Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 6

Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku KekkonVol I Chapter 6



Shewoke to an anxious voice calling her name.


heraised her head and looked at Leandroth; he looked troubled. Why was he wearingsuch a troubled expression? As she wondered, she began to feel a severe pain inher lower abdomen. She felt the sensation that her body was trapped. 

‘Bearwith me a little longer, my love…’

‘Ican’t…’ She cried. It was too hard to even speak, tears threatened to fallpooling around her eye.

‘Youcan, because you’re my good baby,’ It didn’t bother her that he was speaking toher like a child. She felt like she was back to her childhood. It hurt. It feltlike she needed to be forgiven for some wrong. She looked up about to cry, likeshe was in trouble, but he smiled at her,

‘Ilove you Mattile. Bear with me just a little longer…thank you.’ He said softlyas he began to move slowly in her. She did not know what so say at his words.He licked her lips, and took her open lips in a kiss. Her breathing hitched ashe invaded her body and mouth. The long kiss ended, and Leandroth pulled away,there was a trail of silver connecting them. She looked at it vaguely, shebreathed in and exhaled, at the same time Leandroth who had been deep withinher, came out. She shuddered at the slippery sensation.

Herbreathing was erratic and her thoughts a jumble from the long kiss. He wasn’tinside her anymore. It had been painful, and it still really hurt. I did feelgood at the start, and she did not hate being touched by him at all. Afterthat, she was happy.

Withoutthinking, she held out her arms, Leandroth looked at her oddly. He accepted herhug and she stroked his hair and back, Leandroth smiled and gave her an easygentle yet naughty kiss. Her lower abdomen still hurt a bit. But it wassatisfied and she did not want to think about it too much.

‘Areyou alright, Mattie?’ he asked softly, whispering into her hear. She blushedhotly. She wasn’t okay, that was what she wanted to say. But he’d warned herbefore hand, and had taken responsibility. She didn’t think it would be verynice to say she was not alright

‘Maybe,but what about you?’

‘Me?’he asked puzzled.

‘Yesyou. I can only speak for myself, but…are you okay?’

Heslipped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Even though it hurt, shewas patient with him.

‘Ah…yeah,that, huh?’

Leandrothlooked serious and thoughtful, but he started to laugh. Matilda felt strangelygiggly as well.

‘Becauseit’s not “okay”, but may I have a little more cooperation?’


 ‘It may not hurt but probably…’ He gave a shysmile, somehow that smile make her heat soften.

‘Let’scontinue,’ she said. She was surprised that she accepted, considering howpainful it was earlier. But this person was true to his words. He cared abouther and how she felt and she did not want to ruin that. She wanted to reciprocatehis feelings.

Hegave a bright smile, ‘Mattie, thank you,’ he said sweetly. He was saying thankyou to her again. She was a little surprised by it. In the middle of thinking,she was grabbed by the thighs.  She felta hot thickness slip between her legs. She did not know what he was doing butshe figured Leandroth wasn’t going to do anything bad to her, and that gave hera sense of security. As he brushed his desire along her tender fleshy petals,she let out a cry. She subconsciously covered her mouth with the back of herright hand. He started to move, sliding in and out between her thighs andgliding along her secret place. She could not suppress her voice as the glidedagainst her sensitive flesh. The sound slapping flesh and wetness filled theroom. Leandroth’s breathing intensified. As her body shook her breast alsojiggled, Matilda thought the jiggling was quite obscene.

‘Amazingeye candy,’ Leandroth said laughing as he his thrusting intensified.

‘You’reso beautiful, Matilda,’ he said hoa.r.s.ely, she felt a hot liquid sensationbetween her thighs, she realised that he had come.

AsMatilda caught her breath back, she vaguely looked up at the ceiling; they haddone it before the wedding. A wry smile played on her face.

Leandrothwiped her body as clean as he could. He came up to her and caressed her cheek.

‘Mattie,can you move?’

Shenodded, but her expression was anxious. He lifted her and propped her upagainst the luxurious bed rest. Leandroth rang the bell-pull four times. Sheheard a m.u.f.fled voice saying,

‘Certainly,’outside the door. She blushed. It was only natural that there was someonenearby. She hoped it was only one person. A maid or a steward. But that personwould have heard all her moaning!

‘Mattie,can you put up your hair?’ He held her newly braided hair in his hand; shetilted her head in askance,

‘Ihave requested a bath to be drawn up for us. Let’s wash up together. However,you don’t want your hair to be wet over night. I will instruct the staff towash your hair in the morning. Is that okay?’

Hewas so considerate; she couldn’t help but admire him.

‘Butit is late in the night?’

Shefelt sorry she had to bother the servants for a bath, but she did want to havea rinse.

‘Ohwell, it probably is already know around the palace that we consummated beforemarriage.’ Leandroth said laughingly, he did not seem bothered. Matilda wasmortified.

‘Moron!’she could not help by cry sharply

‘Haha,I like that look. I might develop a new fetish for you talking to me that way.’

‘Hmm?What kind of fetish?’ she asked as she put hair braided hair up in a bun, soshe would not be conscious of her own blushing. But Leandroth’s sharp eyesnarrowed hotly as he saw her pink cheeks,

‘Youreally are very beautiful,’

Sheself consciously wrapped her arms around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and heart. Somehow shefelt strange, but could not explain it. Seeing her reaction, Leandroth justlaughed happily.

Therewere four knocks on the doors.

‘Onit looks like everything is ready, Mattie, I will carry you.’ He put on hisrobe, and wrapped a sheet around her, and lifted her smoothly from the bed.

‘Ah-  yes.’

Shesubconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck, and then she heard him mutter,‘I’m so happy,’

‘AmI heavy?’ she asked.

Helaughed and replied, ‘Not heavy at all.’

Underthe guise of washing, Matilda’s body was stroked and caressed. She was heldagainst Leandroth in the bath as they washed. Leandroth seemed to find herreactions amusing.

Thefirst sensation upon waking was pain and discomfort. It was somewhat miserable.Matilda thought to herself, yet, despite the pain she was quite comfortable andwarm. It was the first time in her like to sleep in her bare skin, with someoneelse’s arm as a pillow. Was his arm numb? She wondered a little worried.Although she had been trying to be restrained, he merely laughed at her andpushed her down into bed.

Because,she had had a soak, she wanted to wear a new nightdress. But she was forced togive up by Leandroth. She found that she could not refuse him, it was ratherannoying. It was somewhat embarra.s.sing and hard to get to sleep in the nude,just because they had s.e.x for the first time.

Herthoughts went round and round in her head until she became sleepy again. Itseemed like she’d only napped a short while when she felt kisses on her noseand lips, she opened her eyes dreamily

‘Goodmorning,’ he said

‘GoodMorning,’ she replied.

Leandroth’sface broke into a happy smile. It was dazzling.

Whywas he so happy? She looked at him dubiously; his big hand stroked her at herwaist.

‘Doyou still hurt?’

Hewas even asking that with a joyous smile, it was irritating. Matilda let out awry laugh at that thought, ‘Still hurting.’

Heranswer caused him to deflate; he looked like a sad golden retriever with hisears and tail hanging down. But she did not feel like making him feel better.He was rather cute like this.

‘Alright,we’ll give you a few days to recover, I will be patient,’ he said a bitmournfully. She looked up at him lazily.

‘ButI will not apologise, the first time is usually painful, I could do nothing toavoid that. And I am happy from the bottom of my heart that I am your first lover,so I am not going to say sorry!’

Hewas a little sharp. Was he sulking? Despite, that Matilda did not know how torespond to his declaration. Matilda began to laugh. She could not believe howchildish he was. He was like two different people.

Lastnight as well, he spoke childishly. It was somehow funny.

‘Howare you?’ she asked as she giggled. He looked at her, and his manhood becamefirm.

‘Didit go not go well for you?’

Shewas curious. Back home in Icecoreta, when she asked about bedroom matters, thehead maid and her tutor and her nanny just smile and say, “Ask his MajestyLeandroth.” She tried to study books but found she was too embarra.s.sed to askfor them or read them.

Seeminglyfl.u.s.tered, Leandroth sighed and drew Matilda’s body to his.



‘Itmay have been painful for you but for me; it was as though I was in heaven. Itfelt excruciatingly good. I would very much like to do it again…’

Apart of Matilda doubted whether this was true. Suddenly, he let go of her andgot out bed. He quickly put on his night clothes.

‘Getsome more sleep,’ he said. Matilda watched him hurrying out of the room.

Maybeit really was not good for him, after all. She felt empty somehow. She gave arueful laugh. She looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes. (Matilda, heran away because if he didn’t, he would have eaten your tofu.)

Shedid not think she was beautiful or cute, when she thought of herselfobjectively. She was a pale mediocre looking woman.

Whenshe arrived in Barenshiaga, all of the maidens seemed really polished andbeautiful. It looked like, if she was a citizen of Barenshiaga she would be adisappointment. She was sure there were people disappointed that an ordinarywoman like her was going to become Empress.

Emperorsusually married beautiful women as Empress. And then the couple would look likea pair of divinity in a heavenly painting.

Hehad a too soft face for a man, but Leandroth was definitely a beautiful boy. Ifone dared a.s.sign rankings, he would be quite high in position. Standing next toa man like that, she was cast in a below average shadow.

Allof the women in this country were beautiful. The maid she had been a.s.signed wastruly lovely. She was so obediently beautiful. Cute! Downright adorable. Sheseemed to float when she walked. When they were introduced, it had been hardfor Matilda not to declare her admiration.

Yes,such a beautiful person served her with sincerity. She wondered why. As expected,the training of the Emperor’s household was perfect. Matilda opened her eyes inrealisation.

 Yes that was what it was.

Because,Leandroth was surrounded by beauty every day, Matilda’s mediocre appearance wasa novelty. She would not be interesting if he saw her face without emotionalups and downs.

Colourfulexpressions, smiling, pleasantly bubbly. Such loveliness wasn’t something shecould do.

Shewasn’t someone who was fun to watch. She nodded, it was right that he left soqucikly.

‘Whatan idiot.’

Shehad no confidence in herself, so she did not believe in the sweet wordsLeandroth said last night and this morning.

Therewere so many rosy kiss marks on her chest that she felt uncomfortable.

Thisis a reality. But, sometimes one cannot accept reality. Oh, it really doesn’tmatter. Matilda pulled the covers over her head and closed her eyes tightly.

Maybelast night was a dream…


Thereis a small voice in her heart that believed in last night. The smile she wokeup to was not a dream.

Shewas an idiot. She wanted it to be a dream.

Evenso, the small voice in her heart said, she was glad about last night.

Itfelt nice to be loved…to be touched.

Evenif she did not have faith in that feeling, there was a part of her that did.

Matildaclosed her mind against the contrary feelings.

Sheappreciated the chance to sleep a little longer.

Threedays later, there was nothing from him other than a small withered bouquet.


Gosh! (Wipes sweat) This was hardwork. Aside from the serious distraction these last chapters provoked. Theywere hard to edit. Based on google sensei"s translation, this author can"tdecide if she"s in past or present tense. First or third person. Who is sayingwhat? I bashed my head on my laptop many times. And trying to make the languagemore flowery and sultry, I don"t mind doing it but my mental thesaurus was notworking at all. And the "distractions". Anyway, I hope I have edited it to beas distracting for you as it was for me. Enjoy.

I"m taking a break now. I need to facevideo games and read English books for a while now to give myself some rest.