Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi

Chapter 37

TL  Change Kyasuchi to Kyaschi ~ =w=/

4-2 Even if he"s not my real Onii-chan as long there"s love it"s okay right ~  

“ Hmm...so this is the rumored <> heh...”   

Kyaschi was seriously looking at Rimino’s wound, which was in front of her. She tilt her head, looking troubled.

“I don’t understand. If "t be true i couldst behold right into the code it wouldst beest a diff"rent matt"r, but guessing the effect only looking at this thee would is impossible”

Rimino, pushed her neck out with "Hhnn~", had a relieved smile on her face. Taking the blackboard that hung around her neck, she began to write with chalk and point it towards Kyaschi. .

[Thank you very much, Kyaschi Sensei (≧∇≦)/ ]

She drew a cute picture at the end. Rimino has very skilled hands.

“Umu” , the young looking teacher enthusiastically nods.

“Well , while "t beest true thee can"t speaketh, but thee still able to writeth code n"rmally. th"r"re nay only one way to becometh a tech us"r. doth thy most wondrous girl “

 ◆◆ Demon Lord’s Castle ◆◆

At the castle gates of the Demon Lord’s Castle, Renzou and Isagi were slightly early to their shift and consequently were on standby.

“ But...is it really alright “ - Isagi said, muttering with worry.

Renzou, who was wearing same traveling coat as Isagi, answered his muttering while putting his hand inside his pocket.

“  Yoshi-kou is already determined to do it. Ain"t it okay to just leave him be.”

“  Hhmm ... “ Isagi still had a worried expression.

As the member who will attend 5 demon general conference, of course the master of the Demon Lord"s castle, Dyutyu, will have to come with them.

I"ll be fine if they didn"t have to hurt each other. It"ll would have been fine if the war had never happened.

All of it was just Isagi"s ego.

Both desires were the same.


What was wrong with that?

so Isagi thought.

Even Yosin.o.bu, no matter how much he may resent him , Isagi still wanted to save him. It was a far better outcome than death, absolutely.

Seeing Rimino busy writing on the blackboard, Isagi thought that perhaps she would ask him to bring her along with him, but it didn’t seem so...

Seeing that stout heart of hers,  for some reason, Isagi felt oddly anxious.

Isagi gently brushed Rimino"s hair and said

“  ...... well, quickly meet us over there, you know”

Rimino gave a huge smile then came to hug Isagi.

Feeling her soft sensation after a long time made Isagi"s heart beating fast and with a little reluctance, he pushes Rimino"s slender shoulder away.

“  well then “ -isa

She waves goodbye with a smile on her face as Isagi rode away on the cart.


Renzou sat beside Isagi with Dyutyu and Kyaschi  in front of them.

“yond elf girl, the girl is forsooth a stout girl.

“ -k

Kyaschi uttered that as smile float on her face. Looking at her, Renzou opened his eyes wide.

“  ..... Ayumi ! ? “

“  Hyoowaah ! ? “

Kyaschi bent backwards as Renzou bent forward, moving closer toward Kyaschi"s face.

Isagi come between them.

“  Renzou, you"re wrong okay. this person is Kyaschi-san.

It seems, Renzou"s face was a face  that was feared among demon race.

He seriously gaze over Kyaschi

“  .... ... now that you mention it,  she is one size smaller than ayumi “

“  do they really look that similar ?”

“  aah, that really scare me ya know .....

On the other side of the cart, Kyaschi put her hands over her chest and clung to Dyutyu.

“ though i und"rstand not the situation, that girl is someone imp"rtant, c"rrect?”

“  .... well , yeah “

Renzou scratch his head.


Renzou opened his mouth while casting his eyes down.

“  Kyaschi, ain"t it” - r

“  umu ?” -k

“ , you"re d.a.m.n skinny. do you get your meals properly ? “ - r

“  u, umu ?” - k

“  don"t take your nutrition half a.s.sedly I say.

I , I eat ! I am eating properly ! “

inside the small room of this carriage, Kyaschi"s voice resounded.


Even for Tihs, who boasted to have a higher horsepower than ordinary horses, it still need few hours.

even if he tried to relax his mind a for a while, as expected, Isagi couldn"t help but worry about everyone at the castle.

it was good if they can retreat faster than it was planned.

at that moment, when he thought that.

 t , t"s Kyaschi !”

“  Kyaschi “

“  hiih “


but then, when looking carefully at Renzou"s face in front of her, had a tinge of red over it.


the three who looked at him with mouth wide open.

Renzou make a cough.

“  well, you know, that was total un-Renzou like .... “

“  you, is a siscon right ? “

Renzou looked unpleased.

“  siscon, brocon , such thing really d.a.m.n noisy , seriously .

ye, yep, perhaps that is so ..... “

“  we"re already separated for half year ya know .

that girl you know, while she act like that, she gets lonely easy, ya know.

...... you"re really worried eh “

however, asking a girl that he just met to call him  “ big bro” ,no matter how Isagi thinking about it, was still going to far. but right now he decided to just shut up.

Dyutyu who made beaming smile, grabbing Kyaschi"s shoulder.

“  come one, sensei, try to said it “

“  its for the sake of Renzou-sama. Please ! “

she beg with her eyes that sparkled, Kyaschi gulped.

furthermore the other days, for protecting us, he take the adventurers head on you know !

surely the one who was most of embarra.s.sed at this moment was Renzou, without a doubt.

“  yo, yoshi ....

Renzou looked astonished while her face became redder, in embarra.s.sment.

Kyaschi, while made a weird smile , swung her body left and right.

“  i, it must be hard right, ni~ni ♪


looking at the forced act of this loli-baba , Isagi unconsciously wanted to comfort her up.

Though, if yoshin.o.bu was here, he will receive this spectacle with open mind.

Unconsciously Isagi gasped.  Tears can come out from a demon’s eyes...even the hardest heart can be moved to tears...

“  ...... thanks , Kyaschi “

Peaking at Renzou repeatedly, she mutters,

“  we, well, if thou wast that joyous, i wouldn"t reject f"r calling thee like that again , thee know. ni, ni~ni”

“  .... thank you”

Renzou stretch his hand and pets Kyaschi"s head.


Kyaschi : BABA(granny) doing the impossible. Kawaiii !! ( cute)

Rimino : using a blackboard that she bring to communicate. is perhaps from the start she was skilled at it, but everyday her drawing developed. 

Renzou : though he said that siscon and such is bothersome, he is without a doubt a siscon. replacing Kyaschi as the stand in sister.

Isagi : as he is the one held the power is the reason that he will subdue any conflict. after killing a lot of people, trampling the emotion of a lot of people, the answer that he reach is that there"s not another thing that can grant one wish except power, he arrived at that sad answer. However he still believe in the good of a man, but if by chance that balance collapse, what will happen to him who was once called as the brave

TL : Kyaschi, a LoliBaba , Imouto, Tsundere with a lot of tsun, magic user, sensei , mother, and another lot of character crammed inside that cute body of her. visu here reporting ~