Your Teacher I, Am Hella Rich

Chapter 2

Adorning a steam bun like hairdo alongside the customary green robes of a novice, the loli looking Emei only stared blankly at the master in front of her, Ji Xiao Li.

The blue swordsman put away his sparkling Esteemed Teacher"s Signboard and carefully examined this disciple of his.

Ji Xiao Li was extremely pleased.

A female emei!

A milk(1) mom!*

(Slang for healer)

With such a cute name and appearance to boot, this is definitely one extremely meng sister!

Thinking back to that sc.u.m male, Ji Xiao Li felt a chill rise from within and hurriedly tucked away the thoughts.

He opened his disciple"s profile to take a look: 【ah, disciple, you are only level 21? At 30, you can partake in dungeons. Have you completed your mission for today yet?】

At level 20, one can formally become a disciple to a teacher. From the looks of it, his little disciple decided to enter apprenticeship the moment she was of level.

Milk Tea Small Crisp coldly said one line:【No.】

Ji Xiao Li enthusiastically replied: 【Quickly do it then, it"s really easy to reach level 30. Once you reach level 30, come to Swallow Dock to find teacher. Teacher will bring you dungeoning.】

Milk Tea Small Crisp quietly walked away without saying anything. Don"t know why but Ji Xiao Li felt her figure seemed to be walking away a bit too hastily, as if the moment he finished speaking, his small disciple made up her mind to run off.

“… illusion?”

Ji Xiao Li said absentmindedly on his bed.

Ji Xiao Li was not idle while his little disciple went off to level. He got on his golden mount and headed towards Swallow Dock alley, waiting dashingly by the dungeon entrance while he browsed the game shop.

It was very simple to level up in Knight Errand Road. Everyday, the game sets an exp cap on players. Once the bar"s been filled, no matter how many monsters you kill nor how vigorously you complete missions, it is impossible to obtain any more exp. The lower your level, the higher the exp cap. That"s why it was practically impossible to level from 137 to 138 in a day although Ji Xiao Li took merely two scant days to reach level 60.

“With this speed, I will be the same level as that sc.u.m male by next week.”

At the gates of Swallow Dock, many players were forming parties in preparation for the dungeon. Some people noticed Ji Xiao Li"s cultivation and invited him to join their party. He naturally refused. Half an hour later, Ji Xiao Li who was unable to find a good equipment, realized unknowingly by his side stood an emei with hair fashioned into two side buns.

【Teacher Orders a Salute: Disciple!】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……en.】

Ji Xiao Li, upon examination : 【Holy s.h.i.t, you"re already level 35? 】

14 levels in half an hour, this was practically focusing every second of her time to level! Ji Xiao Li thought to himself, “this disciple is quite conscientious.” Therefore as the teacher, he absolutely cannot be negligent! He added Milk Tea Small Crisp to the party and said: 【Come. We"re heading to the dungeon.】

After a brief loading period, the two quickly found themselves inside Swallow Dock Dungeon.

All together, «Knight Errant Road» had seven primary dungeons. Each dungeon had four modes separated by the difficulty levels “Easy, Normal, Difficult, and Inferno.”

Swallow Dock is Knight Errant Road"s easiest dungeon, at level 30 one can partic.i.p.ate, and with a cultivation of 5000, can just activate the system"s automation mode to play it for you. Ji Xiao Li can entirely rely on the auto-mode to clear the dungeon, but looking at his disciple"s fragile frame, he decided not to use it.

Although auto-mode actually takes longer than combating by hand, its advantage lies in its convenience. But this way, Ji Xiao Li can prevent Milk Tea Small Crisp from being bullied by the BOSS and act as an intermediary when she needs help.

Just one glance at Milk Tea Small Crisp"s shriveled body will tell you she"d die immediately from a BOSS attack. Ji Xiao Li thought it"ll be inevitable he"d have to use his potions during the battle.

Who would"ve thought Milk Tea Small Crisp was unlike other beginners who would just stand by the side during the fight, and instead joined in on the battle. Ji Xiao Li did not realize it but her movements in avoiding the BOSS were nimble and skilled, her periodic healings dealt accurately and precisely amid intervals.

Only what a pity her healing capacity was truly too weak in face of the RMB-bought potion Ji Xiao Li bought. It"s capacity was tenfold her"s and from beginning to end, Ji Xiao Li never noticed she was healing him.

The little emei paused in her movements, dissatisfied with how ineffective her milk was. After that, she decided to save her energy and focus wholeheartedly on dodging the boss instead.
10 minutes later, the BOSS collapsed loudly onto the ground.

  【Teacher Orders a Salute:You take the drops, they are useless to me. Sell them in stalls, they can be traded for silver.】

  Milk Tea Small Crisp was not courteous and picked up them up.

  Upon looking, Ji Xiao Li said:【ah, you"re level 38 now. Let us head towards the second dungeon, for when you reach level 40, you can equip a new robe.】

Ji Xiao Li took off shortly after with his golden mount whilst Milk Tea Small Crisp chased with her system-gave, grade 1 steed. Originally, Ji Xiao Li felt this disciple of his was a little too quiet, but on a second thought, girls all seemed to be this reserved. After all, it was not like she was some big named big shot, being a bit quiet is normal.

The two arrived at the entrance of Lianhuan Village dungeon. This time, Ji Xiao Li dare not enter with just the two of them alone. So by the gates, he yelled for three more teammates to join. Suddenly in the party joined two swordsman and one Shaolin.

After the Shaolin joined the party, he dubiously said: 【this healer is just level 38 and still wearing the beginner"s robe, her milk is not enough. Replace her with another healer.】

Ji Xiao Li: 【She"s my disciple, it"ll be fine. We have potions.】
Shaolin:【……dude, won"t taking potions use up our silvers?】

At this time, one of the swordsman left the party, seeming unwilling to use his potions. Ji Xiao Li straightforwardly took out two sets of potions from his inventory and transacted it to the two unfamiliar teammates.

The previously silent swordsman cried out in alarm:【RMB-bought potions?】
The Shaolin also sighed:【Your effort in picking up girls is quite impressive. You have my respect.】
Ji Xiao Li waved his hands casually and the party of four entered the dungeon.

Milk Tea Small Crisp"s and the Shaolin"s words indeed came true, her milk
was too little to heal anybody. However with Ji Xiao Li"s added potions, the Shaolin and swordsman battled without worries. At first the Shaolin tried to save his potions, only using in critical straits. However the moment they were used up completely, Ji Xiao Li delivered him a second batch.

  Shaolin:【f.u.c.k, tyrant, you own an ore mine at home or what!】
  Ji Xiao Li attacked the boss with one hand while he typed with the other. Surprised, he wrote:【how did you know my family owns an ore mine?】
  Even Milk Tea Small Crisp who had yet to speak a single word:【……】
  Yes, Ji Xiao Li"s family owns an ore mine.
  It"s real ore, the black kind.

Half a year ago, Li family was still an average, well-to-do household. Mr. Li supported his family well with his several hundred acres of fish ponds. Everyday life flitted by uneventfully but sufficiently. Ji Xiao Li ate and drank good food, although they were far from wealthy. It was only about a half a year ago when Mr. Li"s second uncle, in other words, Ji Xiao li"s great-uncle, died, that one of the elder"s legacies fell into their hands.

This legacy was nothing big, just three mountains.
Decades ago, during Ji Xiao Li"s great-uncle"s leave for the southwest, he bought three mountain fruit seedlings as a retirement plan.

Mr. Li did not think much about these three mountains until one day one of the fruit farmers abruptly found him and shared in alarm, "Boss! There"s ore! We found ore!!!”

Mr. Li was stupefied.

Don"t even talk about just being a retirement investment, the three mountains were more than enough to support the entire family for a lifetime!
What the h.e.l.l are you doing planting fruits above an ore mine, it"s f.u.c.king ore ah!

Thereupon that day, Li household suddenly converted overnight from a well-to-do, averagely prosperous family into a wealthy nouveau riche.

These types of family secrets, naturally Ji Xiao Li would not divulge publicly.

After the team of four defeated the final BOSS, they disbanded and went about their own ways.

Ji Xiao Li once again added his disciple to his party.
Milk Tea Small Crisp had just reached level 40.
Level 40 is a threshold level.

Prior to level 40, players can only wear novice or beginner robes, so even if they had a priceless gold rank armor, they were still prohibited from wear it. However Ji Xiao Li found to his surprise Milk Tea Small Crisp actually did not adorn a new set of armor.

Believing it was because his little disciple was too poor to obtain a better set of armor, he said:【come, let"s first return to our sect. Tomorrow teacher will buy you a new set of robes.】

  Milk Tea Small Crisp at this moment was searching the market for gold ranked materials, so he did not see Ji Xiao Li"s words. Milk Tea Small Crisp came upon the prop “Name Change Card” and swiftly bought it. After he closed the shop windows, he saw his avatar being dragged by Ji Xiao Li into a strange cabin.
  Milk Tea Small Crisp took one look and immediately recognized this place.
  【Milk Tea Small Crisp: The old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Western Liang? Why are we here.】
  Ji Xiao Li descended his mount and was surprised his disciple recognized this place:【You know where this is?】
  Milk Tea Small Crisp did not reply.
  Ji Xiao Li mindlessly said:【little disciple, we can only accept two disciples in the game, did you know that? 】
  Milk Tea Small Crisp:【?】
  Ji Xiao Li ruefully said:【You see, in a marriage you can divorce and remarry however many wives you wish, but for disciples we can only take in two. Let us cherish this fate of ours. Today, as your teacher, let me bring you to our sect to worship the ancestral master.】
  Milk Tea Small Crisp:【……】

  Milk Tea Small Crisp seemed to have been struck dumb by Ji Xiao Li"s words, only replying dubiously after a long period of silence: 【Who is the ancestral master?】
  Ji Xiao Li is a huashan swordsman, the huashan representative in the game was Feng Qing Yang. Milk Tea Small Crisp was an emei healer, and the emei representative was Guo Xiang Nu Xia. No matter how you look at it, these two people absolutely did not belong to the same clan, yet Ji Xiao Li boasted shamelessly and unabashedly:【The ancestral master is precisely your teacher, I. You are currently standing on sacred sect territory.】
  Milk Tea Small Crisp:【……】
  What sacred sect territory!
  This was clearly just an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere okay!

Becoming a disciple was solely for the doubled exp gains after killing monsters, making leveling easier as a result. As a result of this teacher"s bogus words, Milk Tea Small Crisp had nothing left to say. Although this teacher wasn"t negligent and his att.i.tude towards his disciple was quite good, he still talked too much for comfort. Milk Tea Small Crisp didn"t want to have someone distracting her while she killed monsters.

The mouse that had pressed on the “Name Change Card” swiveled someplace else.

Ji Xiao Li reiterated the rules and customs of the sect while simultaneously giving Milk Tea Small Crisp advice on how to level up faster and pick out good equipment in the market. He was unaware that this silent disciple of his already had the apprenticeship page opened, and was contemplating on dissolving the ties between them. Yet right as Milk Tea Small Crisp was about to make her decision….
  【Current】Teacher Orders a Salute: Oh that"s right disciple, I still haven"t told you about our sect"s ancestral creed, so listen up.
  Why was there even an ancestral creed?!
  Milk Tea Small Crisp didn"t bother listening anymore of what Ji Xiao Li had to say. She was just about to click the b.u.t.ton when…..
  【Current】 Teacher Orders a Salute: We need to absolutely kill YueJian ChunHe that piece of s.h.i.t!!!
  Milk Tea Small Crisp ‘s hand slipped and accidentally pressed the wrong key, forcing the mouse that was originally hovering over the contract dismissal b.u.t.ton to click on the “kneel” action.

Ji Xiao Li was startled by the ‘putong" of his disciple"s kowtow.
  【Current】Teacher Orders a Salute: Darling disciple, how did you know the next step of the initiation was to kneel on the ancestral master"s memorial tablet?
  【Current】Milk Tea Small Crisp:……
  ……I knelt out of shock okay!

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