Zannen Kei na Ojou-sama no Nichijou

Chapter 16

16. Presentiment of Sweet and Sour​Rising to High School, became the time my life is tightly held. And for self-defence, it was time for me to equip that.

Jya jya jya jyan, jyajya-n!

One, a pen shaped video camera. Under danger, I’ll record the criminal’s face with this! Even by the chance of not being able to prevent, I will not let it go just like that! Incidentally, this can be connected to mobile so it can be viewed even from afar.

Number two, a voice changer in badge form.
There’s a chance it’d be useful if I ever get in contact with the criminal! It’s a rose brooch so I wouldn’t look weird even if I wear it! Lighting is equipped too! With this, the place would be bright even if I get locked up in a dark place!

I’ve been training my arms and legs… if it’s the me now, I feel that I can fight against a.s.sault!

Even though I say that, in the manga, I am to die once I get to my third year huh…

There’s a need for sorting out information again. Really, who’s grudge did Maria buy in the manga to get killed. She gets stabbed then pushed off the stairs, right? A character who suits stabbing someone… the suspicious ones are probably the ojou-samas from flower princesses. There’s a number of those with high pride, hot tempers. Maybe a fight? Or they got their weakness grasped?

And that, the heroine and the surrounding heroes are probably off. Kuse too I guess… Even without killing her to get rid of the nuisance, both parties probably wished to cancel the engagement after graduating… wait, isn’t it possible to have something amongst the lines ‘If I have to live with you for the rest of my life, I’d rather kill you!’ is the annulment didn’t go well!? What’s with that… creepy. K-Kuse! To be feared!

… Or so I say, but the criminal isn’t decided yet. Let’s watch out for now.

Graduating to high school, I immediately spotted Asami Susumu in the same cla.s.s. That’s right, she was in the same cla.s.s in the manga too.

Black, short hair in a cute outer appearance wearing a guy’s uniform… but I guess it’s not so much that it’d make anyone doubt one’s gender. To begin with, there was no such rule that the girls can only wear the girls uniform so it wouldn’t count as a breach of school regulations.

In the face of the family’s monetary circ.u.mstances, I doubt the teachers can say much either. Well~ the teachers here don’t really put their hands in what the students do, they don’t seem interested either.

There’s a lot of people with a significant amount of pride here so they probably didn’t want the trouble.

And in the same cla.s.s, I found Tengenji too. Conspicuous, conspicuous, conspicuous! A sparkly prince aura is being emitted. The girls were all painting their checks pink as the took side glances his way.

The Maria in the manga was probably one of the many too... He certainly is cool but, I’m sorry to say, he’s already determined to be with the heroine.

Now then, what was the first thing that happened again? Uun… ah, that’s right! The event where Ayanokouji got soup spilled on her! That is definitely better kept without, lets head to the cafeteria today to avoid it from happening. I wonder if it’ll happen today in the afternoon…

Thinking so, I felt a gaze on me so I turned over to have a look behind me. When I did, I found my eyes meeting Tengenji’s… widening his eyes as though surprised, he immediately averted his eyes looking somewhat embarra.s.sed.

Eh- No, what was that, what was that sweet and sour like thing that started just then!? It’s going quite off track from the original though!?


Lunch break soon arrived. I was heading over to the cafeteria where I made an appointment with Sumire and them when I found myself being called back by Tengenji.

T-This is more and more like the atmosphere where something is going to happen! Oh no, what to do, I need to prepare my heart!

“Ano… k.u.moruiwashi-san”

Having his checks dyed in colour as though embarra.s.sed. Looking as though he wanted to say something, the situation created made it hard to notexpect anything.

But, but, but... Tengenji is someone fated with the heroine, what kind of situation is this? Or is this the future of a ‘As I thought, it’s impossible with you’pattern!? Uwaaah what should I reply to that!

“I always thought I had to tell you this…”

The silky light brown hair on a distinct orthodox schooled good look guy, Tengenji. The avoidance of heart flutter is not possible.

“k.u.moriwashi-san’s…… pan”
“… pan?”
“ts. Sorry for looking!!”

It was that!? Yes, if there was a whole, I’d like to throw myself in.
Getting a view on my pants was an event around one year ago, you’re apologizing for that now!? And that! It was the fault of the wind too! You don’t have to go out your way to apologize! I mean, don’t dig up the past!


I gave the Tengenji who had his face red likely from getting embarra.s.sed to a great extent a good glare.

“I understand that Tengenji-sama cared and paid undue attention to the matter. But I wonder about going as far as to express those thoughts to the lady in question…”
“Eh! Sorry!”

Haa…. So he really wanted to apologize huh. Wanting to apologize is caring in itself but, you’re really lacking some delicacy there.

“That… I too am embarra.s.sed about it so”
“I’d be grateful if you forget about it”
“T-That’s right isn’t it… Sorry for not putting my mind into it”

Seemingly understood my meaning, Tengenji apologized with a sorry expression on his face as he took his leave with his legs unsteady.

Get enough to reach Asami-san’s level of delicacy alright? You were a little cool and gentlemanly in the manga so I’m sure you’d be able to.

My palpitation got settled by the strawberry harvest event like so.