Zhu Xian

Chapter 1 Sadness B

Part 5 Chapter 1 Sadness B

Shaw Danon couldn"t help but shivered when he heard how Bilu discrible it. It was really not a place for living.

Bilu looked at him, said lightly: "What, you scare too?"

Shaw Danon immediately straightened his back, said loudly: "No way!"

Bilu showed a small smile, a little of gentle in her eyes. She said softly: "Promise me one thing, okay?"

Shaw Danon frowned, asked: "What?"

Bilu smiled faintly, said: "We had finished all of our food. Except for water, there is nothing to eat. Within seven days, we are going to starve to death."

Shaw Danon was silent.

Bilu was calm, but the next thing she said would turned Shaw Danon pale like he met a ghost: "After few days, if you see me unable to keep on, then kill me first."

Shaw Danon"s mouth wide opened, pointed his finger at her and couldn"t say anything. But he did not expect Bilu would said such awkward, surprising words so calmly: "After I die, my body will still here. If you want to survive, then eat my flesh, probably able to live for period of time."

Shaw Danon almost fell on the floor.

After long while, he pulled himself back together from this great shock, he told himself: "The Felkins are really animals, they can do such thing!" But looking at Bilu"s eyes, they were all calm. His heart was chilled, and stepped back, his hand was shaking, pointing at Bilu, said: "What did you-you said?"

Bilu looked at him, the gentleness in her eyes was getting heavier. But in Shaw Danon"s eyes, it was more deadly than all poisons in this world.

"Don"t you want to go back to Mount Jadeon Bamboo Peak to see your Ling"Er Shijie, there are still several of your allies in this Cave of Fangs, they must be searching for you, if you can live longer, their chance of finding you is greater isn"t it?" Bilu lowered her head, but her voice was still calm.

But at this moment, how would Shaw Danon care about Bilu"s tone, he did not even noticed how Bilu knew about Hidi. He only pointed at Bilu, said angrily: "You-you tell me to eat-eat-eat.......you Felkin heretics are so insane! Shameless, disgusting, I-I....you-you....."

He was getting more angry but his tongue did not work properly. He said "I I I" and "You you you" for long time, but still couldn"t say anything. His reaction was within Bilu"s prediction, so she was not angry or ridicule. She only watched him, waited until Shaw Danon regain his breath, she slowly said: "Eat me or not, it is your choice, but you must kill me first!"

"Again." The fire in Shaw Danon burned again: "Do you think I will make evil deal with the you Felkin. You gave me the food, I can repay you with my body. If you want to get me into this, never!"

Bilu slowly shook her head, said: "No, I am scared."

Shaw Danon continued his normal answer: "Lie, I will not fall into your trick......eh, what did you say?"

It was like at this life and death moment, Bilu"s heart had some unusual change. It was like she had fallen into some kind of memory. There was terror appeared on her face that Shaw Danon never saw before. Then, she shook her head, like she wanted to shake away some thought.

"Do you know how it is feel to wait for death alone?" She said quietly.

Shaw Danon startled. He noticed she seem hiding some secret. He was curious and asked: "What?"

The mucles next to Bilu"s eyes twitched. At this dire time, facing the only young man who was next to her before death, she could not control her feeling, even her voice was blury and hollow: "When I was six, mom bought me to "Fox Hill Six Foxes Cave" to visit my grandma. But your Righteous attacked us, and the monk Pufan of "Skysong" used "PaG.o.da Alms Bowl" (Note 1) destroyed the entire Six Foxes Cave, buried me, mother, and grandma alive."

Shaw Danon suddenly shivered. He had a bad feeling about this. There was a chill coming from his heart and spread through his body.

Bilu had completely entered the painful memory. Her eyes stared forward hollowly, just like her voice was calm and hollow, with the deepest pain: "That time, I cried loudly from the terror. I was very scared. This was a small cave, because there was serveral large stones to support it, we lived. But grandma"s injury was too serious, soon she died. Mother and I cried hard in the darkness, then buried grandma.

"We were buried very deep in the earth, beside the few water dropped from the rocks, it was all hard, cold rocks. I was really scared, but mother kept telling me: Lil Yao, don"t be afraid, dad will save us."

Shaw Danon held his breath, listened carefully, with undiscribable awkwardness and fear. He could feel there is something about to happen.

"But, it was always darkness. Dad did not come. I was very scared in the dark cave. And I was hungry, kept on crying. I can still remember my mother sighed sadly next to me. She cuddled me tightly, kept telling me: Lil Yao don"t be afraid, Lil Yao don"t be afraid, mother will not let anything happen to you. Your dad will come save us!"

Bilu became more and more pale, but she still continued: "But dad still did not come and I was already starving, kept on crying to mother for food. Mother search through the cave over and over again, but still couldn"t find anything. At the end, I was so hungry that I did not have the strength to cry, only laying at my mother. Suddenly one day, mother found a piece of flesh!....."

Shaw Danon could see Bilu shivered as she said this.

"I was too hungry, did not care about much, so I ate it, then slept comfortably. It seem like at that moment, mother smiled in the darkness. So mother gave me a piece of flesh every once in a while. That is how I lived. But mother"s voice was getting weaker and weaker. Until one day, when I called her, she did not answer. After that, I was in the darkness, waiting for death alone."

Bilu slowly turned, looked at Shaw Danon. Shaw Danon was caught by her eyes, he could feel the chill, "Do you know how it feel when waiting for death alone? Do you know the smell of the decaying corpse of mother? Do you know how is the fear of forever living in the place that you can never see in the darkness?"

Each time she asked, Shaw Danon shivered.

Bilu was silent. Shaw Danon did not dare to take a breath. Finally, he was like awaken from a dream, but it was not totally awaken. She continued: "Finally one day, the cave entrance was becoming larger. I heard dad calling me and mother"s names. Then, I saw dad jumped down in front of me.

"He did not see me at first, but my mother. I only looked at above and forgot to look at mother when there was finally light. When I recalled it, dad already blocked my sight. I could not see mother"s corpse. But I could clearly see dad was shocked. It was like he had turned to stone. Then, uncle Meri Koon, uncle White Tiger, and uncle Sinwu, they were all stunned and rooted on the ground.

"I suddenly felt scared, even more than when I was waiting for death in the darkness. I quietly called: Dad. The three uncles lined up behind him, covered mother"s dead body. I still couldn"t see mother. I whispered: Dad, how is mother?"

Shaw Danon could see it clearly. Each word Bilu said had made him shivered. It was like that little girl was actually before them.

"Dad did not say anything. But his look was terrorifying. Although I was still young, I knew, I knew, that at that time, he was really wanted to kill me, wanted to kill his own daughter! But at the end, he did not. He saved me. Carried me away from this dark cave. Before I left, I peered from dad"s shoulder and saw mother"s dead body was already buried by the three uncles. Only an arm showed up, but for some reason that arm-that arm-that arm......."

Bilu suddenly became quiet. Shaw Danon was surprised and looked at her. Bilu was completely pale. Her eyes were closed. Then she fell, seem like pa.s.sed out. Shaw Danon immediately caught her. She was very cold, almost does not seem like a living person.

His illness was just recovered. His body was weak, so he spent a lot of effort to lay Bilu down on the platform. Watching her pale face, Shaw Danon discovered he was already sweating all over his body.

That night (Actually did not know is it night or morning, Shaw Danon"s instinct thought it was night), Bilu was unconscious, but she kept crying "Mother" "Dad" and things like that. Their position had changed, this time was Shaw Danon"s turn to take care of Bilu.

But it seem like there was a extremely painful past in deep of Bilu"s heart. When she was unconcsious, she kept screaming. Shaw Danon could not do anything about it. At the end, Bilu swung her arm and accidentally grabbed Shaw Danon"s shoulder and cuddled on him, like she got something to rely on. Then she calmed down and quietly slept. But her hands grabbed tightly on Shaw Danon"s clothes. Her nails digged deeply into Shaw Danon"s skin, cause Shaw Danon"s face twisted in pain. But as he watched Bilus"s pale face, he could not leave her, so he beared it, letted her to cuddled on him, sleep peacefully.

Note 1: Esper Anan"s secret