-chans making noises?" (Reus)

"If you care about it, you will lose. Would you like to go out sightseeing in the town after putting the luggage in the room? Let us go see the arena." (Sirius)

"…I guess so. I feel like they will be angry if I ask them something now." (Reus)

As expected of Reus, he seemed to instinctively understand that he should talk to his sister.

After we put the luggage, we went out to the town again.

There were a lot of people as usual, but since it was impossible to get lost due to light luggage that we had, we walked around the town while eating at stalls along the way. We, then, arrived at the front of the arena.

Garaff"s arena was a better building compared to one in the Elysion"s school. Its size made us involuntarily looked up.

However, we had found something to be more concerned than the arena.

Yeah… we had found it.

The first who found it was Reus.

"Wha!? Aah, Aniki, over there!" (Reus)

"…" (Sirius)

It was huge stone statue imitating the Strongest Sword, Lior.

Its size was nearly three times my height, and it had a presence like the symbol of the arena. The stone statue of Jii-san that looked slightly younger had his favorite, the greatsword, soaring to the sky, it was almost like a hero.

When we approached it, there was something engraved at the pedestal part.

[Consecutive champion of Fighting Festival… The Strongest Sword Lior]

There was another stone statue nearby, it was holding a sword with a brave and stately look.

Wait a sec… this was different.

"Lior? The person of this stone statue… was the one who taught Reus swordsmanship, right?" (Reese)

"It is similar, but it is different! That Jii-chan is not cool like this!" (Reus)

Reus was right, the real person didn"t swing his sword with such a good looking pose, it was set on the upper stage faithful to the basic. In addition, rather than having this brave look, the real one, Lior, swung his sword happily while laughing.

Anyway, if he became an enemy, he also can be called a monstrous old man, but… he was probably glorified by the public huh?

"Ooh? The Nii-chan over there, you have a wonderful sword. Does Nii-chan also admire the Strongest Sword?" (??)

When we were looking up at the stone statue with complicated thoughts, an old man, who was walking nearby, suddenly talked to us.

Reus was on guard for a moment but he seemed to just pa.s.sing by, he approached us with a smile while looking at Reus" sword.

"Eh? No, really." (Reus)

"There is no need to hide it. There are a lot of people longing for the Strongest Sword and they have greatswords. Try looking around." (Old Man)

There were indeed many people who carried greatswords when we looked at the surroundings. In other words… the number of people who used greatswords increased was due to the influence of Lior?

By the way, if I had to complement on that, Reus didn"t really admiring him. Rather, he was a symbol of fear and an opponent whom he wanted to defeat.

"I have a question, does Ojii–… why was the statue of this person built?" (Emilia)

"Don"t you know? You seem to be a traveler, but could it be that you just came here?" (Old Man)

"That"s right. If the statue of those who won the Fighting Festival can be built, there should be more statues, so why that is the only statues of this one are built?" (Emilia)

"There is also because he is the Strongest Sword in the world, but he had a brilliant record that he won for three consecutive years in the fighting festival." (Old Man)

Apparently, the Jii-san loved to talk and seemed to be a fan of Lior, he explained many things as if he was boasting himself.

A few years ago… Lior, who suddenly appeared in Garaff, partic.i.p.ated in the Fighting Festival. He achieved the overall victory by defeating all veterans with a single blow. And when he won the championship, he was called the Strongest Sword Lior, and he also declared that he was waiting for stronger opponent because he would partic.i.p.ate again next year.

"It was disappointing when the Strongest Sword disappeared from the world more than ten years ago, but when he reappeared again, a tremendous upsurge were seen…" (Old Man)

And as he declared, Lior appeared a year later, and joined the Fighting Festival. Some of them seemed to put up a good fight, but without a doubt, Lior won for the second time.

The third year seemed to be similar with the second year, but Lior"s declaration released in the winning ceremony was very different.

[I am going on a journey of learning, and I will not partic.i.p.ate anymore.] (Lior)

After saying so, Lior disappeared.

However, the overwhelming power that Lior showed remained the minds of people. And then, the person in charge of Garaff considered to honor the his achievements for winning three times in a row, he negotiated with the person himself in advanced, and he was given permission to build a statue in front of the arena. That statue is the stone statue in front of me.

I thought that the audience probably would get tired being showed same result for three years, but apparently the audiences were excited at the tremendousness of Lior.

"Uhmmm, when I saw the impressiveness of that single blow, my body was trembling. This is the best sword in the world…" (Old Man)

And since the third consecutive victory of Lior, the number of adventurers who admired the Strongest Sword and held a greatsword had increased…

"Are you planning to join the fighting festival? Do your best if you do." (Old Man)

The Jii-san, who was satisfied with describing him in words, left us with a smile.

Now, according to the Jii-san"s explanation, he extraordinarily glorified Lior, but I properly understood his abnormal personality since I fought him many times over.

Perhaps, the reason for him to partic.i.p.ate in the fighting festival for three years was this.

On the first year… he thought that there were strong guys. However, since they were weaker than imagined, he was given a name of Strongest Sword. He, then, waited for more opponents to partic.i.p.ate in.

On the second year… they were getting stronger, but they were still weak. So, he antic.i.p.ated the next year festival.

On the third year… there weren"t much changes, and it became tedious to come here every time. In short, he got tired.

…He probably felt that.

The truth was sometimes harsh, and there were times when people, who didn"t know anything, were happy. To be honest, it didn"t really matter, so let"s say that the truth would stay deep in the chest.

"The Fighting Festival… is it?" (Reus)

We started walking around to see the interior of the arena, but only Reus stopped and looked up at the statue.

Although he had a chance to say it many times, he didn"t say it. I was wondering whether he was seriously motivated or not, but somehow… it felt different.

"Reus, I don"t mind if you want to partic.i.p.ate." (Sirius)

"Is that alright, Aniki? Because you dislike being conspicuous…" (Reus)

"That is a thing of the past. You don"t have to worry about me, so don"t hesitate to join in." (Sirius)

"Thanks, Aniki!" (Reus)

While revealing the joy throughout the body, Reus started to run to the receptionist to register.

"Hehehe, he is so happy. But Sirius-sama, is it really alright for him to partic.i.p.ate?" (Emilia)

"It is a good opportunity to measure his skill, so I don"t really mind about it." (Sirius)

"Don"t you want to join, Sirius-sama? With both of you, we can secure the victory and the first runner up." (Emilia)

"It"s because I don"t have good reason to join. Besides, I lost the motivation when looking at the statue." (Sirius)

To the person who knew about this, they would lose the motivation in various ways, knowing the extent of the glorification. Looking at me like this, Emilia and Reese had faces that were too good for a person like me, but since I was looking drained, they had bitter smiles.

And then, Reus returned back after registering. He had a metallic badge engraved with a number that was a proof of partic.i.p.ation on his chest. While listening to the explanation about partic.i.p.ation from Reus, we resumed sightseeing in the arena.

In the evening, we concluded the sightseeing, and we returned back to the front of the [Cape Bower of Wind].

Since Cecil said the dinner time was a bit later, we collectively would come back.

"Hmm… was it a bit early?" (Sirius)

"In that case, I"ll go swing my sword a bit in the courtyard, Aniki." (Reus)

"Understood. Don"t be late…" (Sirius)

"Oi you guys, do you have time?" (??)

Three days left until the beginning of the fighting festival. When Reus enthusiastically practiced swinging his sword and started to walk out, we were called by men who seemed to be adventurers.

"Who are you?" (Sirius)

"No, we are adventurers who came here recently. Leaving that matter aside, are you planning to stay in this inn?" (Adventurer)

"Yes, but… what about it?" (Sirius)

Although they said that they were adventurers, they were strangely suspicious. They certainly looked like adventurers who could make moves easily, but the impact and the figure didn"t match it.

It felt like they were probably had another jobs but forced to become adventurers against their will or they were rookie adventurers who had just form a group. Since Hokuto who was waiting nearby didn"t respond at all, it seemed to be no hostility at least.

Nevertheless, we still were quietly wary of them. And then, the adventurers whispered to us while looking up at the inn.

"No, I was going to give you advice. You better stop staying at this inn." (Adventurer)

"Why is that? We, at least, have no complaint, you know?" (Sirius)

"Actually there is a rumor that the service is bad. And it is said that those who stayed in this inn can"t win the Fighting Festival." (Adventurer)

The adventurers continued listing the bad points of the [Cape Bower of Wind]. And then, a certain inn"s name came out, the lodging charge over there was depending on the negotiation, and it could be cheaper than [Cape Bower of Wind]. They also told me that it would be easy to win if we partic.i.p.ated in the Fighting Festival.

I see… these guys were the bad guys that Kachia mentioned.

Then, the ident.i.ty of these people was not adventurers, they probably hired adventurers or inn"s employees to pull customers.

"Since there is a badge, the beastkin child is going to partic.i.p.ate, correct? If that"s the case, stop staying at such a small inn…" (Adventurer)

"What is your rationale?" (Sirius)

"…Eh?" (Adventurer)

"The rationale. What is your rationale saying that we can"t win the fighting festival?" (Sirius)

The victory or defeat might not be decided only with the quality of inn. I didn"t plan to make fun at that superst.i.tion, but I also had no plan to make an excuse if I lost.

The men were upset because of my reply, but they immediately turned my attention back to it.

"Th-there is! Everyone who stayed here last year was defeated at the qualifying match of the fighting festival. In comparison, there were several partic.i.p.ant from that inn proceeded through the qualifying…" (Adventurer)

"An inn is not a sheltered place to pick people, and like what you guys said earlier, that inn is bigger right? In that case, the number of partic.i.p.ant will change, and it"s not weird if n.o.body from here win, isn"t it?" (Sirius)

It was a situation with enough possibility, so it would be impossible not to win just because I stayed at this inn.

The content of invitation was lame though. I was astonished that something like this often pa.s.s through to other people, but if it was just with these fools, I could just make them go away by giving them bloodl.u.s.t.

I guessed other people were affected by the rumor, lower lodging charges and better service, but I liked this place since they accepted Hokuto. Thus, I had no plan to change it.

"If it because of that reason, I refuse. Go back quickly." (Sirius)

"If you stayed at this inn, you won"t be satisfied!" (Adventurer)

"Are you going to say that to make customers stay? If you want to threat, do it at some other places." (Sirius)

"Woof!" (Hokuto)

"Hiii!" (Adventurer)

As Hokuto barked while taking a step forward, the fake adventurers screamed and ran away. Although he was just a beast companion, to be afraid that much… they were surely not adventurers.

While stroking Hokuto"s head, who drove them away, the entrance of the inn opened, and Kachia looked at me with worried looking eyes. Apparently, she had been listening to our conversation.

"…Onii-chan won"t go, right? But, those guys were talking something strange…" (Kachia)

"If it"s Sirius-sama, there won"t be any problem for whatever comes. Kachia-chan doesn"t need to worry about it." (Emilia)

"Yeah. If Aniki and us want to do something, it feels like we could bring down a country." (Reus)

"Don"t worry, Kachia-chan." (Reese)

"Thanks! Oh, let me get the luggage." (Kachia)

Kachia, who ran with a smile to ears, extended out her hands to get the luggage that we bought during the sightseeing.

It troubled me to let a child held a luggage, but I couldn"t say it since it was also a job for a daughter of an inn. So, I gave her light luggage. Kachia returned to the entrance, opened the door and waited for us.

Although Reus planned to practice sword swinging, he seemed changed his mind while I was talking with other guys, and decided to go back with us. And when he pa.s.sed through the entrance door, Reus, who was walking ahead, turned back.

"Hei, Aniki. Will those people leave this inn alone?" (Reus)

"Yeah. Saying that people won"t win if they say in this inn is too much." (Reese)

"Sirius-sama, can we do something about it?" (Emilia)

"This is between merchants, it has nothing to do with us, unless they try to harm us directly." (Sirius)

There was some truth to what I said, and the disciples couldn"t be helped dropping their shoulders.

"But… if Reus wins the fighting festival, it would be an indirect help." (Sirius)

No matter how spread the jinx about not winning the fighting festival was, if Reus, who stayed here, achieved the victory, that could beautifully swipe the matter away. In addition, there was also the possibility of attracting customers to an inn where the winner stayed.

By telling that, the disciples regained their motivation, especially Reus.

"Alright! I will definitely win!" (Reus)

"Do your best, Reus. As Sirius-sama"s disciple, I won"t tolerate unsightly result." (Emilia)

"The teacher of the sword has won the championship. This time a stone statue of Reus may be built." (Reese)

"I don"t like that!" (Reus)

I wanted to say that they were good-hearted disciples. Because they were motivated until this point for someone they just met for short time.

But I didn"t dislike it, I wanted them to remember and grow up with such feeling.

"Aah, welcome!" (Kachia)

While we were talking, Kachia"s cheerful voice could be heard from the doorstep.

Apparently, a new guest came to the inn. We tried to move sideways so as not to get in the way… but I noticed it.

The feeling that I had in the past… I noticed a mana that should not be here.

"Hehe, that gentle smile like a guardian… It hasn"t changed." (??)

Looking back at the voice, there was a standing person who wore a hood and hid the whole body under a mantle.

Although I could only see the mouth of the other party, I immediately discovered who that person was from the characteristics of the voice and the feel.

"As I imagine, you have became a good man. My intuition wasn"t wrong." (??)

The person slowly proceeded here with trembling voice, then kicked the floor strongly at the remaining few steps and jumped into my chest.

The hood was taken in an instance, a long emerald green hair and a beautiful face could be seen.

"I missed you, Sirius!" (??)

This was the elf that I rescued when I was a child…

"…Fia?" (Sirius)

And that elf lady was… Shimifia.

Extra/Bonus 1

At that time…

Munch, munch…

"Kugh! It"s exactly a scene of carnage! Well then, what are you going to do, Emilia-chan, Reese-chan?" (Aria)

"Aria-sama… please eat cookies more elegantly." (Erina)

…It was an atmosphere where a housewife watching a daytime drama.

Extra/Bonus 2

The subjects that Emilia and Reese were talking in the [Cape Bower of Wind]…

"Reese, I reserved a room for three people, so today, together with Sirius-sama… alright?" (Emilia)

"Aah… uhh… R-really?" (Reese)

"Yes, really. I would like Reese to know that happiness as soon as possible. It"s alright, just leave it to Sirius-sama. He will surely satisfied Reese." (Emilia)

"Satisfy!?" (Reese)

"After that, I am going to satisfy Sirius-sama, and that"s the arrangement." (Emilia)

"Could it be… the technique that you learned from Erina-san?" (Reese)

"I didn"t have time to try it last time. Because Sirius-sama was intense, I… was too happy and fainted. So, let"s satisfy Sirius-sama as a woman and as a disciple next time!" (Emilia)

"Fainted!?" (Reese)

Although Emilia had planned it, the plan was sc.r.a.pped because of the appearance of Fia.

Presenting Hokuto

Today, Hokuto-kun went to Garaff which also known as the capital of the adventurers.

A battle tournament called Fighting Festival was about to take place soon, so the town was very crowded with mercenaries and adventurers.

Hokuto-kun, who was a beast companion, was attracting attention as usual, but he kept following the Master without worrying about it.

And then, he came to the arena which was the centerpiece of the town.

The mercenaries and adventurers with glaring eyes hurling bloodl.u.s.t here and there, but since it was like a dust when compared to the Master"s, Hokuto-kun didn"t really bothered at all. Rather, most people deviated when their eyes met Hokuto-kun"s, they must have lower ability then.

Maybe because they were inspired by the air of the venue, some of them picked up a fight at random.

"Haa!? What"s with this wolf! I"m going to kill you if you stare at me…" (??)

"Woof!" (Hokuto)

"Hii!?" (??)

…Even if they picked up a fight, it was about this level.

And when he tried to get inside the arena, Hokuto-kun"s junior, Reus-kun, loudly shouted.

"Wha!? Aah, Aniki, over there!" (Reus)

There was a statue of Master"s acquaintance, Lior-san.

The moment when Hokuto-kun saw the stone statue… he became extremely uneasy.

Hokuto-kun didn"t know why, maybe it was because it was in his blood in the previous life, he felt like he really wanted to mark it.

However, the stone statue would shatter if he used his prided claws. A toilet had nothing to do with this body though.

More importantly, if there was something on the stone statue, it would be inconvenience to the Master.

It wasn"t that he couldn"t tolerate it, but Reus noticed that he was holding the urge to attack, so he called out the Master.

"Aniki, Hokuto-san wants to mark the statue." (Reus)

"What, did you said he want to mark it? I personally like to say it, but… don"t be mad at me." (Sirius)

Even though the Master"s atmosphere was good, he was somehow holding the ground. Hokuto-kun didn"t know Lior well, so it was questionable… whether they were actually on bad terms.

After that, Hokuto-kun was stroked a lot by his Master until he calmed down, and the Master promised him to brush at night.

There were many things happened, but Hokuto-kun was favored by his beloved Master, and he was really happy.