Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 20

Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Vol II Chapter 20





fter the brief kiss, Leandroth began to look firm but with an edge of desperation. 

If she was listening properly, she had been listening to the founding story of the Barenshiaga Empire (Zuben: Wait. What?). 

Before one could notice, they had gone through chapter one and speedily entering chapter two (Zuben: if you say so, author-sama)

The country was advancing at an absurd rate.

Matilda giggled. It was somehow quite funny.

‘Stop giggling while I am trying to keep from losing my head.’ She heard Leandroth growl beside her. (Zuben: Lose your reason. That’s what we are here for.)

Waiting with bated breath, Matilda ate a pastry and drank some orange juice. She washed her hands and dried them, and the prayed to the spirit of the forest to thank them for the meal.

‘Mattie, are you finished eating?’


‘Shall we move to the drawing room?’


Leandroth washed his hands and carefully wiped his hands. He rose quickly and headed for the drawing room.

‘Your Majesty?’ she called in askance. They were in the drawing room now, she did not want to call him by name in public. She preferred separation of public and private matters.

‘Mattie, I am not angry with you. I"m just forcibly holding myself back so I don’t jump on you. Do you have some time?’ (Zuben: Dude, just do it. She won’t mind too much.)

‘&h.e.l.lip;Yes.’ She did not understand too well (Zuben: Come on, Mattie, you can’t play dense this long.) 

She tilted her head, looking at him.

Leandroth drew Matilda an  armchair. He sat with across from her with a table between them,

‘Mattie, you eating the orange out of my hand was a foul. I"m not complaining but I have been desperately trying to hold myself back with talking&h.e.l.lip;’

It seemed like a cross between shouting and pleading, Matilda thought as she shank back in the chair. It was still complaining though.

‘Since the morning a.s.sembly, I was telling myself to endure till night, but it is practically impossible.’ (Zuben: Why they h.e.l.l are you holding back. She’s receptive, no?)

Matilda really did not understand what he was going on about (Zuben: Matilda! Really?!)

She rose from the chair and grabbed a sword that was hung on the wall as decoration. She returned to her seat with the sword in hand.

‘Your Majesty.’ She called, the sound of the sword being drawn from the sheath echoed in the room.

‘Mattie, put that away, you’ll get hurt.’

‘If you were Ross, I guess there is no reason for getting injured. We are wasting time. Are we having a meeting or not?’

‘We’re having a meeting.’ He replied, defeated.

She put the sword back into the sheath and returned it to its rightful place.

Leandroth seemed calmer. He poured himself some water and drank it thirstily. (Zuben: Oh all right then.)

‘Sorry, I kept you waiting.’

‘I was waiting for you.’

He lowered his head and when he raised his head again there was no shadow of the man that was confused about his life earlier, but the young Emperor.

‘Firstly, we have to decide the basic principles of our actions. Set up guidelines for conduct, and future plans.’


‘Does Mattie want to partic.i.p.ate in the morning a.s.sembly?’

She stared in confusion and tilted her head, ‘Huh?’

‘The morning parliamentary meeting. Would you like to see the faces of those oily politicians in the morning?’

‘If you are going to ask me that way, no I don’t want to go. But does his Majesty not want me to attend?’

From the phrasing, it seemed that he did not think about it too deeply. She chuckled to herself,

‘Why would you think so?’ he asked.

‘Because of the way you worded it, Your Majesty. If you would like me do attend with you, maybe ask me in a different way.’

‘Yes, I guess we are in a governing meeting. To be honest, it would be meaningless to do to that meeting.’

‘Meaningless?’ she repeated. This was the parliamentary a.s.sembly held in the Imperial Palace; a meeting that decided the fate of the empire. The meeting where the high officials of every governmental arm come together to discuss new laws and issues, pa.s.s edicts and approve projects. (Zuben: They shouldn"t have it every day. Nothing will get done.)

Though Barenshiaga was a hereditary monarchy, the Emperor alone cannot move the country. Things need to be done in conjunction with the leaders and the n.o.bles. The Prime Minister and the Secretary of State and the deputy, the Vice Prime minister (Zuben: We are going to list every gorram ministry aren’t we?), the Ministry of Divinities and their seconds, the department of defence, the local government representatives, and so on and so on. (Zuben: I really could not be a.r.s.ed to list every arm, leg and toe ministry in Barenshiaga. Believe me, they are many and with good reason, but chai, no need. We get it.)

Black and white, left and right, up and down; every angle has not be thought through. The number of attendees change depending on the agenda of the a.s.sembly. Everyone cannot always attend, but the attendance is usually about fifty people and up.

‘There is meaning in going to observe. It is usually planned by the officials but it is not a very fruitful meeting because they all spend their time arguing and the chairman just bangs away at his gavel.’

Leandroth truly had a mean mouth.

‘Anyway, I just need to show my face from time to time to chair the meeting. It would be good to attend the next one. I just have to get you out of it in one piece. You may have to dress up.’

He said smiling at her, like a shark. She felt uncomfortable.

Why did she have to dress up to attend an a.s.sembly?

‘I want to streamline the systems we have in place. I would also like women to partic.i.p.ate in politics but since I only just took the throne, it may still be premature to begin such a task. It would be too hard to convince the peerage of changes that need to be made. Although you and I are of similar opinion, it would be hard to change the deep rooted att.i.tudes towards women in government. Still conscious reform needs advancement, don’t you think?’

‘Yes,’ she replied.

‘I did manage to change the law so that a woman can succeed her father’s t.i.tle.’ It seemed that he was praising himself.

‘If you want to partic.i.p.ate in the governing, I would probably have to arrange things, but changing things that are already in-place is more difficult than creating something new, don’t you think?’ he said as he heaved an exaggerated sigh.

‘It’s all so troublesome; I want to leave everything to you.’ He said

‘Are you getting depressed again?’ she asked.

‘No, this is a partnership. There is a department for ceremonial matters, they require things to be approved by officials, confirmation of attendees to ceremonies, arrange for the ceremonial clothing and so on. So, I"m going to a.s.sign you to head the ceremonies department.’


‘Apart from that, we need to create the medical wing for the palace, staff dormitories, and the offices for the Ministries of Justice and Education respectively. Plan the Imperial palace administrative structure and how they relate to other government agencies&h.e.l.lip;all very troublesome.’

Matilda’s head was spinning.

‘Well need a department of works and maintenance, a new ceremonial hall but we’re not in a hurry for that&h.e.l.lip;’

An organisation chart had begun to form in her mind, but Leandroth was going too fast for her,

‘Wait a minute, you’re going too fast!’

‘Too fast?’

‘Please speak a little more slowly with a lot more explanation. In proper order!’ (Zuben: Nooooo!)

‘In order?’

‘The Barenshiaga Empire is too different in structure from the Kingdom of Icecoreta. I want to know what you want from me?’

‘Want from you?’


‘To be my wife.’

‘That is not completely the case, is it?’

Leandroth tilted his head looking at her.

‘What do you think about “peace”?’ he asked


‘With you, I want to create peace in Barenshiaga for at least fifty years.’

Matilda absorbed Leandroth’s clear words, it made her breathless. Peace for fifty years.

For Barenshiaga, they have been constantly at war. The peace currently being enjoyed was rather new, and very precious.

‘I do not want to fight another war. I want the country to have enough food to satisfy our citizens, a good standard of living where they can pay their taxes without trouble. It is going to be difficult.’


She understood very well the difficulty of what Leandroth wanted. To maintain peace, would depend of the skill of diplomacy when dealing with the other countries. They have a well trained military, but it can’t get too large or there would be worry about paying them feeding them and outfitting them. You can’t discharge them en ma.s.se because you could get attacked.

She came to sit closer to him and held her hand against his cheek.

‘It seems to be a really daunting task as you say. What do you think of this? Partial dismissal of the soldiers to their respective homelands to form Home Guards? In their respective, towns and villages, they would be organised to agriculture and forestry, and masonry. We maintain the power of the military while putting them to use. The most important is food, so securing harvests and animal husbandry would be first on the agenda, but at the same time we must keep natural resources in balance.’

She wondered what about peace, and what it was.

‘When the war is over, there are a lot of people who would lose their jobs. When these people are let go, there might be civilian unrest. Is there room to hold the army we have no use for?’

‘It will be difficult to maintain the peace in that situation.’

‘Yes.’ She replied, she held her finger to her lips as she looked thoughtful.

As he watched her, Leandroth’s gaze grew heated.

‘Your Majesty&h.e.l.lip;’

‘I was thinking I like talking with you about governing.’


‘To be honest, your idea is sweet, but there are areas where you don’t know the current situation, but I think it has appeal.’

‘I guess so.’ She wondered whether she was being praised or her if idea was being dismissed.

‘You can’t get too proud if you say something good.’

‘Well&h.e.l.lip;’ she said lost for words.

‘You don’t have to win. No matter how much you win, if you win by cowardly means it is unacceptable to the citizens.’ (Zuben: I don’t think they care, as long as they don’t get a.s.similated and their way of life doesn"t change, a win is a win)

‘If I did something like attacking during peace talks, I would not hear the end of it.’ (Zuben: Here we go jumping from topic Q to topic A with no proper lead through!)

‘To be honest, that kind of sneakiness is what I am good at.’

‘It’s nothing to be proud of,’ she said. Her head hurt. (Zuben: So does mine.)

‘So for you to tell me to worry not just about the humans but also the animals in the forest is kind of asking a lot.’

‘Is it really?’

‘It would be good to leave the formulation of a plan to one of the officials and give them plenty of money.’

Very well.

‘I want you to be someone who will be written about in history books for future generations, a fierce Empress. I want you to become someone who manipulates national affairs behind the scenes.’

How did he expect her to become such a cunning woman?

‘For now, I want you to think about peace and how we can best begin the process. Since we are planning on redoing the current organisation structure, with this in mind, we can plan on the reduction or armaments and soldiers. It’s alright even if it is an ambiguous proposal, we can work on it and use it to maintain peace.’

‘When is my deadline?’ she asked.

‘Hmm, I think it would be nice to hear your proposal on the wedding day. But you will not have to do it alone.’


‘I plan to use the plan you think of. It’s more fun to think about travel plans for two than for one, don’t you think?’

‘There will be many things to do; you’ll have to understand how this country runs, what the needs of the average citizens are, the difference between the cities and villages, we will have to handle feeding the nation and repairing and creating roads. The organisational changes cannot happen overnight.’

Matilda watched Leandroth speak in dismay. She heaved a deep sigh,

‘I really don’t have much time. It might be impossible to partic.i.p.ate in the morning a.s.sembly.’

Leandroth gave a chilling smile.

‘You still want to attend?’

Looking at the smile, she wondered, was he testing her?

Even if she partic.i.p.ated in the political arena, did it make sense? Even if she was allowed to speak, just as Leandroth pointed out, would she simply be seen as ‘sweet’ and not to be taken seriously?

She had no idea. She did not understand the situation right now. And she had a tendency to dream.

Will she be told “This was not a place for girls to play” like she had been shut down many times before?

She tilted her head this way and that in thought. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened them and looked at Leandroth,

‘When we wake up you always tell me, “You can sleep a little more,” it seems like my well being is important to you.’

She turned to Leandroth, who was holding his reddened face in his hand,

‘Mattie, be prepared not to sleep tonight. I hope you understand that you caused it.’

‘Not sleeping is not good for your health.’

‘Enduring is bad for my health.’


Just then there was a knock on the door, and Leandroth’s aide called him back to work. 


Zuben: My head hurts...