Yin Yang Eye GunGun's Marriage Contract

Chapter 9

Editor: Seafall


That night, Mo GunGun, whose body flickered with a red glow, changed shape several times.

The moonlight shone in the sky as a child curled up in a small tree hole below. He sucked his fingers as he slept soundly, as if they had honey on them.

A cool wind blew in, causing the little black-haired child to sniff and sneeze tenderly.

The little human turned over in the cold, curled himself into a ball on the hay, and fell asleep with his chubby feet in his arms.

The red globe that was thrown aside flashed twice and finally came to silence.


His sleep bubble was broken, causing the confused little human to sit up and whisper, “Oh”. He looked down and couldn"t quite pinpoint what was different, missing the fact that there was something missing from his hands. In a trance, he looked at his hands again and they were normal.

Without the red light, Mo GunGun turned back into a panda again and patted the ground with his furry paws.

He blinked his round eyes in perplexity, before turning over and hugging the water cup, ready to go back to sleep.

He drowsily mused that he must have had a nightmare. Just now, he dreamed that he had become a skin-peeling monster, and his fur had disappeared.

How terrible.

He shivered. Then, the panda hurriedly rolled himself back into the hay.

Mo GunGun didn"t know what had happened to him. He went back to sleep and dreamed comfortably till dawn.

After getting a good night"s sleep, the first thing that Mo GunGun did in the morning was to find his water and bamboo shoots that were being stored. The happy panda could not help but wish to howl to the sky to express his joy.

Having eaten until he was half full, he reached out his paw and nudged his round red gift.

It might have been an illusion, but Mo GunGun thought that the ball didn"t seem to be as bright as it was yesterday. He even thought it seemed a little smaller.

The panda stared at the red globe for a long time, before finally giving up. He doesn"t understand ah.

He carefully hid the ball, counted his treasures, and then went to his bamboo shoot paradise with the second cup on his back.

Mo Gungun didn"t plan to dig for bamboo shoots today, but instead he wanted to get that sweet and delicious honey. Although pandas mainly eat bamboo, they do occasionally like to eat sweet foods. Although they don"t eat much honey, they still look forward to eating it.

It has been hard to find a way to get good food and more water.

The big monster has so many treasures that Mo GunGun was afraid that his bamboo shoots will wear him out someday.

After thinking that far, Mo GunGun felt that he really was the most intelligent panda. Other pandas are definitely less intelligent than him.

After circling around the hive a few times, the panda tried to climb up.

Since he is so small, he looks very funny from a distance, especially with a huge cup on his back, at least to the audience. Lu Xiao Qi couldn"t help but give a small chuckle.

The panda"s little b.u.t.tocks stuck out, his tail swaying back and forth like a pendulum as he climbed.

Despite looking so chubby, he was very nimble while climbing trees. Lu Xiao Qi was surprised.

For a little guy to carry such a big cup on his back, he"s probably tired.

After climbing up the tree, Mo GunGun stared at the honeycomb and salivated. He licked his wet snout.

It smelled really good.

Tender paws kneaded at the tree, eager to try the honey. The panda was ready to fight for his future food and water resources as he outstretched his paws towards the hive.

After inspecting the bees carefully, the laughter in Lu Xiao Qi"s eyes gradually faded.

Those were poisonous bees.

This panda and his troublemaking tendencies…

When the bees found the intruder, they entered a battle state in an instant. Their tail needles reflected with a cold light. Then, the bees flew towards Mo GunGun.

Mo GunGun remembered that his Mom said to first protect the nose and mouth, since a panda"s thick fur is enough to protect against other attacks. However, before he could use the skills his mother had pa.s.sed on to him, the bees began to buz simultaneously, then fell to the ground.

What, what happened?!

He swiftly retrieved his paws and held onto the branches tightly with four short legs. He looked down with his little head.

The small and uncertain panda shuddered, and he was stunned when he saw the big monster holding a torch.

The panda: “Hmm!”

Lu Xiao Qi moved the torch around the honeycomb several times to confirm that the bees had fainted before reaching out and grabbing the little one from the tree.

This was the wild panda that he had accidentally picked up. The admiral placed him on his shoulder.

Lu Xiao Qi ordered a greedy little bit: “Don"t die yet.”

The panda felt aggrieved.

Mo GunGun: “Hmm! Uh huh!"

Lu Xiao Qi: “………” Stick out your tongue.

Lu Xiao Qi: “No?”

Mo GunGun stood up and said, “Uh, uh, uh, uh.”

The arrogant little panda was still very vigorous after brushing with death. Lu Xiao Qi felt a little helpless. He directly stuffed the small panda into his pocket and reached out to collect the honeycomb.

The panda anxiously stuck out his small head and was just in time to see the big monster hijacked the honeycomb. His ears drooped.

He was so depressed.

His expectations of exchanging for water were dashed, and he couldn"t eat bamboo shoots.

QAQ, what to do?

He wanted to give some to the big monster, but they were all taken away.

The panda was heartbroken.

Two little claws that were pulling at the insides of the pockets slowly retracted, and the whole body rolled into a small ball the size of a child"s coat pocket.

Lu Xiao Qi filled the cup with honey and hung up some damaged honeycombs again.

The second cup obtained by Mo GunGun was transparent and could clearly display the yellowish viscous liquid inside.

The cup was placed on the ground. Lu Xiao Qi took out the ball of wool and put it on the cup.

When it was carried to the treasure, a trace of sweetness flew through Mo GunGun"s nose, and the panda who was lost in thought sat up.

Mo GunGun blinked dully.

Lu Xiao Qi"s tail swept back and forth a few times, and more than 150 bamboo shoots were laid flat in front of them.

The panda: “………”

The panda: “!!!!”

The big monster took only two seconds to accomplish what it took him a few days to accomplish. Even better, it was quick and precise, which completely deterred the small animal. Mo GunGun even forgot his loss and looked longingly at the big monster"s tail. He found that he longed for the big monster"s tail more than his not green hair.

Lu Xiao Qi"s eyes drooped and looked at the little panda.

Mo GunGun"s eyes were bright and seemed silly.

Lu Xiao Qi: “………”

He helplessly picked up the little one and put the cup full of honey and the bamboo shoots away.

As a foodie, Mo GunGun was very entangled. He wanted to gaze at his precious cup and watch his powerful tail.

Mo GunGun looked left and right. When he saw Lu Xiao Qi who was busy, and he happily did not disturb him.

The atmosphere of perfect harmony in front of the small tree cave.

Lu Xiao Qi put more than one hundred bamboo shoots directly at the entrance of the cave, which was level with the water cup. Later on, the small one fell on the big pile of bamboos.

Lu Xiao Qi squatted down and gently caressed the head of the confused panda: “Eat here today.”

He"s going deep into the forest, so he was worried about the safety of his little companion. It was safer to have him stay here. The panda needed enough food to keep him alive, and besides, Lu Xiao Qi was not ready to take him into the forest, where the unknown was dangerous to the ancient species.

Lu Xiao Qi explained it in a few words.

The panda tilted his head, looked at the bamboo, and then looked at the honey cup. The panda was struck silly.

Oh, ohhh!

Big monster, big monster. Are these for me?

Mo GunGun looked at the big monster carefully and softly cried, “Ah?”

Lu Xiao Qi: “They are all yours.”

He took out a bamboo shoot and stuffed it into Mo GunGun"s bosom and pointed at the water cup.

Although different races could make no sense of foreign languages. Mo GunGun somewhat understood him.

Stunned, and a bit flattered, he asked again: “Uh, uh, uh?”

Lu Xiao Qi: “Eat it.”

In front of the big monster, Mo GunGun carefully peeled off the skin of the bamboo shoot skin and bit into it.

Lu Xiao Qi nodded.

Encouraged, the panda bit harder and chewed, his small mouth making small crunching sounds.

The little fellow was very excited and almost touched by the admiral"s golden beans. With bamboo shoots in his hand, he secretly resolved to be a good panda and repay the monster.

Lu Xiao Qi saw that he understood and stood up to leave.

“Uh-huh!” Mo GunGun was surprised.

He also stood up and chased after the monster. He had just run two steps before turning directly into a ball and rolled down the hillside, right towards the admiral.

In fact, he was not fast but rather slow. don"t roll too fast, roll too slowly.

The little fellow"s voice sounded a little fl.u.s.tered. Lu Mian looked back with doubts, and a porcelain panda rolled into his heel.

Lu Xiao Qi took a step to the left, and the black and white furball rolled over and clapped on his feet.

He took a step to the right, and the panda mimicked him. Mo GunGun, with four short limbs raised, climbed up. At last, it seemed that he was satisfied by the admiral"s ankle and sat down.

Lu Xiao Qi: “………”

With the corner of his eye twitching, he wanted to play a trick on the little bear until he saw Mo GunGun"s innocent and wronged cries.

Lu Xiao Qi: “………”

Nowadays, in Mo GunGun"s mind, the big monster was a super helpful and kind existence, so he threw the last of his fear aside and became a little sticky cake.

The admiral had never seen such a clingy little thing before, but he was also slightly happy in his heart.

But it"s too dangerous for him to venture into the forest.

So, Lu Xiao Qi reached out and lifted the little one on the ground. “You can eat it while I leave for a few days.”

The panda lifted his head up, eyes black: “Hmm.”

When Lu Xiao Qi turned around, the sticky panda followed him, his expression full of doubts.

It seemed like the little one was asking him why he cannot go.

Lu Xiao Qi: “………”

He remained silent for a long time, before finally compromising with the little fellow"s more and more worried look.

Well, his wound had already healed. It shouldn"t be too much of a problem to protect this little one. He put the panda on his shoulder. Then, Lu Xiao Qi took two steps back and he gathered up the stack of bamboo shoots and water cups with his tail.

Little theater:

Shou: Silver is good, but green is better.

The gong, who was hesitating: No, I refuse to dye my hair green.

Shou: If you want to live a good life, you have to wear a little green on your head.

The author has something to say:

Come on, GunGun believes that you will still attack even if you are not green. You are still very popular 2333333.

The panda"s human form is, of course, a dark-haired boy with onyx eyes.

I heard the little angel (panda) say it"s not enough to change for a second, so let"s have a few more seconds. Aren"t I super kind?

As for what the red ball is, guess. Those who guess right will get an award~

Sora: chapter 10 will be up after I finish my government homework. *coughs up 4 pages, a brochure, and a commercial on political parties to hand in*. On another note, I hope all of you have a great day! Thanks for reading~