Zannen Kei na Ojou-sama no Nichijou

Chapter 14

​Back in third year of middle school, autumn.

On this day, gather in the second tea room after school was what Sumire fidgety organised so I can only call upon the bad things that will come up.

“Nee, the two of you, I… have something I want to do”

I don’t really want to know. It’s definitely not anything legit. Hitomi who was sitting beside me seemingly had the same thought as she twitched her eyebrows.

“Why are handkerchiefs carried? Yes! For a lady’s taste in goods!”
“So we’ll be holding a handkerchief drop event!”

Not only do I not get it, we’re doing it with three people!? That, it’s definitely not a game that three people can play.

“Wait a minute, Sumire, that’s a bit too hard”
“Now, now, settle, Maria. Calm down! Ok?”

Sumire’s the one who needs to calm down! Rethink, it’ll be boring even if we play with three members.

“The rules are simple. Two prince roles sit facing each other with their heads down and the princess role circles around them, dropping the handkerchief. The prince who notices the handkerchief behind him and chases the girl to return it”

That, is not the handkerchief dropping I know.

“Now, time to start! I’ll outset as the princess role”

Forcefully aligning Hitomi and I in seiza facing each other, we did as Sumire said and closed our eyes as Sumire skipped around us.

“Ranrara, Ranrara”

… What’s that.

Sumire’s a capella BGM played forth and like so, was the start of this incomprehensible ritual-like play. Such thought was interrupted with the sound of the tea room door opening.

Looking around, Sumire was nowhere to be found. Eh, did she make her escape through the corridor!? Is that even possible? Is the handkerchief was behind us then we’ll have to chase her?

Looking behind me, I found no such thing.

“… It’s me”

The handkerchief was apparently, behind Hitomi. But contrary to expectation, Hitomi neatly folded the handkerchief before optimistically making tea.

“Hitomi’s not going to chase?”
“It’s fine. Sumire will surely be back soon”

Hitomi doesn’t seem to plan on forming the chase. Well, being a third year in middle school, we usually wouldn’t, much less a lady.

“Was Sumire always like this?”
“Un, Always. As though she was always younger than her actual age, sometimes going about on games that make no sense. I’ve been dragged into it since long ago”

Aah, being through such hardships since young. You worked hard.

“Maa, Sumire’s onii-san was half at fault too”
“Sumire’s brother? I haven’t meet him once”
“That is better not met”

The Hitomi who was frowning with a bitter expression must’ve experienced for the worst.

Sumire’s onii-san, he wasn’t a character that appeared in the manga so I have no clue. I wonder what type of person he is. But if it’s said that it’s the big brother’s fault then he’s not such a good person… maybe?

Around 10 minutes after Sumire’s departure.


As. .h.i.tomi stated, a tearful Sumire returned… must’ve been lonely.

“Why didn’t you chase~! BakaBakaBaka~!!”
“I don’t know anymore!”

Hitomi approached the Sumire tantrum and handed back the handkerchief Sumire previously dropped… the bear design handkerchief.

“Ojou-sama, you dropped this”

Saying so, a candy ring suddenly appeared from in between the given handkerchief.


Sumire’s checks got dyed in pink as she happily accepted the ring. That too, was something I’ve seen in my last life at the candy store. The gem part is the candy so you can gaze at the worn ring while licking on it.

Completely gaining back her cheerfulness, Sumire began eating… as though it was a dummy.

There was the image of a wonderful pair of prince and princess for a moment but immediately, it was exchanged with the image of a selfish child against her mother.

“What should we do next! Wahahaha!”

Both Hitomi and I pretended not to hear.

This play of Sumire’s… will it continue even in high school I wonder.