Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi

Chapter 41

4-4 The world vs


"Don"t y"all dare move! "


Renzou raised a sharp loud voice. Then, he walked past Lejin’s body, which was squirting a fountain of blood from its neck, and glared at the remaining Five Demon Generals.

" I am the Demon Lord candidate, Renzou. The moment any of you s.h.i.theads make a suspicious move, the other Demon Lord candidate, Isagi, over there will f***ing pluck your head off your d.a.m.n body.”

What an amazing guy, able to control such a tense situation in a matter of minutes.

“d.a.m.n it, I never heard anything about this you know, Renzou-kun... “-Isagi thought. 

Although Isagi felt like screaming, he feigned calmness. To kill one of the heads of the Five Demon Generals, at this place! What in the world was Renzou thinking?

Even thought if they left this condition as it it, Dyutyu would get executed, but his thought is still too extreme.

“...no. Renzou is amazing. I’m sure he’s already thought of a way out of this place. Killing everyone who stands in our way and making everyone else join Dyutuy’s faction.”- Isagi thought. 


Renzou the Demon Lord.

his appearance now is really fitting with that t.i.tle.

the room’s filled withf tension, everyone looks like they will pounce up at him any moment without warning.

Dyutyu, who saw Lejin’s death up close, fainted and foam are bubbling from her mouth. She’s really weak.

On the other side, Kaschi’s leg gave up and she sat listlessly on the floor …...



However, this was a Coup. Everyone focused their killing intent to Renzou, who was bathed in blood.

However, Renzou didn’t seem worried about it.

“The h.e.l.l with the Five Demon General! Are you guys just a name? Withdrawing at the Dark Continent and doing this stupid conference! Don’t just make a gathering of wimps, and don’t babble all you want, d.a.m.n it! Dyutyu-hime and Shir-kou are fighting at the frontline! They’re better than all of you!”

“For a mere human to mock us ----”

Suddenly, Dagon, the demon who have four hands and Governor of the Demon UN Navy, stood up from his seat and raised his hand. But he’s not the only one, at the same time Jarwana Market City Major, h.e.l.lbound, started to cast black magic.

" ---- d.a.m.n it, doing such a reckless thing! " -Isagi

Isagi jumped to the round table and run over to Dogon. He grabbed his neck and forcefully pinned him down to the ground.

After that, he opened his eyepatch.

So that he can use his forbidden technique anytime, he glared at h.e.l.lbound.

" Gh ..... "


h.e.l.lbound who got glared to death by Isagi", fell down limply on his chair.

Since Dagon’s struggling under his hand, Isagi strangled him to calm him down.


Isagi instantly defeated the Governor of Demon UN Navy.

Renzou who is calmly standing at the other side, folded his arms. Renzou’s bravery wasn’t normal.


" I don’t  have any intention to cooperate with you fools.

I also didn"t give d.a.m.n about the quarrel between the top of the demon race.

But, don"t you dare to touch our princess or else

--- I"ll kill you"

All of the leader of demon race, shut their mouth tight. The temperature of the room suddenly raised to the extent that they’re sweating hard.

 Madresa, the Chairman of the Demon Race UN, break the silence.

“........ Another amazing person came eh.”

She sighed and stroked her snake like hair using her fingers. Then, she gazed at Renzou.


"Demon Lord candidate, Renzou, right?

We shall hear your request.

What  is your aim in this arbarisus? "

In a flash, he answered.

" Ma.s.sacre "


Renzou who were soaked with blood, stared back at Madresa.

His appearance now, is like a veteran warrior.


“I will ma.s.sacre each and everyone of the adventurer, and I’ll pile up their corpses. Then, I’ll get the maximum magic stone that I needed and return to my own world.”

While listening at their conversation, Isagi couldn"t help but slam his own hand with his own face.

" .... I beg you, Renzou, please don"t make me fight with everyone at this place" Isagi thought.

If Renzou and Dyutyu are both caught  at the fight, he didn’t have any confidence that he will be able to protect them both. If it turns bad, he might need to kill everyone in here.  However, if all the top bra.s.s are killed, the Demon race UN will meet its downfall.

If Renzou and Dyutyu are swallowed in the fight at the same time, he didn"t have any confiedence that he will able to protect them both.

worst possiblity, he need to kill everyone in here.

If all of the top bra.s.s are killed, the Demon race UN will meet it"s demise.

"If that really happen, a lot of people will be killed .... " Isagi thought.

A b.l.o.o.d.y power struggle will surely happen. Moreover it will happen to all of the city,  and it is nothing like fighting humans.

"stop it, Renzou...please, stop it .... "

It wouldn"t be weird for anyone to stand up, and take their swords out. The thing that was holding the peace together was the calming words of Chairman Madresa.


“The man you just now killed. He, you see, is the guy that everyone hoped, deep inside their heart, would die a bit earlier, a bit quicker. The problem was that he isn’t a man that you could just kill. There are a lot of reasons why not… now, will you be able to settle them all, I wonder”

“It’s not my d.a.m.n problem. I don’t care.”

“...is that so. I see this was a pointless conversation to have with a wild King, such as yourself.”

The air around her suddenly become cold. The atmosphere inside the room was such that, even a little push would cause all h.e.l.l to break lose.


Ignoring that, however, Madresa clapped her hands. Her parched voice resound around the room.

" I understand, Renzou, No one here will stop you "

" .... haah ? "

" ...even I, value my own life as precious, you know "


Madresa looked at Isagi.

Isagi felt something cold from her muddled gaze.

“This person, no way”. " He thought before she quickly moved her gaze back to Renzou.

" Bring the guard that can take down dogon as if it were a baby. This is the same as taking our lives as hostage, you know. On top of this a person has died, without warning. Under these circ.u.mstances, it"s not possible to bargain, right?”

" Don’t you catch on quickly, eh "

Renzou sounded more like the ringleader of a criminal organization, with that way of talking.

no ...... Isagi reconsidered it.Renzou is indeed the ring leader for the crime, this time.

Madresa continued…”but, as you have already killed one of our comrades, we cannot accept you as a Demon Lord. We have our pride. Don’t think that every person in here is like Lejin. Even if we know that only death awaits us, we will not give tarnish our pride.”

"I don"t give a d.a.m.n!, it"s up to you. After you give your things, we’ll quickly go back.”

From that word, Isagi’s astonished.

"He’s like a robber .... "


As a lesson for the others, he killed one  of them, and then he rob them of their belongings.He’s really a fearsome guy.

" I am Renzou. Born from a different world from this one. I will destroy everything that stand on my way, if you wish it, that’s my reason in life. Though, will you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds be satisfied with that? Ain’t this your Demon race’s country? Are you all happy, being governed by an outsider like me? Is that all you guys wishing for? Just to live? Bull!sh*t! Where’s your d.a.m.n pride?! I’m really disappointed. If you’re just a group of cur, then I’ll just go back to Dark Continent with Isa and Hime-san.”

Renzou brandished his fist  forward, showing it to everyone

“If some of you guys have a bit of guts, go to my place. We’ll go rampage! All I want to say is, stop running away. Stand up and fight! Protect your family, friends and country!”

In Renzou’s body, the engraved mark of forbidden technique glows lightly. Sensing the enormous magic power emitting from him, the Five Demon General gape at him.

Does these people still remember their former lord, with the same seal of anrimanyu? Isagi wondered.

"This guy .... "


Isagi’s surprised again.

He usually gets a glimpse of it, however he never thought the extent of it.

Though Renzou have the impression that he’s rude and always using his brute strength, he have the capability to stand above the others. It’s something that yoshin.o.bu nor Isagi have.  

Perhaps, Isagi misjudged Renzou’s character. He"s like a commander with quick wits that you can’t see in a thousand years.

“Sorry for the bother. Those who have concern that needs to be settle with me, you can go to my room.”

After saying that, Renzou left the room. Isagi followed him.

Isagi’s quite anxious leaving Dyutyu and Kaschi in there.However, they already saw his power and they’re surely wouldn’t want to provoke Renzou’s limit.

Before they got far, he heard Madresa’s sigh.

“Then… For those who want to surrender to the humans, please step aside. For those who have any question, just raise your hand...”   

Isagi walked beside Renzou on the hall.

" How waz it , Isa"

" You"ve overdone it, Renzou"

"Zat so"


" ..... you just killed someone, Renzou .

Doing  a reckless thing, that wasn"t like you at all."

" Not like me?

You know, if we leave it like that, hime-san will get killed"

" We can still resolve it through discussion, right? "

" You"re too soft "

" ...... "


Renzou rubbed away the traces of blood that still left on his cheeks, then he looked at Isagi.

"The enemy of our enemy, is our ally.This should help the Dyutyu faction’s to move easier. After all, they don’t know what move I would make.You should remember this rule about fight, the one who scares the opponent will win, that’s arcticle 3.”

After hearing Renzou’s word, there’s no way Isagi will brush it off.

"Renzou, this is not just a brawl . We’re fighting for the sake of protecting the Demon race. Despite of that you…”

" Hah ? You"re wrong"


Renzou gives an irritated look to Isagi.

"You’re getting something wrong in here. I don’t give a d.a.m.n about those guys. I’m doing this to return to our world, and I owe Hime-san. I know that she’s not a bad person. The one’s pushing everything to her are those guys.”  " Renzou .... "

"You’re too soft Isa. If you stay like that, you will never be able to return.”

However, Isagi didn"t have any intention to change his mind.

" Renzou, you just killed a person,”

" He tried to kill hime-san .

I can"t accept that "

" So you didn"t do it out of a whim"

" Isa, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d --- "

" When I was in middle school, both of my parents died .

It was so sudden. They died because of traffic accident. . I was sad and vexed. If I can find the one who caused their death, I’ll avenge them. It will be the same with Lijin. He must have a son or daughter that will want to avenge his death. Killing someone means you are ready to bear the grudge that will come after that.”

" ..... "

“Renzou, if you continue to do things like this, you might lost all of your allies someday. Not only in the human race, also in the demon race. Someday you might make all of the race to turn their sword to you.”

Renzou scratched his head. Then he looked to Isagi with a firm gaze.

“Lost all of my ally? If that happens, I’ll just murder everyone and then return to our world.”

Isagi  unknowingly clench his fist.

" Renzou…. Just what are you thinking about the people in this world?”" ... I also have something that I have to protect "

" I know that .

However, everyone’s  the same . Don’t think you’re the only one with special circ.u.mtances. Don’t use Aika as an excuse to forget your common sense.”

“ What the f.u.c.k are you saying!”

Renzou"s voice become coa.r.s.er..


For a moment, they’re staring at each other. Isagi didn’t avert his gaze. Unexpectedly, Renzou’s the first one to avert his gaze.

" ... ... Now you"ve done it.

I understand isa.

I’ll etch your advice to my mind.”" Is that so "

" Aah . Next time, I"ll do better than this"

Renzou’s way of speaking made Isagi a little anxious. Though, this must be his way of compromising of things. Isagi held back the words that about to come out from his mouth.

" ..... I’m  sorry. Using your little sister’s name like that.”

" It"s okay . I understand that I’m doing something reckless. The fact that I can lose my life any time… You’re worried for me that much? You’re always like that, worrying about other people,”

Renzou waves his hand in the air as he walked. Isagi followed him.

" Well, let"s quickly prepare for our return. After this we’ll go back to the front line to rescue the Dark continent yanno.” Renzou said.

" ..... "

"This worlds battle can’t be decided by number of soldiers. It didn’t work like that. No matter how many army there are, they’ll be blown by black magic’s explosion. Taking castle’s the same. Last time, we almost got wiped out by only ten adventurers. This time, I’ll beat their a.s.s out!” said Renzou. 

Renzou’s eyes shone with undeniable light of joy. He clearly likes the war.

"We’ll invade the Commercial City Relics and Minefest at the same time, but the attack for the Minefest will be a ruse, while both us attack the relics. After that, will form another attack to another city.” " Renzou "



Isagi stopped walking. There was something he need to inform him.


Renzou turned over.

.Isagi  to Renzou and said:

" ... ... sorry .

I can"t go together with you , Renzou"

Renzou"s face turned ugly  .

" AH ?"

Suddenly, Renzou’s body’s emitting a murderous aura, that it make the air around him to tremble. 




Dyutyu : Gory thing is scary . *Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub ....... *

Kaschi : I can"t let them see ~ .

Madres : wha’st with that person .... I don"t want to have anything with summoned person again ... I want to go home and eat egg ....

Renzou : Lijin was in between rock and hard place you know ....

Isagi: Fishing boat - Geki oko punpun maru . actually only until chapter 41 he felt angry at someone. (geki oko pun pun maru - Very extremly angry while maru is name that usually added at fishing boat)