Yue Chen Yin

Chapter 13

The man with small head nods and pulled mother"s sleeve as he walks to the front with huge steps. I run two steps ahead and grabs onto mother"s finger, following them while moving my short legs.

As we go closer, I begin to look carefully at the man. He has a square face and he can be said to be quite the average looking man. The only part that leaves the deepest impression on his face would be his deep eyes with single eyelids. It seems to be half opened and closed while a cold light can be seen from it. He looks at me and mother then lifting the corner of his lips upwards: "Lady Han?"

Mother swings her sleeve to struggle off the pulling of the man with small head. She then protects me within her embrace and stand firmly, with a tone that are not too arrogant or like a pushover: "Is this Ming King?"

"The Lady does have quite the eyes there." The Ming King stands up slowly and waves his hand to the side, "Strategist Bai, I will leave the others to you."

A man with white robe stands at the side while moving the fan on his hand. His cunning and slanted eyes size me and mother up. After a while, he happily says: "Zi Qi shall not disappoint His Royal Highness!"

Only the sounds of drums screaming through the sky can be heard. Mother holds onto my hand tightly and walks backwards. Raising my eyes, I see mother raising her head with her eyes widened. Anger can be seen as her lips opens: "How despicable!"

I feel confused at how odd mother is behaving, and then the whole thing unravels in my mind: Firstly, Consort Shu invited mother to pray at Tan Ji Temple. After that, we pa.s.sed out due to the fragrance and were abducted unknowingly. Later, I was transported through the water route and had only reunited with mother today. At the end of it all, both of us were forcefully brought to this tower with war drums sounding. Is it possible that?!

"General Han has no need to feel impatient. This me have a present to give both you and the young General." Bai Zi Qi stands in front of the battlement. He smiles leisurely as he shakes the fan in his hand.

General Han?! So all of these are a scheme against father!

"No need for extra words! All the three squadrons listen to my order! Raid it!" A familiar voice can be heard below the tower.

And after that, voices that shake the ground follow: "Kill!" Footsteps of both humans and horses can be heard as it resounds along with the sounds of cannons.

Bai Zi Qi"s cheek trembled as he glares while gritting his teeth. He then aggregately pulled the collar made of precious jade stones on mother"s neck, as if pulling a dog towards the wall of the tower. His fingers are white as he strongly grabbed onto mother"s chin. He then shouts to the bottom of the tower: "General, do you know this woman?!"

Mother"s body trembled as she leans on the battlement. She says nothing no matter what. The war cry on the ground becomes weaker and weaker and only a startled voice can be heard: "Mother!"

It"s brother! I want to run over but the monkey face is holding onto my hair. The pain from my scalp caused tears to form on my eyes. I bite my lower lips as I loudly shout: "Let me go! Let me go!"

Bai Zi Qi waves his hand and throw mother aside. He then smiles coldly as he walks towards me. He then carries me and raises me to midair. The wind feels so strong that it"s going to cut through my skin, making my cheek feels painful. When I lower my head, the military occupies the front of the tower. Three quadrilateral formations can be seen on the left, middle and right side. In the formations, all sorts of cold weapons can be seen. In front of the formations where the flags are carried, a large "Han" is written on it.

Under the war flag, father has golden armour with white robe and a horse of good breed under him. His right hand that is holding onto his glaive is slightly trembling. His sharp brows are creased deeply and his jaws are clenched tightly. He looks at me with pain in his eyes, as if he is trying his best to bear it.

Suddenly, sands are blown up and a red shadow runs out of the formation. I turn my eyes over and see brother while on a horse and with a spear on his hand roars angrily as his eyes widened to the limit: "Despicable dogs! Hurry and let both my mother and sister go!"

Both father and brother are heroes regarded highly, their words carry great influence; coming by themselves with a horse, to the war in the east side of the city, the sword howls under the west wind. As the colour of the autumn dyes, they look towards the high tower; just to see, the wife and daughter to their family being captured.

The wind blows my hair and sticks onto my face. Tears flow out of my eyes soundlessly.

Why are we reuniting here?

Why is it under the warm sun in the autumn, at the mercy of the arrows and weapons, under the cries of the drums and war horns; are we looking at one another pitifully, so near, yet so far away?