Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi

Chapter 4


 (When the two of us come back, let’s build the Adventurer Guild together, or something like that. Now that I think about it again, that was such a flag….. )

He was careless.

When we get back, let’s get married, it was such a thing.

When we return, let’s live together, it was such a thing.

Those words, should they ever be said on the battlefield?

He was careless since he had already defeated the Demon Lord.

Adventure is an adventure until one comes back home, or did he forget such a thing.

The maids came, and started calling the four people who were getting bored on the top of the summoning formation.

For now, until the Princess"s Condition becomes better, they were made to wait inside the room that was already prepared for them by the maids. The rooms were guest rooms on the third floor.

The candidates had to share rooms and Isagai was paired up with Eyegla.s.ses as roommates.

Sharing rooms even though they are the Demon Lord’s candidates. What a terrible treatment.

Eyegla.s.ses crawled onto the bed, and covered himself with the cloth till it covered his head.

Sometimes 「This is just a dream…. this is just a dream….. 」 or such a mutter could be heard.

An emotionally unstable person, is scarier than a monster is what Isagai thought.

「Hey Hey」

Even though Isagai tried to talk to Eyegla.s.ses, he gave no response.

Isagai wanted to ask Eyegla.s.ses about various things regarding what kind of world Eyegla.s.ses was from.

It seems that now it’s impossible.

It might be better to let Eyegla.s.ses be alone for now.

Eventually he will surely settle his resolution.

(I too was forcibly kidnapped three years ago after all, I understand his feelings. )

Isagi, got summoned when he was in his second year of middle school.

During that time was the hardest time of his life.

Since his parent’s accidental death, he was pa.s.sed around to his relative’s house.

At the unfamiliar places, he couldn’t even make a single friend.

There was n.o.body whom he could have relied on. It was a very lonely life.

Because of the circ.u.mstances at the time, it was not shocking that he got summoned into the other world.

After all there was nothing left to keep him living in reality. It was his intention to search for a job and live alone right after he graduated from middle school.

If it’s like that then isn’t it the same if he just lived in the other world, so he thought.

(I have no hobbies at all….. Now that I think about it, I was the perfect human to get transported to another world. )

He seriously was thinking about that.

That’s why, he never had any problems with being summoned.

For a normal person, getting depressed like this is a normal thing as well, right?

(The ones who get summoned by the summoning formation, will they ever be able to come back after fulfilling their task?)

This was Isagi’s prediction.

(They probably can’t come back)

After all, there"s no need for it.

Even simple research about the way to do it might not exist at all.

Isn’t that right?

(You can just kill the summoned person when they have no use. Why would they waste their own magical powers just to send us back to our former world? There’s no way that’s true. )

Perhaps it is a cruel story.

However that is summoning magic.

For granting our own wish someone else"s life will be sacrificed.

(It’s like starting a war …)

To a modern person who lived a peaceful life. It was an extreme situation out of their imagination.

They will feel depressed.

That’s why.

「Umm, I will go outside for a moment」

More or less Isagai tried to call out to Eyegla.s.ses, but still there was no response.

(He was so pitiful)

I am playing innocent.

Isagi ended up thinking something like that.

The outside of the room was bright.

Since he was summoned in a bas.e.m.e.nt where sunlight could not  enter. So it felt like it was late at night but,

the sun was still shining brightly outside.

Was it perhaps because he continued to battle with the demon king the whole night, he felt slightly languid.

Even though his wound has been healed, but as for the heavy feeling of tiredness, his shoulders were heavy.

(Time lag…. Or rather, it’s summon lag, right?)

While yawning, he began walking along the corridor.

(Although they said to go to the room, but they didn’t warn us not to leave the room after all.)

While he thought about such sophism.

(…. This place,it really is the Demon Lord’s royal castle that I invaded? Right?)

He recognized various spots.

The Demon Lord’s castle is completely surrounded by a barrier. It has been constructed so that no one will be allowed pa.s.sage in, unless they enter politely from inside. (also can translate as carefully, but I think it’s funnier this way.)

It made the attackers have an overwhelming disadvantage if they were to try storming the castle. Humanity would have perished if the war was prolonged.

That’s why Isagi and the others stormed in with the resolve to die.

What awaited them was one of the surviving members of the five demon generals, and countless traps.

It was a place where you’ll lose your life the moment you let your guard down.

If it was given a labyrinth rank, then surely it would have been given the highest ranking. (TL: it’s the demon lord castle after all =-=’)

a.s.sa.s.sins were also lurking around everywhere.

They could not properly advance with a.s.sa.s.sins and magic barriers that were affixed all over the place.

Even just making a single step made their knees tremble due to fear.


when it comes to the Demon Lord’s castle 20 years later, it is not as scary as before.

For some reason wooden planks were pasted into the windows.

The walls were being maintained with a clearly different kind of stone.

(It’s declined huh, the Demon Lord’s castle …. even though formerly it was that s.p.a.cious… )

While he was roaming around, he drew up the structure three dimensionally inside his head.

(It seems that the bas.e.m.e.nt also got completely caved in. Well, though the one who did it was me)

Even so, the war already ended 20 years ago.

It means that there were no decent maintenance in this place for the last 20 years.

Or perhaps, maybe until just recently this place was an abandoned castle.

(Perhaps that’s true. Something like the castle where the hero killed the Demon Lord. it’s too ominous, right?)

While having such a thought, he continued looking around.

Even though he pa.s.sed some maids, it seems to be that the demons who are working at the Demon Lord’s castle are not that many in number.

Although there are some guards, but basically the place where the guards are stationed at are supposedly in another place.

He tried checking from the windows but inside the wall and even outside of the wall, there were no demon guards in sight.

There are only scattered soldiers, who are in the middle of training without any ambition.

The Demon Lord’s castle is an important point.

Supposedly there’s no way it"s good for them to laze around.

(Or maybe, for the sake of the summoning formation being installed at this place to be able to operate, they must have moved for a moment, perhaps it’s something like that?)

Although he thought about it in various ways, he still didn’t quite understand.

Even if he tried to solve it, if it’s not after he had heard the circ.u.mstances of this world for the 20 years he has skipped, then it would be meaningless.

After walking a considerably far amount, he got out of the castle and got around to a scouting tower.

(Around here huh)

He confirmed whether there were any human presences around. There was none.

After that, he put a small power into his right hand.

Thereupon, a small blue lighting dwelled at the tip of his finger.

Immediately, he clenched his fist. Crack crack crack, the lightning made such a sound and then vanished.

(Yosh, it seems that I didn’t lose any of my power)

With this, the weak new game state is now avoided.

The summoning magic in this world is only the『Physical body』getting summoned, while leaving behind the『Power』in that world.

Although he thought that there’s some possibility since his entire wound has recovered, but it seems there’s no such worry.

If it’s like that, then there should be some power still remaining too.

Let’s check, when there’s an opportunity.

Though Isagi was a swordsman, he was able to use simple sorcery and magic.

Essentially, sorcery and magic are the same.

A power to create a phenomenon with the cost of magical power inside oneself. Thus, there’s no difference in the process.

But, the one that can injure the opponent is called sorcery.

The one specialized in defence system is called magic.

That’s how it works.

For example, the attacking skill from the four elements (fire water land wind) is sorcery.

A healing skill to cure wounds is magic. Even a barrier skill which repels demons is again called magic.

There’s also some of which are complicated.

If one raises a wall of earth 《Earth Barrier》, it is called magic, but it can also divert and attack the opponent.

As for that case surprisingly, it was called《Stone Hammer》, and it was treated as sorcery.

The skills which supposedly go through totally the same process, were divided into sorcery and magic.

Then,is it not necessary to divide the two?

Or that is what Isagi thought.

The one Isagi is able to use, is elementary sorcery.

The other ones are, more or less, Recovery magic and Barrier Magic.

Again, other than sorcery and magic, there’s something called witchcraft which also exists.

Witchcraft just like its name, it’s the completely superior transposition of sorcery and magic. (Here 魔法 [Mahou a.k.a witchcraft] is written by combining the first word for 魔術[Majustsu a.k.a sorcery] (魔 this part ) and 法術 [Houjutsu a.k.a magic]( 法 this part) )

Fundamentally, it is used with the help of an item, such as a『Magic square』 or 『Magic formation』, for one to be able to invoke it.

There also existed special talented people, which are able to use witchcraft with just a simple substance.

Of course Isagi couldn’t use it.

Isagi was sightseeing while ascending to the top of the tower. He then hung his legs out from the window.

On the outside, the wasteland which never seems to end, spread throughout the horizon.

There’s no mistake, this is the Dark Continent.

The geography of Demon Lord’s castle, was completely crammed into him from repeated reconnaissance.

Though it was supposed to be an event which happened only a few days ago.

In just 20 years there would be no change in it’s terrain.

Thus for Isagi, the scenery of countless corpses of knights and demons collapsing in a heap, even now it is still burned into his eyes.

He traced the faraway valley with his finger.

The place where they frantically advanced, knowing that certain death awaited them. That place too seemed to be in the distant past.

His magical energy and fighting spirit still remain.

But, the things which he didn’t hold inside his body, he wouldn’t have been able to take them to this world.

(The only thing which I lost is that sword, huh.

…… No, didn’t I also lose the most precious thing )

His friends who walked together with him in this castle just moments ago.

I wonder what those guys are doing now that it’s 20 years in the future..

Isagi pressed his left eye with the palm of his hand.

(Why was I the only one who got summoned to the other world or rather, this is becoming something like a time slip, right~)

After all, if it’s really the case, it’s better if they called him along with his three reliable friends.

Plea, Barlzdo, Selder those three people.

They were Isagi’s friends, who together with him defeated the Demon Lord.

(Why have they, now changed to; Yankee, Ikemen, and Eyegla.s.ses)

They aren"t on the same level, but more of a level down.

Somehow it feels like he is becoming all alone again.

The loneliness struck at his heart.

He started thinking about what he was going to do from now on.

(….For now, should I just quickly go to the Imperial capital?

Perhaps there’s supposedly even someone who remembers me after all.

Even those guys must have been waiting for a long time, right)

He thought of what the Adventurer Guild would look like.

He wanted to see it with his own eyes.

But, he is also curious about the present status of the demons.

He should prioritise either one.

If thinking about it efficiently, then he should go to the adventurer guild after he has heard about the demon’s trouble.

For Isag,i to go to imperial capital from the demon king’s castle, would take two months at his full speed.

The problem is that he must cross over the sea.

If he is making a round trip with that distance, it must be pretty difficult, right.

As expected, the demon’s problem is the first on his list, huh.

(I will go to the Adventurer Guild after that.

Still, it would be good if there was an acquaintance over there)

If he spreads his name, then surely it should convey the message.

Though he still felt anxious, but even if he worried about it now ,nothing would change.

(There’s no other way for me other than to live in this world in the end….huh..)

He still has not resolved himself as of yet.

There are too many things that he had lost.

Isagi slowly descended from the scout tower.

Sorcery : General term for attack type skill.

Magic : General term for defense type skill.

Witchcraft : A special ability which only some extremely talented people are able to use.

Fighting Spirit : Resembling magical power, a skill which affects the body by strengthening it.