Zombie Evolution

Chapter 30: Mysterious Scarlet Medicinal Pill

Chapter 30: Mysterious Scarlet Medicinal Pill

Right after w.a.n.g Yao"s silent death, his Level 7 Zombie finally showed up, breathing down  Zhang Yang"s back. If he wanted to kill Zhang Yang, one hit would be enough, but the concept was different now. The Level 7 instead went to the dead w.a.n.g Yao, tearing up his body and stuffing his mouth.

If a corpse cultivator dies, their zombie(s) will automatically commence eating their remains, nothing else mattered besides that, including if their killer was to stand right next to the corpse cultivator.

"What a shame, I wanted his blood…," Zhang Yang decides to make the smarter move of not triggering the Level 7 into a death battle for some food.

After w.a.n.g Yao died, Zhang Jun and his companions didn"t make it far, considering their ability to maneuver in such a terrain was pitiful for their level  Zhang Yang didn"t even need to try, he began to chase after these minions in a calm manner. He already caught up to Zhang Jun, breaking the defense of the Level 6, and smacking him hard to the face. Next thing you know, his zombie was already eating his carca.s.s, the soul already pa.s.sing under.

Zhang Yang flips out a Yin Bead, swallowing it entirely to begin repairing his wounds.

The results of the Yin Bead already show, his undead skin was already collecting and molding, turning back to its original state at a speed that was visible from the naked eye.

After about the time it takes an incense stick to burn, his body was fully recovered, only the visible parts though. The rest of the released zombie puppets stood alone on the ground, blood splattered over their robes and on the ground. Zhang Yang walks over to where w.a.n.g Yao’s body was, picking up his magical sack that remained in the robe. With this, Zhang Yang pushes his spiritual power into the sack, destroying the seal and talismans appear in his other hand.

Zhang Yang, seemingly injected with chicken"s blood as he spots what appeared in his hand. Level 4 Talismans, real Level 4 Talismans now belong to him!

The majority of these paper seals were Zombie Repression, 3 Agility Talismans, and an Invisibility Talisman.

"Amazing! Absolutely amazing! In one swoop, I got all these talismans!" He exclaims happily, flapping the paper seals around like money bills.

He takes a talisman, ambulating over to the frozen Level 7, meticulously keeping all his attention onto the zombie. If somehow this zombie got out of the bind, it would betoken major trouble.

Zhang Yang wanted to keep a distance, expeditiously making hand signs to activate the diagram on the paper tag, slapping it vertically from the Level 7"s forehead.

The paper tag reached the forehead of the zombie like a spear"s tip, jabbing at the Level 7, seemingly as the zombie was overdoing the simple process of sticking a paper tag.

The Level 7 zombie that was frozen with his eyelids still open finally falls to the ground, face first and with no hesitation, he reached the ground like a plank.

Thinking about the newly received Level 4 Talismans, he thought about the results of if he used the Level 4 Repression and how easy it would"ve been if he had it in the first place.

These talismans could withal come in handy for future undead conflicts, he perpetuated to rummage the sack of w.a.n.g Yao"s.

The rest of the things inside the sack were 40 spirit stones and ma.s.ses of red medicinal pills, fully cerise in color.

The red pills brought along Zhang Yang"s attention especially, because it radiated of blood essence, a strong, dense iron smell advanced from it.

Zhang Yang tried really hard to solidify his resolve to not yet consume it until he has figured out exactly its purpose.

"Why does this pill attract me so much? This is odd…" The pill itself looked rather unappetizing, could it be a drug for zombies?

"I"ll just use one of those zombies as a recipient, test out what this thing really does…" Zhang Yang takes off the Level 3 Talisman off from a Level 4 Zombie, ready to contain the zombie if it regained its undead senses after being released.

After Zhang Yang finished peeling the tag off the zombie, its lids ruptured. It somewhat shocked Zhang Yang as it expeditiously went for the unknown pill, thoroughly diverted by the pill, even as to ignore the other zombie in front of it, probably not even taking in his existence.

As the zombie s.n.a.t.c.hed the red pill from Zhang Yang, it stuffed it in its mouth, disregarding all the stiff bones in its body as his l.u.s.t for the pill grew even more while swallowing it.

Zhang Yang spreads his spiritual sense, inspecting the body of the zombie as the pill slid down to his dantian.

He could see that the red pill melted as it traveled past the throat, changing into a certain power to fuel the zombie"s body.

The presence of the pill soon just turned to liquid. Looking from the outside, he could see the zombie was getting stronger and stronger with power. The feeble zombie soon turned robust with his Qi rising to the level rivaling a Level 6"s.

The zombie yelped as his body turned slightly too masculine by the second. Soon, his skin couldn"t take this pressure and dehisce, muscle could be seen through wrinkly skin that couldn"t contain it. As Zhang Yang watched with his spiritual sense, he sees that the zombie has only absorbed 20% of the pill"s full potential.

With a final thundering sound, the zombie exploded, its insides flew everywhere. Zhang Yang had already sensed the zombie exploding, so he jumped out of the way, thankful that he made the right decision on not consuming it. If it were him that took the pills, then it could only result in an overflow of power, his theory formed since the other zombie exploded reaching barely 25% of the pill"s full usage.

If the dose of the pill was too much, not only could exploding-like events occur, the whole body structure would be pushed outwards against the muscle. This pill is too dangerous, it might expand the strength of a zombie by leaps and bounds, but it could result in permanent damage if taken carelessly. It’s also unknown if it works for any other species or just for zombies.

Zhang Yang decides that he would not use this pill unless it was a supreme situation where death was more than likely.