Yin Yang Eye GunGun's Marriage Contract

Chapter 2

Ever since he was scared back into the tree hole by the monster, Mo GunGun had been in hiding, nearly squandering all the food he had previously hidden.

Pandas spend most of their time eating or sleeping. They don"t have any natural enemies, so they tend to be lazy and move slowly. Pandas also don"t get much energy from the bamboo they eat and have to constantly replenish their energy, just like a rechargeable battery.

Since Mo GunGun didn"t dare to go out for three days, he ended up eating almost half a month"s savings, left only with the cherished red bamboo shoots that he was most reluctant to eat.


A little paw touched his fleshy stomach. He was hungry. And very thirsty. However, all of his courage had dissipated. He didn"t want to be skinned and didn"t want to get hurt.

He wanted to live.

The dehydrated panda gazed up at the bright stars for a long time, the night sky slowly giving him courage and strength. He gritted his teeth and decided to try going out once. If he didn"t, he would go hungry….


He was clumsy but cautious, wrapping the red bamboo shoots around his back with vines. In fact, Mo GunGun himself did not know why he used this method to move. It suddenly occurred to him that this happened because the translucent monster dissipated in front of his face.

He might be the first panda to be praised for his wisdom.

Suddenly, a delicious fragrance floated around, spreading so that even Mo GunGun who was far away could smell it. It smelled very good, making his soul very happy.

What is that smell?!

As a panda who loved food, it was like Columbus"s discovery of the New World.

Fortunately, his reason was still intact, so he did not rashly rush to the source of the smell.

However, when he found out that the fragrance was in the hands of a monster with beautiful long hair, he couldn"t rejoice.

But what was that? That fragrance!

Mo GunGun hid in the bushes. A pair of dark pupils peeked out longingly, licking his chops from time to time.

As soon as Mo GunGun followed the scent, Lu Xiao Qi put his hand on his lazer gun, muscles tensed, ready to start shooting at a moments notice. However, when he scanned the surroundings and saw the little black and white dumpling, he did not pick it up. The expression in his cold eyes turned a little strange.

The small animal was as big as his palms and was very hairy, with two tilted, round black ears and big black eyes that occupied half of his face. Lu Xiao Qi had frequently gone hunting before and remembered reading some ancient book that had a record of the little creature.

Ancient Earth"s Panda.

This species has long been extinct, so interstellar people could only see pandas through records. Lu Xiao Qi never expected to see such a precious and weak creature in his lifetime. He remembered he currently should be on a very primitive planet now. Touching the s.p.a.ce b.u.t.ton, Lu"s eyes became dark, the same repressive color as the calm before the storm.

A planet without any record, deliberate concealer…

Lu Xiao Qi severely coughed up blood. After wiping his mouth, he used his bloodstained hand to take out a gel and spray it on the wound on his chest. He gave a sharp hiss as the medicine began to work. The pain could not kill his will, but made him see flowers through the fog.

Red! Red blood!

After being peeled alive in his last lifetime and suffering from overwhelming pain, the panda remembered the scarlet running into his eyes as he was dying. Seeing the blood again, he was almost frightened stiff, blank and trembling on the ground.

It hurts!

After a while, the panda"s eyes gathered moisture, seeming to be on the verge of crying.

Even if he couldn"t do much about it, Lu Xiao Qi is keenly aware of the instability of the small panda. He slowly hid his fierce momentum, but the situation of the little fellow did not improve, and after a while, Lu Xiao Qi found that the animal"s breathing had stopped.

Lu Xiao Qi"s pupils shrank.

He woke up due to that handful of water.

This little bear should have saved his life.

Meanwhile, Mo GunGun was so frightened that he fainted. When he woke up again, he was laying on a soft cushion made of leaves. Beside him were his two fragrant golden bamboo shoots, which made his mouth water with greed. The panda was spellbound.

He didn"t feel any pain, nor was he skinned.

He, he"s still alive! His bamboo shoots were still there too!

Mo GunGun was so happy that he could have wept from joy for the rest of his life, and celebrated by taking a big bite of the golden bamboo shoots. Quick chewing and swallowing, Mo GunGun suddenly found that the terrible monster was only ten meters away. The paw shook and the fur ball almost choked.

Mo GunGun took a peek at it, and holding his bamboo shoots tightly, he carefully stood up and tried to sneak away with his short legs.

He held his breath and moved slowly up the hill, but the short distance was like a long march.

Lu Xiao Qi noticed that the little fellow woke up and ate energetically. It should be alright. His tightened body relaxed a little. He then put his attention on the communicator in his hand. The communicator made a harsh shrill noise.

The voice came so suddenly that the panda that had just gotten to the bush stumbled. Due to his surprise, the panda became a ball and as he rolled down the slope. After a while, he b.u.mped into the monster"s leg. The silly panda"s four claws subconsciously embracing the leg before reason could stop him. He shook his head, still dizzy from rolling down the hill. After regaining the awareness, on a pair of dark dim eyes.

Being so close to the monster, Mo GunGun violently shook, his liver and gallbladder splitting.

He"s dying!

He bit his mouth tightly. Mo GunGun"s eyes misted over, a little desperate. Both ears drooped.

Lu Xiao Qi remained silent, but his eyes flashed with laughter.

His fingers got closer to the little hairy head, itching to rub it. The next second, the little one took a sharp mental blow, obviously about to faint again. Lu Xiao Qi"s fingers stiffened, and he could not help retracting his hand. When the panda rolled into him, he felt that the little dumpling had smooth fur.

He is so small that the admiral was afraid that one finger might break the fragile bones of the little fellow.

As an interstellar human, the gene pool has long been very different from that of ancient humans. In addition, Lu Xiao Qi is a rare variant of the gene- a rare SSS physique. His whole body is made of iron and copper, not to mention his dragon tail is a rare mutant that enhances fighting effectiveness. If he did not have it, he would not have survived a black hole caused by the planetary explosion, nor would he have recovered in time to survive his fatal wounds.

Scanning through the wreckage, the land squinted, the whole warship, except for him and another person, was sacrificed without exception.

It"s just that on Celta, he"s considered a martyr at the moment.

Feeling the darkening mood of the admiral, Mo GunGun went completely soft, black pupils starting to water again.

The huge palm of the admiral comes towards him. Mo GunGun could only watch it as it gets closer and closer. The fear in his eyes reached its peak, so he couldn"t help but closing his eyes. The process of waiting for death is too long, even for a panda. Mo GunGun opened his eyes carefully, only revealing small slits. The small panda closed his dark eyes, as if they were dead.

The palm of his hand is a group of pandas that are soft and paralyzed into cakes. Lu Xiao Qi can"t help laughing at the panda"s timid appearance. The tightened heartstrings of the admiral relaxed slightly, and the heavy heart even held a trace of pleasure.

Lu Xiao Qi put the panda on a pyramid-shaped bamboo shoot pile, then buried his head in thoughts of how to fix communicator.

He doesn"t feel well, but he could try to get rid of the discomfort. The short pelted animal also didn"t pose a threat in the admiral"s mind.

On the other side, Mo GunGun couldn"t believe that it was a fluke that he survived the first time he fainted. It also wasn"t an accident that the monster didn"t kill him the second time he nearly fainted. Squatting on the little bamboo shoot hill, Mo GunGun blinked and could not believe the sniff. Not only did he not die, he also accidentally got a fragrant golden bamboo nest.

Mo GunGun did not dare to move. He carefully looked up at the monster"s carved features.

The little paw made a tentative provocation towards the monster. The monster did not show any signs signalling that it was going to kill him.

After a few more provocations, Mo GunGun put down his high-hanging heart.

He should be safe for now.

He slipped down the golden bamboo hill with trepidation. He stared at the golden hill for a long time before suddenly turning and rushing into a bush.

Even if it"s safe now, monsters are dangerous. He has to run away!

Lu Xiao Qi stopped and looked at the familiar picture. The difference was probably clearer than when he woke up last time. He could clearly see the fluffy hair on his round b.u.t.tocks and slightly c.o.c.ked tail.

After a pause, the admiral lowered his head and pressed the b.u.t.ton, and the communicator flickered.

Mo GunGun made it back to his nest alive. He pulls down the rattan on his back. Inside is his red bamboo shoots. With his small claws, he realized that he had two bamboo shoots left over from his property. He was reluctant to eat the red bamboo shoots. He had to give up the precious golden bamboo shoots in exchange for his life.

He smelled the shoots one by one, doing his best to resist the urge to eat, and started packing.

He! Has! To! Move! His! Home!

The panda had other things on his mind while packing, so he clumsily pulled the rattan and failed to achieve the desired effect several times.

The mind recalls the monster"s bony hands, and Mo GunGun looks down at his furry claws.

He also wanted to have flexible and separable claws…

Finally, he tied only two bamboo shoots criss-crossed on his back. It was a bit ugly looking, but also somewhat  knight-errant.

Get ready. Mo GunGun will leave the tree cave when it"s dawn.

It has rained recently and the weather is still rainy. Mo GunGun is hiding in the bushes, covered with dew, fluffy hair bonded together in small circle, looks a little pitiful.

His territory is not big, so after walking for half an hour he made it to the edge. He can faintly smell a distinct odor, signalling that it is the territory of other animals. He was somewhat hesitant to enter, as it could be dangerous and unknown ahead, and then terrible monsters. Standing at the crossroads of his old territory, Mo GunGun looked solemn and tragic.

The monster seized the only little water source he had found and would never give it back to him. He has to find a new place.

Stepping over the boundary and into the other animal"s territory, Mo GunGun can say that he has spent all his courage to walk in to this new area, maintaining an uneasy look. The further in the territory he got, the more pungent the smell grew. He shivered. He wanted to run away immediately. Suddenly, a gust of wind came, and Mo GunGun came face to face with a pair of cold green eyes, causing Mo GunGun to not be able to maintain strong support.

Mo GunGun: !!! Save! Me!!!

Lychee: Everyone, please warmly welcome my life saving editor, Luoshenhua~ Moving forward, my chapters will be less messy, yay!!