Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 3

Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon VolI Chapter 3


Avoice called in a whisper. She awoke to her cheeks being caressed. In the brightglow of the full moon and the light of the candles; the person on her bed iswell illuminated. Leandroth.

Whywas he here?

Wasthis another perverted dream?

Wasthis another perverted dream?


ostlikely.  She gave a fleeting smile. Hesaw her small smile but did not reciprocate. He frowned at her,

‘I heard you drank poison,’

Matildagave a tiny almost indiscernible nod. What did it matter, it was not aninterrogation. How come he knew about her country’s secret poison? Ah yes, itis a dream. Her head was woolly, she couldn’t think.

‘Doyou not want to be my wife so badly?’


Thiswas a political marriage. She had no choice but to obey the decisions. But thatwasn’t the reason she took the poison...

Shewanted to rest.


Evenso, her desire was impudent. She wanted to laugh at the hypocrisy/irony.

Shewanted someone to worry, somewhere at the bottom of my heart. She wantedsomeone to look for her – somewhere in the corner of her heart. No. That wasnot true. Not in a deep down corner but with her whole being, she wanted to beneeded.

Tobe needed by whom?

Herfather, the King. Her Father.

Shestarted to cry.

Luckilythis was only a dream; she did not have to worry about Leandroth seeing herlike this.

Matildacried, all the tears she had suppressed and endured, she cried.

Shebegan to sob loudly, dream Leandroth hugged her tightly. Even though it was adream, it was still rather nice. Her dream was nice.

Nowif she had a dream about father, it would be good.

Whileshe was crying, her dream Leandroth said incomprehensibly, ‘Matilda, no matterhow much you think you dislike me, I will make you my wife!’

Huh…?She stopped.

‘Iwill not let you cry, you are my wife. I will not return to governing until youare well. I will not let you escape from me for the rest of my life!’

Shepeered at him through tear drenched lashes,

‘Aren’tyou a dream?’

Leandrothstared at her, confused. His eyes widened as he began to comprehend Matilda’smutterings.


‘Iam dreaming, right. This is a dream and you are not really here.’

Becauseshe thought she was dreaming, she let herself cry. She closed her eyes andopened them again. Leandroth was still there looking at her.


Noway, this is real?!

Shelooked incredulously at him.

‘…Didyou think you were dreaming of me?’ He asked

Matildaslowly nodded.

‘Whisperingso persistently, you caressed it?’

Matildanodded without thinking about the question, but then noticed it was odd andtilted her head to look at him


‘Ithought that I had a nice dream, but ...’ he said vaguely as he pulled up thecovers around him. Matilda thought this scene was a tad strange, as she jerkedback from him. She felt a thick hot lump pressed against her body.



Shetried to exclaim, but stopped when there was a tremendously long sigh fromLeandroth, ‘It’s…’ he whispered in her ear.

‘Adream, is it?’ he said swaying a little. It was a little scary. But theweight was slowly pulled away but he had a smile on his face that looked a bitlonely. He held is arms up to her and pulled her into a hug, making her sitbetween his legs. He held her tenderly and asked,

‘Sotell me why you are crying…’ he stroked her cheeks, wiping her tears. It wastoo embarra.s.sing to confess that she was crying because she wanted her father’slove and attention. She turned her head away.

‘Becauseof me?’

Sheshook her head.

Hesmiled at her sweetly and asked, ‘Is it because of your father?’

Whyare you smiling here?

‘Isit because you love your father very much?’

Hereyes widened at that.

‘Didyou think your father abandoned you?’

Shedid not nod. From the start, none of her effort was needed by her father. Leandrothheld her face in his hands. They are bigger than her father’s, firm andcallused hands of a sword user. She could not answer or nod. She stiffened herbody as Leandro brought her in for a kiss.

‘Firstof all, I am sorry. I didn"t want to do such a thing because I wanted you getto know me better, and so I could know you better. I didn"t want you to suffer,but I couldn"t help myself.’

Sucha thing? Was this about the first night she arrived? Her face grew flushed,

‘Iam really sorry but it wasn"t a dream...’

Matildalooked at him in shock, he looked quite sheepish.

‘I-Ithought I was a pervert, I thought something was wrong with me…’ she said, thewords coming out with a burst of courage, ‘I was convinced that I who was havingsuch lewd dreams was disgraceful.’

Hegave a sad smile, his expression a bit lonely as he asked, ‘Tell me the truth,do you not want to marry me?’

Hisexpression was grave. She worried about her reply, but Matilda turned from himand said,

‘Ido not know,’ that really was the truth.


Sheturned back to him to see him smiling gently,

‘That…yourMajesty,’ she began to say

‘Leandroth,I want you to call me Leann.’

Whyare you so gentle? She wondered as she looked up at him. His gaze was warm.

‘YourMajesty,’ she began again, making Leandroth laugh, ‘after some thought, I don’tthink that carrying out my duty as the Empress is hateful.’ Leandroth had anexpression of dissatisfaction on his face.

Afterso long it is true, trying to kill one’s self it is not hateful when one sees ableak future. She gave a self mocking smile

‘Fornow, let’s not think about our respective roles.’

‘What?Why?’ She asked her head tilted to one side

‘Why?’He replied, apeing her head tilt, ‘Why do you mind marrying me?’

Thisissue was something she had wanted to let of her chest.

‘Marryinga lewd ugly woman like me does not benefit the Balenciaga Empire or you.’


‘Andif you were planning on having a mistress, would it not be better if were weren’ttoo close, and calling each other by name comfortably?’ she said, as a nervoussweat fills her palms. She did not want to care whether he takes a mistress, orhas a whole harem, or has his heir with another, it didn’t matter. If she wasn’tallowed to die, she wanted to live quietly and graciously.

Butshe did not want to suddenly be abandoned, wondering why she wasn’t neededanymore. His kindness to her was just a poison. She did not need affection madeof lies. She did not want it.

‘Therefore,it would be better if you call me “Empress” and I keep on calling you “YourMajesty”.’

‘Yousurprisingly do not listen to what people are telling you,’ he said laughing, ‘Youdon’t want to have anything to do with the empire or the Emperor,’ his laughtermade Matilda frown.

‘But,the person I have desired for a long time is within my grasp. ‘ Matilda’s eyeswidened as Leandroth’s words begin to sink in.

‘Ifthe one I desire comes, I have to make them Empress, do you not think?’

Matildatilts head in confusion and Leandroth mirrored her.

‘WellI welcomed them. I have welcomed you.’

Whatabout all those ladies in the courtyard?

‘Well,I do not need it,’ she protested. It is painful.

Leandrothpointed at Matilda, ‘I need it.’


‘Ineed you, Mattie.’ He said smiling brightly at her.



‘Youmean me?’


Hissmile is dazzling; Matilda could not take her eyes off his handsome face. It feelsas though she was being enchanted by a being with strange power. Such a feelingwas convenient.

‘Pleaseunderstand this; I have no plans to have a white marriage with you. You willnot be returning home for I am not letting you go,’

‘Soyou will accept it, and accept me.’ He said his voice deep and seductive.

Matildawas mesmerised by Leandroth. She did not notice as he turned her and lay her backon the bed until he covered her with his heated body. He began to kiss herworking his way down along her right shoulder.

‘Wehave about a month and a half before our wedding so it should not be too bad ifyou get pregnant before the day. It is within a tolerable margin, don’t youthink?’ he says seductively as he slowly peels her night dress off her shoulders.

Itis not a tolerable margin of error at all, she cried inwardly.

‘Letme make love to you.’ He kissed her, taking her breath away, making her dizzy.His right hand cupped her left breast from over her night dress,

‘Soft.’He crooned, smiling through his kiss. It was a joyous smile…Incredible. He drewdown her clothes to reveal her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Matilda watched the man who would becomeher husband caress the mounds of fat that she’d hated for so long, happily.

Wordsfrom Zuben:

 If some sentences are jarring and slightlyincomprehensible, it is because they were entirely incomprehensible.

Yay!The misunderstandings with Leandroth are somewhat clear at least, and she canstop this mopey idiot nonsense she was doing. Funky time is funky. As I amediting this I am on the bus hoping the bus would teleport me home because mybladder is full and I am also full of enough air to fly me to Burma! Not good.Not good at all! 

Let me know of any typos if you would be so kind x