Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon

Chapter 9

Yasashī Shinjitsu to Seiryaku Kekkon Vol I Chapter 9

 -NSF places where someone might be looking over your shoulder

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The bathroom was brightly lit, thecandlelight reflecting off the gilded fittings. In the bath, Matilda had herface covered in embarra.s.sment.


 er skin was glistening from the soap and pinkfrom the heated water, Leandroth embraced her from behind his hands cupping herfull b.r.e.a.s.t.s

This was quite like the bath threenights ago.

As is now becoming usual, he washolding Matilda’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s in both hands. He was shaking them and feeling themfrom below, as though he was enjoying their weight, while watching overMatilda’s shoulder.

‘Hmm, the weight is different in water.’He said thoughtfully (Zuben: That’s cos they’re kinda buoyant, love)

‘Is that so…?’

How should she answer? It was totallydifferent being brought in when she was a bit dazed after an affair from beingtotally aware. Tremendously…

‘Are you feeling shy?’ He asked with ateasing smile. His voice echoed in the pit of her belly, stoking a small fire.

‘…Of course.’ She replied a bitbreathless. She bit her lips; it was rather vexatious that her voice wastrembling.

‘Ah~ after he worked hard all day, heis healed by his beloved wife’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s in a warm bath. This is heaven.’

She was not yet a wife, she thought.There were so many things she would like to say but she was being gently sweptaway. They haven’t had their wedding ceremony, and she had wanted to give upliving recently. A person like him accepts and desires someone like her…

It was a delightful feeling -impossible to resist.  It was rathercurious.

She looked at that man with his chinon her right shoulder; he was smiling making her smile too. At such a closeproximity, she started feeling a bit hot as she blushed. It was not a heatcaused by the water.

She was puzzled by the lightteasing.  How could he be “healed” by herand her b.r.e.a.s.t.s?

She looked down at her chest. Theywere being supported from below in his large palms. The nipples were pink incontrast to her pure white skin. Everytime he moved his hands, the water andher flesh rippled.

Matilda gently grasped both Leandroth’shands and pulled them away from her chest.

‘Mattie?’ he asked confused. She didnot reply but she turned around to face him, sat back on her knees and pulledhim to her. His golden brown hair was soft between her fingers as his face waspressed against her chest. (Zuben: ho ho ho!)

She did not dislike being hugged byLeandroth. She felt certain contentment from the warmth of his body againsthers. So she wanted to give it a try and hug him. Matilda stiffened at thethought.

Because he told her she healed him,she got happy and hugged him back in without thinking. Maybe it only referredto him touching her, rather than she initiating the touching. If so, was shewith this hugging diminishing his pleasure?

‘Um…maybe…’ she began to say in smallvoice but she looked down at Leandroth and he looked content, burying his facein between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Based on his actions, she realised that she wasn"tmaking him unhappy, she was relieved.

‘Ah~’ she cried in spite of herself. Eventhought it wasn"t very loud it seemed to echo in the bathroom. It was king ofembarra.s.sing.

His left hand gently drew circlesaround her right breast while the other hand caressed her b.u.t.tocks. Thesensations made her feel languid.

‘Nnnn~’ she cried as he sucked on herleft nipple like a feeding baby. He was a big baby, she thought rathercheerfully as she caressed his hair.

It reminded her of holding her littlebrothers (Zuben: Really? At a time like this?) Of course, she wasn"t in thenude or feeding them. This warm and fuzzy feeling brewed nostalgia in her heartalong with a painful longing. She hoped her brothers were well. Leandroth"sministrations bring her back to the present.

‘Kkya~…’ she cried out, as he sucked abit harder on her rosebud nipple. Making such a noise suddenly without warning,made her terribly embarra.s.sed, she did not want to look down.

‘You are really cute, aren"t you?’Leandroth"s sultry whisper echoes in the bathroom. She blushed.

Was she cute?

A question mark comes up.

‘Your chest is healing, but your b.u.t.tis also good.’ He said cheekily as he patted her right b.u.t.tock. Sheunintentionally hugged his head tighter to her chest, as he stroked her innerthigh. A fun laughter could be heard from her chest,

‘Mattie is really my recovery drug.’He said

Although she smiled, he words stillconfused Matilda. He lifted his head and rose from the bath, water sluicingdown his well muscled nakedness,

‘Let"s get to bed.’ He said as helifted her up and carried her out of the bathroom. In the dressing room, shewas gently dried off and dressed a night gown. And her pulled her along withhim into their bedroom and down into bed. Matilda did not resist.

Resistance ... she wondered if she waswilling. She was surprised at that thought.

Even though, they have not marriedyet, she had never thought about not having s.e.x with him. Even though they hadonly been together a short while; if he asked for s.e.x she would not refuse him.

Was this a bad thing? It was, wasn"tit?


‘Mattie’ he called softly. She lookedup at him; he had a charming smile on his face. He pulled her into his chest andwrapped his arms around her. His warm and broad chest. She put her cheekagainst him and closed her eyes.

His large hand stroked her back andarms, and her eyes close.

It felt so nice. But she was afraidshe was getting sleepy.



Leandroth peeked down at her.

‘Leann, aren"t you sleepy? You didn"tsleep for two days. At least let us take a little nap and then…’ she noticedmidsentence what was about to invite. Matilda lapsed into a confused silence.She had been concerned about his well being, but somewhere along, her minddiverted into a strange direction. She made a fist against Leandroth"s chest,

Moron! It was as though she wanted todo it with him.

Leandroth laughed brightly and gentlypatted Matilda’s hair.

‘It’s alright, I already had a nap. Ifit was in a battlefield, not sleeping for a few nights is normal.’

Matilda was relieved that he didn"tcotton on to the implication of her words, but she was still concerned aboutLeandroth,

‘It doesn"t matter, maintaining youphysical condition well is also part of work.’

‘Ehhhh?’ He sounded like a spoiledchild.

‘Yes, well, please sleep properly.’

‘If you want me to go to sleep sooner,you need to cooperate with me,’ he said nuzzling her head,


‘Yes, a little bit of exercise can getme tired and I can sleep well.’ He said cheekily wriggling his eyebrows andsmiling brightly. Matilda laughed and embraced him tighter. Her smile hung whenshe remembered,

‘The bouquet you gave me, why was itwithered?’

Matilda raised her face to look athim, and he stroked her back.



‘In those three days, I wroteseventeen notes to you.’

She became more alert at his words

‘Is this marriage opposed?’

‘It is – Well, I kept it hidden on purpose.There was no choice, because more than I thought were there many officers andservants who support the ministers than I?’

His tone was light, Matilda was unableread Leandroth"s true intentions.

‘Let’s fight together, my wife.’ Hesaid, giving her one of his heart stopping smiles.


‘Yes, because I do not feel likefighting alone. I will tell you more tomorrow, for now…’

Question marks fluttered over herhead, but they were burned away by Leandroth’s heated gaze, and she couldn’tthink any more. He took her lips in a kiss making her sigh with pleasure, as hekissed her like a hungry man.

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were caught in his handsfrom the top of her nightdress, and he carefully caressed them. The soft fleshfilled his palm. She moaned at his touch. Her rose coloured nipples could beseen through the cloth of her night gown. Leandroth took a wanting nipple inhis mouth through the cloth and sucked gently. As he flicked one nipple withhis tongue, the other was rubbed and teased with his fingers. The hardenedflesh pushed against his finger. His caressing cause tingling sensations toflow from her chest down to her secret place, she wriggled and tightly rubbedher legs together unconsciously. As the pleasurable sensations grew from hisministrations to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she parted her legs and wrapped them aroundLeandroth"s waist. Her night wear was only lightly fastened, so the legs werequickly exposed. Leandroth was naked, only the thin silk of her night dress wasbetween them.

He unravelled the ties of her nightdress, peeling it off her left shoulder to expose her breast and he took thenipple in his mouth. The sound of him sucking on her reached her ears and theaching between her legs intensified. He fervently pulled the night dress downof her other shoulder, the cloth harshly grazed her nipple causing her to moanfrom the different stimuli,

‘Ah~…’ It felt so good. She ran herfingers through Leandroth"s hair as he suckled her breast. His golden brownhair was so soft, and the sensations were nice and comfortable, she wanted tobe caressed for a while.

‘Mattie…’he called his voice thickwith desire. She watched as he trailed kisses up her chest. With his bodypushing her against her, rubbing himself on her, he kissed her deeply as hishands roamed Matilda’s soft body. Their tongues entwined as the kisses deepenedand they lost themselves in each other. He pulled away from the kiss and athread of saliva glowing silver in the moonlight hung between them,

‘Do you dislike it?’ he asked huskily.Her heart rate went up and her breaths were short. Leandroth peered at her hisexpression a little anxious. She shook her head side to side in reply and Leandrothgrinned.

‘If you do not like anything I do,tell me properly. Okay?’ he said, caressing her cheeks. He spoke like he was talkingto a child. Somehow it was funny and she giggled,

‘Yes, I will.’ She replied through hergiggles. Leandroth"s smile went on for miles, as he buried his face in her neckand began to kiss, suck and bit his way down her body. There was comfortablepleasure and sometimes intense ‘pain’ but, even that pain was ratherpleasurable.

He pulled off her night dress, and hishand caressed her inner thighs. His fingers grazed her centre, gently. Matildafelt like she was about to fly from the pleasure. She wriggled subconsciously;there was a dull ache between her legs.

Leandroth smiled  knowingly. Matilda blushed and wanted to makean excuse, but he smiled and kissed her. It was wonderful to stop thinkingabout random things for a bit. His fingers entered her as he kissed her causingher back to arch and she cried out against his kiss. Wet sounds filled the roomas his fingers were thrust inside her. Matilda blushed and moaned as she threwher head side to side. Leandroth shifted down so he was between her legs.

The moonlight and candles near the bedilluminated the two figures in the bed. She felt his tongue on the mostuncomfortable place between her legs while his fingers played inside her. It wasodd. His fingers inside her didn"t hurt as much as it did three days ago.

Was she getting used to it?

As the intensity of his fingersincreased, he continued to like the pearl on to p of her swollen flower petals,she felt a sensation run across her body and centre on her core. Leandroth"sfingers. .h.i.t a certain part of her and everything went white,

‘It’s – it’s coming!’ she cried.

Her body was trembling and tighteningaround his fingers after her release. She wanted to close her legs but she wasspread out around him, he would not let her.

‘I"m at my limits, Matilda…’

She felt out of breath as Leandrothcame over her, he held both of her legs up and his not thing was pressed into herwet heat.

‘Ah ~!’ she cried as he entered her.The pain was a lot less than the last time, but it still felt like she wasbeing torn apart.

‘So tight, it feels so good,’ he said.Although, Leandroth was anxious about Matilda who was still struggling withpain, he slowly thrust in until he was fully sheathed in her. He leaned overher, their bodies closely joined and he kissed her. Her body was filled withLeandroth, her mouth was filled with Leandroth.

As he began to thrust, it started tofeel even better. She put her arms around him. Seeing Matilda flushed withpleasure rather than pain, with her arms around him. Leandroth was happy fromthe bottom of his heart. He started to thrust harder and Matilda lost herselfagain.


Leandroth does not have a "magic d.i.c.k" is all I can say. Or he needs to work harder.