Zannen Kei na Ojou-sama no Nichijou

Chapter 18

​Arriving at the sick bay, the teacher there kindly went off to get an extra set of clothes to change into. An awkward breeze pa.s.sed by as the two of us were left there.

What would be best to talk about… there’s no common topic is there.


As I thought of such things, Asami-san started the topic.

“I’m very sorry! Was there any burn or the like?”

This a lot better than having it caught on Miyabi-sama. If she got soaked, Asami-san’s bullying problem will probably follow just like the original story. Or perhaps I should say, it’s not the problem where just Maria the person not doing anything sorts it out.

“It wasn’t that hot so everything’s fine”
“It was something that should be dealt with as soon as possible but surprised… I couldn’t do anything. Sorry”
“Don’t worry too much about it. It’s good that you didn’t get burned”

As a fact, it’s good that the soup wasn’t hot. If it was hot under that situation, the skin would burn. Even so Asami-san seemed very concerned as her eyebrows dropped, looking very sorrowful.

“Might your leg be fine?”
“Yes, I twist it a little but it doesn’t hurt that much so”
“I see, that’s good”

Even if the place of stumble was changed, the fact that things happened this way might mean that the future isn’t so easily to be changed.

“Aa… sorry. It’d be better to leave, right? I’ll wait in the corridor”
“My, why so?”
“Because, changing…”
“Girls alike, it’s nothing to be so concerned about”

Listening to my words, Asami-san stared with round eyes. Eyes round like chestnusts, so envious… whichever way, I guess you’d categories them as the downturned type. Maria’s more towards the upturned I guess…


B-Bad, now I did it.
Asami-san’s reaction made me notice my own blunder.

In the original work, Asami-san never expressed to the surroundings that she’s a girl and was planning on graduating as a guy just like that. I knew she was a girl  begin with so was always treating her as one. A complete lack of vigilance.

“You noticed that I’m a girl? Maybe everyone knew!?”
“I-I don’t know. It’s just, that… you have such cute features, smooth hands that’s not bony at all right? So I thought… maybe”

W-Was that a poor explanation I wonder. Hiih, cold sweat running down my back.

“Was that so… Up till now, everyone in the cla.s.s thought I… no, I’m (boy’s form of addressing ‘I’) a guy so I thought no one would doubt”

After that, I head Asami-san’s explanation on her family circ.u.mstances that’s the same as the manga’s. Her brother was a graduate here and because the uniform was expensive, she used what was pa.s.sed down. The school gave consent on it too. Being told that it’s bad to get known amongst those high prided girls that one is doing such a thing, Asami-san decided to live as a guy here in school.

Even though we say that, the official papers still state that she’s a girl. There’s no rules on how the guy’s uniform can’t be worn either so she herself isn’t doing anything wrong. Just, having the surrounding treat her as a guy…

The teachers who know of this left the such as physical education to the person’s own decision. As long as there’s attendance, there was no problem, apparently. Under Asami-san’s case, they probably thought it was more important to get her studies up as a scholarship student. Tengenji and them did some following up so in the manga too so there shouldn’t be too much of a problem in this world I guess.

It was a bit after that that the teacher came with towels and sets of clothes to change so closing the curtain around the bed, we decided to change here.

The teacher seemed to know Asami-san’s gender as she brought both the guys and girls uniform but Asami-san chose the guy’s. As I thought, she’s trying to make it through as a guy.

Maah… I do understand how she feels. It seems like a lot of trouble if those ojou-samas find out such a thing.

Thinking of such, I b.u.t.toned up my shirt as the medical office appeared with the sudden entrance of someone… there seems to be a few who entered.

“Sensei, k.u.moruiwashi-san and Asami-kun are…”

Eh!? This voice, it’s Tengenji!

“They’re changing near that bed over there”
“Eh!? N-Near that bed… the two of them!?”

Aa-Aaaaah….. Sensei, that, is something that can’t be said. Tengenji and them probably think Asami-san’s a guy so, changing together, no matter how you look at it, it’s weird right?

How to make up an excuse…
Heaving a sigh, I suddenly found myself being gazed in intent heat by the person next to me.


Asami-san gave a big stare towards my chest area.

“No, that… I don’t know how to say it well but, the voluptuous type…”
“D-Don’t look… embarra.s.sing”
“Ah, sorry!”

I’ve never received such heated glance towards my breast so I didn’t know too well how to reply. That’s right, Asami-san was in the small range wasn’t she… I understand, I too, was on that side in my last life.

I was a bit surprised seeing it myself after remembering my last life. Taking the clothes off, they’re actually quite big.

b.u.t.toning on the b.u.t.tons in a swift, I wore the skirt and put in order, the set. Aah, was embarra.s.sing.

“Sorry for saying something weird”
“It’s fine. Rather than that, look, here… wipe it with a towel. There’s a bit on the skirt right?”

Handing the wet towel over to Asami-san, Tengenji’s hurried “Eh!?” was heard.

“Wait a minute!!”

Possibly misunderstanding our conversation with something weird, the curtain got opened.

Coming from the white world appeared to girls in the midst of changing. Although I was almost done…
Asami-san immediately hid herself with a shirt but in this case, the fact that she’s a girl’s already out without a doubt.

What’s with this development. Although it is our fault for having such a misleading conversation but—!!

“Eh, ah, eeeeh!!?”

With a red face, Tengeji’s shout resounded across the room. His luck perverted catch happened a bit earlier than planned. It would most probably be today, the start of Asami-san’s and Tengenji’s love story.
Amamiya and Kiryuu also saw so I guess we are the ones who become the group sharing the secret.