Yu Ren

Chapter 22

Publishedat 21st of September 2019 09:35:40 AMChapter 22

Yang Heng has not had any medicine on him, he was unable to open his eyes and speak . He can only try to a.n.a.lyze the information in their words and try to understand his current situation . What did another man say before about ‘the profile of a monarch’?  Who is he talking about?  Is it … is it he; Yang Heng?

“Fang Hai, as long as you are not dead, he can be saved! You are the proud disciple of the Miracle Doctor Xinyi!” The man who spoke earlier spoke again .

Yang Heng felt relieved when he heard these words . He also heard of the name of the Miracle Doctor Xinyi . He is not only famous in the Jianghu, but the common people in Qi state also knew that he has superb medical skills in raising dead people’s flesh and bones . The oldest qualified doctor in the palace; Han Taiyi, also claimed to be far inferior in medical skills . He did not expect that he could meet that person’s disciple . It seems that there is no need to worry too much about his injury .

He was only awake for a while, then he heard some good news that cheered him up, so his heart was calm . He had no energy to listen to what they said next and fell asleep again in a daze .

When he woke up again, Yang Heng felt as if he had some strength . He tried to open his eyes and saw that he was sleeping on a wooden bed . The room was furnished with all kinds of furniture, but there was no decoration . White walls and semi-new and neat furniture, it looked simple and clean .

It was already bright outside the window . He lay quietly for a while and tried to turn around with his inner force . Although he was weak in strength, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him, but his hands and feet were numb and unable to move .

It was very rare for him to be poisoned . Just as he was secretly glad, he suddenly heard a creaking sound . The door was pushed open and a handsome young man, about 14 or 15 years old, dressed as a servant came in .

“You really did wake up; would you like some water?” The handsome young man came up .

Yang Heng’s throat was dry as a desert and nodded . The teenager came up, squatted down, grabbed the handle under the bed and shook it gently . Yang Heng did not know why, but soon, he felt the bed moving, and his upper body was lifted up with the bed board just a little . In a few moments, he changed positions from lying down to half-seated .

The young man turned around and poured a cup of clean water to his mouth . Yang Heng forgot about the mechanism under the bed and opened his mouth to drink the water .

He felt his throat was better, so he asked a cla.s.sic question: “Where is this place?”


The teenager poured him another gla.s.s of water and replied, “This is Bai Family Village . My young mistress rescued you . My name is Gan Lan and I am responsible for looking after you . Just a moment, I’ll ask Doctor Fang to see you . ”

(甘蓝 [gan lan] = wild cabbage)

After that, he went out without waiting for Yang Heng’s reaction . Yang Heng’s heart thought, Bai Family Village? Miss? Did he happen to be saved by that arrogant little girl?!

Fang Hai arrived soon and asked Yang Heng how he felt . He said, “It’s okay… After two days’ rest, it would be fine . The other wounds on your body are not deep . Somebody will change your dressing every day . You can tell Gan Lan what you need, but… If it’s not very necessary, don’t . ”

Yang Heng couldn’t understand it . What does he mean ‘don’t say it, if it is not very necessary’?

However, he soon understood the reason why Fang Hai said all of that; the treatment here isn’t free! And it’s expensive!

Two days later, Yang Heng was able to get out of bed and Gan Lan gave him an envelope for him to read slowly . He could ask him if he had any questions, and then he left for work . Yang Heng opened the envelope curiously and found a thick stack of paper filled with ‘items fee’ . From the fare for transporting him to the Bai Family Village, to the fee for seeing Fang Hai . Medicine, the accommodation fee for living in Bai Family Hospital, Gan Lan’s ‘service fee’ for taking care of him and the price of the clothes he wore, etc… There were dozens of pieces of silver, large and small . It was a total of 528 pieces of silver .

(TLNote: welcome to modern medical service industry! enjoy your stay… no money? rest in peace…)

Among them, Fang Hai’s outpatient fee is the main one, totaling 452 for three times!

At the bottom was the seal of Bai Family Village .

Yang Heng suddenly realized why Fang Hai never came back after visiting him once that day when he had just woken up . Why did he say such a strange thing? He always felt that this Miracle Doctor’s disciple wasn’t very responsible . It turned out that that guy was kind enough to save money for him .

Yang Heng had never seen such a blatant demand for money after saving a life in his life . He was in distress at the moment . He was born in the Royal family . Although he was not the most favorite, he was also a real prince .   He did not take hundreds of taels of silver to heart . However, the problem was that he did not bring too many taels of silver to Beiguan City in his disguise this time .

And it’s not appropriate to reveal his ident.i.ty now… Yang Heng raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly . It seems that he is going to eat and drink for nothing in this Bai Family villa as an awful guest .

Bai Family Village covers a vast area . The Bai Family Village that belongs to the Bai Family, was all over the Bai Family Mountain area . Two courtyards have been built along the gentle mountain terrain near the mountain gate . One is called Qun Courtyard, which is the place for the newly bought slaves who are ready for training . The other is called Daixing Courtyard, which is mainly for the temporary stay of some wounded and sick people . Most of them are rescued by Bai Fu Li . Yang Heng lives in Daixing Courtyard .

( 群园 [Qun yuan] = crowd courtyard/ herd garden; 待兴院 [Daixing Yuan] = Waiting Hospital/ awaiting in flourish courtyard . )

From the names of the two courtyards, he can fully see Bai Fu Ling’s bad naming sense . The former means to herd oxen and horses in the courtyard, while the latter means to leisurely waste in the courtyard . In short, the front will be inhabited by her oxen and horses, and the back will be inhabited by the people who ‘waste resources’, such as the wounded and sick to be treated and rehabilitated .

There are special stewards in both places . At the moment, Bai Ji, the steward of the Bai Fei Hospital, is explaining the situation of Yang Heng to Bai Fu Ling . It can be simply summarized as one sentence– I have nothing but my single life .

(百废 [Bai fei] = A hundred wastes . )

“He said his name is Peng Tie, because he met a villain, he was cheated, and his family and friends had died and separated . He was the only one who was hunted down by his enemies . He has only a few dozen pieces of silver and nothing else . ” Bai Ji simply conveys Yang Heng’s statement . He is about the same age as Bai Shang Lu and Bai Ping Zi . A chubby man with a friendly face, a very good gentleman, but if anyone regards him as a good old man, they are doomed to suffer!

The most important thing that Bai Fu Ling wants from someone who supervises the Hospital is not compa.s.sion, but the ability to calculate accounts . All the thick bills Yang Heng received came from his pen . Bai Fu Ling has always saved people and asked for money . She wants to save people, but she cannot accept any loss of money .

Bai Fu Ling frowned at Bai Ji’s words and said: “I thought he was a rich man with thin skin and tender flesh … what a nuisance!  Bring him in this afternoon . I’ll see what he can do and let him return the money before leaving . Fang Hai is a poor man with serious personal problems . I had a hard time finding patients for him, now, it turns out that man is also a poor man beyond treasures .   Medical expenses should be paid from the bank account first . ”

(细皮嫩肉 [xì pí nèn ròu] = thin skin and tender flesh; describing someone as well maintained and fair; usually talking about someone spoiled in life; like boudoir women, or rich n.o.ble youngsters . )

Bai Ji heard the nondescript adjective ‘thin skin and tender flesh’ to describe an adult man; coming out of the mouth of a beautiful girl under the age girl of 15 . He could not help but shake his head twice . His resistance was weak, and he could not completely get used to the ‘language style’ of the young lady for so many years . However, he did not have the courage to correct the inappropriate words and deeds of the young lady, and he could only nod and retire back very quietly .

Yang Heng had no idea that his first formal meeting with Bai Fu Ling was in such a situation; where he was totally at a disadvantage… The stubborn girl in front of him became his lifesaver and debtor!

But even so, Yang Heng is still in a good mood to see a beauty .

He has to say, from a close point of view, this woman is even more beautiful . Although she is only 14 or 15 years old, her appearance is still somewhat childlike and immature, but she has already had a truly touching charm .

She was sitting in a delicate bamboo pavilion beside the cold spring . She wore a pink b.u.t.terfly embroidered half-arm white narrow sleeve top, blue silk dress, and the colorful b.u.t.terflies embroidered on the arm were very delicate and vivid . Every one of the b.u.t.terflies had different lifelike gestures . It seemed that it would take off from her clothes at the next moment . Her black hair was loosely pulled up, revealing her slender and beautiful swan-like neck, with only a silver hairpin with a thumb-sized sapphire embedded in it . It was very plain and had a refreshing and comfortable beauty .

The most touching were those black jewels like eyes . The landscape behind her seems to melt into these eyes, which were very fickle and pure .

Yang Heng looked at the beauty in front of him almost impudently . Bai Fu Ling has seen many people, especially men, who like to look at beauty for granted . Anyway, she also looked back unceremoniously .

Tsk tsk! Not mentioning if this guy looks like a monarch, he still looked really good!  On that day, he was poisoned and injured, and his face was pale and twisted . She still couldn’t understand it . But today, he is washed and cleaned up and stood in front of her refreshed, making him shine at the moment .

The man’s appearance is gentle and graceful . Bai Fu Ling saw a deep and mysterious sharp air from his narrow and transparent pair of phoenix eyes, reminding her of the silent and dormant lion . As long as he feels the time is ripe, he would show his fierceness and tough claws, giving all those who dare to neglect him a fatal blow .

Yang Heng looked at Bai Fu Ling with calm and polite eyes, but Bai Fu Ling felt that it was full of aggression . Her heart involuntarily beats a little faster, which made her even more uneasy than looking into the colorful eyes of an average man .

An alarm sounded almost immediately in Bai Fu Ling ‘s head . This man, whether he really had the profile of a monarch or not, would not be a simple person . It’s better if she didn’t provoke him easily .

This kind of imposing manner is not something an ordinary Jianghu man would have!

The two stared at each other for a while . Bai Fu Ling broke the strange silence and said, “have you seen enough?”

“I’ve been rude . ” Yang Heng thought of him standing on someone’s turf and smiled, and took the initiative to give in .

Bai Fu Ling pressed down her strange feeling, picked up the bill left by Bai Ji and glanced at it . “You still owe me 528 taels . ”

Yang Heng’s polite smile was filled with a touch of shamelessness: “As the old saying goes, do not expect kindness to be returned …”

“I’m not going to let you express grat.i.tude to your benefactor and repay me like an ox and horse, but I can’t lose money from saving you . ” Bai Fu Ling spoke eloquently .

How cunning shrewish! A little wildcat who refuses to eat even half a loss! Yang Heng laughed in his heart .