Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 14

YasashīShinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Vol IChapter 14

Mistress by Marriage cover art

NSFW ish - As usual don"t read if stuff like this makes you uncomfortable. TBH read it and get used to it! But the universe is full of clean romances. I"m even editing one right now!


ftertheir dinner and bath, Leandroth came to Matilda’s room. For dinner as well, ifshe didn’t discuss with the Chef it would not be good. But such heavy meals atnight…her stomach was going to get bigger.

Leandrothhugged her and swayed side to side like he had a wagging tail. The maids bid aquick exit.


Thesound of her name whispered in her ear made tingles run down her spine. She didnot dislike it. It was rather comfortable.

‘Todayis the third time. Do you think it will still hurt?’ he asked. Matilda’s faircheeks were dyed red at the direct question.

‘Oh,you idiot.’ She said.

‘Haha!You’re so shy.’ She was shy and embarra.s.sed. Surely, the only way to get usedto it was to do it over and over again. (Zuben: Surely!)

Leandrothheld Matilda close and tightly as he stroked her back. She had her cheekagainst his broad chest and closed her eyes. He had such a beautiful body, shethought, he was lithe yet powerful but not overly muscular.

‘Iwanted to be born to a man like you.’ She said sighing. It was an honestfeeling she’d had. Leanrdroth gave a long sigh over her head.

‘Idislike it. Men are too uncouth. Women are nice to hold…but if you want to be aman, then I will be a woman! I will still take advantage of my power and getyou as my wife.’

Somehow,it was as though he was complaining.

‘Awayward wife?’

Shehad heard of it. A woman who ignored her husbands’ will.

‘Iwill use the power of my station and country, to get you.’(Zuben: I have noclue what they are on about here. None of the translations even made partialsense, like they usually do)

Hisbody shook around her, she understood he was laughing, she laughed too.

‘Beloved,’he said quietly while stroking her hair.

Sheclosed her eyes, she liked being stroked and hugged by Leandroth. She couldstay in this position forever. While her eyes were closed, it occurred to herthat Leandroth would make a beautiful woman: His golden brown hair that wassoft and smooth, his golden eyes and easy smile.

‘Ifyou were a woman, you would be crowned the Most Beautiful Princess.’

Shewould like to see it, but she didn’t say that out loud.

‘Ifyou want to see that, please have a child.’

Herbrain shut down for a moment.


‘Youcan give birth to a girl who looks just like me.’ He said, smiling gently as heplaced his hands on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s through her nightgown, like he was verifyingits softness. Her hands held on to his waist.

Herbreast swelled and tightened as he played with it, changing it shape andmoulding it in his hand.

‘Mattie,’he called. She looked up to him and his lips covered hers. She wanted a deeperkiss, so she stood on tip toes. He stopped his ministrations for a moment, thenit got stronger, it almost hurt.

‘Nnn.’She frowned slightly at the discomfort. Leandroth silently lifted Matilda andsat at the edge of the bed, and placed her on his thigh. She wondered if shewas not heavy.

Shebelieved she was, but his soldier trained body does not seem to notice.

Hishands moved dexterously while kissing her, unravelling the ties of her nightgown. Her night gown had ties at regular intervals from the neck to the lowerabdomen with frills tr.i.m.m.i.n.g the neck and seams. It was of high-quality silk,it had a comfortable and smooth feel against her skin.

Leandrothuntied all the knots except the one in the middle of her chest. What was hetrying to do here? She wondered. This afternoon as well, he only undid someb.u.t.tons and left her clothes on. She tilted her head in thought.

Throughthe gap, soft white skin could be seen glowing in the candlelight. He slid hishand through the top of her gown, softly caressing her has he took out herb.r.e.a.s.t.s, exposing them. He held them up in his hands, and the soft roundnessfilled his hands. There were two small bud the colour of roses pointingupwards, as though they wanted to be tasted. That simple desire scared her andshe turned away. She wondered if he’d prefer them bigger.

‘That…alittle more…big ones are better, aren’t they?’

Shehad heard men say they liked big b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Back home, she did not hear such offcolour conversations usually, but at parties and b.a.l.l.s, she usually met somemore liberal aristocrats with more knowledge of things like that and rumours.Her chest seemed to be seen as: “Large ones that pretend to be small.”

Itseemed so amazing at the b.a.l.l.s or soirees that she went to, where there wasplenty of cleavage on display; she began to think of them as a lady’s weapons.

Wouldit not be hard to keep it supple? She couldn’t neglect her exercises or theywill begin to sag soon.

‘...’Leandroth looked at Matilda, and tilted his head, and then his gaze returned toher chest.

‘Evenif you seem to glare silently, unfortunately it will not get bigger, but, I donot think the form is bad, however…’

Shewondered what he was saying. Matilda looked down and lifted her breast with herhand. She’s never had the chance to compare her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with someone else, sowhat is so bad a shape that he had to stare so much?

Shedid not like her own b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Like two weirdly shaped apples. She became sad;her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. (Zuben: She gets sad really easily, doesn’t she?)

Becauseshe had always avoided being a woman, even though she thought of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s asa symbol of womanhood, she still felt disgust when she looked at them.

‘Iam fascinated.’ He finally said. (Zuben: Matilda, let Leandroth land before youjump into despair.)

‘Eh?’by such ugly things.

‘Tothe point I forget what I am about to say. They are really beautiful.’

Heholds the hand holding her breast up and pushed the breast even higher so thenipple was directly in his heated gaze.

‘Ican’t take my eyes off them, they are so beautiful…sometimes I have no words todescribe and I can only say; “beautiful”’

Helaughed softly as he lifted the other breast from below. ‘They are heavier thanwhen in hot water. Do you not get stiff shoulders?’ While he was laughing, hisleft thumb brushed against her right nipple. (Zuben: I don’t get why thisauthor has to be so specific on what side does what, it is a bit distracting,or is that just me?)

Shemoaned. And he began to fondle her breast firmly. Her bud puckered up as herb.r.e.a.s.t.s became fuller; almost like she wanted him to lick it.

‘Leann.’She called softly.

Hismovements stopped and he looked up at her.

‘Standup a bit.’ He said quietly. When she stood, he put his legs together and pulledher in so that she sat astride his legs.

‘…’This was embarra.s.sing, she thought.

Underher nightgown is only her knickers. It was embarra.s.sing to straddle him likethat with her undies exposed near his manhood. She could feel her cheeks andears burning red.

Sheexposed her breast, and took his hands and held it up against them (Zuben:Matilda, this is unlike you…)

‘Idislike my breast, but if you tell me you like them, I get happy and I mightcome to like them too.’

Hishand trembled a bit. Her tone was childlike, it was somewhat strange,

‘IfI get stiff shoulders, I can endure it.’

Hehad a half smile, that lifted one side of his face,

‘Isyour hand painful?’

‘Hmm?’Leandroth absentmindedly tilted his head.

‘Because…becauseyou were trying to touch it. So I wondered if you wanted to change yourposition.’  Matilda said as she lookedaway, trying to avoid his eyes. She really could not get used to is, yet, shecould not wait?

‘Youare so cute, everything about you is cute.’ He said as he kissed the top of herhead.


‘Beautiful,soft and warm,’ he said with a happy smile, she looked at him, he looked likehe was in a trace.

‘Yourb.r.e.a.s.t.s symbolises you somehow; they are beautiful, soft, cute, warm and tight.However, I don’t like talking about other men in bed it causes tension. Evenyour relatives are irritating. But I understand why your father did not wantyou to be Queen.’ (Zuben: Erm…what? What? Where did this conversation comefrom? I a.s.sure you mina-sama; I have no clue why this sentence is here. Not aone.)

‘Huh?’(Zuben: you and me both, sister)

Somehow,‘What?’ is the only thing she could say.

‘Youare too kind,’ he said with a bit of a wry smile.

‘Beinga king is a heavy responsibility. Your father probably did not want his beloveddaughter to carry such a weight.’

Zuben:I get it. Leandroth had an emotion wave (emotion version of a brain wave),because Mattie wanted to please him despite her shyness.

Ijust had a thought as I finished this, do my comments detract or distract? Isuddenly had this vision of my comments appearing like a ghost in the middle ofscenes…