Yuusha Yori Saikyouna Kuro Kishi

Chapter 2

Royalty in this world is selfish. How can say that? my name is Kirishima Ren, i tell you my story several hours ago.

When I going home suddenly light surrounding me and when my vision is back , I saw different scenery. In around me many people wear black robe like magician in the game.

“Welcome Hero, you brought here by summoning ritual . You may confused but please follow me”

Someone in front me tell me that, he wear different clothes with other magician(?) who wear black robe. He wear robe who look expensive , but his look not bad because he ikemen(?) . Because my appearance is normal I bit jealous but handsome people may have different problem , normal is best.

Back to problem, I was guided to room with round ball in middle room. That round ball similar with ball who used by fortune teller.

“Please touch the ball with your hand, this ball to look what blessing you have. Heroes have different blessing each other in the past”

After hear that I place my hand to ball and the ball showed

Name: Kirishima Ren

Race: Human

Age: 16

Occupation : None

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

MP: 150/150

Strength : 10

Agility : 10

Intelligent : 10

Vitality : 10

Dexterity : 10

Wisdom : 10

Blessing :

Skill :

Unique Skill :

t.i.tle : 「World Traveler」

When saw my status his eye wide open and murmur ‘ This is…’

“There no mistake but this is unbelievable average status in this world , but Hero status at least average 50, I must report to His Majesty”

When I heard that I knew that I mistakenly sent to this world but no talent to be Hero. After several minute , I called by Magician(?) and now in front middle age man who look like a King.

“Hmph, after we perform summoning ritual to think we call normal commoner huh… ” (King)

His tone very arrogant , I want shout ‘you the one who called me and say you don’t need me huh?’ but I refrain that because I surrounding by many knight(?).

“Then, please send me back to my world if you don’t need me” (Ren)

“Hey , who allows you to talk with king ? ” (Magician)

“Do you think , we will send you back because you useless? we don’t have time to do that we will summon real Hero. you can go out palace and live to this world, well at least I show mercy to give you money to live in this world”(King)

What with that, he very selfish. Well if I can get out in this place , I will accept and will not see his face again.

After that I given 10 gold coin and 5 silver coin and go out the palace. Before I out, a old man soldier talk to me

“Hey, are you alright? we selfish call you and abandon you, I sorry cant help you because if I do that my family will execute because le majeste not only me who execute”(Soldier)

“Its fine , I relieved that in this place not only have a cold heart people”(Ren)

“Well, if you want live in this world go register to Adventure Guild, and take this sword. Its my spare sword but to live you will needed this”(Soldier)

“Thank You”(Ren)

“You welcome, if you in trouble ask to guard in nearby gate they bit stupid but good people”(Soldier)

After several minute I arrive in town, this world culture maybe middle age europe? I search adventure guild while asked several people.

When I arrive in adventure guild, many people come out but why only human? where elf,beastkin,dwarf,and another race?.

Oh there beastkin but she wearing collar, slave? are human in this world discriminate to other race? While thinking that I arrive in front receptionist.

“I want to register adventurer”(Ren)

“Register? please fill this paper, name,age and occupation”(Receptionist)

“Race and birth place not required?”(Ren)

“That because if Race written there a discrimination, adventurer guild doesnt want that, only this county is stick discrimination about other race, other country maintain friendly with other race and birth place not written because many adventurer doesnt care about other past”(Receptionist)

“Is that so? thank you for explanation”(Ren)

I say that while give Registration paper.


“Your welcome, are you want explanation with guild system?”(Receptionist)

“Ah please”(Ren)

“Okay, guild ranking start at F and goes up to E, D, C, B, A and S. The ranking changes with the number of successes and failures of requests. You can accept request 1 rank higher than yours. But, your rank won’t increase if you have too many failed requests, so please take only requests that match your current power. If fight between adventurer guild not give help and if adventurer commit crime guild card can be used and turn into bandit/thief so be careful”(Receptionist)

After said that she give my guild card

Name : Kirishima Ren

Age : 16

Occupation : Swordman

Rank : F

“With this I can start work?”(Ren)

“Yes, you can take quest on board over there”(Receptionist)

I looked at quest board

Non Rank Quest:

>Need worker who can cook in the inn, server guest and good manner (1 silver coin)


Rank F Quest:

>Collect 5 medical herb (2 copper coin)

>Defeat 10 goblin bring back magic stone as proof (5 copper coin)

>Defeat demon wolf and bring back skin and meat, 10/ request(1 silver coin and 5 copper coin)

>Defeat 10 horned rabbit  and bring back meat, 10/ request(1 silver coin)


Rank E Quest:

>Defeat 10 blue slime and bring back its mucus (8 copper coin)

>Escort to Lemira village, 4 person or more needed (3 silver coin)

>Defeat 5 kobold and bring back magic stone as proof (1 silver coin)

>Collect 5 antidote herb in middle forest(1 silver coin)

Hmm at first lets collect medical herb, I cant fight monster and don’t have fighting experience so subjugation quest is not good for a while, collect antidote herb is out question because in middle forest. I cant cook so work in the inn is impossible.

I will learn fight and live in this world without help with that royalty trash and aim rank S adventurer.

While my heart determined I going to search herb after pa.s.s the gate.

After several minute I found medical herb and collect 15 medical herb and going back. I lucky because not meet single monster, aah I want to sleep because many thing happened.