Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 29

Yasashī Shinjitsu to SeiryakuKekkon Vol IIChapter 29


hey continued to hold each othersilently. She inhaled his scent deeply, and her body relaxed. His arms aroundher shoulder and waist made her feel like she was coc.o.o.ned in entirety,

‘Matilda…’ he called. She looked upat his smiling face,

‘Leandroth,’ she returned. Heblushed. His whole face was deep red. He hid his face in the crook of hershoulder, but she could see even his ears were red as well.

‘You’re making me shy,’ he said. Hewas too cute, she thought

‘With you, I feel like I am a childagain.’ He said. His words made her happy.

‘There was once a love story wherethe heroine said, to the hero, “I will be your mother, your older sister andyour younger sister, I will be your daughter and your lover.” (Zuben: Thatsounds dodgy, but okay.) Now, I understand that feeling. I love, I forebear, Iscold, I get angry…’

‘And would that make me yourfather, your older brother, younger brother, son and lover?’

‘And my husband, and my ally and myfriend…’ those words made her happy, ‘…my friend.’

‘I am so happy and we haven’t evendone anything yet.’

His hands were held loosely aroundher neck,

‘It seems that you now have grown alittle bit of self confidence.’ He announced.



‘Are you being serious?’

‘Of course, why are you sodistrustful? You will be punished for distrusting my words.’ He said as hebegan to tickle her. She immediately was squealing with laughter.

‘Hey, stop it!’ she said betweenlaughing hard.

‘You’re too loud, Mattie.’

The Prime Minister was dead, andthey should be quietly praying for his soul. But the emperor and his fiancéewere laughing in their room; it was rather monstrous to their servants. (Zuben:I don’t get why they had to fake his death but okay.)


He wasn’t angry at her. He laughedas well and pulled her into a hug,

‘Being a ruler is lonely,’ he saidin a low voice. ‘I am always being watched, my actions are always judged. WhenI became Emperor, I had to be taken away from the front lines. My brother andmy comrades built a wall between them and me the moment I was chosen,’ (Zuben:Get a handle of your court and you can always invite them over.)

He hugged her tightly do him shecould not look at his face, so she gently stroked his back,

‘I never thought I would be solonely…’ he said softly his voice trembling slightly. That he could tell herhis sorrows; it seemed that his confidence in her had grown.

Showing that he was dependant onher as she was on him was a welcome thought to Matilda.

The castle was a huge bird cage.

And the former emperor abandonedthe cage, leaving Leandroth. Leandroth wanted to leave the door of the cageopen.

As for her, Matilda did not evenrealise she had been in a cage. She’d always thought it was natural.

‘Even now, are you lonely?’ sheasked softly. Her gaze could only look up to his collarbones, she kissed himthere and tried to make a hickey, but the skin remained unblemished. She waskind of upset about that. She got a little red and looked up at him; Leandrothhad a wry smile on his face,

‘I was intending to have a seriousconversation, but now I am somewhat distracted.’

‘Oh I didn’t mean to disturb you,’she said apologetically

‘Mattie…’ he called as he took ofher corset and chemise.


Her voice was arrested as he pulledthe silk over her head.

He hugged her naked body to him,

‘It feels good,’ she whispered.

He laughed, ‘That’s my line,’ hesaid as stroked her down her back,


‘If I am close to my brother, theywould think that I am favouring the Knights and the army. I can’t talk with themercenaries because they would say that we are two different cla.s.ses. If I amfriendly with the servants and aides, people would say that I would be swayedby bias of my aides.’

‘I want to treat everyone equally,but I am told that it is impossible, and everyone’s speciality and status aredifferent.’

‘If I want to go somewhere quickly,I can’t just grab a horse and go. They have to ensure the safety of the saddleand the harness and this and that, just in case someone might have tamperedwith it.’

‘If I am hungry at night, I can’tjust ask a servant to get me food, because an enemy may use the opportunity topoison me, so I have to sleep hungry.’

‘In the battlefield, I can’t ridefreely; there is a wall of guards around me. I might as well have a targetdrawn on me.’

‘And when I went to clean, I was providedwater that has been set aside for the soldiers to drink.  I could tell.  I don’t need such a thing done for me, but Icouldn’t say such a thing. All I needed was a wet towel, but they would think Iwas being sarcastic. I was so upset about it. The delegation was so noisy; Icould not sleep for days.’

They held each other and laughedmirthlessly.

‘I know I am lucky to be born intoroyalty and luxury. But sometimes I have complaints too.’

‘True. Have you been waiting forsomeone to complain to?’ she asked.

Leandroth looked at her and gentlyswept hair away from her face.

‘Have you?’ she asked tilting herhead.

‘There were two other candidatesfor marriage, you know; an Eastern Princess and a Western Princess (Zuben: Asyou know the writer can’t be bothered to name anything, and I can’t be botheredto think of a name.)

‘So I visited those places for ashort while and tried to get to know the Princesses. In the end it was tootroublesome. You can’t treat people with different personalities the same way.And judging from their character, I wouldn’t have been at ease in my court orat the offices.’

‘So you chose me because I didn’tseem troublesome? And what was with that way you spoke to me in the beginning;like you were talking to a child.’

‘Didn’t you talk politely in thebeginning yourself?’


‘So, it’s the same thing.’

They mirrored each other tiltingtheir heads.

‘It seems that one Princess did nothave many people to talk to, so I had to listen to a lecture on MathematicalPhilosophy, it was rather funny. It seemed rather troublesome for her to beataround the bush.’

Matilda narrowed her eyes andpouted. Leandroth thought back on what he said.

 ‘I do like Mathematics, it is fun,’ she saidpithily, ‘as well as Astronomy.’

‘Is it really? The only mathematicsI learnt dealt with budgeting, taxes and governing. It was more tedious thaninteresting. I’m afraid it is impossible for me to do anything more than that.Please pardon me.’ He said laughing though apologetic. His laughter lookedhearty and free,

‘It is pleasant to talk to you likethis.’ (Zuben: you could have tried doing so earlier) The comment was so suddenMatilda forgot to blink, ‘It is the first time in eight years I have talked tosomeone properly.’

‘Oh Leann,’

‘I’ve felt alone, forever.’

She put her hands on his cheeks,‘You’re cold, you should warm up.’

His face felt heated in her hands, hersfelt heated too.

He stripped off the rest of hisclothes and her underwear. He sat up against the headboard and drew her over soshe was on all fours on top of him, his gaze went to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and she feltshy,

‘Does Leann love b.r.e.a.s.t.s?’

‘I like these b.r.e.a.s.t.s because theyare yours, even if you were dressed they would still draw my eye.’ He saidsmiling.

It was funny that she had nevernoticed that.

‘Hey, can you not fondle by b.r.e.a.s.t.sas much this time?’

‘Why not?’ he asked tilting hishead. His expression was like a little boy who had been told he could not playwith his favourite toy.

‘I don’t want you to pull at themso hard, and they get too stimulated.’ She muttered.

He turned her around so she waslying up against his chest. He scooped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from the bottom up,honestly, just that stimulation hurt,

‘Painful?’ he asked.

‘A little. It is the same as whenI’m excited and feeling it.’ Her face was rosy as she muttered.

He ma.s.saged her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in acircle, it hurt but it still felt good. She felt weak; she closed her eyes andleaned back against his solid chest.

‘Is it only painful?’ he asked

‘It feels good, it hurts.’ Sheanswered truthfully.

He smiled in her ear and whispered,‘You’re so honest.’ He kept up his sensual onslaught of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and Matildastopped caring about the moans that leaked from her lips.

He suddenly let go of them, andthey bounced as they dropped. Then he scooped them up again,

‘These are pointy,’ he whisperedrubbing her nipples with the centre of his palms.

‘Ah~’ she moaned unexpectedly.

‘Did that hurt?’ he asked insurprise. It looked like the big dog was frowning,

‘It’s hard to say right now…’ shereplied, especially when she was beginning to feel it between her legs.

He liked b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and liked tocaress them, so she wondered how he felt when she told him that they hurt whenhe touched them.

‘Even if it hurts, I have to endure…?’she asked, somehow she would feel sad if he said such a thing, but he repliedsincerely,

‘Since I have lots of time, Iremember what hurts and how much it hurts.’



He pulled her nipples painfully.

He began to caress her breastagain, so she sighed in relief. Though it hurt, it also felt good and thestimulus was shooting directly down into her lower abdomen, and she could feelherself getting wet. She rubbed her legs tightly together.

His hand stroked down her stomachand through the walnut curls that guarded her secret place between her tightlyclosed legs. Her body trembled as he gently rubbed her love pearl.

He smiled as he stroked her innerthigh and parted her legs exposing them to the air, making her shiver with thesensation and antic.i.p.ation.

‘How’s this?’ he asked as hisfinger entered her tight wet hole.

‘…it doesn’t hurt but…’

‘But it is something nicer thanpain, isn’t it?’ he whispered as he licked around the sh.e.l.l of her ear.

She moaned and nodded.

His finger moved gently in an outof her. His movements were easy, like her pleasure was important to him. Hetraced nips and kisses down her neck, while one hand fondled her breast andnipple and the other hand continued its gentle attack inside her.

She felt like giggling as thoughsomeone had given her lots of sweets.  

It was as though Leann was makingdelicate gla.s.s, his touch was gentle.

He kissed and licked his way aroundher body, and finally entered her. Their joining was gentle and leisurely, itwas just right for an over-sensitive body. But was it enough for him?

She opened her eyes to look up athim,

‘Mattie, that expression is afoul.’ He moaned and she could feel him get bigger within her.

‘Ahn~’ she moaned. The sensationintensified crawling up her spine and tingling on her skin. He thrust into herdepths slowly inch by inch until he was deep within her. The sound of the wetcoupling filled the room. A frustration grew; a craving filled with a need forsatisfaction.

‘Leann…’ she moaned as sheunconsciously met his thrusts trying to ease the sense of frustration.

‘Mattie, I feel good.’ He whisperedover her, a vague smile on his lips. Then he thrust into her hard.

‘Ahn~ me too.’

The walls of her v.a.g.i.n.a began tocontract around him, ‘You’re going to come soon. You’re tightening around me.’

‘Ah…it’s useless…ah-ah’

‘Come for me Mattie,’ he said in ahoa.r.s.e whisper as reached between them and began to rub her c.l.i.toris.

‘Yes!’ she cried. He was thrustingin a circle, and she met his thrusts. Her body bounced as he thrust harder andharder.

It felt exquisite.

His thrusts intensified, and shefelt like she would break apart.


She was enjoying the drawn outmoment, the sensations were very pleasant, she did not want it to end. She didnot want that lonely sensation when he left her. The walls of her honey potcontracted around him, she applauded her body for acting faster on instinctthan thought.

‘You feel so good.’

He said she felt good; it made herfeel even better.

While he f.u.c.ked her deeply, hepinched her rosy nipples. The weight of him on her, his thrusts and hisfondling of her nipples, Matilda climaxed lightly. Her walls contracted aroundhim tightly. She wrapped her legs around him. She was a bit nervous as her bodyshivered uncontrollably.

A bit weak from her climax, shecouldn’t move. Leandroth pulled her into a hug and lifted her while stillinside her. He grabbed her b.u.t.tocks and raised her,

‘Oh!’ she cried out. Thestimulation was too much.

Holding her up on her thighs and a.r.s.e,he began to move her up and down his shaft. She was going crazy withfrustration. She could hear the sound of her love juices, she could feel itdripping down her b.u.m. He wasn’t entering her completely, just the thick headhis p.e.n.i.s penetrating just a little past the entrance of her honey pot. Sheheld onto his head, and he gladly used the opportunity to suckle her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.It went on for a while like this, she became delirious with both pleasure andfrustration, and she wanted him deeper,


The frustration grew,

‘Leann,’ she called, ‘deeper.’

‘What, Mattie?’

Very well, she would say it morefirmly.


‘Deeper, where?’

Tears hung from her eyes due to thefrustration and teasing, ‘Please go deeper inside me.’

He finally thrust the object of hisdesire deep into her, reaching up to her cervix, ‘Oh!’ she cried joyously.

‘That feels so good, I’m filledwith Leandroth, it feels so good.’

Leandroth moved Matilda up and downhis c.o.c.k slowly, her moans became more frequent. Her breathing becameshallower,

‘It feels so big inside.’

‘Mattie, I’m coming out.’

Matilda smiled at the sound of hisvoice, she was rather dazed.

‘I’m coming out,’

He lowered her body back on thebed, but held her up by her waist. His hands fondled Matilda’s b.u.t.tocks as hethrust into her again. His form was clear as he entered her reaching far intoher.

She wrapped her arms and legsaround him and tightened her v.a.g.i.n.a walls around his thick manhood.

His c.o.c.k head was ab.u.t.ting theentrance of her womb, she could feel it pulsating drawing him in deeper.

He pulled her up against him tomeet his intensifying thrusts. He kissed her deeply. Her body was shaken byhim.

Her mind and body were filled withhim.

She could feel the climax building,so she let herself go. Her head went white as he shot his hot white stuff intoher. 

⚔Chapter 30