Zannen Kei na Ojou-sama no Nichijou

Chapter 5

​​​The next day, the hardships of muscle pain softened up a bit, although it still hurts. I’m a bit nervous about going to school for the first time after my memories returned. I probably won’t carelessly cause mistakes, but I need to be careful with my words.

Taking out my uniform from the closet, I wore a grey, one piece dress on top of a round collared shirt. On top of that, I tied a peach coloured ribbon on the waist and wore a bolero jacket. Preparation complete!

Just wearing this cute uniform swept away my previous worries, rising my tension. Heaving over for breakfast, I saw mother, father, and Aoi already in his uniform all gathered there. Exchanging greetings, I sat on my seat, in front of the croissant and b.u.t.ter prepared… de-delicious. It’s probably freshly made, warm and fluffy, I skipped yesterday’s proportion after feeling sick from drinking black vinegar…

Eating up quickly the tomato, broccoli, soup, scrambled egg and the like, my mother stared, surprised with rounded eyes.

“Ara, Maria-san, you’re eating well today”
“You always say you can’t eat all this and left them there”

That was right. Maria is always in a bad mood during mornings, barely eating any breakfast. Of course I’m that Maria right now, but now that I have the memories of my previous life, my partiality and way of thinking have changed quite a bit. I smiled, drinking some black tea after the meal, trying to smooth my way out. Leaving these are such a waste, eating properly in the morning brightens one’s mood too.

Aoi and I travelled to school by our house’s car. The students here usually get to school this way. I swallowed my breath as we stopped by the gate. The School of Tachibana’s Palace, a place I’ve seen as a reader, and, as k.u.moruiwashi Maria. Going through this gate that has the feel of composure and dignity, there were stone paths from both the left and right, and in the middle, was a water fountain. I wonder why a school would have such a thing… it’s such a waste of water.

Heading further in, there is an open s.p.a.ce in the centre of the structures, and for some reason, there was a bronze statue of a G.o.ddess. There was another water fountain here, not only that, the overhead was of stained gla.s.s… This was the building for staff rooms and the like, the secondary department was the curved structure on the left further in.

This place, larger than theme parks, is a study supplier for primary, secondary, high school, and even university. It’s a place that a former commoner can’t even comprehend as a school with all the land, and extravagant structures.

Well, I have two people’s worth of memories so I do properly remember all the places I’ve went within school campus and the people I’ve met. It should be fine as long as I don’t carelessly show change in att.i.tude or tone of speech.

“Jyaa, Nee-san, my cla.s.s is that way so”
“Ee, be careful on the way”
“… Eh?”

A-re-re, did I say something wrong? What was it that I always said? Even though I should have two memories, my past life’s one seems to have more influence. The use of my words becomes off from time to time.

Aoi looked a bit doubtful but still waved his hand and left for the boy’s school section.

In middle school, are separated by gender, the buildings are also divided. If you’re questioning why the primary and middle school sections are spilt between genders, it’s tradition. From previous generations, it is said that men and women should not come into contact before they properly learn the conducts of a gentleman/lady. Becoming high schoolers, party partic.i.p.ations will increase, so ladies and gentlemen should learn their manner separately before that, is the saying… It’s difficult to judge whether such a thing is truly right though.

Relying on my memories to the corridor, I was returned the same greeting to a cla.s.smate who greeted “Gokigenyou, Maria-sama”. Now that I’ve remembered everything, this greeting makes me feel a bit ticklish.

“Hitomi-sama, gokigenyou”

Greeting the girls with their faces dyed red, a black, short cut haired girl in the middle smiled and greeted in return. Amber coloured cheers was heard…

The one who returned my greeting was a girl that all girls admired, Maeshiro Hitomi. Judging from outer appearance, she looks very cool. There were a number of girls who’ve really fallen for her. Dividing by gender created a different path for these girls.

In addition, she was a member of the Flower Princesses, having second names such as The White Lily You or The White Lily, Hitomi-sama. And mysteriously, this Princess was also named the White Lily’s Knight. Ah right, members of the Flower Princesses all have their flower names, in my case, it was red rose.

“Maria-san, gokigenyou”
“Hitomi-sama, gokigenyou”

We are not really close, but Hitomi-sama’s refreshing personality makes it easy to get along with her. Her speech is a little broken as a tone from an ojou-sama too, however, if there was one thing that’s on my mind, it’s that rumour…

“Maria sama, Hitomi, gokigenyou”

I turned around upon listening to a voice as cute as the sound of bells, and there I found, a small, fluffy, girl with golden hair standing in front of me. Her name is Miyagawa Sumire, and just like the name, she is known as The Sumire You as a flower princess.

[   Kuwōtā らしく、髪の毛は地毛なんだとか。]
^ I do not understand, please help!

“Gokigenyou, Sumire-sama”

Talking about the two, Hitomi-sama and Sumire-sama always does things together, there are times where they disappear in a room together too, was what some suspicious rumours were claiming. The fans admire at the two and start imagining, merrily going kyaa~kyaa~

“Ara, what might this be? … It is sour ninja arts??”

A girl close to us tilted her head at the something that she picked up. That something was a cheap sweet named It is sour ninja arts… Why is a commoner’s snack falling in a place like this?