Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi

Chapter 52

Central country Paraberiu.

It said that this was the first kingdom that human race had ever created, created in silver age 800 years ago.

In the past, due to the unceasing attack from the demon race, the country was not that big.

But right now, it"s territory kept increasing even encroaching the old sahara Emirate alliance on the south, and the Great forest Mistral on the west.

It"s land were productive; they also blessed with the grace of the Senfabal sea on the east.

Adding all of that, the center of Suraosha continent, is this Central country Paraberiu.

And then, it"s capital located in the east.

Capital city, Dynacity.

That city that now govern by the 127th generation king, boasted with the strongest  and famous holy knight; 12 barrier; 7 fortress; 3 anti magic fortress; lastly, also protected by the main branch of Adventurer Guild.

Dynacity which holding the summoning magic square "Crimzon" precisely what should be called as the headquarters for human race,  the strongest base that even the demon emperor couldn"t destroy.

The express carriage arrived at the waiting point of Dynacity after they got permission to enter the city.

It was full of traveler in their surrounding, and of course, no other race than human could be seen.

As soon as she descend from the carriage, Amalia stretched her body.

" Uuuh!Fina~ly, we arrived!I don"t ever want to ride on carriage ever, again! Next time, I"m gonna run!"

"Don"t say the impossible, big sis.How long would that even take?"

" here"s nothing that human couldn"t do... !"

"Don"t ever drag me to your,’if there is a will, there will be a way’ activities, kay"

Frantz said so while laughed bitterly.

Next, the man with eyepatch also come out from the carriage while carrying bag on his back.

" Thanks for all this time, Amalie, Frantz"

In the first place, their promise was to just be together only until they reached Dynacity.

Isagi hold out his hand.

Amalia"s eyes looked slightly shaken, but soon, she showed smile on her face.

"Yeah, We too, thank you"

"Thank you, big bro!"

He shakes hand with the two.


From the other person perspective, how Isagi; a person who already experience a lot of meeting and farewell, act against the two seems a bit cold.

But, this journey was his journey alone.

Thought being able to go on journey together with this siblings, whom age were around Isagi"s age, was really rea.s.suring for Isagi.

... But as the the brave who traveled for three long years, he couldn"t really said this out loud.

While he regretting the last time they will met without anyone noticing, Amalie casually invited him with her usual att.i.tude.

"Bu, but, Iskun,don"t you have some kind of business with our father? If you want, we can act as your intermediate"

Hearing Amalia said that with a slightly stiff voice, Isagi dropped his gaze.

"Aah... It would really help, but, wouldn"t that just become a bother to you guys?"

" We wouldn"t mind something like that, you know.We didn"t even properly paid you money for teaching us the healing technique"

"Let"s leave aside the teaching aside, I already said that I wouldn"t accept money, right?"

" That"s why, this time, it"s just me who want to do it. Okay?"

Amelie kept pressing him.

Being glared by those eyes, Isagi could only raised his arm in defeat.

" Alright, then please help me"

" Alright. Now, first tell me about the inn where you will be staying"

He would latter gave the address of the inn he will stay at.

Amalia and Frantz would just go back to their house for sure.

Isagi suddenly remembered.

He remembered that the guild master of the adventurer guild, Bardz, was given a room inside the royal castle.

"Eh, but didn"t Bardz are staying at the royal castle?”

"Yeah, that"s right. Always"

"Then, your house will be"

" We will return to the castle.We"re also raised on the royal castle, after all. Along with the royalties and n.o.bles, right"

Amalie who puffed her chest in pride looking proud.

" Heeh, sound strict... "

As he said his honest thought, she laughed.

" Well, in the past I hate it very much, but, I have a talent for sword, after all. And so I become an adventurer. I thought, I want to become an adventurer who are able to go anywhere with their own strength"

That part of her was really similar to Frantz.

Just like a young kid who admire the hero from the legend.

After renting room at inn, and told the address to Amalia, Isagi went straight toward the adventurer guild.

Since Dynacity didn"t get engulfed in the flame of war, it didn"t really look all different from 20 years ago.

The big road that shaped like an X that went through the capital, intersected each other just like the chess tile.

Clearly this city was created with a careful urban plan.

The adventurer guild main branch placed at the middle of that city, on the land right in the middle on the commercial district.

As expected of the main branch, it"s size was incomparably huge than the one on the other city.

Three floor building; with solid defense by the barrier that surrounding the guild.

Even in Dynacity, except the royal castle, there shouldn"t be another building that have scope as big as this one.

As he enter the guild, he could see the guild staff busily working.

Worthy being the main branch, the bulletin board exist on this place three times the mount of the other city.

It also was full with the quest that pasted on it.

(ooh, Amazing)

Now that he looked at it this felt like a free market that"s being held on a school"s gymnasium.

Many people are busily working, looked like as if they were chased by something.

The reason that he come to this place, wasn’t because he was doubting Amalia.

But, he still had to prepare some plan for the people in the castle.

There"s possibility that Amalie and her brother will get detained on the castle for several weeks.

Thinking so, Isagi decided that he also had to do something about Bardz alone.

Isagi walked toward the counter, then called the woman on the counter.

"I want to have a little talk with the guild master, Bardz"


She raised her face.

Looked at Isagi with an expression full of surprise.

Perhaps, the way he said it sound too high handed.

He then rephrase his wording.

"Umm, Is there any possibility that I can have a chance to have a direct conversation with Bardz?"

"Umm, I am very sorry, but something like that is a bit..."

"Then, can you give a letter to him?"

When he took out his letter, the receptionist raised from her seat with confused face.

"Umm, Can you wait for a little bit?"

"Yeah, sorry, for asking something so unreasonable"

As he bowed his head, the receptionist just smiled helplessly as she moved toward the back.

While waiting, Isagi decided to examine the surrounding.

The adventurer that enter and leave the adventurer guild, men and women of all ages.

While there was a newcomer who helplessly looked at the surrounding in confusion, there were also a man, who seems to be a veteran adventurer, glared at the bulletin board with serious face.

There also a young technique user woman who thinking on what quest she should take.

It was a spectacle that really showed the development of the human race.


What should he thought about this spectacle, Isagi didn"t know.

Whether he should be happy upon human race"s prosperity, or perhaps being saddened by the sacrifice that happened because of this.

He waited in cold eyes.

"So, you"re the one who wanted to meet face to face with father?"

"... Hmm?"

Isagi turned his back.

Over there, stand a man with a face similar to Bardz; with light brown hair.

He wore a proper uniform of the guild staff.

It"s just as if Bardz become younger.

He had seen this person before.

The time Bardz partic.i.p.ated into the war, he was a father of one child.

Isagi asked him in surprise.

"You... are you, Hanofa?"- ISagi

"...? Indeed, I am the one in charge for this build, Hanofa..."

Hanofa suspiciously looked at Isagi.

Though Isagi never met him in person, but he had heard about him.

Even warrior as good as Bardz, always had a happy face when talking about his son.

There"s no way Isagi will forget about it.

"Uwaah, You already become this big. Is that so, thank goodness, thank goodness"

"What are you talking, about..."

"Aah, that"s right. I want to met with Bardz, though"

"My father will not met with anyone. If you have something, I"ll be the one who accept it- Hanofa

"Alright, then is it alright if I ask you to give him a letter?"

"I"ll have to check the inside"

" I don"t mind"

He give him a little bit of money, as he give him the letter.

Hanofa accept those, while furrowed his eyebrows.

"Thank you, Hanofa"

"... Excuse me, but, have we ever meet before?"

" Yeah, you probably wouldn"t remember about it, tough"

He wave his hand while laughing.

Hanofa raised his voice.

"What"s your name?!"

Isagi shakes his hand to his back, while answered.

"The one who once named himself as the last resort.

But now, just a nameless boy"