
Chapter 2

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 2

Yesterday by Feng Nong

I awoke to the sound of birds. Everyone says that Hong Kong is the city of concrete and steel bars. Real flowers, birds, worms, and fishes have already vanished. However, the Rong mansion is halfway up the mountain. Exquisite s.p.a.cious surroundings with expert gardeners, it is no wonder that there are birds. Life in all its forms, yet money is actually the most important. Whether one is able or unable to hear birds singing also comes down to finances. Not sure why after listening to bird calls this morning, I started to think of sn.o.bbish things. I repeatedly shook my head and clambered up from bed. I chose a white suit from my suitcase, in order to let the awaiting by the breakfast table YuJiang admire with surprise. I imagined his shy and restrained look when he catches sight of me and smile towards the mirror. The person in the mirror is highly frivolous, delicate features with every inch showing the elegance of an aristocratic prince. Rong YuJiang, you are indeed fortunate. Even I am starting to envy you. One burst of narcissism later, I headed downstairs. Hong Kong"s rich and powerful families are very respectful of house rules. Born into excess yet practice strict rules. Sure enough the Rong father and sons are already a.s.sembled at the dining table.

"Uncle Rong, good morning." I brightly greeted Uncle Rong. My eyes however aimed straight for YuJiang. I intentionally paused at the top of the stairs to let him clearly see my splendid attire. 3 persons simultaneously looked up and concentrated their gaze on me.

"ShengSheng, you"re dressed up so splendidly today. Can"t be you have a date with your girlfriend?" The first one to speak was Rong YuTing. He looked at me as if seeing a rare piece of treasure. Pity it only made my hair stand on end. Only YuJiang in his elegant refined way nodded saying:

"Come on over and eat something. Your habits acquired from living abroad are actually not good. You should eat breakfast on time." Can"t help but feel a little disappointed that I failed to see his open-mouthed fl.u.s.tered reaction. My smile turned into a frown and I walked over, pulled out the chair and sat down.

"ShengSheng, your father contacted my yesterday evening. He wished for me to arrange a position for you in Rong enterprise to let you train a little and familiarize yourself with business operations. I think, since you"re still young, for the moment like YuJiang and YuTing handle external business. What do you think?" My old man really acts quickly. Opened up a golden opportunity for me with such speed. I modestly replied:

"Uncle Rong, I don"t understand anything. Rong enterprise is such a big company, how can I carelessly enter? How about this? I first follow YuJiang and act as his a.s.sistant, learning however much it ends up to be." Uncle Rong gave me a position out of consideration, but probably has a headache inside thinking of yet another pest asking for a favor. Hearing my reply, he at once felt relieved but still said:

"That won"t do. How can YuJiang be compared to you?" He praised me a few words and hastily changed the topic lest I go back on my word. YuJiang turned to me and gave me a look as if accusing me of again up to no good. I feigned a look of seriousness and ate my breakfast without looking to my side. Since my presence by YuJiang"s side will be perfectly justifiable, this breakfast should be not bad. It"s a pity that I chose the wrong seat and ended up facing Rong YuTing. Throughout the entire breakfast he repeatedly looked up and stared at me with a faint glint in his eyes. Almost made me put the soy milk spoon into the white congee a few times. This fellow is not a good person.

After breakfast, everyone headed together to the company. Naturally, I once again rode in YuJiang"s car. Once in the car, YuJiang was not in a hurry to start the car. He turned towards me smiling:

"You look very handsome today. I was so shocked that I almost fell off the stool." Listening to his flattering sentence, I immediately forgot about the little unpleasantness earlier that morning. I snorted and pursed my lips in a smile.

"ShengSheng, I want to kiss you."

"Then why don"t you?" He actually earnestly asked:

"Are you willing?" Why did I meet such an ill-matched character? I sighed and lost my temper:

"Not willing!" I turned my face to the other side. He sat uncomfortably silent for a long time, seemingly at a loss to the cause of my temper. He straightened the black-framed on his nose bridge and started the car. Fuming mad, I waited until the car entered the Rong enterprise underground car park. I flung away YuJiang"s hand and entered the elevator. He cautiously followed me lest I threw another fit, unconsciously b.u.mping into the elevator door. In the empty elevator the two of us faced each other. The more I glared at him, the angrier I got. I myself don"t understand why I flared up over such a trivial matter. However, if he continued like this, straight-laced and bull-headed, old-fashioned like my great-grandfather, how would I pa.s.s the days together with him? Heavens, why am I even thinking of "pa.s.s the days" such a ridiculous phrase. The elevator door opened and I angrily rushed out. Right when I turned the corner, one impressively tall and large object jumped out at me.

"Watch out!"

"Ah......" Unable to stop in time, I b.u.mped my forehead painfully. d.a.m.n it! I didn"t into the elevator door yet ran into this filing cabinet. Where is this d.a.m.n cabinet going?

"ShengSheng, how is it? Should I call the doctor?" YuJiang asked as he rushed in front of me to examine my forehead. The staff member transporting the cabinet was so frightened that he apologized continuously:

"I"m sorry, I"m sorry, I was not careful......." This carried on for a while. Turns out it was because of my new a.s.sistant post that the cabinet was being moved. I"m forced to smile bitterly. I stood up with a blank face and as before ignored YuJiang completely, letting him follow me from behind. Once we entered his office, he grabbed my wrist.

"ShengSheng......" Worried yet no choice but to call my name: "Really, why are you so angry?" I don"t want to answer. This anger came without rhyme or reason. Even I was at a loss to offer an explanation. Therefore, I wore a sullen look. His gentle face at this time was full of worry. He sighed and turned away, letting me go. Once I could no longer see his face, my heart felt a sudden coldness, to the point of flying into a rage just to attract his attention. He suddenly turned around and with one grab, pulled me tightly into his arms. Only now do I realize how strong he is. My whole heart and face filled with his unique presence. After his forceful kiss, I realized that he is not as pure and innocent as I had imagined. If he is able to take me, young master ShengSheng, and kiss me until I"m out of breath, he must have had a few lovers. It"s too late for me to jealous of these things. I have already fallen into YuJiang"s abyss.

Right after the kiss, YuJiang"s secretary appeared. She was carrying a big stack of files that reminded me of the time of my graduation project with my similar mountain of reference books. YuJiang sat down and took out some files and said to his secretary:

"Jie-r, Mr. Huang will be starting as my special a.s.sistant today. Please prepare for him the necessary work things." Even though she is called "Jie-r" she is actually already a middle aged attractive woman. Come to speak of it, she is not really attractive, completely lacking gracefulness. One look and one can see her attire is that of one never to be promoted. She"s probably just like YuJiang, a willing-ox type. Jie-r complied with one sound, and turned to me and politely nodded. YuJiang continued:

"Mr. Huang although is my a.s.sistant in name, he is also a friend of the Rong family. He is only here to observe for a while. Please notify the junior staff to treat him with respect." I see the seriousness in his face and felt a slight sweetness in my heart. I couldn"t help but shoot him a flirtatious look. This person is showing me that since I"m following him, a good natured person, he is worried that I will be bullied. Officially I"m the a.s.sistant so I can"t just not do anything. I simply leaned on the sofa and carefully look through the doc.u.ments that had been checked by YuJiang. This many files, he flipped through very quickly and yet also frequently jotted down instructions. I originally thought that this type of working manner will certainly have mistakes and omissions, so I inspected his work for him. I didn"t expect that the more I looked, the more my admiration grew. Surprisingly I couldn"t find a single fault. At times when I didn"t understand his notations, he even stopped to explain them to me. From building site topography, to the quality and composition of soil up to the high level government connections, to the reason for adopting certain tactics, not the least bit overlooked and crystal clear.

"Rong enterprise previously built an administrative high-rise. Why was the non-glossy type facade adopted?"

"That year I consulted many experts because of this issue. Although the glossy facade is fashionable, it must suit the building structure. After drawing up multiple plans, we finally decided to use the non-glossy type." YuJiang answered me without raising his head. I nodded absent-mindedly:

"Oh." That year Rong enterprise won the architecture award due to the design of this high-rise and became Hong Kong"s foremost construction company. The one on TV receiving the accolades was actually YuTing. How unfair. How much of Rong enterprise"s current success is due to deceiving YuJiang? I look over to this person that looked like he is fighting bravely while captured in the middle of a briefcase and couldn"t help but feel a little sorry. I stood up and walked to his side. I clearly know that the office is climate controlled, so there is no way one will sweat, but I still stretched out my hand and ran it over his forehead. Gentle and filial, the more I looked at that eminently handsome face, the deeper I fell for him. He put down his pen and abruptly took my hand and turned it over in his palm, and lightly asked:

"What is it? You look like you"re unhappy." I smiled vaguely and conveniently sat on his leg. "Don"t be like this. Jie-r can come in at any time."

"Oh you......" I took the initiative and presented my lips while thinking in my heart of how to deal with Rong YuTing and forcefully take Rong enterprise into my hands. The one who sweats for Rong enterprise should be the one who gets Rong enterprise. Therefore I resolved to take all my own energy to help YuJiang. Let me indulge myself fully, after all I am also from a big enterprise family background. With all my strength I immediately made repeated contributions in several meetings. Actually he had already established his contributions a long time ago. It"s just that he good-naturedly allowed other people to take credit. I am exactly the opposite. I am determined to fight for credit. Even Rong YuTing is not my match. YuJiang said:

"ShengSheng, you shouldn"t be like this. Harming YuTing such that he gets caught in an embarra.s.sing situation. Where is the need to contend with him?" I widened my eyes, 120% wish that there would be an improvement

"Rong YuJiang, you"re virtuous is every way. It"s precisely because you are too kind-hearted. In the stock market, father and son, husband and wife, let alone brothers all also don"t matter. You should quickly learn this for your own good. Otherwise it would be too dreadful to contemplate later." I carry on instilling the worst possible outcome on this defenseless person. I even went so far as to list numerous examples of cruel realities, resolutely willing him to be instantly crafty without par, incomparably vicious. YuJiang laughed and shook his head:

"ShengSheng, you can really talk. Non-stop for one hour, don"t tell me you"re not thirsty. The next meeting, it would be better if you presented my report." I was so furious that I almost pa.s.sed-out. I can say in all honestly that I, HuangSheng, in my whole life have never so completely supported someone. It must be that I owe a serious debt in my past life. I prevented YuTing from claiming credit several times in a row. I also enabled YuJiang to get recognition from the outside world. It became such that in media reports ------- <> made the front page headline of the economics journal. When YuJiang attended elite c.o.c.ktail parties, there would be a continuous line of people that would engage him in small talk. Some people even turned their back on Rong YuTing and started to b.u.t.ter up YuJiang. Rong YuTing"s manner towards me became creepier and creepier. At one time looking like he was dying to cut my bones and scatter my ashes, at another time lascivious intent 100%. Facing him during mealtimes was like sitting on a bed of nails. I simply forced YuJiang to leave early and return late, avoiding meals at the Rong mansion as much as possible. I amused myself with YuJiang, whispering sweet nothings. He frequently sneaked into my room in the middle of the night to sit by my bedside. Sometimes I woke up and we would chat and kiss. Other times I would not wake and that was how it carried on.

One day I woke up with a sore throat and with my head starting to ache. YuJiang came to call me and saw my suffering expression while fidgeting in bed. He hurried over to ask:

"What happened? ShengSheng, are you sick?"

"I feel very bad......" I intentionally acted a little hazy.

"Don"t worry, I will immediately call the doctor." Inside I was howling with laughter but I suddenly remembered a serious matter:

"Today is the day to sign the contract with UK"s Ruita company. Why are you still here?"

"You"re sick. How can I toss you aside and not be concerned?" Heavens, this is not some soap opera. Most likely I became like this only because I kicked open the coverlet last night and caught a cold from the A/C. This contract cost him countless effort, and would result in considerable profits for Rong enterprise for the next 5 years. How can he not go? As if I would let Rong YuTing seize this opportunity and sign his name on the contract. He would surely have a devious laugh.

"Go quickly! Be sure you"re not late. Aiya, don"t bother about me! I really dislike you hovering like and old auntie." I haphazardly punched him away and picked up the phone to call the doctor myself. Rong family physician was very efficient. Arrived within half an hour in his sports car. He listened to my condition and asked me to stretch out my tongue to take a look. He smiled:

"Don"t worry young master Sheng, it"s a little cold. But you should improve your immune system." The doctor was humorous and prescribed some medication for me. He also earnestly performed a short whole body checkup before leaving with his medical kit. Just as I stood up to pick out today"s outfit, the phone rang. Just as I suspected, it was YuJiang.

"ShengSheng, has the doctor arrived? What did he say?"

"A small cold. But I should strengthen my immune system."

"It must be that you kicked off your coverlet. It"s precisely this bad habit of yours. I clearly saw you do it last night and helped tuck you back in. Why did you kick it again just after I left......"

"OK! OK! Did you sign the contract already?"

"Signed already. I just returned to the office. There will be visitors from Taiwan in the afternoon."

"I know. I"ll head over after I eat a little something." After putting down the phone, I went into the washroom. After changing my clothes I was floored. There was another person in the room. The last person I wanted to see, Rong YuTing. At this time, shouldn"t he be at the office? How hateful, such bad luck and he still has the audacity to sit at my bedside.