Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi

Chapter 47

Part 1


Isagi"s parting with Renzo was a simple one.

By the time they arrived at the forked road, he just raised his hand toward him as a parting.

[Well then, Isa.

Don"t you dare die.]

Isagi raised his hand in return.

[You too, Renzou. Though, you probably wouldn"t die even when killed ]

[Don"t make me say something that sound like those adventurers.

You are so stupid.]

They high fived, while laughing.

And just like that.

Shirbenia, too, just waved her little hand.


Isagi walked toward the future.

----- He was now alone on his adventure.

No matter how hard he tried, it still took two weeks to reach Port City from brother’s house.

There were a lot of carriages that were usually used by adventurers pa.s.sing by, but Isagi didn"t want to use those.

So, Isagi decided to cut through the plain that was slightly further away from the main road.

For now, he needed to move towards the east.

Once he finds the sh.o.r.e, he will need to move towards the north.

With his leg strength, it was faster to just cut across the forest or something like that.

He felt that if he had to use the main road, that could easily be seen by people, there would be an increased chance of danger.

[Well then...let"s go.]

As soon as he was alone, he felt a slight loneliness in his heart.

The people that he had met this half year floated into his head and disappeared.

They were all really kind people.

Now that he actually thought about it, ever since the first time he was summoned to Arbarisus,

this was the first time that he will be alone for a long time.

Even when he was leaving the imperial city, he had Plea to accompany him.

As Isagi started to walk, he raised his head towards the sky.

[...That"s right, Plea.

If you also walk under this sky, then isn"t this like us walking together?]

As he tried to adapt on how he saw the world, Isagi laughed.

His luggage merely consisted of one silver sword and a large bag.

Though he still felt a bit worried, he will continue onwards.

This was the road that he had already chosen.

With the sun shining above, he ran as hard as he could.

As soon as the sun went down, he chose his camping place and focused on trying to restore his energy.

There was still enough rations that he had from the Demon Lord’s castle.

As for the drinks, as long as he has magic there would be enough.

The only thing that he needed to take precaution for were bandits or wild animal attacks.

About that, Isagi is someone who already practiced for camping.

No matter how deep he slept, the moment someone showed hostility towards him, he would instantly wake up.

During his lonely journey, he felt like his instincts were becoming sharper and sharper.

During the day he would run, in the night he would sleep.

He kept repeating that over and over, everday.

He would sometimes see a demon race village that had not yet been touched by the human race"s hand.

But he would just pa.s.s through all of them.

After all, if someone from the human race like himself enter, it would only cause hysteria and, as of right, now he didn’t require a warm bed or hot soup.

After all, he could still sleep soundly on the ground by using black magic to make the ground soft.

Not to mention, rations from this world were sterilized and crammed inside a metal container.

As long as they contained enough nutrition for him, then the taste would not really be a problem.

At noon he ran and at night he slept.

He repeated that kind of day over and over again.

By the time Isagi arrived at Port City Blackround the sun was already slightly tilted towards the west.

His overcoat, once completely whole, became tattered because of his forced march.

Even though he had brought the best mantle that the Demon Lord’s castle had, it still couldn"t withstand the pressure.

It wasn’t really hard for Isagi to enter the Blackround, as he was human.

They didn"t have much vigilance against the humans that came to this continent.

His conversation with the guard was a simple one.

It seems that all of the humans that live in the black continent were taking refuge in the Black round.

It"s because there were some rumours that the new demon lord and the daughter of the demon emperor, Dyutyu, was about to raid Minifest.

The flames of war were now engulfing the black continent.

It was even said that more and more ships were heading towards suraosha continent.

Without even trying to search for any information , he was able to know about those things

Ignoring the bar and adventurers, Isagi directly went towards the harbour.

The first impression that Isagi got after looking at blackround is that it was a rough place.

As a commerce district, this place was a much livelier place before,

But ever since it was invaded by the human race, trade had become stagnant

Rather than transforming into a main base,

nowadays this place was full of the human race that wanted to go back to their homeland.

With this type of conditions, perhaps it would be quite hard to get onboard the ship

---If he was going through the proper procedure, that is.

Isagi went toward the harbour that was crowded with loads of people.

As his shoulder kept b.u.mping into others, he somehow still managed to arrive at the place.

[ I want to ride the ship ]

At the ticket window of the harbour, Isagi spoke to the staff.

The young man observe Isagi from up to bottom .

A simple shirt, large bag with a sword hanging on his hips, with a medium build and a simple face.

Although his demeanor was very calm and composed, he looked young.

[ Yes, the next vacant ship ... umm

It seems that the next available ship is in three weeks.

Ah, can I have your name ]

[ Isagi ]

[ Alright , Isagi-sama , hmm ...

Umm , are you an adventurer ?

If that is so then if you take out your adventurer card, you can get many privileges ]

[Aah, please ]

Isagi took out the card from his pocket.

The staff that was looking at the card, suddenly changed his expression .

[ Ah ... um, yes, this is really rude of me.

Um, that’s, can we have a slight inspection ?

Please go to the next room  ]

[ Aah ]

After receiving his card, Isagi went towards the next room .

On that card, it was written.

>Adventurer name : Isagi - Brussels

> Adventurer Ranks : A -

The inspection whether Isagi was the true possessor of the card quickly ended.

It"s because the memory, that"s created using magic that"s embedded inside the adventurer card, was destroyed.

Normally, that would be impossible.

After all, the magical power of the possessor was firmly attached inside the card.

So, when an adventurer lost their card, they would report about it to the guild.

Normally, the said adventurer would have to stay on standby, until they received a call from the guild headquarters database.

However, no one has ever issued a lost adventurer card of this Isagi-Brussels.

In that case, this person was truly Isagi,

or perhaps he was the person who killed the true Isagi and s.n.a.t.c.hed the guild card from his corpse ...

Then the young boy Isagi said .

[ The card became like this after I came back from the battle with the demon lord candidate.

I have to get back to my homeland, as fast as possible.

It would help me, if you don"t ask what happened ]

True Enough, the party were receiving a mission to raid the demon lord castle and the height and age of this boy, did indeed match the one in the data.

The data inside the guild card that supposedly lasts for several hundred years actually got deleted, no similar case had ever happened before.

No , there was still something left inside of the card.

There was a question that"s included inside the card. It was preserved using a way different than how magical power was saved inside the card for the sake of confirming the possessor .

They engraved the question and answer that only the true possessor would know inside the card.

It was something that they had left inside the card, that if something ever happened, the one who held the card needed to answer correctly.

Perhaps the one that had created this card already knew that there was a possibility that the magical power inside the card would be depleted.

It was already eight year since the staff guy started this job, but this was the first time he had activated this function .

[ I understand, umm, Isagi - san .

There"s still one thing that I want to confirm with you ]

[ Aah ]

There was nothing wrong with this guy who named himself Isagi .

While looking at the question and the answer that the recovery item"s showed, the staff wrote it down and showed it to Isagi.

[Then, here]

So that no one could look into it, the staff gave out a small piece of


On the paper was one line written on top.

[[ We"ll always be together ]]

It was a sentence that no one would understand, except for the one who wrote it.

Even the staff didn"t really know what it actually meant.

However, the man in front of him , wrote the continuation of that line without any


The staff took back the paper, and confirmed it.

Then nodded.

[ Alright, there"s no problem.

Isagi-san, hope you have a nice travel]

[ Thanks ]

After receiving his card, Isagi stood up.

[ Ah, if you can , please re-submit the guild card at the guild in the city ]

[ I"m in hurry now, I"ll do it later in my country ]

[ Is that so ]

Seeing him off, the guild staff then looked at the memo pad on his hand.

Scribbled on was one word .

[[ Plea ]]

The true answer was PleKruizel , but well , it was the same thing right?

The staff wondered what this word meant. After a while, he shook his head.

[ ... perhaps it"s the name of a girl ,heh. What a romantic guy ]

Even an A cla.s.s level adventurer still needed moral support.

The staff burned the paper with fire magic, and then went back to work .

For short while he waiting for the boat to arrive.

Isagi stood still, as if hiding himself from the people of the port.

A ship from Suraosha Continent soon entered from Howling port.

As he looked at the people who came down from the ship, his heart suddenly felt a sense of


Standing in front of the crowd was a person.

A young swordsman who wore a grey overcoat over his body .

There was no mistake that he was a strong man .

He was on a different level from the people surrounding him .

An adventurer with black eyes and a head full of black hairs.

But, not just that.

Isagi could felt an ominous aura radiating from that person .

It the same aura as Plea when she become crazed and swings her

sword crazily in the bas.e.m.e.nt .

It"s not the aura of a normal human being.

Surely, he will bring disaster to the dark continent.

Isagi"s left eyes ached.

Isagi then stretched his back.

And walked toward that person.

That adventurer walked towards a narrow alley.

Isagi soon came after, as if sucked into that alleyway.

At the corner of Brotherhouse. That alleyway felt as if belonged to another dimension.

In a place where no other people could be seen, that swordsman stopped.

That swordsman turned back and looked towards Isagi.

He"s a man that have a sharp eyes like a hawk.

[ I wonder, what’s your name ? ]

[ Isagi ]

[ Pretty normal name, hmmm]

It seems that he had already realized Isagi"s intention for quite a while.

That swordsman drew his sword.

A green sword.

Perhaps it"s a one a kind of Magic Sword.

[ What are your intention coming to this place ]

Isagi asked, the man without showing any weakness looked back at Isagi .

[ I come to defeat the demon lord candidates.

I come by the order of the Adventurer Guild.

Dreg- Dragnay ]

[ My bad, don"t know about you ]

[ Is that so . While I have a lot of time when I meet a lot of guys like you ,

this name is good as a beast repellent you know .

Then let me rephrase.

S cla.s.s adventurer ... if I said so , will you back away ? ]

If he remembered correctly , the plea that he battle with in the bas.e.m.e.nt was also an

S-cla.s.s right ?

It seems that this man was stronger than her.

But it"s not a problem .

Isagi cannot let him go further than this.

[ Hey, adventurer man .

Are you hold dear of your life ? ]

[ What are you saying ? ]

Isagi too, drew his sword.

Dreg knitted his eyebrows.

[ There are friends of mine on this continent .

They"re really precious to me.

Indeed, you are strong.

Surely, even Shirbenia probably wouldn’t be able to beat you.

That"s why, I cannot allow you to meet with them .

If you back off now, I will spare your life ]

[ Fufufu, Hahahaha ]

Dreg laughed.

He thrusted his sword forward while making a stance.

[ What an amusing thing you said, boy.

It seems that you"re quite serious .

Are you one of those demon underlings? what a fool.

This world will soon undergo a change by the adventurers.

But even so, you still want to protect those demon?

Even though you have quite a bit power in your possession.

I can only think you as a fool]

[ ... haah ]

Isagi sighed.

It doesn"t felt really good.

Then he shake his head.

[ ... A fool , huh.

Perhaps so .

Shuu, Renzou, Yoshin.o.bu , all of them walked their own ways.

I am the only one who stepped forward in confusion .

I don"t know what is the wrong and right anymore.

Truthfully, I am now full of uneasiness]

[ The heck ]

[ It"s undeserved for me to have their expectation.

I know very well the limit of the thing that I could do you know .

Of course I could do it , right ? I convince myself like that.

It"s tiring you know, driving yourself into corner like that.

I never have something that I wished for.

Always, since the first time I summoned into this world.

It"s more than one time that I thinking to just commit suicide.

As I continue to kill and kill, I start to lost it, my heart.

My body, is already empty ]

[ What are you talking about ... ?]

Isagi raised his gloomy face.

But in his face, light.

[ But, even if I have no wish , even if I have no hope.

I still could making other people"s wish come true.

I know, that I can still protect other people"s hope.

That"s why, I will fight for it .

They, they always fighting for the sake the people that they love.

Then now, wouldn"t it be good for me to fight for their sake ?

Even if they were called evil, and I called as the demon lord,

that"s right, I am the demon lord.

I will trampled the good guy like you .

Then I am fine to be called as the demon lord]

[ So you"re the crazy type, huh ]

Realizing that his speech wouldn’t get through the opponent, Dreg prepare his sword.

Isagi slowly took off his eyepatch .

[ I cannot accomplish anything by myself.

I am, something like a sword.

I cannot do anything else than hurting other.

But, I am needed.

The sword that"s still needed, so that the people in this world could held each other hands.

At this moment, I return on being a weapon.

I am, one strike of the demon race"s sword ]

[ So you"re doing self sacrifice ?

But you know, the demon race"s sword is doomed to be broken ! ]

Dreg plunged in .

Isagi tried to fire his spell --- but there was not enough time.

Dreg"s speed almost same with Isagi"s speed right now.

Surely Isagi wouldn"t be able to defeat Dreg with half a.s.sed conviction.

Dreg was strong.

In frontal battle, even Isagi would had hard time against him.

So he choose to use the same technique that he had used to defeat the Demon Emperor

Anrimanyu .

But , if he wanted to use that technique, he had to make sure to finish Dreg off.

He had to ended this battle in one attack .

Isagi kicked the ground and jumped.

From below sword flash came pursuing him .

[ Die ! Demon race"s sword ! ]

It"s scope was wide .

Surely Isagi couldn"t stop this attack with sword alone.

Another five slash .

There were no place for Isagi to escape to.

Isagi waited for the attack until it"s limit.

Dreg already convinced for his win.

Then it was settled.

Now it was the time to turn the table.

[ Last Resort ! ]

At that moment , the sword of flash disappeared.

Dreg opened his eyes in surprise.

Into his body , Isagi sword"s pierced deeply.

[ Dreg, I will go, walk pa.s.s over your corpse ]

Isagi swing his sword .

[ Why, at this place ...this person...

are you ...

a ...monster ... ? ]

Ignoring the last word of the man .

Isagi cut Dreg"s body into two,

without looking back, Isagi walked away.

From his back he could heard the sound of corpse falling to the ground.


Part 2

Isagi boarded on the ship.

It was a huge liner that is using Wind power and Magic to moving.

Until they depart, Isagi waited in the deck .

He stand on the stern, looked toward the continent.

[ You"re really weird]

Someone started talked to him .

It was a man with a scar on his face.

On his back , he carried a huge bow.

Perhaps, he was an adventurer.

[ ... Why ? ]

[ Well, you know.

Usually , people are looking at the sea, toward their home.

But you, you looked at the Dark continent like that.

Like someone that"s departed from their home ]

[ ... ... ]

Isagi fell into silence.

After that, he laughed.

[That"s right, perhaps that"s so.

A lot of things happened in this continent you know]

[ ... You"re young, but it seems you have your own share of trouble too, heh .

I too, already seeing all of my party went back to Suraosha continent ,

even though I am the guild master I come back the last, and my ship are late for almost three months you know.

I really get the short end of the stick dude.

[ ... ... ]

[ Ooh, Sorry sorry .

When I"m alone, I ended up wanted to talk you know ]

[ No problem, it"s alright]

[ I"ll be bothering then. My name is Zet.

If something happening, try to find me.

We are both alone here after all]

[ Aah ]

The man shrugged his shoulder and left .

It wasn’t like Isagi being bothered by talking with someone that he doesn"t know.

It was just, he felt a slight perplexed.

After all, it had been a long time since he could took his time slowly like this .

He put his hand on his face and closed his eyes.

Sinking into solitude, perhaps this was how that feels.

It was quite troublesome, to have nothing to do.

After this, how should he spend his time.

Even though, he felt this empty.

Isagi lean his back to the guard rail, and opened his bag.

Now that he remembered about it, he hadn’t checked the money that Dyutyu gave.

With the A Cla.s.s adventurer card on his hand, the fee for riding this ship didn’t pose problem,

but if he wanted to ate inside the ship, he had to use money .

Isagi opened the wrapping of his wallet.

Then he found a piece of paper tucked inside .

( ... ...  hmm ? )

He opened the paper.

It seems that it"s a Letter.

The one who write it ...


[[ Dear, Isagi-sama .

Are you well over there ?  

I suppose right now you should already rode the ship.

How wonderful it is if I could also accompany Issama on his adventure.

That"s why, this is the time for me to work hard, to create the world where that dream can be true, right ?

Actually .

I have something that I hide from Issama.

Please forgive this timid Dyutyu ,

who cannot properly tell this matter without using a letter.

While it is rude of me, let me ask this .

Issama, are you perhaps,

the hero that come out in the legend, the Brave Isagi person itself , right ? ]]

Isagi read the content of the letter stopped his eyes.

His hand slightly shake.

... Then he continued to read the rest.

[[ I, have no basis for this guess.

But, I still thought so .

Sometime, the way Issama looked at me,

is the eye of someone that"s looking at someone he missed in the past.

Then at the same time, you make a lonely, and painful expression on your face.

I kept wondering,

did perhaps, I"ve done something that make Issama so troubled like that .

Everytime I thought so, I felt like my whole body is about to split open .

The Brave Isagi in the legend,

the moment he defeated my father, his appearance suddenly disappeared.

Did perhaps, Issama was called by Falldown the next moment you defeated my father ?

Because of the category that Demon race United Nation put on the summoning technique, ended up taking away Issama from that place at that time,

and if because of that we ended up buying the anger of the human race

the falling of the Demon race, was this the punishment for us?

The me that ended up realizing upon this fearsome truth,

don"t know anymore how she should face Issama again .

I can"t continue pretending to not know about this fact.

Please forgive this foolish me.

I can"t really understand complicated things.

But I know one thing, one fact that Issama have been suffering alone for a long time.

If, Issama ended up bearing grudge on the demon race,

please just bring my head away.

If it"s for Issama"s sake, I will happily give all of me to you .

However, if Issama felt that myself is pitiful for even a little bit,

thought it"s impertinent of me, there"s one thing that I wish for Issama to do.

Please, don"t ever said that [[ I am is the hero of the legend ]]

in front of the Demon Race United nation .

I am well aware that Issama is really strong.

But, there"s still a lot of those guys, who wanted to avenge the death of my father, no matter what happened.

If Issama revealing your true ident.i.ty.

I think they will start a war .

If that really happened, even by my power, I probably can"t stop the war from happening .

Surely , it will involved even Yoshin.o.bu-sama and Renzou-sama, too .

I, don"t want to raise up and fight against Issama.

Please , hear this word from someone as shallow and inexperienced as me .

I hope Issama will understand .

I can offer my life no matter how many time it takes.

But please, Issama.

Please don"t detest the Demon Race UN .

I born in this country, and grow in this country, too.

This country is my hometown.

I have to protect this country no matter what happen .

Thought I have the seat as the princess, I am powerless.

For subduing Issama"s anger,

what the other thing I could do except of giving this body to you?

But, Issama still act kindly to someone like me .

To me, the daughter of the Demon emperor, your old enemy .

For what have you done to me, it make me unbearably happy .

To the extent that I mistake your kindness with another, feeling .

Issama , these half year that pa.s.sed together with you ,

is really a blissful time for me.

I will keep all of the memories in my heart, forever .

I pray , so that those beautiful days, didn"t change to that that covered in blood.

It"s my egoistic wish .

I am sorry .

Or maybe, this guess of mine,

I hope for it to miss the mark completely.


I hope from my heart, so that your journey wouldn"t meet any hardship.

Please take care on your long journey .

Sincerely,from The first princess of the Demon Race United Nation - Dyutyu .

Isagi finished reading that long letter.

He raised his face.

The sun was about to dive on the end of the horizon .

He couldn’t see the dark continent anymore.

However, Isagi kept looking at that place for a while.

The letter that was filled with her emotion, he slowly put it back into the bag.

His chest felt hot.

He now wouldn"t be able to talk about love, or righteousness again.

He already kill too much .

He killed as he ordered to, sometime he killed for protecting his own body .

Before he realized, he stopped shed tear in regret of killing someone.

He thought, that he already lost something precious as human .

Perhaps, he already degraded into just a sword.

But , there was actually still someone who thought of him .

He felt, that he was not alone anymore.

Isagi remembered the smile of Dyutyu, Rimino

Yoshin.o.bu, and Renzou .

Though he thought that it was hard to parted from them ,

But he also wanted to make this feeling, one of his precious feeling.

At this moment, he realized that he become a single human again .

And so, a tick of tears flow down on his cheeks.

As if singing the song of parting, the sea bird are crying.

Episode 4 : Only put love into the bag

Part 1


Only three day has pa.s.sed since Isagi rode on the ship that was moved by magic energy and now he already arrived at Suraosha continent.
The distance between the two continent was this close. Stopping adventurer to goes toward the dark continent would be quite troublesome if the things were like this.

Fortunately the present condition was not a war between country,
but just the demon race versus adventurers.

Let"s made an example , If someone destroyed all of the ship in this harbour.
By doing such sabotage, the demon race will raised more resentment from the human race.
And so if the things reached the critical point, it could start a war.

If the current balance was destroyed, the situation would developed to an all out war between human race and demon race.
Before something like that happened, Isagi had to stop this war no matter what happened.
That was why Isagi go to the Suraosha continent.

[ ... eh, you ]

Zed walked toward Isagi who stood at the deck .
The ship already prepared to enter the port.
Isagi turned his back toward Zed who seems like wanted to exchange the word of farewell.

All of his body, now was covered in black cloth.
It was one set of mantle that Isagi bought from a peddler inside the ship.

Furthermore above his eyepatch, he was wore a mask that made one would avert their eyes.
That mask that seems like made from a metal with good l.u.s.ter, shaped like a bird of prey.

[ ... What the heck with, that ?]
[ It"s a mask]
[ No, I understand just by looking though ]
[ ... ... ]

Isagi slowly put his hand on the mask and then answered Zed question .

[ From today onward, I will live like a shadow.
This is the mask of my resolution .
I will never showed my true face to everyone again, something like that ]

He already put the letter that he received from Dyutyu in his bag and put it in great care.

Also for answering her feeling, Isagi made this determination .

Zed lost his word.
Surely Zed was trembling, seeing Isagi"s determination right in front of his face.
Or so that was what Isagi thought.

But Zed, somehow, with a face that was trying to bear a headache looked at Isagi .

[ ... I don"t know what happened with your village you know, but ]
[ Aah, that"s right. I forgot ]

As soon as Zed called him "you" Isagi realized .
Isagi put his hand on his chest.

[ I thrown away my name.
From now on, call me as, Mister Last Resort ]
[ Ah, yeah ... ... ]

Zed step back slightly .
Isagi sure that Zed was being overpowered by aura that he emit.
So this was the power of the man that made  determination of his live, so Isagi thought.

All of this time, Isagi felt that himself was naive.
Throwing away something, would become a power in another shape, he just realized that.

Carefully, just like he was about to touch a frail gla.s.s.
Zed tried to persuade Isagi --- A k a Mister Last Resort.

[ Umm , I don"t know what in the world happened with Mister Last Resort"s hometown,
but probably, going around with that get up will make you become more standing out.
I hope you rethink your thought ]
[ ... ... ]
[ Seriously, I am not joking. I hope, you really reconsider it ]

Isagi thought Zed was a calm and collected man, but now he"s looking fl.u.s.tered.
It seems that he really didn"t joking.

Isagi was about to protest to him about his advice.
But, Isagi cannot become too arrogance over this matter.
Mister Last Resort had to always act in modesty.
That advice, Isagi decided to consider it.

[ Let"s me confirm this]
[ Um, Yeah. Seriously, I hope you do so ]

Isagi --- aka Mister Last Resort recite his aria.
He using black magic to create a mirror of ice.
Using that ice like a hand mirror, he looked over his appearance in several angle.

Hmmm .

Hmmmmm .

... yep .

Isagi come back to his senses.
He felt like his worldview become more vast than before.
He finally able to judge his own appearance objectively.

This is nope.
Not good.
Absolutely, not good.

It was not on the level of hurt to be seen .
He already crossed the line.
He had gone to far.

[ ... ]
[ ... ]

To think that he tried to venture outside in this appearance.
This fact totally would become a dark history of his live.

Isagi become too moved after reading Dyutyu"s letter, and now he lost the sight of himself.
He got too motivated.

Around the time when he thought of this idea, he certainly thought that this appearance was cool .
But now, why .
Why did he felt like this .

... This was, let"s just said that he got disillusioned for a moment there.
He became like a preschooler that was too excited on the first time school trip.

Mister Last Resort who finally able to return back to his sense, took the mask on his face and throw it toward the sea.
The mask created a voice of a thing that slowly went to the bottom of the sea.

[ Forget about it ]
[ ... Aah ]
[ Mister Last Resort is die ]
[ ... ]

Zed just nodded his head without saying anything more.
What an adult.
He was a good guy.
And then Isagi quickly realized.

He felt that his face was hot.
For some reason, the deep of his eyes felt hot.
Then he pressed down a feeling of wanting to shout out loud.
Isagi felt unbearable shame.
He wanted to re dye his coat right now, right this moment.
Though perhaps all of that already too late.

Unexpected to his inner turmoil,
Zed scratching the tip of his nose and said.

[ Well, let"s meet again if we have chance.
MIster , Last Resort]
[ Please . Call me Isagi ]
[ Now, Mister ~ ]
[ I am at fault here ]