
Chapter 26

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 26

Yesterday by Feng Nong.

Among these two people, there is one that I recognize. Rong YuTing. No matter how refined and elegant his smile is, I can"t forget the hideous grin he showed before. That savage penetrating look is already carved into my brain. And also onto my body. I slowly raise my hand and rub the scar on my forehead.

"The one together with Rong YuTing, is the eldest daughter of the distinguished He family ---------- He ShuMin." Chen YouFa with this one sentence, clears up the mystery. The one that single-handedly planned my escape was He ShuMin. So, if Rong YuTing, who is so intimate with her, wanted to put something into my traveling bag, how easy it would be. However, I don"t know if she herself knew about it, or if He ShuTing knew about it. But whether they are guilty or not, it does not concern me.

I smile slightly at the photo. Looks like on that day, before I even got out of the cage, there was already a blood red wide open tiger"s mouth lying in wait. Heaven"s net is very wide, don"t tell me it is targeted against me? No matter how I twist and turn, I end up in the same spot, stabbed in the back by the secret arrow that I could never shake off.

"The doc.u.ments at the back include a detailed report ........... " I wave my hand:

"Mr. Chen, thank you. I will look at those files in detail later. Let us first discuss another matter. For example: the payment." I have no intention of listening to Chen YouFa discuss his careful investigative actions. For one, I"m not in the mood, two ........... anything regarding the Rong family, will only let me recall the unbearable past. Except for YuJiang. Of course Chen YouFa agrees to my proposal. He cleverly keeps his mouth closed. There"s really nothing to discuss regarding the payment, with one wave of the pen, I offer the check with a big smile, and firmly send away the outsider that almost split open my bleeding wound. Alone in the office, I close the folder spread out before me. Firmly covering the photo of YuTing and He ShuMin embracing.

I can"t say that I"m not lucky from the bottom of my heart. Heaven still has pity on me. I didn"t receive another peal of thunder from clear skies, clearly showing me YuJiang"s cruelty. The feelings I have for YuJiang, is like a strand of spider web hanging in the air, swaying continuously in the wind, but, although causing one to shed tears, never breaks.

G.o.ds and demons at work, I dial YuJiang"s number. He is a thousand miles away, I just want to hear his voice before hanging up. Right now, I want to listen to his deep voice, his tender hypnotizing timbre. I finally hear a *ge da* sound, someone picking up the phone. My heart skips a beat, wondering if I should immediately hang up the phone. My stomach suddenly contracts into a ball.

"h.e.l.lo, this is the president"s office of Rong enterprise." While hesitating, a voice already comes through. Jie-r ............. A feeling of severe disappointment constricts me, but at the least, it stops my chaotic thoughts. I make an immediate decision and *ka ca* hang up the phone.

A long sigh. What was that for? I don"t even have the courage to display a photo of YuJiang on my desk. Sitting on top of the towering throne of Huang enterprise, I suddenly feel especially lonely. ShengSheng, why are you still indulging in fantasies? I look at the folder before me, there is still a pile of files at the side, waiting for my instructions. Time is precious, how can I waste my time doing nothing, sighing hopelessly. I take up the pen, and once again concentrate on my work. The reason why YuJiang can always be so gentle, not worrying over personal gains or losses, is probably because this heavy workload, does not leave him any time to get unnecessarily depressed.

When I return home that evening, my old man briefly raises one eyebrow at me at the dinner table, asking me the outcome. I shake my head lightly. The old man smiles, seemingly satisfied, not saying anything further. I wonder if my old man believes that as long as it"s not YuJiang that harmed me, everything else is of no importance. I want to ask, but I suddenly shut my mouth tight. I think of Buddha"s faint smile when he picked up the flower that day, and try my best not to say anything.

Huang enterprise starts to gain outstanding achievements. Each time I look at the outstanding achievement reports that HongBing brings over, I can"t not feel proud inside. All my life, I have never had my feet planted firmly on the ground, toiling heart and soul. But this steady growth was not obtained easily. I can"t help but admire YuJiang, his Rong enterprise, is simply a legend in the business circle. ZhouHeng also called back to report that the j.a.panese collaboration is making progress.

"Mr. Huang, the contract has been officially signed. Although our price is comparatively a little high, but because Huang enterprise has deep resources, and also has a good reputation globally, the j.a.panese partners still finally chose us." Outwardly he is reporting success, inwardly he is naturally asking for recognition. I"m not surprised, after completing the work, one must let the boss know, only then will one be a good worker.

"This is really good news." When it comes to reward, I"m not stingy, especially towards ZhouHeng. "This success is not only due to the resources of Huang enterprise. It has more to do with the company staff. Without your refinements and connections in Beijing, we won"t be singing the victory song this quickly." ZhouHeng"s voice on the phone is high-spirited and lively:

"This is my responsibility."

"Nowadays, it"s not easy to find people that would fulfill their responsibilities." I say indifferently.

"Mr. Huang, thank you." I can hear that ZhouHeng is sincerely grateful, or at least a part of it is real. A good boss is definitely not easy to come by, what more one with that kind of past experiences together. But on the other hand, maybe it"s also to love both the good and the bad.

Society is always changing. The common practice of the elite society, worshipping those that appear high and trampling those that appear low does not seem to ever change. Once it was reported that Huang enterprise has been gaining ground, the number of c.o.c.ktail invitations HongBing receives on my behalf, increases day by day. Too many invites, causing me to need to find the time, only taking part in those that would be helpful for business. This makes me think of the former me, only thinking of going to c.o.c.ktail parties. Social events have now become a part of my work.

The duties of my father have transferred to my shoulders, making me feel the sudden weight. Only now do I realize, my former ways, playfully stirring up trouble to gain one or two pieces of information, establishing relationships, these were really just insignificant gains, nothing more.

In the morning, right after entering the office, HongBing follows me in, in high spirits.

"Good morning Mr. President, autumn is almost here, may we talk about vacation?" I sit on the chair and smile at HongBing:

"Vacation? For one, I don"t have a companion, two, I don"t have the time. Unless you are willing to help me handle all the official business, giving me time to have some fun."

"It"s not that I"m unwilling, but I don"t have the qualifications to handle it."

"Then why did you bring up vacation, stirring up my interest, and yet not giving me a solution?" HongBing giggles *hee hee*:

"The one who wants to go on vacation is me. I asked the human resources manager if I could take my remaining vacation days all in one go, but he told me that I need Mr. President"s approval."

"Ai? How many vacation days do you have?"

"30 days." I"m envious:

"I also want to go and ask, how many vacation days does a president get?"

"I only asked a question, Mr. President absolutely will not allow?" After working with me for a long time, she asks like a little slave girl.

"If you go, I will be left here in a big mess. If I don"t let you go and compensate you financially, how does that sound? Treat it as working overtime." I"m being serious, if HongBing leaves, all the official files, no matter who comes to take her place, it won"t be the same. Furthermore she would leave for a whole month. HongBing shakes her head, suddenly lowering her face, showing a little shyness:

"My vacation days cannot me compensated with pay." I understand, smiling slightly:

"Don"t tell me you"re thinking of secretly going on a honeymoon?"

"I"m not trying to hide the truth from you but it really is as you say." I"m stupefied. Simply guessing without thinking, I actually hit the nail on the head.

"Congratulations, luckily I got it out of you, if not I would be deprived of a wedding feast." HongBing smiles sweetly:

"I don"t dare to trouble Mr. President, after traveling on our honeymoon for a month, I will come back and throw myself into my work." Ai, modern women are really uninhibited.

"Since it"s like this, I just can"t be the bad person that hinders a beautiful event."

"Thank you Mr. President, I will take care of transferring my duties. The personnel office has arranged for a temporary secretary that will be here shortly." Once done with personal matters, her serious working manner returns: "These are the files that need your attention." She puts one pile of doc.u.ments on my desk. "Also, we just received a few invitations. Two are for tonight. One of them is a reception by the British Kalai company. The other one is a private dinner party hosted by the governor of GuiDe bank." HongBing asks brightly: "Would you be going to the Kalai reception?" While asking, she is already noting it down in the book. After working together for a long time, we have come to understand each other quite well. But too much understanding may not be a good thing. This time, HongBing did not guess my intentions rightly.

"No, I"ll join the GuiDe banquet."

"Mr. President?" HongBing puts down the pen, a little surprised: "Kalai is an important partner for Huang enterprise."

"I know. Huang enterprise also has ties with GuiDe."

"Mr. President ...... " HongBing lowers her eyes, choosing her words carefully: "Recently there has been unfavorable rumors about GuiDe, probably ...... " The outward appearance is that of a naive young woman, but as long as it has something to do with the market, she is frightfully adept when it comes to business matters. Truthfully, the unfavorable rumors can no longer be considered a secret of secrets. A small banking crisis is happening every day, when disaster approaches, everyone"s first priority is to consider if they themselves would be dragged in. Who would be willing to approach the center of the storm for no reason? I nod my head and smile indifferently:

"GuiDe"s banquet, arrange it for me." HongBing tactfully keeps her mouth shut, changing the note in her book. Just before she leaves the room, I ask:

"HongBing, getting married is no doubt an incomparably happy thing, but, have you really thought it through?

"Thought what through?" I"m shocked, not understanding how I could ask such an inauspicious question. I cover it up saying:

"For instance, test his feelings towards you, see if he is sincerely true to you."

"The matter of love, the more you test it, the more troublesome it becomes, not only a spectator will be confused, the people concerned would be even more confused." HongBing shrugs her shoulders in a carefree manner: "I only have one principle, once I"ve caught it, I won"t let it go, most of all, I won"t throw away an opportunity in vain."

"What if you caught the wrong one? Wouldn"t you regret it even more?" These words obviously have an inauspicious implication, definitely not something that should be said to HongBing who is about to go on her honeymoon. Luckily this woman is very open-minded, simply taking no notice of it, instead putting on a mysterious air, lowering her voice to say:

"I"ll teach you a method ...... " Just like in the martial arts circles when the master is about to pa.s.s on the secret writings. I also can"t help but give my full attention. "Close your eyes, say out loud three times the name of the person you"re thinking of, hot or cold, oneself knows." She finishes with a wicked smile: "Boss, are you really that unwilling to part with me?" Since it is just the two of us, I take the files and pat them lightly on her head:

"Get to work. Your husband is the one that is most unwilling to part with you."

Close your eyes, hot or cold, oneself knows. I close my eyes and heave a long sigh. YuJiang, YuJiang, YuJiang, I say it silently far more than three times. Hot, or cold?