Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi

Chapter 17

2-4   The Beginning of Demon Lord Tale.

When Isagi listened about it, it seemed that it was love at first sight.

By no means she is a cute child.

That was the impression which he got from her or so he said.

[Tha, that’s why sempai…..]

At the time when Yoshin.o.bu was tired out because of the swordmanship training, she brought a wet cloth to him or so Yoshin.o.bu said.

He didn’t even care if that was just her duties, Yoshin.o.bu said.
Because of that he fell in love with her in one shot, he said.

[I see]

[No, something like that is ….]

Why don’t you do it by yourself? Isagi wanted to say it.

That’s so.

Or rather, it’s already made him muster a lot of courage to just consult this to Isagi.

[………… I understand. It’s for Yoshin.o.bu]
[Thanks Senpaaiiiiiiiii!]

As Yoshin.o.bu tried to give a hug to over here, Isagi promptly evade it.

He is a demon king candidate. And over here is Neetriper.

[You fool. If you hug me with all of your strength I will die. Right?

[S, sorry! Fuhihihi!]

Yoshin.o.bu’s laugh looked happy.

Is this really will be alright.

As promptly, they’re wandering around the grounds.
It seems like they’re able to immediately found the objective person.

[Ah, that’s the girl, sempai]

Ahead the place where Yoshin.o.bu point at, there were two girls who were cleaning the windows.

The first one is the elf princess, Rimino.

Even from far away that beautiful face looks like it was shining.
These days her appearance had a shadow just like the first time she was at this place us now hidden and also the simle in her face is standing out

At last , it mustn’t be Rimino.
Yoshin.o.bu didn’t show that kind of behavior after all.

If it’s like that then inevitably, there’s none other than the other one.

A girl with long black hair.

She was a daughter from the Goblin race.

Though it was a unusual preference………

Every person had their own values of looks.

[……. Is that so. It’s nice eh. That green skin. It feels gentle on the eyes right]

As Isagi mutters that, he received a puzzled like face.

[Haah? What are you sayin sempai. It’s not that one. The cute girl over there you know]

The one which is in the direction he pointed at is.

It’s Rimino.[1]


Involuntarily Isagi kept silent.
Isagi didn’t think that it will come into this.

This is quite….
A complicated problem…..

Sentimentaly he really wanted to reject about this.

Is this present world, she is the only person who is able to know about Isagi.
Though Isagi thought that Yoshin.o.bu is not a bad person, even so he was very reluctance about this.

But, if he thought about it without a thought about the love or suc, this is not that bad.

If that so, then Isagi will be able to entrust Rimino to Yoshin.o.bu, then Isagi would be able to do a journey alone. [2]
He will also be able to make progress on searching for Plea.


Will Yoshin.o.bu be able to be the head of her heart?

What if Isagi told Rimino to go out with Yoshin.o.bu, what face will she make.
That is something that is too cruel for her.

With just a few moment he thought about too many things.
Isagi was groaning.

[Aah…. is that so, so this is it eh, Yoshin.o.bu]
[Fuhehehehe, that’s true you know that actually ….. ]

Isagi who surpress his forehead.
Thus on his side there’s Rimino who is bringing a bucket, smiling while waving her hand she pa.s.sed by.

(….. eh?)

But, Yoshin.o.bu who was still making a smile and was grinning.
His direction he go towards is still same.

[……….hmm? Is it not Rimino?]
[Hah? What are you sayin]

Are you stupid? Yoshin.o.bu gave such face.

[There’s no way Rimino-san is a good match with me right if you thinking normaly about it.

That kind of person is 『This creepy otaku. Can you please don’t speak to me?』like that,

[O, ooh]

He drew back because of that vigor

[It’s that one, over there]

If one looked from right at Isagi’s position, it become Rimino’s shadow and he can’t see it.
No, though he indeed saw it. However, he never thought that it will be that girl.

Un sho~, Un sho~, like that.
Her look was someone who was doing something very hard, there’s a girl who is brushing the floor.

From that earnest look of her, it to the extent that over here who is watching it is surprised.

Just like what Shin.o.bu’s said, she is certainly not a cute girl.
Her hair also almost didn’t get any treatment.

If compared to Dyutyu or Rumino then it’s like day and night

That is how plain that girl is.

She still looks like a girl who calls her father as Papa.

She seems to suited for carrying a ransel on her back.
She seems to suited for her to wearing school swimsuit which had a name plate on it…. [3]

Isagi’s rage slowly cooled down.


……. eh, ah what is it?]

[Eh , umm, I don’t know though…..

I want to get closer to her. I want to play together with her ….. Dyufufuu…… ]

What is this person saying……

Isagi got taken aback.

It’s a violation of child protection law.
It’s hatefull to see that face that looked like he felt like he didn’t do any wrong.

….. This is the Demon Lord Candidate attribute eh.

Isagi trembled with fear.

Before going to the bed, at that time when they’re called Rimino to their room to confirm it.

[Ah, Lolishia-chan? Yep, she is 10 years old just like she looks]

She told.

However to think that her name is a Loli too.
What will it become if she was a granny, thus Isagi thought about it a bit.

Three people gathered the chairs towards the center of the room.
Sitting across Yoshin.o.bu, was Isagi and Rimino who was sitting stand in line is a usual thing.

[What kind of kid is she?] – isagi

Though after that place got attacked by adventurers, she ran away from her home.

And now she is all alone.
But, she is a good kid you know. She always does her best after all]

The Minfest city is, a dark continent land which was invaded by the Human race a few years ago

Bellfest city. Mintfest city.

Those four city, it was the four city in the southern part of the dark continent which was stolen by human’s adventurers

[Tera poor thing…..]

Yoshin.o.bu made a sad face.
Though because of his tone, the seriousness about it has become dim.

[Actually, Yoshin.o.bu over here you know.]-isagi

[Seems to like that girl you know]-Isagi
[Eh…… ]-rimino

And thus Rimino suddenly extinguished her expression.

Is it perhaps Isagi said something weird?
That girl nodded her head with a stiff-like voice.

[I understand]


Those two boys blinked their eyes.
Rimino putting her hand on her stomach, and then gave a bow at that place.

[Yoshin.o.bu-sama. Since I will preparing for the “yotogi”, please wait for a moment][4]

She intend to leave the room.

[Yo, yotogi!?]

Yoshin.o.bu spout out.
Isagi who tried to halt her in a panic.

[Wai, wait for a bit Rimino. It’s not something like that, not something like that]
[Eh, it is not?]

She who is turned around, made an expression that seemed reliefed.
Isagi turn his sight over to Yoshin.o.bu with half opened eyes.

[……..it is wrong, right?]

Yoshin.o.bu who swing both of his hand in panic.

[I , I even played eroge is an cons-absolutism after all!

[EROge- ……..?]

Rimino is incline her head to the side but.

[Well whatever. But thanks G.o.d.

But you know, Rimino is always keeping her body to keep pure with all her might right?

[I don’t know though]

He never checked about it.
……. even if he did check it, he would be troubled though.

[Even though Rimino absolutely didn’t want to do it, to tell that to a girl who was younger than Rimino is a bit, right]

Ehehe, thus she laughed.

[Now that you said it in this castle, every important person is female right]

Dyutyu, Ira, Shirbenia.
Though among it(female important person) there must be some that is choosen because of the conduct among the fellow female, but it seems that those girls are different.

[Yep. But all of the Demon Lord Candidates are males. Right? As expected it will become something like that eh, or so Rimino thought.

[I’m glad that the misunderstanding is over ……]

But, that’s true.
Rimino and the others are at the position where they’re can’t refuse if Demon Lord candidates wish for them.

[Surely it’ll alright okay, even after this.
I think that Shuu will never do something like that after all]-Isagi

[No, you don’t understand you know. Someone like him is alternately is someone who is actually a s.e.xual prodigy you know]- Yoshin.o.bu

[You have too much prejudice to handsome people I say]-Isagi

Shuu is a saint. Even though he is just a highschooler he is being too good for a human.
A type that will not discriminate to get in contact against anyone, a true Ikemen.

Even though he said that if Yoshin.o.bu tried to get along with Shuu then it’s alright, he earnestly didn’t want to try that.

It said that his complex is aching. Though Isagi didn’t quite understand.

[I think that if there’s someone who will do it then it’s Ashikaga though ……. ] – Isagi

He doesn’t look like a yankee type that have has too much interest in girls.

Thought if he can Isagi wanted to get along with him, but he wasn’t able to get the chance.

However, even when deducting that impression in mind, Rimino’s appearance is too attractive.

He doesn’t really want to think about it.

As Isagi thought about such a thing, Rimino act flirtatiously.

[….. Onii-chan. That’s why before that, she think it’s better to eat it quickly you know~] – Rimino

That girl slowly started to raised her ap.r.o.n skirt.

Yoshin.o.bu made a really sad face after all.

[leaving that aside now we are talking about Yoshin.o.bu you know] – Isagi

[Ye~s] – Rimino

Rimino sat back on her chair.
She thought hardly while stroking her lips.

[But if it’s like that, what should we do?

[Eeh! Such a thing, suddenly is impossible. No no no no!] – Yoshin.o.bu

[Tha, that is eh…. something, like, naturally both of us will fall in love, or such of a kind of plan is good right …. ] – Yoshin.o.bu

[He~y he~y, that is perhaps similiar to Rimino and Onii-chan?] -Rimino

Rimino who smiles sweetly.
The two boys ignored it.

In the first place, Isagi is not too good with this kind of thing.

Furthermore that is present continuous tense.

He has a lack of experience to the extent that it’s hopeless.

The thing that he is able to think up is.

[….. Then, let’s give her the good part of yoshin.o.bu, then let’s make Rimino tell about it to Lolishia-chan, how about it?

[isn’t that is a bit hitting around the bush too much right~]- Rimino

Rimino inclined her head to the side.

But unexpectedly Yoshin.o.bu was in high spirit.

[That’s good! let’s do that!]
[Are you serious]

[ Lolishia-chan who got protected from far away by me, unoticed later on she realized the one who did that with her own eyes, thus she will noticed the faint love of her right…..
good, that’s good, that’s really good, it’s romantic, ……. Dyufufu ….. !]

Rimino is drawing her seat a little, annd was taking a distance from Yoshin.o.bu.
Perhaps Yoshin.o.bu’s dream is to get an achievment to get despised by her is one step nearer.

[… Well then, for now, let’s do that okay?]

Yoshin.o.bu is in high spirit too so it can’t be helped.

Rimino came bringing paper and quill pen . [5]

[Yep, it’s ready]

As expected for the Elf-race’s princess.
She is able to do something like reading and writing without any problem.

[Then Yoshin.o.bu, give her about the good parts of you]
[Aah, leave it to me!]

*Zwap* Yoshin.o.bu raised her thumb.
He’s all smile.

[Ummm right……]

But however.

He moved his finger on the empty s.p.a.ce.

Isagi who is watching over them while resting his chin on his hand, is he perhaps [6](TL : this is isagi’s thought), thus he realize.

[…… Oi , Yoshin.o.bu]
[…… ]

Yoshin.o.bu became harden.

[No way, you …… ]

(This guy …. perhaps, he wasn’t even able to give out not even one good part of his …. ! ? )

Isagi fell into surprise.

[Yoshin.o.bu-sama ….. ] – Rimino

Even Rimino’s gaze, gradually become that of seeing a pitiful thing.

[Eh, ah, tha, that’s it !]

As Yoshin.o.bu stood up from his seat, thus he annonce.

[I ,I , since I like anime or manga or such.

Lo, lolishis-chan 2D version then I can draw it you know….. ]

Even though his face is laughing, those eyes at the deep of that gla.s.ses were hollow.

His voice also trembled.

He’s pitifull.
It’s really unbearable to see it.

[it’s alright ….. let’s rest, rest …]

That guy’s shoulder, Isagi gently clapped it.

Isagi : His amount of love experience is still not enough. Still jobless.

Yoshin.o.bu : A Demon Lord among the Demon Lord. Wanted to violate the child protection law and a man who challenged the world law.

Rimino : A flower on a high peak. A beauty that will crush one’s eyes if looked with naked eyes.

Lolishia : 10 years old girl . Run, Run quickly.

[1] (ED: Well looks like someone is dying today. )

[3] (TL : a.k.a school swimsuit.)

[5] (TL ; quill pen is unexpectedly sharp, just buy one(actually g-pen) few days ago ~ =w= it is really sharp)